The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 11

I didn’t even both to look up as I know my face shown brightly with embarrassment. I settled for a stiff nod in agreement as my stomach threatened to gobble itself up in anticipation of the awaiting food.

Unless it’s poisoned.

No, I’m not going to think negative about this lunch...but at the same time, I really want to live past seventeen.

“On second thought, I’m not all that hungry.” I nervously said, well practically lied because I was starving.

“None of the food is poisoned, I assure you, Darling.” Nicholas tried to ease my unsaid fears, “If it will put your fears at ease, I will take the first bite.”

“No, I’m not worried...too much.” I lied through my teeth, I was terrified. I didn’t wanna die yet.

“Or so you say.” He sarcastically replied, his stare burning at the side of my face before he lightly chuckled in amusement.

A pout involuntarily laced my lips in embarrassment at being caught and at his obvious amusement.

A gentle, lingering kiss suddenly caressed my temple, making the pout on my lips drop at the unexpected show of affection as the sparks numbed my brain and turned it into jelly and turned nearly made my knees buckle.

“You are surely the cutest soulmate in history, Darling.” He whispered as he removed his arm from around my waist and moved to pull the tiffany chair from where it was nestled.” My Lady.”

I bit my lip to try and suppress the smile that threatened to graze my lips at the tone he had addressed me in. It was so smooth and rich and made the two words sound so rich and blush worthy.

“Thank you.” I quietly murmured as I placed myself on the chair before he gently moved it into place almost against the table.

He moved from behind my chair and pulled open his chair before placing his musculine, broad form down.

“Lunch is served.” He said with a snap of his fingers as the food dome covers all disappeared into thin air.

My mouth instantly started watering at the sweet aroma that left it and its mere drool worthy sight. I had to stop myself from letting it show as I averted my gaze from the plates of food placed in front of us and to the beautiful, rich, minty green grass.

“Darling.” Nicholas said making my eyes avert to him intently to hear what he had to say. I could see a figure approaching from my peripheral view, causing me to face the figure as it stood in front of our table.

There stood a woman with midnight, fluffy hair tied in a high, tight bun with porcelain like skin that peeked from the black and white, butler’s outfit she had on. Her face was void of emotion except for the thin, tight lipped scowl that lined her lips.

“Good afternoon, Your Majesties.” She bowed to us before her attention went to Nicholas,” My sincerest apology for the interruption, but Princess Amelia requests your presence in the King’s study, Your Highness.”

I don’t know if imagined it, but I could swear that I saw Nicholas tense at the mention of the name and his jaw seemed tense in controlled irritation or anger as his eyes turned a darker shade of its normal, gorgeous sapphire blue as an unreadable emotion swirled in them.

“Amelia? Are you certain?” He asked with a faint tone of annoyance lacing his tone.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” She softly sighed with her hands neatly placed behind her back.

As much as her words sounded rehearsed and formal, a tinge of what I associated with irritation laced her words.

Their reactions made me curious as to who this possibly disliked person could be. The reaction her mere name brought onto Nicholas made me curious as well as unnerved.

Nicholas turned to me with a small apologetic smile,” My apologies, Darling, but we might need to reschedule our lunch date for another day. I have an urgent matter to take care of. A very persistent one at that,” He quietly murmured the last part making me assume that I was probably not meant to have heard that. He stood up with such grace that it left me in awe as I gawked at him,” My sincerest apologies, Darling. I will have Rosella be brought here to keep you company until I return.”

“O-okay.” I replied confused and curious at his sudden need to leave. Who in the world is Princess Amelia? And why does her name make goosebumps appear on my skin and fill my heart no no. Stop it Emira.

“Raven.” He called to one of the maids still perched at the door.

“Yes your Majesty.” The one with platinum blond hair replied, bowing down.

“Please have Rosella come here at once.” He ordered, his voice filled with authority as his tone turned icy cold.

“Of course, Your Highness. Right away.” She replied before disappearing down the hallway.

He leaned down to my sitting stature and plastered a gentle kiss onto my forehead, surrounding me with his manly musk that never failed to make me want to swoon even as it filled me with the sense of comfort and security. He moved away just for me to see him pop a grape into his mouth with a reassuring smile before he turned on his heel and walked to the open glass French doors just as Rosella and the maid he had sent to fetch her, Raven appeared. They got here too fast. Unnaturally fast.

“Do take care of my Darling, Younger sister.” He muttered before throwing me a quick wink that had my face burning in embarrassment and flatter before he practically raced down the hallway with the lady following him.

“Well that was unflattering.” Commented Rosella as she walked to me with a teasing smile,” Now do share your feelings on my brother so far. I am very intrigued.” She suggestively moved her eyebrows before gracefully plopping onto the same chair Nicholas had been in a few minutes ago.

“Well, he is very difficult to describe. Actually, I can’t find the right words to describe him yet. ” I answered honestly as my eyes stared at the food with longing as my stomach started to ache and my lips felt dry. I automatically ran my lips over them to moisten them as I don’t remember putting any lip gloss or anything in my bag.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Please feel free to eat.” She motioned towards the mountains of food.

“I can’t eat alone,” I pouted with puppy dog eyes. Please eat with me?” I pleaded.

“But I just had my lunch,” She whined before pouting in defeat,” Fine, you are so lucky I love food.” She grumbled before taking a strawberry out of the fruit bowl and taking a small bite of it before sending a glare my way which I returned with an innocent grin.

We sat there for the next couple of minutes with me eating syrup glazed waffles while Rosella munched on the fruits in the fruit bowl which I did a few times too. We only made small talk during the lunch until we were too full to eat anything else.

“I am so full. You did this to me.” She slowly accused me with a weak glare before sighing.

“So am I.” I yawned in contentment.

“Well as a way to repay me for eating more than my stomach would allow, I expect you to tell me about how your relation with Nicholas is going.” She said, shivering when she said Nicholas.

“Well, I think its going well so far, but who is Princess Amelia? Nicholas tensed when that lady mentioned her name.” I asked letting my curiosity peek but not the unsettling feeling that went with the name for me.

“Well, that my dear Friend is Nicholas’ former fiancée.” She sighed,” She has been infatuated with Nicholas since they were children and many people even feared that she might be his mate, but when they turned sixteen it did not seem so. She has been following after Nicholas since and it does not help that she has not found her soulmate yet either. So, Nicholas was meant to have been crowned king last year at his 21st birthday, but seeing as he did not have a queen he was not. So, seeing as the Kingdom of Aquaria had Princess Amelia, they saw that they could unite our kingdoms through marriage this way, Nicholas would be king and the two kingdoms would be united, well that is unless Crowned Princess Natalie recovers.” She explained.

For some reason, my mood turned sour and I just wanted to go back home and cuddle with my teddy bear and blankets.

“If it is any consolation, the wedding plans have come to a halt due to your arrival. There is no longer a reason for the wedding as Nicholas now has you, meaning Luminary has a Queen. Besides, Nicholas was always been opposed to this marriage as he has been waiting for his rightful soulmate. He has practically been loyal to you before he even discovered you.” She lightly chuckled in reassurance,” Just trust him and give him a chance, alright?”

I contemplated her words for a few seconds before giving her a small nod,” But I’m everything less than a queen, than anyone who belongs here in general. Nicholas is the crowned prince, he deserves someone with a title that suits his and basically, he deserves anyone other than me. I practically don’t deserve to be here, nor qualify to be a queen or Nicholas’ soulmate.” I sighed, my eyes averting to the beautiful, clear, blue skies above.

“My thoughts exactly.” Came an unfamiliar, smooth, rage filled, feminine voice from the side.

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