The Mistakes Of Misfits

Chapter 28: Varrin

Journal of Varrin Stormviel page 525

    I heard the clash of metal as a battle erupted around me. I didn't move. I didn't have the strength to fight any more. My eyes were too swollen to see who exactly was fighting. I saw a green blur, then a bright light. It was most likely a trick from Sabastian. I wouldn't fall for any of his tricks again.

       One of the cultists hit the wall behind me and I heard the sound of metal piercing through skin, then the sound of a body hitting the floor. It was a few moments before anything came into view. But I saw green and… purple. “Oh gods, Varrin.” Sumi put hand on my face. “What did they do to you?” She had no damn idea how bad it could get. This beating was only because the priestess behind me needed a moment to recover. Otherwise they would have started with the knives again. I grimaced at the memory of all those cuts and bruises over the last few days.

       “I'm surprised he's still awake.” Said Kerrigan behind me. I felt a pair of Calloused hands start to unshackle me. This couldn't be real. They were actually… no! This was just another of Sabastian's games.

       Sumi put her hand across my cheek. A bit of pain flared but it was the first gentle touch I had felt in this prison. “Can you heal him?” Sumi asked. I knew a third person was here based on the footsteps I heard moving around me.

     I felt another pair of hands on my face and I tried to move away from them but my chains hadn't been removed quite yet. I felt healing magic move across my face as my swollen eyes and busted lips healed back to the point where I could see again. It still hurt like hell, but it was manageable now. The green and purple blur became the beautiful face of Sumi. She smiled at me, a tear falling from her eye as she cupped my cheek again. “Thank God you're okay.” She whispered as she leaned in and pressed her forehead to mine. “I've been so worried.”

      I welcomed the warmth of a genuine touch. I leaned into her, being a breath away from her kiss. No! This is just another trick! Sabastian was trying to get information out of me with these damn illusions. I jumped back. Moving a bit away from her but being stopped by my chains. “Get away!” I screamed. “I won't let you get me again!” I needed to be strong. I remembered the last time Sabastian tricked me. He made me watch them die thousands of times over. I would not witness that again.

    Sumi's bright purple eyes widened in a concerned glance. “Varrin…” She spoke with such care, as if I was a wounded animal. I guess I was at this point. She gently reached for my face. I backed up as far as my chains would allow. “Can't do it again, I won't watch it again.” I muttered. Sumi stopped. I couldn't move away from her. If she wanted she could touch me.

    She nodded. “You've been through a lot.” She said softly, seemingly understanding my apprehension. “We're here to take you home, Varrin.” She very softly cupped my cheek and this time I didn't move away from her. There was something in her words. Was this actually her? Were they really here to save me this time?

      I shook my head, letting a tear down my cheek. “I won't let him…” my mind flashed with the many illusions Sabastian had weaved of their deaths. “I won't let him hurt you again.” I shuttered but she held my stare. I missed those bright violet eyes so damn much. 

     “He's not going to hurt us… and he's not going to hurt you.” Her expression steeled in a way I rarely saw from her. I knew she believed that. I still didn't know if we could fight him. I had seen all the ways we could lose, all the ways he would torture us if we lost. Kerrigan unlocked my shackles and I felt my body go limp for a moment as I got control of my own limbs back.

     Sumi didn't approach me any more. She simply waited expectantly for my next move. I stared into her eyes, I studied her and I saw that this was real… she was actually here. An avalanche of emotion took over me and I wrapped my arms around her, pressing my lips up to hers. She embraced me and returned my kiss as I let all of the emotions I had held in during the last few days flow. Kisses and tears flowed out of me and I didn't stop them, I simply endured the storm.

    Eventually I was able to catch myself and pull back from her lips. Sumi looked so relieved I thought she might pass out as she kept one hand laced through mine. “I can't believe you came for me.” I told her. It was a tactically stupid move, since the guards were still here I'm sure Sabastian hadn't been dealt with. They could have died multiple times during their journey.

      Sumi shrugged. “Who else am I gonna take my night shift with?” She responded sweetly. I gave her another small kiss, wishing it could be more, But this was not the time or the place. We both stood up but did not uncouple our hands. My body was sore beyond belief, but I could stand.

     Kerrigan gave me a gentle pat on the shoulder. “Nice to have you back.” I wrapped my free arm around his shoulder and pulled him into a hug. He seemed a bit surprised but he leaned in and accepted my gesture. I nodded toward Kyreen and she smiled from ear to ear. 

     I leaned back and tried to assess the situation. “What are we doing? Are we escaping? Where's Kass?” My mind raced with all of the things that could have gone wrong since I was captured.

     Sumi squeezed my hand. “Kass is on his way to fight his father. We're going to meet him there.” She gave me a knowing smile as if to say ‘I'll tell you everything later’ I nodded and we walked up the stairs and out of the prison.

        My heart soared the moment I breathed in the vibrant air of the castle. I had felt nothing but molding bloodied breaths for days… this was a vast improvement. I let myself smile and I took the corner to find. no…. It was him.

       Sabastian smirked like a feral cat. “Well, I was wondering when you would finally make your way up here boy.” He crooned. “We have so much to talk about.” I froze. I shook a bit from fear as everything set in. He was here, he knew I was going to escape! Oh gods this was going to end like all the illusions!

     Sumi stepped in front of me and readied herself for a battle. Her face was hard and determined as she moved to protect me. “Touch him and I swear…”

      Sabastian waved a hand. “Yes I know you'll flay me alive or something like that. You all are much too predictable… but I did not come here to stop you. I came here to help you.” His smile grew wider and his eyes almost danced with playful delight.

     Kerrigan unsheathed his scimitars and joined my side. “Why should we believe a word out of your mouth?” He asked in as angry of a fashion as he could muster.  I swear I could feel the hatred emanating off of him as he faced down the cult leader.

    Sabastian chuckled. “That's because I have been betrayed. My contact in the mages took most of the cult and left me for dead. I simply wish to help you kill them.” He smiled at us again but I met his stare with pure unadulterated hatred.


       “If you think we'll trust you for even a moment you're fucking wrong!” I couldn't believe this bastard. I didn't care if the cult had left him to die. “Whatever you want, we want no part of it.”

      Sabastian sighed. “How about a show of good faith? Kasious is marching to his doom.  The king has rigged the throne room with enough explosives to destroy most of his army… he's actually hiding in the study.” He raised an eyebrow expectantly, waiting for our reactions.

      We stayed perfectly still but Sumi was the first to answer. “Why the hell would you tell us that?” She asked.

     Sabastian shrugged. “I never cared about the king. I used him for troops and power, anything I could gain has been taken by my benefactor. This truth will either convince you to join me, or it'll give me one less person to get rid of… either way I'm happy. But I wouldn't wait too long, I'm sure Kasious will fight through the last of my troops soon.”

     I turned to Kyreen. “Go, we'll deal with him.” Kyreen hesitated for only a moment but she knew what was at risk. She took off running toward the throne room to cut off Kasious.

      Sabastian nodded. “Glad you're being reasonable about the revolution.” He crooned. “Now… How reasonable are you going to be about me?” He leaned back on a pillar and pulled out a cigar. He lit it and waited expectantly.

      Kerrigan gritted his teeth. “Please don't tell me we're actually considering this.” He pleaded. His face was hard and he gripped his swords so tightly I thought the hilt might snap.

     Sumi looked back at me. Her eyes were wide and understanding as she looked at each of my bruises and scars. She knew the pain that I had suffered, the torture I endured. She gave me a small nod. She would let me make the decision. I knew that I should probably take his offer. It was the logical decision, he was powerful and there wasn't even a guarantee we could take him down if we refused his offer. He could be a great asset to take down the rest of the cult and his benefactor… but the lives he would ruin it we let him go. If we let him join us he would surely kill hundreds of not thousands of innocents on the way to the Roven.

    I stepped forward and tried my best to steady my shaking hand. “No.” I told the cult leader with a fiery stare. “You're going to pay for your crimes and I would be lying if I said I wasn't going to enjoy this.” I got down in a defensive stance. Sumi and Kerrigan stood at my sides, ready for a battle.

    Sabastian sighed as he flicked the cigar to the side. “I thought you would be more sensible… oh well. I guess I'll have to make those illusions a reality.” His eyes moved to Sumi and Kerrigan and an absolutely malicious smile crossed his face. My body shuttered as my head filled with the images of the many times he made me see them die. Situations very similar to this one. I wouldn't let it happen. I wouldn't let them die!

      I felt the rage flow through me and I charged forward, my red aura surrounding me as I attempted to slam my fist into the cult leader's smug face. Sabastian brought up his arm and took the impact with that same smirk. “Welcome to the big leagues, kid.” He taunted.

     Sabastian brought up his foot and slammed it into my chest. I reeled back and Kerrigan moved in before he could attack me again. Sabastian jumped back and even as Kerrigan moved like a cloud of blades, he dodged every strike. Sabastian used his magic to become incorporeal and Kerrigan's blades passed right through him.

    Sabastian made his body solid once more and grabbed Kerrigan by the throat. “Poor little mutt. You should have died with the rest of your village. At least then you would have been useful to me.” Sumi came from the side and slammed her shoulder into the cult leader in a perfect tackle and he lost his grip on Kerrigan's throat. Sabastian flicked his wrist and teleported away before Sumi could slam him into the ground.

    Sabastian teleported a few feet away from us in a cloud of green smoke. He carried the same smirk, seemingly unphased by the fight. I gritted my teeth. “Formation four!” I ordered my friends. Sumi and Kerrigan fanned out in different directions as they attempted to pincer our enemy between them. I lifted up my hands and let fire dance across them. I would hold nothing back against this bastard. I took a deep breath and let my fire explode out of me. A massive torrent of flame hit Sabastian forcing him to put up a ward shield.

     Sumi swung her sword and Sabastian adjusted his ward shield, redirecting the flow of the spell to her side. My heart dropped as I thought my spell was going to hurt her but by Atika's grace she put up her bracers at the last moment and they absorbed a majority of the damage. The pure impact of the spell still sent her to her ass but as I stopped the spell I saw her unburnt and safe.

    Sabastian's redirection left him open as Kerrigan attempted to drive his scimitar through his throat. Sabastian was able to dodge enough to stop the blade from being fatal but the scimitar still went right through his left shoulder. Sabastian let out a blood curdling cry as he brought back his hand and a wave of fire hit Kerrigan sending him flying.

    Kerrigan got up quickly and both of my friends regrouped at my sides. Kerrigan looked at me. “What's the plan? You know these magic types the best.” I thought for a moment. Usually I would suggest keeping on them so they couldn't cast spells but Sabastian… he was different. He was casting spells without any care or caution. He was given this power, he didn't know its limits. My mind went to my many fights with Orthis where he taught me to ration my magic.

    I smirked. “We're gonna wear him out. Small strikes, stay safe and piss him off as much as possible.” It was our only chance of winning. I just prayed he wouldn't realize.

    Sumi chuckled. “Finally, something we're good at.” She joked. Sabastian pulled the knife out of his side and glared at the three of us with a malicious hunger.

     I readied my spell. “I'll cover you… let's kick his ass.” I brought my hands forward and illusions of myself formed around Sabastian, covering every side of him in different civilians I had seen around the city. Sabastian raised an eyebrow as he looked around at the illusions.

    Before he could make a clever remark, Kerrigan appeared out of the crowd of illusions and sliced into Sabastian's ribs. Sabastian let out a growl of pain and shot a blast of fire at Kerrigan but he disappeared into the crowd of illusions. Kerrigan let out a laugh. “Missed me.” He taunted.

     Sumi appeared from the shadows in a sudden tackle as she drove Sabastian into the crowd of illusions. She quickly slammed him into the ground and rolled away. Sabastian was stunned by the sudden attack and when he tried to shoot a bolt of lightning at his attacker but she was lost in the images. I spun the illusions around Sabastian, making it harder to keep track of the two attackers. Sabastian gritted his teeth. “Come out and face me cowards!” He ordered.

      Kerrigan laughed as he circled Sabastian in the crowd of illusions. “You sound angry, are you upset that some lowly mut struck you?” Sabastian shot three simultaneous blasts out in the direction of Kerrigan's voice but he was able to narrowly avoid it. “How sad you become.” Kerrigan said with a sigh.

      Sumi brought out her sword and swept out Sabastian's legs while still hidden. Sabastian fell to the ground and let out a swear. He got to his feet and shot blasts of fire in all directions. “You miserable peasants! I am the arm of the demon! The leader of the Eyes Of Mathious! You are nothing to me!” Each word was followed by a shot and Sabastian started to pant as he moved.

    Sumi appeared out of the shadows and slammed her fist into Sabastian. “Yet, those peasants are kicking your ass.” She told him as she disappeared into the illusions again. Sabastian let out a blood curdling cry. Kerrigan and Sumi joined my side, knowing something big was coming. Sabastian let out a massive blast of arcane energy from his body. I put up a ward shield to protect myself and my friends.

     I was able to hold back the blast and a heavy cloud of smoke formed in front of where it impacted. Sabastian fell to the ground, breathing heavy from the energy he expended. I smirked as I led us back into the room. “Do you know what your mistake was Sabastian?” I asked. Sabastian tried to fire a blast of fire at me but I used my magic to launch the earth from under him upward, hitting him in the face. I smirked. “You forgot your training as a mage.” He tried to get up but I sent a blast of fire, hitting him in the chest. “It's been so long since you were challenged you forgot how it felt to burnout.” I signaled for Kerrigan and Sumi to move as I approached. They walked to the sides of the room, waiting for my next move. I prepared my next spell as he stood to face me.

       Sabastian glared at me with hateful glazed eyes. “I'm not done!” He screamed. He lit up his hands and launched a massive ball of green fire at me. Normally I would have been worried, but I knew what was coming. I teleported behind Sabastian. The surprised look on his face was so damn cathartic. I didn't bother using a spell. Sabastian was weak enough that a simple punch to his face was enough to send him to the ground.

      I stood over the wheezing cult leader. “I'm going to enjoy tearing you apart.” I muttered. Kerrigan and Sumi moved closer and restrained Sabastian with the shackles that had held my arms back in my cell. “But I need you to save my people. You will be our proof to the mages and orcs before we execute you.” I made a small knife of ice and held it under his chin.

     Sabastian let out a laugh and he spit out a bit of blood. “You think this is over boy?” He gazed up at me with those bright green eyes. “Your own people want this war… you haven't stopped the darkness, you've simply just changed its master.” His smile was feline. He wasn't lying about his contact… this might be my only chance.

      I knelt down to his level and placed a knife to his chest. “Who is it?” I demanded. “Which mage betrayed us?” I had to know, one of my people was a snake and if I wanted peace they needed to be dealt with.

     Sabastian chuckled. “Oh you're gonna love this one.” He said excitedly. He leaned forward, a bit of the blade piercing his clothing and he whispered the awful truth into my ear.

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