The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 5

(Tristan pov)

I walked into the packhouse and made my way up to Rowan’s office. I was in a horrible mood..the fact that my own mate still wants nothing to do with me pisses me the hell off. I felt my wolf Hadeon grumble. He doesn’t speak much but he sure knows how to roll on his back for Savanah like a f*****g love-sick teenager.

Hadeon growled at me, turning his back as he ignored me completely. Everyone I know has been encouraging me to reach out to Sadie. To show her I’m interested and practically stalk her. I am done with this shit..I don’t want to be a d**k but I’m not going to keep pursuing someone who can’t even stand being in the same room as me. I don’t need a mate, I don’t think I even want a f*****g mate.


Hadeon called me out, pissing me off even more as I walked up to Rowan’s door and knocked a little harder than I meant to.

“Come in.” He yelled, making me stand up straight and fix the collar on my shirt before striding in.

“Alpha, you wanted to see me?” I spoke firmly, glancing into the room and seeing Blake sitting on the couch with a worried expression on his face. What the hell was going on?

“Yes, I wanted to ask if there was any news from the scouts you sent out this morning.” Rowan inquired, sitting behind his large oak desk as I crossed my arms behind my back, standing firmly in front of him.

“Yes sir, I just got word that they stumbled across a few abandoned camps. They are following the scent as we speak and it seems to lead away from our borders.” I said matter of fact.

Rowan’s rigid posture seemed to relax more, his fingers tapping on the desk as he glanced toward Blake.

“Has the conference call been scheduled for the emergency meeting later?” Rowan asked Blake, turning his chair towards him slightly.

“Yep, all good.” Blake nodded his head and suddenly glanced towards me..that worried look resurfaced once more as my eyebrows knitted together.

‘What is your problem?’

I linked him, wondering why he was acting so weird.

Blake’s eyes widened and then he sat up, straightening himself.

“What’s going on with you..” Rowan called him out, noticing his off behavior too.

“I don’t know if I should say anything. I always get in trouble for meddling.” Blake sighed, emphasizing the last word to make his point.

“Just spit it out.” I snapped, already guessing what this was about.

“Well since you asked so nicely..” he said sarcastically, making me clench my fists and want to punch him in the damn face. He has been the worst since finding Sadie..he always talks to her and does s**t to annoy me even more.

I suddenly notice Rowan’s eyes cloud over, then Blakes did the same. I knew Rowan was talking to him privately now, probably telling him least I hope so anyways.

“Fine..I spoke to Sadie this morning. She said something that was..concerning.” He began, making me turn towards him fully as my jaw ticked and I tried to keep my cool.

“What?” I asked through gritted teeth.

“Well, do I say this..” He muttered to himself and I fought the urge to strangle him.

“Blake..get on with it.” Rowan sighed, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

“She said that she hopes Tristan gets a second chance mate..someone more..worthy she said.” Blake looked away from me, pity filling his face as my heart dropped..I didn’t want it to drop..I wanted to not give a s**t but of course, this whole mating bond has f****d me up completely.

“She plans to reject him?” Rowan broke the silence, disbelief filling his voice as he glanced toward me. I couldn’t look..if my Alpba had pity in his eyes too..I just couldn’t take it.

“That’s the thing..I get the feeling she thinks you will reject her.” He suddenly added, making me snap my head towards him.

“f**k that, I have been the only one actually trying.” I was even more pissed now. She is putting that s**t on me? I have been the one initiating everything and she says I will reject her..bullshit.

I was done with this, she thinks she can put this on me then she has another thing coming for her.

I quickly stormed out of Rowan’s office, hearing Blake and Rowan calling my name but not giving a s**t. I was going to handle this right f*****g now, I’m tired of playing games and I refuse to just sit around and wait for something to happen. We either do this or she can reject me right here and now..I’m done.

I followed her wildflower scent as the essence of spring led me to her in the kitchen. She was smiling softly at Mila as the sun caught her strawberry blonde curls and made them sparkle beneath the warm beams. I cursed to myself when my stomach flipped just from the sight of her..damn mating bond.

I notice the way her body stiffened as soon as I entered the room, making me realize I wasn’t the only one affected and this is one of the few times I had witnessed her react in my presence.

“Tristan, we were just made some muffins, did you want one?” Mila’s sweet voice filled the kitchen and I fought the urge to calm beneath her gaze..not this time..I needed this anger and rage to fuel me with what I was about to do.

“No, I need to talk to Sadie, now..” I was ready to end this either way. I’m done playing games.

Mila glanced between me and Sadie, obviously sensing some type of tension as she took off the pink apron she was wearing. It’s hard to stay mad when your adorably small Luna is putting her hands on her h**s and glaring at you. I cleared my throat, trying to calm myself a little as I let out a deep breath.

“Please..” I added for good measure, watching as Mila glanced towards Sadie once more and notice how protective she was of my mate. I can’t lie..the fact that all of these people get to be with her and see a side of her she never shows me leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

“I’ll just go bring these up to Rowan and Blake.” Mila smiled and grabbed a small plate of muffins before walking out of the kitchen with John and Dan following close behind.

Sadie wiped her hands on her apron and then swiftly took it off. I couldn’t help but admire her curvy figure as she turned around, showing me her round firm a*s. I have studied Sadie’s body for months from afar..committing each line, curve, and surface to memory. Sadie is the most stunning woman I have ever seen..she has such a wild beauty about her and I can’t help but imagine how it would feel to drag my fingers through her long unruly curls. I shook my head, trying to clear those traitorous thoughts from my mind.

Suddenly her clear blue eyes snapped to mine, her lips parting slightly as she stared at me, the silence between us was something I had become used to, considering she never links me to begin with and this is all I’m met with. But oddly it’s not awkward or uncomfortable.

‘Let’s go somewhere more private.’

I commanded, turning on my heel as I walk us towards an empty office I use sometimes during the day.

Opening the door, I step aside and let her walk in before me, her spring scent caressing my senses as my body stiffened from the close proximity. I need to get this under control..I need to put my foot down once and for all.

After she walked in, I closed the door and went to stand by the desk. Sadie’s arms wrapped around her body, her eyes looking around studying her surroundings as she was most likely planning the best exit strategy..I could see it in her eyes, she did not want to be in here, with me in particular.

“Let’s cut the bullshit..I don’t know what games you are playing but I’m not going to let this continue any longer.” I said curtly, trying not to yell as these roller coaster of emotions crashed through me. I hated feeling like this..feeling so out of control. I always prided myself on not reacting off of emotion and the first day this damn girl enters my life that all blew up in my f*****g face.

Sadie’s gorgeous aqua-colored eyes stared at me with confusion. I could see her brows furrow together as the thought of it being the cutest damn thing I had ever seen crossed my mind and I quickly locked that thought away. I am not letting the mating bond take this way in hell.

‘What games?’

She finally linked me, her voice soft and gentle..almost making me regret that I raised my voice, to begin with. I clenched my hands into fists, standing straighter as I watched her look down at the floor nervously. She looked so meek and delicate..almost like a young girl. Since the moment I met Sadie she has been one of the toughest and strongest people I had ever been in the presence of. She was a survivor, a true warrior..someone who has fought to stay alive every damn day for who knows how long..but right now, looking at her I feel like I was finally seeing her for the first time..and she looked fragile.

My wolf wanted to go to her, to comfort our mate and tell her she is safe now, but me..I didn’t want to face another rejection. That’s all I have gotten from her..nothing but rejection. Then she had the audacity to tell Blake that I would reject her? That’s why I’m mad.

“The game where you act like I will reject you. Where I am the bad guy in this where in reality I have been the only one trying.” I spat, my voice cold and full of disdain.

I hated that this woman had so much control over she could literally have all of me if she even tried one little bit..if she put any effort into this I know I would be putty in her hands and I hated that fact.

‘why even try?’

She countered, her voice barely a whisper as she turned away from me, hiding herself like she always does since the moment we met.

“Do you think I wanted you as a mate? That I wanted to have my emotions taken over by a woman who can’t even stand to look at me?” The words tumbled out of me before I could stop them, making her flinch as I knew what I said hurt her.

‘This should be easy for you then, just reject me and we can move on with our lives so you can get your second chance and meet someone more to your liking.’

She turned around, her eyes brimming with tears as a sharp gasp left me. She..she was about to cry? I felt like a complete a*****e..the words I said to her echoing through my head as I tried to step forward, causing her to step back.

‘Do it.’

She said coldly into the link, my eyes wandering down, settling on the scar across her neck as she quickly reached up, covering it like she was ashamed for me to even see it.

I took another step closer, causing her to do the opposite. I continued my movements until her back was flush against the wall causing her eyes to widen. I slowly lifted my arm up, the itch to touch her fully consuming me as I inched my hand closer.


She gasped, turning her head to the side as she shut her eyes tightly, causing those unshed tears to spill over making my heart clench.

‘You don’t think you deserve a mate.’

The reality of it all slammed into me, seeing her scared and practically shaking in the corner. The way she hid herself only from she pushed herself away and kept her distance. It wasn’t because she didn’t want was because she was afraid I wouldn’t want her.

‘I can’t even speak Tristan. I can’t laugh or cry out loud..these scars..if I can’t even bare to look at them, how can I expect my mate to.’

She pulled down her shirt, revealing three long gashes that not only went across her throat but down towards her chest as well. Swirling emotions filled me, anger for what that man did to my mate in the past, agony for how my mate sees herself so unworthy, and pain that she would think so little of me..that I would push her away just because of this.

I reached forward, my fingers slowly grazing her skin as she closed her eyes once again, turning away from me as I felt the rough texture beneath my fingertips. Does she not realize she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen? That this so-called flaw just adds to it..she has survived through so much..and yet I can see her slowly cracking beneath my fingertips.

“ are so f*****g beautiful.” I breathed, making a sharp breath of air escape her perfect pink lips.

I leaned forward, my head bending down as I placed my lips against her silky white skin, moving towards her scars I kissed every inch of gently. I knew I was walking a thin line, but she had to know this didn’t scare me..that I accept her..all of her.

‘I am the one who decides if you are worthy or not.’

I spoke gently into the link, feeling like I wanted to take dominate her and claim her right her and now but fighting that urge, knowing she needs me to be gentle..that she could bolt at any moment if I make one wrong move.

She g*****d into our link, our bond becoming stronger as I felt her giving up the hold slowly.

I gently wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into me as I stuck my nose onto the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply. Her scent causing my c**k to stir as the desire I felt for her began to consume me.

‘Please..give us a chance. Don’t give up on me..let me prove just how worthy you are.’

This was the most vulnerable I had ever been in my damn life. I was taking a chance, knowing if she rejects me it might just ruin me forever. Now that I have touched her, that I have tasted her skin and inhaled her scent..there is no going back. I want Sadie..she is mine.

Suddenly I felt her nodding her head, causing me to pull back as I looked into those bright aqua blue eyes.


She whispered into the link, my arms still tightly around her as I tried to process what she just said.

‘Okay? You will give us a try?’

I asked in shock, and she nodded her head again, causing her beautiful strawberry blonde curls to bounce up and down.

I swear I smiled like a damn fool. Happiness flooded through me and I picked her up and spun her around. I don’t know what the f**k came over me..but the sound of her laughter in my mind made my damn heart burst.

I leaned down, resting my brow agaisnt hers as our gazes locked. She still seemed apprehensive and nervous but I knew it would take time. I needed to show her she could trust me..I needed to try..for the first time in my life I would court a woman..and f**k me..I don’t even know where to start. But I will do it all..I will prove to my mate that she is worthy..but I just hope to the goddess that I am worthy enough for her.

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