The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 6

(Mila pov)

I couldn’t help but fill with complete happiness as I watched my friend smile down at her plate while we all sat together for dinner. I wasn’t the only one watching her either. The way Tristan stared at her intently and how he filled her plate up with food attentively and even pulled out her chair for her before we even sat’s like he is a completely different person.

Everyone else seems to think so too..especially Blake as he stares at Tristan with his mouth gaping wide open from shock. Lottie keeps nudging him in the side, trying to get him to stop staring but no one can look away. Even Rowan keeps blinking his eyes in confusion as Tristan and Lottie’s parents have the biggest grins on their faces. We all see the change, how Sadie isn’t pushing him away, and how Tristan is revealing this softer side of himself just for that no one knew existed. Well, I knew..Tristan has always been nothing but gentle and kind to me. That’s partly why I wished they would work things out..because I can feel in my bones that the moon goddess truly got this one right.

I knew their talk could go either way, especially with how upset Tristan was coming into the kitchen. Sadie has been through so much..she has lost not only her family but anyone that has ever made an impact on her life. I can feel her she is afraid to get hurt again after surviving through so much. I knew Tristan’s patience was wearing thin..only because he thought she was rejecting reality, she was just trying to protect herself.

Sadie began really opening up to me this past month. She and I would have late-night talks sometimes when Rowan was sleeping. I would feel her outside our door and I would tell her to go to bed. She has been watching over me since the moment she found me in that warehouse. She told me that our moms used to be best friends. I even talked to my dad about it and he does remember my mom speaking about her and actually meeting Sadie before I was born. We made it to Crescent Moon a few weeks ago and they welcomed Sadie with open arms.

My brother wouldn’t stop looking at her. I think he was so taken with her natural beauty and just overall strong presence. That was the first time I ever saw Tristan get jealous..and it was over a fifteen-year-old boy. That’s when I knew he had fallen for her already..even if he tried to deny it. Luckily Priya wasn’t there at the time..I know her and Tristan had a weird thing happen before but it never went beyond what Rowan and I walked in on.. Still, I know how it felt to meet Chloe and learn that she had been with Rowan..I still get a gross feeling just thinking about it..

I am more than relieved to know she isn’t in this pack any longer. I don’t think Calypso would be able to put up with it..especially with the stunt Chloe pulled at my Luna ceremony. Calypso is still pissed that I let her off the hook so easily.

‘Eat baby.’

Rowan’s voice filled my head and I hadn’t even realized my plate was already piled high like usual. I glanced over at him, smiling warmly as his hand squeezed my thighs. His fingers pressed into my flesh as those butterflies filled my belly like always. How could our bond still be like this? One touch from Rowan is more satisfying than anything else in this world. Our eyes locked, the air between us just as electrifying as always as I slid my tongue out, wetting my lips slowly.

‘Mila, do you want me to bend you over this table right now?’

He gave me a warning look and my cheeks instantly warmed, causing me to sit up straighter as I cleared my throat and began eating dinner.

‘Good girl.’

He whispered, sliding his hand up my leg as his palm slid between my thighs, grazing against my throbbing wet core.

I peered over at him mid bite, seeing that l**t filling his eyes as I swallowed hard, squeezing my thighs together and trapping his hand between them.

‘Rowan, didn’t you just get me in trouble for this? How is that fair?’

I asked breathlessly, making him move his hand away as his gaze burned into me. He was such a damn tease..

‘Sorry baby, go on then.’

He nodded toward my plate once more, signaling for me to eat as I took an aggressive bite of my meat and narrowed my eyes at him.

“So Mil, are you excited to come to Jacksonville with us tomorrow?” Blake asked, looking at me excitedly.

“Jacksonville?” I questioned curiously, glancing towards Rowan who suddenly jerked his leg, making Blake yelp. Then Rowans eye’s clouded over, like he was linking someone.

“Whoops.” Blake chuckled, shrugging innocently as Rowan sighed heavily.

“Well, I wanted to surprise you…” he shot a glare toward Blake.

“But I planned for us to head to the city on Friday and stay throughout the weekend.” He added softly, causing me to crash into him, hugging his side as I wrapped my small arms around his lean torso. A deep chuckle left him as he squeezed me tightly in return, kissing the top of my head, and inhaled deeply.

“Would you like to do that baby?” He whispered against my hair and I nodded my head vehemently, excited to finally visit the city I have heard so much about.

Don’t get me wrong, I have traveled to visit my dad and even to see Finn and Genevieve but it was always heavily guarded and planned out to the tee. Not saying this won’t be, but maybe Rowan and I can be like a real couple..go out to dinner or even see a movie..that’s what I wish for, to create those memories with my mate.

“About time you take my daughter out for some much-needed pampering!” Laura chimed in, making me smile.

“You’re just trying to get invited..” Blake teased, making his mom stick her tongue out at him.

“No, this is the getaway they’s not Paris but it could still get me that granpup I desire so badly..” she quipped, making Rowan choke on his water as his mom burst out laughing. She just loves to tease him about us having kids. At first, it was a genuine want for her but now she just does it to make her sons squirm.

I patted Rowan on the back, trying to help him clear his throat as he looked away from me nervously. I know not to bring up pups..I am still on birth control and he makes sure to come to every appointment to make sure I am receiving the shot right on time. He doesn’t want to share me he says, but a part of me feels like it’s something deeper. Considering I am still only eighteen we have more than enough time..but I hope when the time comes he will actually want pups.

Lottie and Blake on the other hand are the complete opposite of Rowan and I. Blake seems all about the idea of pups where as Lottie is the one against it. So Blake and I shared a look, and I couldn’t help but smile as his voice filled my head.

‘At least it was Rowan choking this time and not Lottie.’

Blake grumbled into my link and I felt Rowan now staring at me. I reached my hand out, squeezing his reassuringly as I continued eating.

‘I love you Mila baby.’

Rowan linked, drawing my attention as I looked into his worried eyes.

‘I love you too Rowan.’

I smiled softly, letting him know I was right here with him.

Just then Rowan’s Grandfather walked into the room, his outfit sharp and on point like always as he drew everyone’s attention.

“Sorry I’m late, I was talking with your brother. He is all set to visit in a few weeks.” He said to Rowan’s dad and I swear Blake and his father g*****d at the exact same time.

“Please don’t tell me Aiden is coming.” Blake huffed, glancing towards his grandpa as he shrugged sheepishly.

“What can I do? He is my grandson too..even though he pisses me off most of the time.” he walked over, sitting down in the chair next to me, and smiled his usual mega-watt smile in my direction.

‘How’s my favorite girl doing?’

He winked, nudging me softly as Rowan frowned, pulling me closer to his side.

‘Good Grandpa, let me get you some food.’

I linked back, quickly piling up his plate as Rowan watched me with narrowed eyes.

‘You didn’t do that for me.’

He whined, his jealousy making me want to laugh as I placed my hand on his thigh.

‘I will make it up to you later.’

I smiled, making Rowan swallow hard and his eyes slowly lowered their gaze to my lips.

‘F**k, baby.’

He g*****d, and I had to look away..I can’t get all worked up with Rowan’s Grandpa next to me! That would be so embarrassing.

It’s wierd..I feel like Grandpa Scott has turned into the grandpa I never had and always dreamed of having. He often times ends up taking me on some type of adventure whenever we are together and Rowan hates it. Now if I want to spend time with him I need Rowan there or at least three guards and Sadie. He calls Sadie and I his girls and tries to spoil us. Grandpa Scott says he always wished he could have had a daughter, even though Laura filled that role, he still wishes he could have done more with her. I guess he’s reliving that now. Like that time he took Sadie and me to get ice cream while Rowan was in a meeting. We ended up walking to the local park where we met a few of his friends that were playing a live concert outside, it was incredible. Rowan always gets nervous whenever we are together but it’s his Grandpa for Goddess much trouble can we get into?!

We all ate and chatted throughout the meal while Grandpa Scott told embarrassing stories about Rowan, Blake, and Tristan which we all loved to hear..but the guys weren’t too thrilled.. Sadie seemed enthralled by the stories of how responsible Tristan was and how Blake would oftentimes be the one to get him in trouble.

Rowan was a bad boy..through and through.. he and Finn even had motorcycles in high school.

My head snapped to Rowan, my eyes narrowing as I crossed my arms.

‘You won’t even let me ride on your motorcycle now but you let all those girls do it in high school.’

I pouted, making panic fill his eyes as he reached for me and I turned my head away like a brat.

“Baby, I don’t want you to get hurt. What if you let go and fall off? You mean everything to me..those girls meant nothing.”

He tried, pulling me into him as I heard Laura and Vincent stifling a laugh.

“Dad, stop causing trouble.” Vincent scolded his dad, giving him a warning look.

“Don’t get me started on when you were a teen..” Grandpa Scott threatened and Laura shot her mate a look.

“Oh do tell Dad, I think I would like to hear about that.” She raised her eyebrow, humor filling her eyes as Vincent did everything not to look toward his mate.

“Okay, Mila and I will see you tomorrow.” Rowan suddenly announced, pulling me out of my seat as I blinked with surprise.

“But I’m still eating.” I frowned looking down at the plate I just refilled.

‘You wanted a motorcycle ride..didn’t you?’ He looked at me curiously and I swear I never smiled so widely in my life. Boy did I love this man..

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