The Minx

Chapter 5

We went on for a week, just being around each other. He showed me around the territory, and told me about the history of the pack. When he was out attending to pack business, I would hang out with either Avery or Yelang. It was a nice change from being bossed around by my stepmother and being bullied at school. I could finally relax and stop looking over my shoulder. Aspen took good care of me.

I woke to the feeling of arms around me. I sighed contently and snuggled closer to him. I felt safe and wanted. I felt protected.

I could get used to this, a masculine voice said in my head. I smiled and opened my eyes. I winced from the bright light and shut my eyes back before letting them adjust.

"Good morning... mate," Aspen mumbled huskily. I smiled and met his eyes. He kissed my head and growled in approval. I was seeing a pattern here. I giggled and sat up.

"What's on the schedule today?" I asked. He hesitated and looked away from me.

"Well, first, I'm going to introduce you to your pack. I'll set up a more permanent security detail for you and then... well you're not really going to like this," he admitted. I sat up as well and looked at him curiously.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, I'm going to have to enroll you back at H-Prep," he said. My eyes bulged.

"No," I blurted. He growled menacingly before he took a deep breath.

"My wolf doesn't like it when you defy us. And I think you should go back. Rub it in that loser's face what he lost. Show your old pack that you are strong enough," he explained. I stood and paced the floor.

"I can't even shift! I can't fight! I'm weak and you know it, and you want me to go back to the place where I was constantly teased and ridiculed?" I asked in disbelief. He pulled me onto his lap and kissed the place where he marked me. I shivered involuntarily.

"You will learn how to fight. They will not mess with you and I'll have people by your side at all times to make sure of it. After we're fully mated, you will be stronger. You'll be able to shift soon; I'm sure of it," he said. I sighed and shook my head.

"At least give me a week to train so I'm not completely helpless," I asked. He nodded.

"After breakfast, I'll introduce you to the pack and then you'll start training with my Beta, Marco. Training with him everyday for eight hours," he said. I sighed and nodded. He was my Alpha; I had no choice.

"Okay," I agreed. He kissed my head before standing.

"I'm going to check on breakfast while you dress. Meet me in the kitchen when you're done," he said. I felt a small pull of loneliness when he was gone. I wish he stayed. I changed quickly and rushed down the stairs. I smiled as I went and willingly sat on Aspen's lap. He chuckled and kissed my cheek as his arms wrapped around me. Our bond was definitely growing. I sighed contently as a plate was set in front of Aspen and I. I moved to get off of his lap, but he didn't budge.

"Aspen," I said slowly.

"Just relax, little one," he said, picking up a forkful of food and aiming it towards my mouth. I looked at him curiously.

"You can't be serious? I'm not letting you feed me," I said. He growled and moved the fork closer to my mouth.

"Eat," he ordered. I sighed before obediently opening my mouth. He fed me that way the whole time; alternating bites between the two of us. I felt it was a little silly, but it made Aspen happy. He kissed my cheek before carrying me upstairs. I sighed and held onto his neck.

"I can walk myself, Aspen," I reminded him. He rolled his eyes.

"Just let me take care of you. My wolf feels bad for not being around as much and he's still upset about marking you without permission," he said. I sighed but I understood.

"We can always pretend like it never happened?" I suggested, really wanting to forget about it. He sighed heavily and put me on a bed next to a sleeping figure. I looked to see that it was Avery. She was out like a light. Aspen shook her awake. She grumbled but finally got up.

"What?!" she yelled, looking frustrated.

"I need you to get Cami ready for the pack barbeque today," Aspen ordered. I chuckled.

"You could say please," I said, raising an eyebrow at him. He only grunted in response and kissed my cheek.

"No, I will not. Not to her. I'll see you soon," he said. "Try not to miss me too much," he smirked. I smiled and shook my head at him. Aspen really was something else. He left me with a grumpy-looking Avery. Sighing, she finally got up and dragged herself to her closet. She emerged with two dresses in hand. She tossed them on the bed and looked me over with a yawn.

"I'm going to shower first, and then I'll pick you apart," she said bluntly. I chuckled and slapped her butt as she made her way to the bathroom. We both laughed as she disappeared into the bathroom. She came out with a towel wrapped around her body and hair.

"I'm guessing the white dress is mine?" I noted.

"This is technically serving as the Luna ceremony," she shrugged. She turned on some music before coming to look at the dresses with me.

"Do you think we're moving too fast?" I asked. She laughed and shook her head.

"Well, you guys are mates. Aspen has been looking for you since he was 17 years old. Then when he turned 19, he gave up for a while. He was the cruel, heartless Alpha that he is rumored to be. He had to wait until 21 until he found you. That's hard, especially for an Alpha."

I mentally grimaced.

"You're right... The sooner the better," I sighed, looking back to the dress I was to wear tonight. It was kind of weird in a way. I was to be the Luna of the Blood Moon pack, but instead, I was becoming Luna of a more feared pack because I was viewed as "too weak". I would show them all.

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