The Lies that Made Us

Chapter Rescue


Brynn caught Melwa as she collapsed next to him after the wave sent the other boat far out into the sea, pushing theirs in the opposite direction. He felt his own exhaustion at such a use of power, trying to slow his breathing.

“Mel, are you all right?” he said between breaths.

She nodded as she pushed off of him. “I just need a moment.”

Brynn kept his arm around her as they bent down together, both continuing to breathe hard. He heard a scream that made him let go of Melwa and stand up. His blood ran cold as he knew where he came from.

“Your highness, Prince Brynnwynn,” said Owain frantically.

Brynn turned to see Amelia’s feet go over the ship and heard the splash below. “No,” he gasped as he ran to the side of the ship.

He was ready to jump in after her, but he felt a hand on his arm. “It will do better to use your magic, Brynn.” Melwa peered over the side with him.

Brynn held his hand out, getting a feel for the water underneath. He was exhausted and drained, but his adrenaline would help him. He had to find her; there was no other option. He searched through the water, going down, down under the waves. It was taking too long. He swept his hand to the right and then the left. Precious seconds ticked by until it turned into a minute, then maybe two. It was going to be too late, but then he felt her. He sensed her fighting, her light flickering in the darkness of the water. Taking a deep breath, he lifted his hands, and he felt her start to rise. It was too slow.

“Help me, Mel,” he called as he kept his hand raised. He felt Melwa’s magic join is, and a few seconds later, Amelia popped to the surface of the water. She lay on her back, her eyes closed, her face pale. It scared him how still she was. He raised his hand, and a wave slowly brought her up and gently deposited her on the deck.

He fell beside her as Owain crawled over. “Amelia, please.” Brynn put his hand on her chest, noticing it did not move up and down with breath. He closed his eyes, panic flowing through him. His magic moved through her, searching for her light. As he closed his eyes, he felt the darkness within her swirling in her chest. There was still life and light, but it was hidden.

He searched through the darkness and paused for one moment as he felt another presence that shouldn’t have been there. It was dark, heavy, and frantic. It was also familiar. “Get out, now,” growled Brynn. “You almost killed her with your tricks. You still might if you do not let me work.”

The presence tensed and then moved aside, his brother for one moment doing as Brynn asked. Brynn willed his magic to grow in strength, not caring about how drained he was. He felt it move through the darkness, exposing the light that Amelia held. It grew bright, pushing back the darkness, sending Gareth’s presence away. Amelia coughed, causing Brynn to open his eyes and Owain to give a choked sigh of relief.

She turned her head and vomited up so much sea water it seemed impossible. Her chest rose and fell quickly as her eyes flew open. She gazed at Brynn with glassy eyes before they rolled back and closed. Her chest still rose and fell, settling into an easy rhythm, and Brynn dropped forward in relief.

“You need to get her warm,” said Melwa from above him. “Take her to her room and have her changed and bundled in blankets.” She looked at Owain. “You should go rest as well. You have been injured.”

“It is nothing,” said Owain. “She healed me, saved me.”

“You will still be weak; go rest, now. Brynn, you don’t have much time. Get her warm. I will take care of the mess out here.”

Brynn picked Amelia up as he stood, cradling her in his arms. He looked around the deck to see bodies everywhere. Most were shadow warriors, but there were a few of Melwa’s guards. Dark blood stained the wood as men threw dead shadow warriors into the sea.

“Make sure those killed cannot rise again,” said Brynn.

“I know what I am doing. See to your lady,” said Melwa. “I will check on her and Owain in a bit.”

Brynn took Amelia downstairs, Owain limping behind him, holding his back. “Are you sure you will be all right?” asked Brynn.

“I know I will as long as you take care of her. I am only sore and need rest.”

“Melwa can help you when she comes down. Until then, try to stay still,” said Brynn as he opened the door to Amelia’s room by adjusting her in his arms. He kicked the door shut behind him and laid her on the bed. She did not open her eyes, but she moved slightly as though trying to get comfortable.

“I just need to get you out of these clothes, my love. Then you can rest,” said Brynn. He started untying her dress, moving it down off her body as he shifted and lifted her slightly. Once he had her dress and shift off, he took one of the blankets and dried her as she shivered.

“Cold,” she whispered. “Dark.”

“I will get you warm,” said Brynn. He found her nightgown and put it on her as well as her robe. He then pulled off his wet cloak and shirt and got into bed with her, pulling up the blankets before he took her into his arms.

Her shivering lessened as she burrowed under his chin as though trying to absorb his warmth. He rubbed his hands against his back, keeping his eyes on her face, wondering why her eyes stayed closed. Perhaps she was exhausted from her effort on the ship’s deck or her experience in the water. He hoped that was all it was, just a need to sleep and rejuvenate. He closed his eyes and let a bit of his power run through her, searching to see if there was any injury he could not see.

He found nothing amiss except the darkness was covering her again, and in that darkness, the presence of his brother hung heavy. “What are you doing here. Leave her alone,” hissed Brynn.

Alive, she is alive.

“Yes, no thanks to you and your hellish soldiers. What did you think they would do?”

Dugan, he told me he would command them, tell them just to take her.

“Arrogant and foolish. Shadow Warriors are death. They only want those to join them, to be overtaken by the darkness. I doubt even you, the so-called Night, could truly command them.”

My Amelia, rest, my dear. I will come for you.

“She is not yours and never has been. Now leave and do not come back,” Brynn pushed his magic to its brink, moving the darkness as the presence of Gareth disappeared.

Exhaustion washed over Brynn like nothing he had ever felt. He was drained, emotionally and physically. His guardian magic was empty. He tightened his hold on Amelia and closed his eyes. “I will keep you safe. He will not have you,” he whispered before he fell asleep.

He barely remembered Melwa walking into the room and checking on them both. His dreams were filled with images of crashing waves, Gareth, and Amelia’s pale face as she floated in the water. Though he knew he slept through the night, when the first rays of the sun coming through the small window woke him up, he was still exhausted.

“Brynn,” whispered Amelia. Her voice sounded raw and muffled.

He leaned up and looked at her as she blinked her eyes. “Yes, Amelia. I am here.”

“I’m so thirsty. It feels like my throat is on fire.”

Brynn sat up further, finding a pitcher of water left on the bedside table, probably because of Melwa. He poured a glass. “It is due to the sea water you swallowed. Here.” He handed her the glass as she slowly sat up. “How do you feel?”

“Like I’ve been torn apart and put back together,” she replied before downing the water. When she was done, she moved the blanket and put her leg out, pulling up her night gown. There was a dark bruise and a red ring of raw skin close to her ankle. “They are such nasty things.”

“Do you remember everything?” asked Brynn.

“I think so,” said Amelia. She looked down for a moment. “Owain is all right, isn’t he? I believed I healed him.”

“He is fine. He will be sore and tired for a few days, but he will recover. I am sure Melwa did any additional healing he required last night. We can check on him soon.”

“And you, you are fine?”

He nodded. “What about after you feel in the water? Do you remember anything?”

She looked to be in deep thought. “Just flashes. I remember feeling like I could not keep awake under the water and then slowly rising. I know I lay on the deck at some point, and I saw your face over me.” She took a deep breath. “There was darkness and cold.”

“What about Gareth?”

“Gareth? He was here?”

“Not physically,” said Brynn. He fiddled with the blanket before Amelia put her hand on his. “I could feel him inside of you somehow. I was using my magic to help you, and I could hear him calling for you. He spoke to me through the connection.”

“What did he say?”

“He was worried about you, afraid you were dying.” Brynn gave a bitter laugh. “As if it wasn’t his fault, to begin with.”

“I do not want anything to do with him, Brynn. I don’t know how he is contacting me, but it is not because I want it.”

“I know, but it scares me. If he can speak to you through this connection, show you things, could he convince you to go to him or make you?”

“There are no words, or magic spell he could perform that would make me want to leave you and go to him,” said Amelia. “If his pull ever became too strong, I would rather end myself in a second than let him have control over me.”

“Those are comforting words, Amelia.”

“I believe I can fight him, Brynn. He is strong, but so am I. I had forgotten all that I was up in that tower, but I am starting to remember now.” She squeezed his hand. “I think it is because of you.”

There was a knock on the door before Brynn could respond. It was a Melwa, checking on them. She looked exhausted, her hands covered in dried blood.

“I’m glad to see you are awake, my lady,” said Melwa as she moved forward as one about to collapse.

Amelia got out of bed and went to her. “Have you been up all night?”

Brynn felt a tug of guilt as she nodded. He had left her all alone to tend to Amelia, left his fellow Guardian to clean up the mess, tend the injured, and keep those who died from rising. Amelia took Melwa’s filthy hand and closed her eyes. Melwa was still for a moment as a soft light encircled them both.

“Thank you,” Melwa said with a sigh of relief.

“You should go clean up and rest,” said Amelia as she let go of Melwa’s hand. “Brynn and I can do anything necessary, your highness.”

“Most is cleaned up on the deck. You should check on the injured as you might be able to heal them better than me, my lady. It never was my strongest power.” She looked at Brynn. “We weren’t blown too far off course and should still reach Erialla tomorrow as long as we don’t run into any more trouble.”

“We won’t,” said Amelia. “I will see to it. I will not rest or let my guard down until we reach your shores.”

Melwa thanked her and left with much more energy than she came in with. Brynn and Amelia helped each other dress before Amelia went to Owain to check on him and then to the guard’s quarter to see about the injured while Brynn went up to the deck. It was quiet as guards moved slowly around the edges, keeping their eyes on the water. A few had mops and buckets, cleaning the last of the dark blood from the wood. There were fewer men now, but it could have been much worse.

Brynn moved to the front of the ship, looking out onto the sea. The day was heartbreakingly lovely, with a warm sun for fall and a crisp breeze. It seemed impossible that there was so much horror around them just hours ago. He rolled his shoulders, trying to loosen his neck as he closed his eyes. The wind picked up for a moment, sending water spraying on him, a chill going through his body. With it came the memory of feeling Gareth moving through Amelia, of hearing him calling Amelia his.

“She is not yours,” said Brynn in an agitated whisper. “She never has been and never will be.” He brooded on his thoughts as he opened his eyes, keeping watch on the horizon as though he expected to see a dark ship appear.

He didn’t know how long he stood there, but eventually, he felt a soft hand slip into his. Looking down to his side, he found Amelia staring out at the sea. She slowly turned to him and gave him a tired grin that he returned.

“Erialla,” she said softly. “I will finally see it.”

Brynn gazed at her and realized there was a light in her eyes he had not seen since finding her in the palace tower. He hadn’t realized how much it transformed her until this moment, but now, she truly looked as she did in all these dreams he had during those lonely three years. His Amelia. His.

Her grin turned to a smile as the wind whipped through her hair, and Brynn pulled her closer. She had to be his because he had been hers for so long, he couldn’t belong to anyone else. As he stared at her in the morning sun, something flared within him, a lightness that felt familiar. One filled with mischief, lazy afternoons, strolling by the river, and late nights of kissing and touches, not wanting to ever leave her presence.

Just like the light in Amelia’s eyes, he had not realized this feeling in him had been missing. He had not been who he was in some time. He had been lesser, dark, his feelings kept behind a wall of grief and guilt. Even with the grim night they had experienced and the uncertainty up ahead, he could not help but feel hopeful, happy. Happy, it had been so long since he could use that word to describe any feeling of his.

Amelia gave him a questioning look, but he only smiled wider at her. She was his and he was hers, and somehow they would be together in the end.

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