The Lesser of 2 Evils



Watching how they manhandle Kristina infuriates both Gunner and I, and I can hear the disgruntled murmurings from the rest of the pack as well.

Nobody likes it.

We don’t treat anyone in our pack as property – to do so is disgusting and seeing them treat anyone in such a way is intolerable, let alone our future Luna! I also know Kristina will not want anyone else to die on her behalf so I do the next best thing I know to do.

“I, Alpha Xavier, challenge you, Alpha Lincoln, to a fight –” I start to say but Kristina interrupts me.

“Xavier – what are you doing?” She gasps out, horrified at the turn of events. Dismayed at the intimate use of my name, Alpha Lincoln releases her arm and instead pushes her to the ground.

“Whore!” He moves to kick her when I interrupt him, distracting him with the rest of my challenge. I’m banking on his ego being a bigger factor than his pride.

“Alpha Lincoln!” I shout, grabbing his attention and sparing Kristina a kick. Stunned that he would treat her so poorly in front of us, I can only imagine the treatment she’ll receive should she return with him.

“What are your terms?” He asks with a sneer, his voice pure bravado. Ignoring Kristina, I maintain his gaze.

“You and I only, to the death - winner gets Kristina. Regardless if I win or lose, your pack goes home with no more violence - ever,” I flick a glance at her to silently beg her for lowering us to his level and treating her like a prize to be won. I know she’ll hate that I’m putting myself at risk like this, but I’m confident in my abilities and strength. Besides, as Alpha I have to do what is best for my pack and more fighting is not what’s best for anyone.

“Agreed,” he states, retreating slightly to ‘his’ side of the battlefield. A circle forms around us as everyone stays to watch and see how the fight ends, each side hopeful of their Alpha’s victory. Neither side trustful that the other will keep their word and stay out of it so there are suspicious glares being cast in every direction as Kristina takes her spot at the side of the circle. Her eyes never leave me, even though I don’t look at her I can feel their weight as I mentally prepare myself for what lies ahead.

It is never easy taking a life.

We each take up position opposite one another and shift. Letting Gunner step forward is easy and smart – his primal instincts take over and our heightened senses become even more elevated. Watching and learning Lincoln’s moves - like he always shifts his right rear foot back just before leaping forward and he pins his ears before snapping or biting. Using this information against him, we dance in circles for a few minutes, causing him to become increasingly frustrated and infuriated.

Something else Gunner can use against him.

His moves become increasingly sloppy the more agitated he gets when Gunner sees his tell-tale foot shift. Gunner makes like he is going to leap but instead goes low when Lincoln jumps, using one of his claws to cut open Alpha Lincoln’s belly as he passes overhead. The wolf collapses as he lands, already dying. Slowly and painfully the wolf shifts back to Alpha Lincoln, whose eyes meet mine before going blank with death.

The reign of Alpha Lincoln is over.


Gunner shifts his attention to the rest of the invading pack and growls, showing his desire for them to leave. Shocked and horrified faces turn as one, some even crying as they shift and race for the territory border away from us. A small group of them approach Alpha Lincoln’s body and carefully pick him up, carrying him with them as they leave.

I approach Gunner and drop to my knees in front of him, taking his face in my two hands. Looking into his eyes, I rub his face gently with one of my hands.

“Thank you, Gunner,” I tell him sincerely. Standing, I turn to the rest of the pack.

“Thank you – everyone,” I mindlink and various members begin to approach me. All introduce themselves; some shake my hand while some women hug me, all of us so used to nudity being surrounded by it from shifting we think nothing of it. Gunner remains standing at my side, not moving an inch. Eventually the crowd begins to disperse so we can deal with our own injured and few dead. I turn back to Gunner.

“Gunner, I need Xavier back now – okay? I’m not going anywhere so we’ll see each other again, I promise,” I vow. Gunner licks my face before stepping back and shifting, leaving a nude Xavier standing in front of me. Again, I keep my eyes on his.

“Thank you, Xavier,” I whisper, emotion begin to take over again. He and his pack risked everything for me and there will never be enough time for me to show my appreciation, enough ways. Their heroism and bravery has set me free, allowing me to look forward to a life of no longer being hounded by Alpha Lincoln or my old pack.

They’re out of my life forever.

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