The Moon Phase Trilogy | Protected

Chapter Twenty-Four

Shaun stood at the doorway, staring at Grant. “Shaun, who’s at the door?” Ruby yawned, rubbing her perfect blue eyes to get the sleep sand from them. Shaun looked to Ruby and then back at the handsome, pale vampire standing at their bedroom door. Ruby looked past her roommate and noticed a nervous Grant, just standing there. “Um, I think he is waiting for you to invite him in, Shaun.”

“That’s a thing?” Shaun raised her brows and she felt Blu rumble in her chest as if she were purring. Grant gave a sharp nod and looked down at his feet. “Well, Grant, would you like to come in and chat?” She stepped aside as Grant took a step over the door frame. Shaun smiled softly, “So...what did you want to speak with me about?”

Ruby had a feeling it was going to be a long talk, so she decided to leave and go to Ericka and Skull’s room. “Have fun you two.” She chimed as she left, closing the door behind her. She could feel Shaun’s eyes on her back, piercing her skin as if they were actual daggers.

“Shaun?” Grant tried to bring her back to his attention.

Shaun’s eyes were back onto him, “Sorry. Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden? What’s wrong with you?”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me...that’s why I came to you...” he confessed, lowering his gaze.

Shaun laughed, “Why would you come to me? We barely know one another! Besides, can’t you talk to Noelia or your dad?”

Grant casually walked over to the window, looking up at the moon, “Shaun, I came to you because something inside me pulls me to you. It just started and I don’t understand why. We are two different species. We don’t mix well together. Our species never have.” He turned to face her, dramatically, “Shaun, you may not know this, but...our families have been enemies since the beginning. It’s in our history books. Lytles and Frosts don’t get along, never have until recently.”

“I know our families aren’t actually enemies, just our species! Would you just get to the point already, drama queen! I don’t have all night!” Shaun snarled with a roll of her eyes.

“All I am trying to say is...something is clearly wrong with me.”

“Yes, something is wrong with you. You came to me for help. You came to a werewolf, whom you barely know, for help with something that makes no sense. Grant, have you gone crazy?”

“No! But I do have a hunch as to why I am acting the way I am.” He slipped his silk, button down shirt over his head, revealing his pale chest and back. Shaun’s cheeks went beat red and she covered her face with a pillow. “Can you please just look at me for one second?”

“When you put your shirt back on, I will.” Shaun replied, muffled.

Grant walked over to her, gently pushing down the pillow, revealing her red face. “Just look at the scratches. That’s all I am asking you to do.”

Shaun glanced at his chest and saw claw marks that resembled something oddly familiar. “Turn.” Grant did as he was told. She saw the same markings on his back. It was as if he was attacked by two large beasts that sandwiched him or just one giant one that was planning to split him open for dinner. Shaun frowned, “When did you get these?”

“A few nights ago, before Noelia and I brought the necklace back.” He admitted.

“Where were you when you were attacked?”

“A patch of woods called ‘Lycan Forest’. I’ve heard all the rumors, but never believed they were actually true. Noelia did though, so she left me alone, to fend for myself.”

Shaun nodded, “This makes a lot of sense now.” She threw a jacket on and headed for the door, “Come on, I want to see something, but we need to be outside for us to do it.”

Grant questioned her ‘don’t think, just do’ attitude, but followed anyways, throwing his shirt back on.

Shaun headed to Ericka’s room and knocked on it. Ericka opened it and just stared at her half asleep. “What do you want?” Ericka whined.

“We need you and the others. I heard yelling in Jayden’s room, so he’s most likely chatting with Winston. I won’t bug him until the morning. Ruby, we need your expertise.”

Ericka yawned, “What do you need us for?”

Grant poked his head in behind Shaun and gave an innocent toothy grin. “He’s why. Something’s going on with him. One reason why I need Ruby. I need you and Skull to help keep his head straight.”

Ruby grabbed Skull by the arm, “Let’s get going then!” Ericka nodded sleepily and trudged out the door. Her hand touched the door knob and it burned her.

“Ah!” She yelped, pulling her hand away instantly. “What is the knob made out of?”

“Silver, why?” Grant informed.

Ruby shook her head, “We burn from silver. Just like you burn from seeing the sun.”

“Oh. That’s right. Let me close the door then.” Grant reached for the knob and the second he touched it, his hand felt warm and burned. “Shit!” He pulled away and looked at his hand. It had a door knob burn mark. “That’s never happened before.”

Ruby examined his hand before they headed outside, “Interesting.” She reached for a bandage to wrap his hand up and Skull had handed it to her with a shy smile. “Until we understand what’s going on, don’t touch silver.”

Grant lowered his gaze submissively, “Yes ma’am.”

Shaun sighed obnoxiously, “Can we go now? We are losing moonlight here!”

Ericka groaned, holding her head. She felt invisible ears and a tail, once again. Her body felt heavy, and it took all her energy to move. Dusk, what are you doing to me? Why are you causing me to lose this much energy? Ericka glanced up to everyone staring at her. “What are you looking at? I’m fine!” Ericka snarled. Her eyes flickered dark blue and she flashed her teeth.

“We’re just worried about you, Rick. You look terrible,” Shaun commented bluntly.

Ericka narrowed her eyes, “I’m fine. Let’s just get going.” She left towards a random exit and when she got outside she took in a deep breath, letting it out heavily. She felt Dusk rumbling, louder than normal. She looked down and noticed her necklace and body glowing. The must be interacting with Dusk. She thought.

The others followed and Ruby heard Gemstone’s voice in her head, “That makes sense...that’s what the artifacts do!” She burst out.

Skull jumped and hid behind Grant, “Um...what are you talking about, Ruby?”

“Ericka and the artifact! The artifacts make our wolves stronger, not just us! That’s why Ericka is glowing!”

“Huh...does this mean the ones Jayden and I have will be absorbed into our pendants and Blu and Light will be stronger?” Shaun asked with raised brows.

Ruby nodded frantically. Grant chewed his cheeks, “Um...can we figure out what’s wrong with me now? I’m not feeling the greatest.” Grant was now keeled over, breathing heavily. Skull stepped back, watching as a pair of bat wings protruded from his back.

Shaun’s instincts kicked in and she tried to shift to Blu, but she wouldn’t transform. “Blu, come on. Don’t do this to me now.” She groaned. She looked to the others, “We need to get him in the forest, now.”

Ruby nodded and Gemstone took full control. She grew to the size of a large horse and picked up Grant with her mouth, swinging him to her back. ‘Follow me, before it’s too late.’

The others gave a sharp nod and Dusk took control, without question. Ericka tried to stop her, but she was too strong. Ericka shouted in pain, as she transformed. She fell to her knees as her back arched. In her place, Dusk stood on all fours, glowing just like Ericka was. She took off, following Gemstone.

‘Dusk, lovely to see you.’ Gemstone linked. All Dusk did was nod, not saying a word.

They got deep into the forest and Gemstone let Grant off of her back, having him lie on the ground. She shifted back to Ruby and observed Grant’s breathing.

Skull and Shaun stayed quiet, watching as well and Dusk sat tall, tail curled around her soot black paws. She blended into the darkness, as an adapter did to keep hidden.

Grant groaned in pain, clutching his stomach. He finally let out the shriek he was holding in as his body transformed into a four legged beast with large bat wings. Ruby backed up, “Y--you’re a...Pterolycus...” she whispered.

“Excuse me?” Shaun coughed.

Ruby didn’t say a word, she was astonished to silence.

The black winged wolf stood up, standing guard. Dusk snarled, making it turn their attention to her. She barked sharply, baring her teeth. The winged wolf in front of her looked frightened for their life. She lowered her head, as angel wings sprouted from her own back.

“What the hell is going on? I didn’t know Adapters could do that!” Shaun shouted.

“They adapt to their opponent, not just their surroundings,” a voice spoke.

The girls looked to where the voice was coming from. They noticed a cloaked woman, standing in the shadows, observing the situation between the two now winged wolves. The woman stepped out of the darkness, revealing herself to the children. “W--who are you?” Skull asked softly.

Ruby looked to the woman, her heart shattered the moment she saw her face, “H--how are you...”

“Hush, my sweet girl. It will all make sense soon,” the woman smiled softly.

Shaun looked between the two, “How do you know so much about adapters, ma’am?”

“Because I am one,” she removed her hood, her eyes flashing bright blue, a kind smile upon her tanned face.

Tears filled Ruby’s bright blue eyes, her body shaking. She began to sob hard and she fell to her knees. Shaun looked to Ruby and then to Dusk and Grant. The two winged wolves seemed to be fine, for now. “Ruby?” Shaun’s paused between syllables.

“She is alright. Just in shock,” the woman answered.

“I’m in shock, because I watched you die with my own eyes! You lied to me! You lied to everyone! I have been put through so much from our Betas, all because you lied!” Ruby burst out. “I am not okay. I am confused, and devastated!” She continued to sob.

Skull stayed quiet, observing the situation. She bent down to Ruby’s level, wrapping her arms around her.

Dusk looked to the girls kneeling on the ground. She folded her wings in and went over, nuzzling Ruby gently. Ruby clenched Dusk’s hackle as she sobbed. She whimpered not from how right Ruby was clenching her, but from the negative energy flowing from Ruby’s body.

Shaun looked to the woman, “So why are you here?”

“Searching for my brother. Which reminds me, I should be on my way. It was lovely to meet you all and my sweet girl, you will see me again soon. I promise I will explain everything soon. I love you, my sweet child,” the cloaked woman told. She lifted her hood up and left the way she had come.

Shaun looked to the girls and then to the giant Pterolycus next to her. “What are we going to do? Ruby is a mess and Grant is a bat winged wolf!” She felt Blu wanting to finally take control. “What changed your mind, Blu?” She asked out loud.

‘He did...’ was all she said.

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