The Minx

Chapter 10

I walked towards the doors of the school with a silly smile on my face. I didn't even care that everyone was staring at me. I reached my locker and opened it. Everything was still there. I sighed and my smile slipped as I thought about what happened the last time I was here. So much had changed in such a short amount of time.

"Cami?" a voice asked hesitantly from behind me. I turned to see Leo. I smiled lightly at him.

"Hey big bro," I joked. He glared at me.

"Where the hell have you been?! I tried to find you but you were nowhere to be found. Have you gotten taller? And what the hell happened between you and Jack that made you run off like that?" he asked in protective older brother fashion. That was the thing about Leo; even when everyone else hated me, Leo still looked out for me. He was always a good brother, even though we weren't blood related.

I didn't know where to start. As far as everyone else was concerned, Aspen was my fated mate, and that was the story I was sticking to. I wouldn't dare to tell Leo about what Jack did.

"Leo, calm down. I left the pack," I started.

"YOU WHAT?!" he yelled at me, holding onto my arms tightly. He was pushed off of me as a Marco look-a-like stood in front of me with his arms crossed. He must have been Ben. He looked so much like a younger version of Marco that it was eerie. He looked just as strong as Marco too.

"You will not touch her," Ben said sternly, pulling me out of my thoughts. Leo, being the stubborn idiot he was, went chest to chest with Ben.

"Oh yeah, says who?" he challenged. I sighed and shook my head at him. Some things never change.

"Alpha of the Silver Bullet pack. You got a problem with that?" Ben answered, not in the least bit intimidated. With how strong Ben looked, and who his father was, he had no reason to feel intimidated. Leo looked past Ben to me.

"Seriously, Cam? What have you gotten yourself into?" he asked disappointedly. I stepped around Ben to face my brother.

"Stand down, Ben. He's my brother," I ordered. I turned back to my brother. "I'm stronger and faster. I can shift, Leo. And I didn't get myself into anything. Alpha Aspen Frazer is my mate. I'm not an Omega anymore, Leo. I'm the Luna," I tried to explain. He only stared at me in shock before he pulled me into a hug. I sighed and hugged him back.

"I'm happy for you sis," he said softly. "I'm worried, but I'm happy for you," he corrected himself. I smiled as I pulled away from him.

"Good," I smiled. He looked at me curiously.

"So what happened between you and Jack?" he asked. That was something I didn't think up an excuse for yet.

"He, um, he just embarrassed me by calling me names," I lied. Leo growled in response.

"That prick," Leo glared at nothing in particular. If Leo found out what really happened, he would probably kill Jack. A lot of times, if a mate is rejected, they die. It was just a good thing Aspen found me in time or I would be dead. Ben touched my arm gently.

"We're going to be late," he said. I nodded to him before I turned back to Leo.

"Leo, you know I love you dearly, but I have to go. I don't know when I will be able to see you again, but here," I said. I handed him my phone number. Before, I didn't have a phone because my stepmother didn't allow me to have one, but Aspen got me one the first week I was there. Leo hugged me once more before the first bell rang.

"I'll see you later," Leo said softly. I nodded before I followed Ben to our first class. We were late when we got there. Everyone turned and stared at us; more specifically, me. My eyes locked on one person in particular... Jack. He stared at me in shock while I only smirked and took my seat.

After class was over, I gathered my stuff and headed for the door. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Jack blocking my way. The teacher was nowhere to be found. I glared at him and held my ground.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him. He growled.

"That's no way to talk to your Alpha," he commanded. Before I would have been intimidated, but instead, I raised my eyebrows at him.

Do you want me to get rid of him? Ben asked, standing in the doorway.

We have history. I can handle this, no worries, I replied. Ben nodded but stood watch in the doorway anyway.

"Good thing you're not my Alpha," I said amused. He growled again and stepped closer to me so he was practically in my face.

"You will stand down, now," he growled. I couldn't help myself. I laughed. I laughed in his face.

"That's funny," I said when I calmed down some.

Jack is threatening me. I can handle him, but how soon can you get here? I mind-linked Aspen.

I'm right around the corner, princess, he replied. I smirked at Jack as he grabbed onto my arm. I felt nothing. Ben growled from the doorway.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I said, looking at is hand on my arm.

"I can't touch my mate?" he said threateningly. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"You're not my mate," I snapped at him. A loud growl shook the room. I smiled when I saw Aspen glowering at Jack's hand on my arm. "He is," I added. Aspen stalked towards Jack. Jack looked terrified. He let go of my arm and stepped away from me.

"And why are you harassing my mate?" Aspen growled at Jack. Poor Jack looked like he was about to pee his pants.

"I-I-I wasn't. S-She's my mate," Jack said nervously. I give him props for standing up for himself, but it was too little too late. Aspen growled louder and held Jack by his shirt.

"Touch my mate again and I'll kill you. Got it?" Aspen glared at him. Jack only nodded as he shook in fear. Aspen let him go before he pulled me into his side and kissed my head.

"Are you okay, princess?" Aspen asked me.

"Great," I smiled lightly. Jack glared at Aspen's back before he lunged for him. I saw it coming and pushed Aspen out of the way.

"No!" I yelled, holding my hands out. A light flashed out of my hands, knocking Jack on his butt. They all looked at me shocked as I stared at my hands with the same expression. Aspen was the first to talk.

"Continue your schooling. We'll talk when you get home, okay love?" he said softly. I only nodded as he kissed me gently and left. Ben led me out of the classroom and to our next class. For now, I would pretend like nothing happened.

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