The Lovenina princesses: New Beginnings (Book 1)

Chapter ~Part 3 : Welcome Darkness ~

“Hey, isn’t that Princess Lucy?” Marcus asked as he pulled his’s binoculars away after seeing red out of the corner of his eye.

“Where!?” Jackie demanded, ripping the binoculars out of his hands.

“Over there, don’t you see the red between the path?” Marcus asked, pointing.

“Over where? The only view here is trees. Ugh, I hate being on lookout duty.”

“I swear I saw her,” He said stealing back the binoculars and searching the forest for the pop of color.

“I don’t care I’m ditching; you do whatever you want,” Jackie said climbing down the ladder connected to the lookout point Raven created in the center of the forest so almost every corner of the forest could be seen from above.

“Fine, I will just figure it out myself, thanks for nothing!” He shouted after her.

Jackie shot him two middle fingers as she jumped halfway off the ladder.



“Who’s there?” Lucy asked turning around, hearing a twig break.

She heard the person getting closer as she apprehends footsteps crushing leaves.

“Whoever you are come out and show yourself I don’t bite!”

The forest became uncomfortably silent as all the shining stars burnt out.

Well, that isn’t supposed to happen, She thought pulling out a flashlight from her bag.

She quickly ducked as she saw a flash of silver when she flicks the light on.

“Well, apparently you do…”

Lucy stared in horror shining the light behind her; seeing a dagger stuck in the tree bark where her head used to be.

“Not hard,” A familiar voice answered, forming a flame, and shooting it up in the sky turning the once beautiful forest to a sickly orange.

“Welcome, Princess care to take a pit stop,” Marcus snarled, appearing in front of her. In a brown cloak, his whole outfit was a different shade of brown. Making him camouflage against the tree barks. Only his blue eyes and a loose strand of his platinum blonde hair made him stand out against the light of the flames.

“Um, I am already running late, so no time to chat,” She spits out, backing away.

Nearly tripping over her own feet, she and the boy makes eye contact; before her senses came back and she bolted.

Out of breath, but also trying not to breathe she scans the area for a hiding place.

“Damn it!”

Gasping Lucy notices the blood trail marking the diamond path, while she heard the heavy boots getting closer.

No, come on not now, we are not going to get queasy because of the sight of my own damn blood!

“UGH!” She groaned ripping the sleeves of her trench coat, tying it tightly around her wound.

“Well, fuck these are probably now broken rips,” She winces, biting down on her tongue to hold in a scream as she applies pressure against her wound.

“Come on stop bleeding.” She plead, fighting to keep her vision from blurring.

Wiping with her ripped coat she hopes by some miracle the blood will vanish from the path.

“UGH! This isn’t working!” She shouts into her ruined coat.

“Portal you dumbass,”

Lucy staggered against the closest tree pulling off her gem and begin to air write with it.

“Come on, please…”

She cried out as she watches the glittering word of Paris vanish in front of her.

“Of course, I am out of energy to open another portal,” She mumbled, “Well transforming is off the table.”

“Princess, I just want to chat about your gem, come out, come out, wherever you are!” Marcus growls scraping his’s nails against the tree’s bark.

“Fucking great.” She mumbles under her breath as her knees buckled, “Shit!”

“There you are!”

“Stay back!” She screamed out, holding her heel in front of her.

“HAHA, what are you going to do with a little shoe!” He laughed pulling her by the arm.

“Not so brave anymore,” He suggested as the shoe slipped from her hand.

“Maybe, but I am still smarter than you!” She announced, swiftly slamming her, lean short body against him. Making him stumble right into a thorn bush.

“Au revoir!” Lucy shouted, before grabbing her shoe and running toward the end of the path.

Her strength gave out when she reached the part of the path where she had first encountered Marcus.

“No come on body. I promise we will take a long nap. just not here.”

She heard his footsteps as panic took over her. She couldn’t stand without her legs crumbling. Her side was a violent red still dripping blood. She was drained and failing to stay calm at the amount of red that formed around her feet.

“Ironic that I found you in the same place you ran from,” He cackled shoving her against a tree.

Lucy tried to focus on the knife that was stuck in the tree instead of focusing on how her legs trembled.

“Oops that isn’t for you,” He stated by ripping the knife from the tree.

“F—F—uck you!” She choked out raising her fists.

“wow, Princess such language is improper for a royal,” He pointed out as a chain formed around her wrist.

She struggled to twist her injured wrist free as another chain wrapped around her other wrist and ankles.

“Now, that I’ve gotten you to stay still. Let’s chat,” He said watching another set of chains wrap around the Princess’s waist, “Cool trick, right, I enchanted the tree branches to alter into chains. Now how about that chat? Can you tell me why I can’t take your pretty gem?” He asked, pulling at the necklace.

“I don’t k—”

“Wait, a second?” He sound like a little kid as he took his hands off the gem looking up at her, with wide eyes.

“You have both halves of the Heart gem, that means you know the other Lovenina princess—


Lucy stared at her capturer as he moved his eyes from the gem to her, “You know her Don’t You!” All the childish left his voice while he grip the necklace too tight as he made his speculation.


“I—I, whatever excuse you are going to spit out. Stop! I can see it in your eyes you are going to lie. Now let’s try this again, where is the other protector?!”

Lucy stayed silent.

“Fine don’t answer that makes it more fun for me,” He replied, twirling the blade in his hand.

She clenched her teeth as she felt his’s eyes glued to her.

He had a wicked smile forming on his face as he continued to twirl the dagger.

“One more chance to speak up Princess or this “chat” is going to get painful for you,” He whispered in her ear, putting pressure on her wound.

“Even if I did know who the other Lovenina Princess is, why would I tell a jerk like you where to find her. I won’t be compelled by threats to help your jackass of a boss,” She stated spitting in his’s face.

“You are such an improper Princess no one will miss you!” He implied, jamming the knife into her right arm.

She bit down a cried as she felt the blade connect with her flesh.

“You must be talking about yourself.”

“Stop being cocky! Either answer my questions or I will stick more blades into that peach skin and paint it red!” He growled, ripping the knife out.

“You don’t scare me.”

“Oh, I will when you see how unpredictable my magic really is—”

“Are you talking about darkness?”

He laughed, “Wow you really don’t know anything, also you are supposed to answer my question, not the other way.”

“You didn’t even ask anything new.”

“I never got the chance to with you distracting me.”

“You distracted yourself by bringing up your “unpredictable” magic.”

“Ugh, who cares who distracted who just tell me what you know about the other Lovenina Princess and why your gem seems to be glued to you?”

“Those are two questions.”

“JUST ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!” He shouted, shoving a new blade into her other arm.

Tears flooded down her face as she saw how much red was leaking from her.

“It must be cool to summon blades.”

ANSWER THE QUESTION PRINCESS!” He demands while lifting her face with the handle of the next knife.

“I—I—Don’t know.”

Right, when she finished forming know with her lips she felt steel painfully tearing flesh.


Bursting out a blood-curdling scream she pulled at the chains.

Her throat felt raw as she continue to scream in pain and frustration, pulling at the chain until she twisted her wrist.

“Shh, we can’t let any of your little friends hear you,” Marcus whispered as he plugged her scream with his hand.

“If you stop lying we could have a nonpainful chat.” He said pulling his hand away, “You ready to tell the truth?”

“Yeah, you’re a jerk.”


“It’s not smart on your part to call the person holding the knife a jerk little L,” A cunning voice said as they appeared next to Marcus.

“Oh, so now you come running back after I message you that I had captured the Princess,” He snarls as Jackie grabbed the weapon from him.

“I didn’t think you actually saw her, but I am impressed that you did, so sorry or whatever about ditching you on duty,” Jackie said brushing her hand over the knife.

“Thanks, for kind of apologizing.”

“Don’t get used to it.”

“Have you tried throwing the knives that would be much more satisfying, with seeing where it’s going to land,” Jackie suggested by flinging the knife behind them causing it to collide with Lucy’s stomach.

“Are you crazy!” He yelled, ripping the blade out and placing his hands on the fresh wound as he begins a chant.

“I thought you were having fun with the Princess before you bring her to Raven. I just wanted to join the game.”

“This isn’t a game! She is a person I was just trying to get her to talk not kill her.”

“You say that yet…you been making her bleed out.”

“I have been healing her so she doesn’t pass out. Do you really think I am having fun stabbing an innocent person…I fucking hate it! I didn’t want to get violent, but she was being so stubborn, not answering any of my questions and one thing led to another. THEN YOU SHOWED UP—”

“Jesus, Marcus watch it you are aiming at the wrong target,” She informed, dodging a fallen tree.

“Oh, sorry,” He said under his breath as he noticed his right hand was glowing, uncontrollably shooting fire.

“You got to get that emotion under control.”

“And you got to stop pissing me off,” He added feeling how hot his skin was.

“Aw, don’t be like that.”

“Just, ugh, I need to be alone, don’t touch Her.”

“Whatever!” Jackie shouted as he teleported.

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