The Minx

Chapter 7

Aspen growled and pulled me to him when he saw me. I giggled as he peppered kisses on my neck. Marco shifted uncomfortably.

"Okay, okay, let's get to work," Marco said. Aspen didn't like Marco interrupting us very much. He growled but let go of me. Marco had me start by running laps until it felt like my legs were about to fall off. Then we moved to the punching bag where I threw jabs and punches for 20 minutes.

"Move to the ring," Marco ordered me. I sighed and dragged my body into the ring.

"I'm exhausted," I said, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"Exactly, that's why we're sparring now," he said, wrapping my fists in more tape. "Come at me," he said. I took a deep breath before I did as he asked. Before I could blink, I was on my ass. I groaned and rolled over.

"Ouch," I breathed. I got to my feet anyway and looked at Marco.

"You have to have a plan. If you attack blindly with no plan, you will be defeated every time," he instructed. "Think. Where do you want to strike? What can be the blowback? Think ten steps ahead of me," he said. I took a deep breath and tried again. I went for his right leg and got knocked on my ass again. I groaned and closed my eyes briefly.

"What did I do this time?" I asked, getting back to my feet.

"You're too obvious. Every move you make gives you away. First, your eyes shifted to your target area. It all went downhill from there," he teased me. I went at him three more times. Every time, I ended up on my ass. I groaned and held my arm as I rolled on the mat.

"Get up... Try again," he ordered. I shook my head and rolled over on the mat. He hovered over me. "Get up!" he said louder. I felt the tears sting my eyes as every bone in my body ached.

"Marco! Enough!" Aspen yelled at him, coming to my rescue. He scooped me up and carried me out. "We're calling it a day." I groaned and buried my sweaty head in his chest. My limbs protested with the small movements.

"Aspen," I whined. I didn't mean to, but I was hurting everywhere. He shushed me gently.

"I know, little one. I know," he shushed me. He set me down on the chair in the bathroom and started the bath water, pouring bubble bath under the faucet. He gently pulled my top off and slid off my leggings. I knew that we were only pretending to by real mates, but I was too sore and bruised to even care. He hesitated at my bra. I sighed and pulled it off as well as my underwear.

"We're going to mate eventually. Meaning sooner or later, you're going to see anyway," I said before I hobbled over and got in the tub. I sighed as my body sank lower into the hot water and bubbles. Aspen sat next to the tub and pushed damp strands out of my face.

"Better?" he asked. I only nodded as I let my eyes close. He leaned forward and kissed my head gently. "God, you're beautiful," he muttered against my head. I chuckled and opened my eyes to see him watching my face. No one had ever called me beautiful before. It sounded ridiculous coming from Aspen's mouth.

Despite my bones' protest, I leaned up and connected my lips with his gently. My hand reached up and pulled on the back of his neck. He groaned and pressed his lips to mine harder. My stomach was doing backflips and it felt like my body was on fire in a good way. I pulled back slightly to catch my breath.

"I'm glad you found me," I whispered with my forehead resting against his.

"Me too," he said back softly. He kissed me once more before he stood. "Relax, little one. I'll be back to check on you," he said. I reached up and grabbed his hand at the last moment.

"Wait, stay," I asked him. He smiled lightly before he sat back down. We sat there for what felt like hours just talking. I told him everything: my likes and dislikes, favorites, music, everything. He told me the same: what pushes his buttons, his past, everything.

The water got cold and I moved into the shower to wash up. I heard the shower door open and looked to see Aspen. My eyes widened as they took him in. It was safe to say that he had the body of a God. His chest and abs were prominent. Every inch of his body was muscular in some way, although somehow lean at the same time. As my eyes traveled lower, they took in his deep v-line and muscular legs. My eyes shot back up to his as my lips parted slightly.

"I'm sorry, I can't stand it anymore," he said huskily before he kissed me deeply. He pushed me against the wall as the water cascaded over us. I let out a gasp of surprise as his lips moved to my neck where he marked me. I couldn't control the moan that escaped my lips. It was a weird feeling, having someone who wanted me so badly that he could barely control himself. He picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Are you sure?" he asked breathlessly. I had to admit, I was a little surprised he even asked with how much he clearly couldn't hold back anymore. But before he found me, my life was in ruins. It wasn't like I was waiting on anybody. I definitely didn't want to run back to Jack. That would've just been pathetic. I was a one-chance kind of girl and there was no way I was ever going back to endure that humiliation. He made a fool out of me; my whole pack did. This was the most sure I was about anything these days. I knew Aspen would keep his promise and take care of me. As long as I played along and kept up the show, I had nothing to lose. Living as a Luna wasn't a bad deal. And if I had to mate with anyone, I was glad it was Aspen. At least he was committed to his role. I nodded, knowing that once I agreed, there was no turning back.

By the time I fully laid down to sleep, I was more sore and more exhausted than I was when I got out of the gym. Aspen had me snuggled tightly into his chest. I didn't want to ever let go of him. Aspen was my mate... my full mate. It was safe to say that I was falling in love with the idea of this. I wouldn't say that I loved him just yet, but having a place where I was accepted and wanted was a good start. Even though Aspen and I hadn't known each other for long, I felt the bond strengthen almost instantly after mating.

"Get some rest, little one," he muttered into my hair. I closed my eyes as I let my body relax.

"Goodnight, Aspen."

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