The Mistakes Of Misfits

Chapter 29: Sumi

Journal of Sumi Ravenguard page 550

     Varrin jumped back from Sabastian in a stunned fearful fit. “No…” He muttered. He clenched his fist and his entire body looked like it was on the verge of exploding. “Liar!” He screamed. His aura flickered as he stared down the former cult leader. 

     I put up my hand to help him. I had never seen him this upset. “what's wr-'' Before I could even finish asking Varrin hit Sabastian with a massive blast of lightning, sending him across the room. I had never seen him like this. He looked like a rabid animal as he walked toward the cult leader again. 

     “Liar!” He screamed again. I ran up to his side. He brought up his hand to attack Sabastian again and I grabbed it before he could strike. “Varrin! We need him to prove the mages Innocence!” He turned to me but the face I saw was not Varrin. His skin had become ashy and his veins were large and green across his skin. He stared me down with cold dark eyes of the same green. I let out a gasp upon seeing it. The mage I had traveled with for so long was seemingly gone, replaced by this rageful beast. 

     Varrin pushed out his free hand toward me and a concussive blast sent me flying back. I heard Kerrigan let out a surprised swear as he saw me fly. “What the fuck man?” He sent the mages way. Varrin didn't pay Kerrigan any mind. He simply turned back to Sabastian who had now made his way to his feet. 

      The cult leader smiled. “You can't stop this Varrin. Kill me… she will kill you a-” Varrin teleported up to Sabastian and backhanded him before he could finish. Sabastian went flying back to the edge of the long room. 

     Kerrigan ran to my side and helped me up. “Varrin's really kicking his ass.” He muttered with a slight smirk. “What the fuck did he hit you for though?” 

     I shook my head. “That's not Varrin.” I told him. Those glossy green eyes, that ashy gray skin… something was seriously wrong with him. “We need to help him!” 

    Kerrigan sighed. “And without Sabastian alive we can't save your people… fine.” He tilted his head back in exasperation. The prospect of having to save Sabastian was probably hard to stomach. “Let's go save our friend.” He unsheathed his blades and waited for my lead. I took one deep breath, then charged forward. I ran in front of Varrin, holding my blade steady toward him. 

    “Stop this now!” I ordered. “I don't want to fight you.” Varrin's glossy eyes barely seemed to register me. He looked completely dead. He walked forward till the top of my blade touched his chest then stopped. A small twitch of recognition crossed him and a bit of blue pierced through the fog. For a moment I thought I had him back. Then he brought his arm across, sending my blade to the side and sending a blast of fire across my body. I slid back and the fire burned into my skin. Fuck it hurt. 

      I got to my feet again and Kerrigan slashed at Varrin. He tried to incapacitate by swiping at his legs and his shoulder. The mage blocked each strike with his bracers in a display that was far beyond his usual skill. He put his palm up and a icy wave sent Kerrigan flying back. “God damnit!” He screamed. He flew past Sabastian and hit the ground hard. 

     Sabastian chuckled as he looked back at Kerrigan. “Isn't this quite the predicament mutt? First you try to kill me, now you protect me.” His smile was wide and malicious. 

    Kerrigan picked his blades back up. “You want to live or you just want to talk shit?” He asked angrily. He started to work on Sabastian's shackles. I sheethed my sword and ran forward and put my arm around the mage's neck. I had to do something non-lethal. I thought I could hold him down since he weighed a hell of a lot less than me. I locked my arms and planted my feet. Varrin stopped moving and grabbed one of my arms. 

     For one solitary moment his touch was tender, as if there was a sliver of the mage left. He ran his hand across my forearm and it made my heart tighten with hope, but that hope was short lived as he gripped my arm and flung me over his shoulder with a surprising lack of effort. I crashed through the large wooden doors into the next room. Wood splintered and my back flared in pain as I fell into a large open room. 

     “Sumi!” I heard Kasious yell from my right. Kasious ran toward me with a wide concerned look. The sounds of battle filled my ears and I could see the templar's and the misfits fighting the last of the cultists in front of the King's study. 

    I put my hand up, stopping him. “You handle your father… we've got this.” His mission was too important to worry about us. Kasious halted but did not move away from me. His eyes spoke so many words that he couldn't say. Words of care and encouragement. I smiled and nodded as I lowered my hand and picked up my sword off of the ground. “Trust us prince.” I told him. 

    His eyes spoke a thousand more worries but he turned back toward the battle and gave me a nod over his shoulder. “Don't get yourself killed. I have to have people to witness my coronation.” He let a smile cross his face and I returned it. He had to be strong to take down his father, but I knew he could. Kasious ran back toward the battle without another word. 

     I ran back into the room with Varrin and Kerrigan to find Sabastian holding up a ward shield to defend against the relentless blasts of the mage. Varrin didn't seem to be slowing even with the constant power. What the hell had taken over him that was able to make him this powerful? Kerrigan rushed him again but Varrin brought out his arm, backhanding Kerrigan with a arc of lightning. 

    Varrin turned his attention back to Sabastian and brought his arm up. “Liar!” As he spoke the castle's stone rose like a tidal wave and shattered Sabastian's shield, causing him to fly back in a exhausted mess. 

    I ran in front of the cult leader and held out my sword. “Varrin! Stop this now, this isn't you!” My hands shook a bit with the prospect of having to fight him, maybe even kill him. 

   Varrin blasted my shoulder with fire. It burned through my leathers and scorched my skin. I grimiced in pain but didn't move. A tear fell from Varrin's face. “Move…” he managed to get out through his pained expression. “Move… please.” His hand tightened as it looked like he was holding back the next fiery attack. He gritted his teeth and his entire body seemed to be in pain. 

    I took a step forward. “No, you're not going to kill me. You're better than that.” I took another cautious step forward. Kerrigan knelt a few feet to my right, not moving until I was done. 

       Varrin brought his hand across his chest and my blade was smacked out of my hand but missing my body completely. Varrin's pain turned to fear. “Kill… me.” He said through the pain and tears. 

     I took another step and put my hands on his face. Despite the fire coursing through his body he felt… cold. His eyes glowed green now. All of the fog that had covered his eyes had dissipated, leaving a pained and sad expression. His skin was still ashy and almost felt dead. “You're not going to let this take you. You're the strongest man I know. You will beat this Varrin.” I kept my voice stern, as if I was talking to a soldier. He had to pull himself out of this. I wouldn't kill him, I couldn't kill him. 

     Varrin strained as he looked at me. “I… can't.” He muttered. He brought up his fire-covered hand, ready to strike me. 

     I felt the urge to avoid the attack but I held my ground. I leaned forward and kissed the mage. If I had to die to convince him then that's what needed to happen. I held that kiss and I swear I could feel a bit of warmth return to his face. The world seemed to slow as I held his face in my hands. I let a few tears fall down my face as I braced for the inevitable barrage of fire… but nothing came. 

     I pulled back from his face to see bright blue eyes staring back at me, exhausted but happy. Varrin kept those eyes locked with mine for one more moment and my heart soared at the sight of him back to normal. Varrin's eyes started to flutter as exhaustion claimed him. “Sumi.” He muttered as he fell into my arms. 

      I couldn't help but laugh as I held the mage in my arms. I spent a moment there just feeling his heartbeat against my own. He was alive. He was back. It was almost too good to believe. I kissed his forehead and picked him up with shaking hands. I wouldn't be able to bear to let him go for some time. 

 Kerrigan threw shackles back on the unconscious Sabastian and dragged him to the remnants of the door that I had fallen through. 

      Kerrigan smiled through the bit of pain that was clearly racking his body. He had many scars not only from the battle with Varrin but Sabastian as well. He still smiled through the pain though. “You ready?” He asked.

     I walked forward with a relieved, tired smile as I carried the mage. My arms were killing me but I refused to let go of him. I followed my friend to the King's study, ready to help our friend. 

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