The Moon Phase Trilogy | Protected

Chapter Twenty-Six

Ericka had fallen asleep on the floor, alone in her bedroom. When she woke up, her heart ached. She didn’t want to remember what happened the night before, but she couldn’t help but remember it. All of it. She stood up, hissing through her teeth, “Damn...I really need to shift more...maybe I wouldn’t be so sore afterwards.”

“You wouldn’t be.” A voice commented.

Ericka turned to see Jayden sitting on the bed. She scrambled up from the floor, and backed up to the wooden door. “Where did you come from?” She asked, her eyes wide.

“This is my room.” Jayden smirked, taking a step towards Ericka.

Ericka almost choked on her own saliva, “I must have been really tired to come in here...or just really out of it and upset with Shaun.” She thought aloud.

Jayden tilted his head, “What happened with Shaun?” His voice sounded sincere.

Ericka’s heart sped up, not wanting to speak, “I-I’m sorry...we just got into an argument I don’t think we can solve any time soon...” she whined. Dusk’s ears and tail came back and she felt her ears flatten and her tail go between her legs.

Jayden could sense Ericka feeling uneasy, “Come sit, Ricky. You look like you’re going to faint.” He stepped towards her more and took her hand. Ericka felt a spark between the two, and felt a burning sensation on the inside of her wrist. The two gazed into each other’s eyes and Jayden grinned. “You feel it too, don’t you. That burning sensation.”

Ericks nodded frantically, never losing eye contact, “I thought werewolves only mate with werewolves. As far as I am aware, you aren’t a werewolf. You’re a human...right?”

Jayden fished his moon phase necklace out from under his shirt, “Do you remember this?”

“Yeah, I gave that to the blond and white wolf that was following me every day.” Ericka paused, “How did you get it?”

Jayden gave a sheepish grin, “Do you trust me?”

“I mean for not knowing you all that long...I trust you to save my life.”

“Ricky, do you trust me not to hurt you or harm you in any way?” Jayden let out a breathy laugh.

“ You haven’t proven that I can’t yet, so why not?” Ericka shrugged and continued to look in Jayden’s eyes. She observed as they changed shades and she took a step back, hitting the door again. She watched as the boy in front of her transformed into the wolf that had been following her, stalking her since she started her senior year. “Y--you’re...” she stammered.

‘I am, Luna. I am the wolf that had been watching you from afar. The wolf that had been trying to protect you from the dangers that lurked so closely to you and the Connerton’s home. You may call me Light.’ He linked Ericka’s mind.

Ericka had no words. Her mind spun and she could feel Dusk trying to calm her down with strange purring sounds. She had so many questions, but had no clue where to start. Light noticed Ericka’s reaction, as it wasn’t subtle, and let Jayden take over. “Ericka? Luna? Please speak to me. Please don’t be mad at me for keeping this huge secret from you.” Jayden pleaded, waving his hand in front of her face.

Her mind still spun, but her thoughts went to her best friend, “Why...” Ericka mustered. Before Jayden could ask anything, she continued, “Why would she lie to me? Straight to my face?”

“Why would who lie to you?” Jayden asked, taking her hands in his.

“Shaun,” her eyes flickered a dark blue and her face hardened. “She lied to me about you being like us. She lied straight to my face! Why would she do that?”

“I asked her to. I didn’t want my secret to be revealed so soon, so she agreed that she wouldn’t tell you. It’s all my fault, Luna. Be mad at me, not her.” Jayden rubbed the top of Ericka’s hand gently, but she yanked it away.

Her fists clenched as a growl emerged from her throat, “Why would you trick me like that? That burning sensation, is that a trick too? Am I really your mate? Or am I just a little toy to break into millions of pieces?” She stalked towards him.

Jayden backed away, hands up in defence, “Ericka, I’m not trying to trick you. You are no toy to me. We really are mates. Look at your wrist and look at my chest, we have the same mark! Luna, please just listen to me.”

“Why should I listen to someone who tricks me? Tell me why, Jayden.”

“Because you and I are soul mates. I’m sorry I had Shaun lie for me. I’m sorry for tricking you. I’m sorry for everything I have done these past weeks to hurt you.” Jayden admitted. “When Luke and Asher hurt you, I was devastated. I wanted to hurt myself, because I believed it was my fault for not protecting you. I wasn’t doing my job well enough and you got hurt. Shaun even got hurt! Light and I haven’t seen Blu since we’ve been here, and I blame myself for everything. I wake up every day feeling the regret and pain from the days I couldn’t talk to you and couldn’t save you.”

Ericka’s fists gradually let up as she watched Jayden becoming so vulnerable and weak. She looked down to her wrist, noticing a freshly burned marking on the inside. It was a strange symbol, a symbol she had never seen before. “Jayden,” she spoke calmly, “I believe you. You will have to earn my trust, as I will have to earn yours, but I believe you. I am so sorry for taking my anger out on you. I’m just worried about Shaun and how she’s been acting since last night. It’s just so out of the ordinary for her and it worries me.”

Jayden’s head shot up, “Differently how, exactly?”

Before Ericka could answer, there was frantic banging on the door, “Jayden, please open up! We really need your help!” It was Ruby and she sounded panicked.

Ericka opened up the door, her hand not burning from the knob and saw Skull, Ruby and Grant standing at the frame. “Shaun is gone...she never came back last night...” Grant told them, his voice shattered as he spoke.

Jayden’s eyes narrowed, “Why were you with them last night?” He growled.

“He had some questions and he needed our help. Just come help us look for her,” Ruby snarled, baring her teeth.

Jayden lowered his gaze, “Yes, ma’am.”

Ericka nodded and left the room, with Jayden behind her. The door shut and they ran to the door nearby. They were just about to leave, but they were stopped by Winston. “Where are you kids going? Grant, if you’re going out in the sun, you really need an umbrella or just don’t leave. You know you’ll burn. By the way, where is your sister? She said she wanted to talk to me.”

Grant sighed, “Dad, I don’t know where she is. We were going to search for Shaun...she went missing last night.” He looked to the others, “Go, I’ll be out there to help soon.” He turned to his dad, “Let’s go find Noelia. She is always getting into mischief.”

Winston sighed, “Go look for Shaun. I will have back up for you soon. I just hope my brother doesn’t get to her before we do.”

Grant looked at his dad, “Dad? You know I’ll burn if I go outside.”

“Son, I know you more than you think. Just go before I change my mind.”

Grant nodded and they left the house to search for Shaun.

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