The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 12

Rosella and I’s attention instantly snapped to the unexpected voice to find a glare directed coldly in my direction from a brunette and gorgeous woman.

“Amelia,” Came Nicholas’ warning voice from behind the lady,” That is enough of your shenanigans.”

“No, Nicholas. I am simply failing to understand how you ended our marriage for a commoner child. This is preposterous. I am overly insulted and rebuked by such an absurd decision. This child is far from qualified to be a queen, ” She sneered at me, making me shrink back into my seat at her acid laced words,” Even a scullery maid would be more qualified.” She spat in my direction, anger boiling in her emerald eyes making them melt as if they were encased in lava.

“On the contrary, I believe she is more than qualified. Emira is one of the nicest people I have ever met, she can learn to be queen and in case you have forgotten, the crown chose her and she is Nicholas’ true soulmate, making her more than qualified in my eyes.” Rosella said in the coldest tone I have ever heard her use in the weeks I have been with her. It made my spine crawl and my body quiver.

“Oh?” She replied with a sarcastic smile,” You don’t say, Rosella, but do tell how you would know such as you yourself are merely a child as your commoner, otherworldly friend, Dear.” She practically spat the endearment at Rosella a she looked at her with threatening, challenging, slightly squinted eyes as if she was threatening Rosella to say more, like a snake waiting to strike at its prey.

“That is enough.” Nicholas calmly said with such authority that I felt it chill me to the bone and had me looking down at my subconsciously twiddling fingers in my lap.

“But-” Amelia went to defend, just to stop at the glare Nicholas sent her way.

“You will not disrespect my soulmate, Amelia. That I will never allow. She is the only rightful heir of Queen of Luminary and that will remain. As Rosella has said, she will learn what is required of her as Queen and that is it. I hope I am clear?” He calmly but coldly said with a scowl lining his lips.

“B-“Amelia started, just to stop at the daring glare from Nicholas.

She turned to me with a glare that would have left me six foot under if it were possible,” This is not over, peasant." She spat before angrily stomping down the hall, the same direction she had come.

“That was unexpected.” Rosella said when we were sure she was gone, making me lift my head in such a way that I could see her and Nicholas from my slightly slouched position.

“Unfortunately,” He sighed, running his hand through his neatly gelled curls,” Are you alright?” Directing his question to me as he looked at me with concern on his face as his emotionless façade slid off his porcelain clear features.

I looked down at my fingers, suddenly feeling as shy as my first day in Seaside High.

“Emira?” Rosella’s soft tone coaxed,” Are you alright? Do you wish to be returned home?” She softly asked.

I looked up at her, my orbs connecting to her concern glazed ones.

“I’m okay. I’m just absorbing everything, I guess.” I answered, hoping this answer would suffice.

“Are you certain, we can take you back home if you wish?” Rosella asked with soft, melting blue orbs.

“I’m okay, I’m just thinking about what that lady said. I mean, everything she said was kind of true.” I whispered the last part.

“No, that is where you are mistaken, Darling. ” Nicholas’ soft tone said before soft footprints heading in our direction sounded as he walked in our direction.

His shoe covered feet appeared in the corner of my eye before a pair of warm, large hands took mine from where they comfortably laid in my lap and engulfed them in their hold. He slowly turned me in the chair so that I faced him before he bent down and looked up at me, his sapphire blue orbs seemingly shining like jewels in the bright sunlight.

“Darling, please never feel insecure about who you are. Always feel proud as there will always be people like Amelia who will belittle you. It is up to you to stand tall and not allow their crude comments to affect you in such a way that you feel as if you do not deserve to be Queen or my soulmate. But I promise you, when people belittle you, I will praise you. When you feel lesser I will ensure that you know that you are greater. I will be your strength when you are weak, so please, always know that you deserve me more than any other person in this world, just as I you.” He softly reassured with a small smile of reassurance.

My heart melted into liquid at his words and I couldn’t help my eyes getting teary. I mean, I am a very emotional person so the warm tears clouding my vision were to be expected. I just hoped they didn’t fall, that would be embarrassing.

“Awe, she’s teary.” Rosella cooed as she stole a peek at my face.

“I’m glad I am able to initiate such a reaction from you, Darling.” Nicholas lightly cooed as he moved his thumb over the back of my hand,” What would you like to do for the rest of your day?”

I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, “Should you not be taking me back home by now?” I asked.

“So eager to leave me, are we not?” Nicholas smirked, but I swear I saw a flash of hurt go through his eyes before disappearing just as fast.

For some reason, knowing that I had hurt him did not sit well with me at all. I felt the overwhelming need to comfort him.

“No, not at all. I just assumed that you had a lot of work to do.” I explained.

“Oh, so you enjoy my company then?” He smirked a glint of mischief sparkling in his eyes as it strongly laced his words, making my face flush in embarrassment.

“Oh no,” Rosella protested from the other side of the table, causing our eyes to wander to her in question,” You are not scaring my best friend away, Nicholas.” She playfully glared with a scowl marring her lips.

“What are you implying by such an accusation, Rose?” Nicholas asked with a quirked eyebrow and a smirk of amusement as he let go of my hands and stood off the ground, leaving my hands feeling cold as if a blizzard had suddenly passed by them.

“I mean that I hope that my friend and I will leave this palace today unscathed mentally nor traumatised by your actions.” Rose raised an accusing eyebrow.

Nicholas let out a light sigh before lazily smiling at us,” I assure you, I will do no such thing, Younger Sister.” He said.

“You know, for a prince you aren’t that princely. I mean, your actions are not princely unless you are serious.” I found myself saying before I could even rethink my words.

Both the siblings’ attention turned to me before Nick raised an eyebrow as a small smirk lined his lips,” And what do you mean by that, darling?”

“Well, firstly, you smirk a lot. You basically argue with Rosella every chance you get. You love teasing her and I, and basically, you are not how I expected a prince, actually a crowned prince to act.” I explained, biting my lips nervously without looking up at their faces,” No offense.” I rushed out.

“No offense taken, Darling. However, does it bother you that I act this way?” He asked.

“Not at all, why do you ask?” I asked curiously.

“Just a random question, Darling. Nothing to fret about, I assure you.” He replied with reassuring smile that did not sate my curiousity one bit.

“Mira, would you enjoy a tour of the village? We can take you home afterwards if you wish.” Rosella offered with barely contained excitement in her voice and eyes.

“That would be great.” I replied, flashing her a smile in agreement.

“Then I believe I should have the carriage prepared?” Nicholas asked.

“Of course, there is absolutely no better way of getting viewing the kingdom like that of one in a carriage!” Rosella excitedly exclaimed before jumping off her chair and coming to mine,” We are going to have the best of fun.”

She took my hands and pulled me up with such force that I even started feeling a bit lightheaded. To how someone of her small stature could have such strength is a mystery to me.

“Rosella,” Nicholas sighed, throwing me an apologetic smile that I returned with a smile of my own,” Be careful with my Darling. Just as you wish for her to leave Luminary with her mind unscathed, I wish for her to leave it with her body unscarred.”

“Do you take me for an animal?” Rosella asked her brother with a raised eyebrow.

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