The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 8

Emira’s POV

“Thanks for the help, Sweetheart,” Mom tiredly smiled as she wiped her hands on the dishcloth” I think I’m going to turn in early. Today was a long and exhausting day.”

“Its okay, Mom. I’ll be in my room.” I reassuringly smiled before I leaned over and pressed a kiss onto her plump cheek. I guess that’s where I got mine.

I am basically the splitting image of my mom. I have her slightly curvy but short frame. Her plump cheeks, full, plump lips and chocolate brown eyes. The only thing I inherited from my dad is his fluffy, short, African, black hair and light brown skin tone. I guess you could say I’m a slightly darker version of my mother.

“Okay, goodnight Sweetie and you better sleep instead of watching those movies of yours the whole night.” She chastised with a knowing look as she quirked her eyebrow accusingly.

“I won’t,” I giggled,” Goodnight.”

I turned around and made my way out of the kitchen and down the brightly lit hallway. I got into my quiet, dark room before turning on the light that immediately filled my room with its glory. I turned around to face my bed, just to have my heart start racing along my breathing that spiked up in shock and had my clutching my chest to try and sooth my racing heart that raced in both shock and something else.

“Good evening...Darling.” Nicholas said, the endearment coming out of his mouth in such a taunting and silky way that it had my heart swooning.

“Nicholas?” I asked even as I stared at him in all his royal glory. His well-built stature and outfit seemed like a huge contrast in my small bedroom.

He was leaning against my wall with side with his arms firmly crossed against his burly chest with his legs also crossed. The tight, white, button down shirt left nothing to the imagine as it tightly clung to his muscular upper body as if it were apart of his body. It showed every muscle from his muscular arms to his muscular chest and stomach. The first two buttons of his shirt were teasingly unbuttoned giving us a small peak of his smooth, tanned, porcelain skin.

“Staring is regarded as rude, Darling especially now that it seems as if you wish to pounce on me.” He said with a raised eyebrow.

“What?” I found myself exclaiming in embarrassment,” What are you doing here? Actually, what are you doing in my room?” I asked, folding my arms against my chest with a glare instead of showing the embarrassment I am actually feeling.

“It is not regarded as a crime for a concerned soulmate to throw their runaway soulmate a visit, Darling.” He calmly responded the endearment leaving his lips in such an effortless way that it melted my bones into jelly.

“That does not explain why you are in my room, you know?” I raised my eyebrow to emphasize my point.

“Well, if you could kindly explain your rushed departure that would be very much appreciated, Emira.” He tauntingly said my name as his sapphire coloured orbs shone a darker shade as they hardened, allowing the barely hidden underlying frustration to show,” You know, I have been waiting for my soulmate for years and finally I find her, but do you know what she does?” He asked as he moved away from the wall, his eyes connecting intimidatingly with mine as he stalked towards me, with the stealth and grace of a predator, taking my breath away for a second as I stared at him in awe.

Before I knew it, he was stood towering over me his frown pasted firmly on his lips.

His hand moved from his side, my eyes remained transfixed to it as I followed it to my chin. My breath instantly hitched as it touched my chin, a finger slightly caressing my bottom lip teasingly. He gently pushed my chin up, making my lips connect bringing me to the embarrassing realisation that my mouth had dropped open during my little starring fest. I instantly pressed them against each other to secure them.

He leaned over, making my breathing get painfully stuck in my throat. My breathing grew ragged as his face went near my ear, making his warm breath tickle my ear.

“She runs away.” He whispered near against my ear making my heart suddenly feel heavy as unwanted regret weighed heavily on it for reasons I don’t know.

“I was scared.” I found myself saying before my brain could even register my words.

He moved away and stared at me with a raised eyebrow, folding his arms to his chest as if he was waiting for me to elaborate.

“Please do elaborate, Darling. I am intrigued by your response.” He calmly responded.

“Well, firstly I didn’t know that your world existed until the beginning of this week and even then, I hadn’t actually seen it. I didn’t know about magic, royal families and unicorns. Suddenly, I am in this new world and this confusing pulling sensation towards my friend’s home begins. Fine we go and she gives me a tour then before I could even blink, you appear. My body starts feeling things it has never felt before and the pulling feeling grows even tighter and stronger. Finally you leave, allowing me to once again breath but guess what, my friend tells me the story of her kingdom and we enter the throne room just for the crown to glow so brightly at my presence that I had to cover my eyes. Suddenly we’re practically sprinting out of the castle and on our way back my darling explains the interesting phenomenon that occurred and I find out that I am meant to be the SOULMATE of the cold, crowned Prince who is meant to marry another. Yeah, I think that sums everything up.” I stopped my pacing and looked at Nicholas who wore a barely noticeable small smile of amusement with his signature quirked eyebrow as he now leaned against my wall. He must have moved there sometime during my rant.

“The cold, crowned Prince?” He asked, making my face flush in embarrassment as I turned to look at any other thing but him,” Well Darling, I will not be marrying another if you give our relationship a fair chance.”

“Huh?” I asked, looking at him in confusion.

“You see, the moment the crown chose you and we discovered we were soulmates we were practically engaged. Besides, the bond would not allow me to be with another and nor would it allow you.” He explained moving away from the wall, his small smile completely slipping and making way for a straight line on his lips,” Also, you need to begin your training to be Queen.”

“Wait what?” I asked in bewilderment,” No no, I can’t be Queen. I’m not Queen material and I doubt your kingdom would want a nobody, a commoner from another world as their queen. Even your parents will not approve and don’t forget where will I even get the time in my already busy, school schedule. Okay, I’m not busy now, but eve-” I stopped as a pair of soft lips touched mine for a second before completely leaving mine. He partially stole my first kiss, that rat!

“How dare you steal my first kiss!” I angrily exclaimed, a glare marring my features for the second time today as I folded my arms to my chest with a childish stomp of my foot.

“You are quite attractive when you are temperamental, Darling.” He cooed,” Well, unfortunately, I cannot entertain you any longer. I must be taking my leave. I will see you tomorrow bright and early. Please, refrain from running away once more. It is rather a tedious of me to follow you.” He said, dropping his arms and walking towards me with a sigh. I raised my eyebrow at him questioningly as he stopped in front of me. His hands pried my arms apart before he leaned over and pressed a quick and soft kiss on my cheek, making tingles reside in that spot as my zoo returned to my stomach,” Please forgive me, Darling. I cannot bare leaving while I am aware that you are upset with me for whatever reason.”

“You stole my first kiss!” I practically yelled ignoring his ranting.

“Well, you stole mine as well yet I am far from upset. In fact, I would like another.” He quirked his eyebrow nonchalantly.

My knees felt weak at his statement as I weighed the possibilities of it being true. I mean, his overly attractive how could he still have his first kiss intact. He must be lying to me, the arrogant squirrel.

“Besides, I am your first and last kiss, so there is absolutely no need to fret about it. Now, I will be seeing you tomorrow, Darling.” He said, placing a kiss onto the back of my hand before leaning over, making my breath hitch in my throat. His lips softly and barely caressing the corner of my lips before he turned around,” Until tomorrow, my Darling.” And with that he disappeared leaving sparkles where he once stood.

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