The Lies that Made Us

Chapter Go Too Far


Everything seemed so bright, so clean, so alive. As Amelia walked through the city of Elinnial, she could not take it all in. The shores with their white stone and tidy homes were welcoming as the ship docked. The streets were alive with people running between stores. As she walked next to Brynn with Melwa in front of them and Owain behind, guards flanked their sides, front and back. People stopped to watch them as they made their way to the palace.

The palace, like everything around it, was beautiful. It stood over the city with its white walls and a dark gray roof, looking like something out of a storybook. She noticed Brynn watching her as they came to the palace gates.

“I can see why you weren’t in a hurry to leave this place,” she murmured as they stopped in front of the gates.

Brynn took her hand and squeezed it. “It is wonderful here, but the only reason I stayed was that I thought I had lost you. As soon as I knew you were still alive, I came straight back to Evalmore. There is no place so beautiful that could keep me from you.”

She squeezed his hand in return, and he did not let it go until they were well through the gate. As they entered the palace, there was a flurry of activity as several people appeared in the entryway. The first was a young man who Amelia could tell must have been Melwa’s brother. He had the same eyes, and the shape of his mouth was similar. He patted his sister’s shoulder in welcome and then took Brynn’s hand with a smile.

“I’m glad you made it after getting your letters. We were about ready to send out a ship to look for you,” said the prince. His eyes went to Amelia.

“We were not very late, just thrown a little off course,” said Brynn. “We will talk more about it later.” More people came into the entry hall, a middle-aged, well-dressed man and woman who were obviously the King and Queen of Erialla, and then two men, one young, one older, both handsome with tan skin and deep brown eyes. The younger one walked up to Melwa, bringing her hand to his lips.

“I am so relieved to see you safe,” said the man.

“And I am glad to see the king is well enough to join us,” said Melwa as she looked at the older man.

“And Brynn,” said the queen as she walked forward. “You are welcomed here, of course. Will you introduce your friends?”

“Of course, your majesty.” He took Amelia’s hand and brought her forth. “This is Lady Amelia Fox. I believe you have heard me speak of her before.”

The queen nodded before looking at her husband, who stepped to his wife’s side. “We have heard you speak of her, and it seems from your’s and Melwa’s letters that there is quite a story to tell.”

“Indeed,” said Brynn. “This is Owain Wilkins. He oversees Lord Fox’s guards and is here as Lady Amelia’s protector.”

The queen and king both nodded towards him. “You should all come in and get cleaned up. Supper is not too far off, and I am sure we have plenty to talk about before and during. I will see about getting Lady Amelia and her guard somewhere to stay.”

“I can do it, mother,” said Melwa. “There is a room close to me and not too far from Brynn. I think she will be most comfortable there. Owain can be put at the end of the hall by the stairs so he can keep watch as he likes once he has recovered from his injury.”

“Injury?” asked the king. “Do you need a healer, sir?”

Owain shook his head. “Just some rest in a good bed, your majesty.”

They walked up the stairs, Melwa nodding to her husband before going to the second floor. She walked down the hall and smirked as she stopped by a door. “You can have your old room, Brynn. How much you actually use it is up to you.”

Amelia felt her cheeks color slightly, but she kept her back straight and head up. She would not be ashamed of being with Brynn. Of all the things she had done, loving him was the least shameful thing she could think of.

“And I shall put you here, my lady,” said Melwa as she opened a door two down from Brynn. “My room is just across the hall should you require anything. I am sure my mother will have some water sent up, and perhaps we can find you a clean gown or two that will work.”

“Thank you, your highness,” said Amelia. “You have done so much for us.”

“Brynn is my friend and a fellow Guardian,” said Melwa. “Also, I think you and I have been through enough to drop such formalities. You should call me Melwa or Mel, whatever you feel comfortable with.”

“And you shall call me Amelia?” asked Amelia with a small smile.

“If you wish. It should not be hard. I’ve heard your name for years without your title as Brynn languished for you.” She laughed a little. “Refresh yourself and rest. I imagine the conversations downstairs will be taxing. My father-in-law and husband are both Whisperers of the wisdom, and they do like to ask questions.”

She walked into her room and shut the door as Brynn turned to Amelia. “Will you be all right for a bit?”

“Of course. We are in a safe place amongst your friends,” said Amelia.

“We are, but there is one who can contact you no matter where we are. I don’t want you to be alone if he comes again.”

“I am not tired or injured. I can keep my guard up against him. Do not worry, Brynn. I will just clean and change. Perhaps you can come to get me in a little less than an hour in case I lose track of time.”

Brynn grinned. “I will, but it is hardly likely. It was always you keeping me on task.”

“In the past, yes, but with my years of having no schedule, it is not easy to mark the passing of time. You have been training and living a disciplined life as a Guardian, so I must depend on you.”

He took her hand and grew serious. “You can depend on me. I know it may be hard to think it after I left you alone all those years.”

“It was not your fault.” She saw the shame and guilt in his eyes. She wondered if they reflected her own.

“There was so much more I could have done. I am going to live every day trying to earn your forgiveness, show you that I will not let you down again.”

“You have not let me down anywhere close to how I have disappointed myself.”

“I will also spend every moment convincing you what happened was not your fault. That shame you carry so blatantly on you is misplaced. I wish you would let it go,” said Brynn.

She tried to give him a grin, but it would not come. Instead, she opened her door and walked into her room. It was beautiful, filled with light from the two large windows that faced the town. A large canopied bed lay on the left wall and a fireplace with two chairs and a small sofa across from it. There were logs ready to be lit, so Amelia walked to the mantel and threw out her hand. A flame sprung up and soon became a roaring fire.

Servants came with water and helped her bathe. They brought a light blue dress from somewhere that fit her well. It was made of satin with sleeves coming down to her elbows and a neckline lower than she was used to wearing. After pulling her hair up in braids, the servants left her, and Amelia sat down in front of her fire to wait for Brynn.

As she watched the flames, she was for a few moments taken back to the tower she was imprisoned in for three years. Many days all she had to do was stare into the flames as they danced before her. She would contemplate her life and how she had ended up as she did. She would think of happier times, and sometimes she would close her eyes and wish she could summon Brynn to sit beside her.

She had loved Brynn in some way the moment she met him. She could still remember the smile he gave her that first day she walked into the palace. In her room at her father’s home, several books held pressed flowers he had given her. In one of her jewelry boxes, there were not necklaces, rings, or hair combs, but different color rocks Brynn had picked up in his youth. She had always loved walking along the river looking for rocks, and sometimes if Brynn had free time, he would go out and look for her when she became busy with her lessons.

Amelia had been proud of who she was. She worked hard to train and move her way up the Light Bearers. She tried to be kind and compassionate, as her mother had taught her. The lessons the king gave her on bravery and wisdom were interwoven into everything she did. Before her time in the tower, her life had been set before her with limitless possibilities. She could become the master of the LightBbears, keeping her kingdom safe. She could travel and experience the world as she had always dreamed. Above it all, she wanted Brynn by her side. There wasn’t much she wouldn’t have given up to be with him.

Then everything had happened, and she spent three years in hell feeling abandoned and defeated. Gareth had made her do things that betrayed everything she had worked for, her very being. When she finally left the tower, she was so changed she hardly recognized herself. She recently caught glimpses of the Amelia Fox she spent years building, but even with all her changes, one thing remained. Her heart belonged to Brynn, and she wanted nothing more than him.

But could she have him now? He was adamant that they could be together, but how? Gareth could not be king. He had to be stopped, leaving Brynn as the King of Evalmore as it always should have been. Her dream was to rule alongside him, supporting him as his queen, but too much had changed. No matter how much evidence was revealed or confessions were made, some would still whisper about her being found guilty of killing the king. What she did in the tower with Gareth would forever follow her around.

As she sat there in front of the fire, she did the very thing she told Brynn she would not. She let her guards down, went into herself, and spoke to the darkness that was there.

You are here, aren’t you? She waited as the darkness converged around her light.

Amelia? You are alive? You are well?

Yes, yes. She huffed in irritation. I don’t see why you care since you sent those unholy beings to kill us.

Not kill, come get you, and bring you back to me.

Why not come yourself?

She felt Gareth groan. I wanted to, but I knew you would sense me several miles off, sound the alarm. Dugan thought this was the best way. I was a fool to believe him.

You are a fool to be doing what you are doing. You will destroy not just our kingdom but the world.

No, I will make it better. We will make it better.

She shook her head, delusional. He was delusional. How?

Too much chaos now, too many rulers, people suffering.

You care about people suffering? She scoffed.

He chuckled. It is not my main priority, but I know it happens. Those in Achillia especially have been held back, starved in places.

She paused. She had always seen Achillia as a cursed kingdom with those who deserved to be cut off from the rest of the world. After discovering the dark magic was not what she thought, she was beginning to doubt what she knew of Achillia. After being in the palace, she did not doubt evil people were there, but the whole kingdom could not be full of horrible folk.

More conflicted than you thought? She could almost feel him move closer to her

Not about you. I know what you are.

Before he could respond, Amelia heard a knock at her door. She shook her head, the room coming back into focus.

“Amelia, are you all right?” Brynn asked through the door.

She stared at the door, wondering what to say. She felt guilty at what she had done, but if she could find something out from Gareth that could help them, maybe she would keep the line of communication open.

“Amelia?” Brynn started to sound worried.

“I’m coming,” she called as she stood up and walked to the door. As she opened it she pulled him into her room and kissed him immediately.

His arms wrapped around her as he leaned into their kiss. When he finally pulled back, she smiled. “There is no need for you to do anything to earn forgiveness from me. If there was any debt between us, it has been settled. I know who you are, and it has made me remember who I am.”

“You are everything good,” he said as he reached up and touched her cheek.

“So are you,” she responded before kissing him again.

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