The Lesser of 2 Evils



I’ve had a lot of sex with a lot of women and never really had to try for it, it came pretty easily for me. Especially being Alpha – the she-wolves practically line up for a chance in the hopes they’ll be chosen to be Luna. Of course, none of them ever came close because I was too happy going along as I was, whoring myself out to anyone available and willing to spread her legs for me to even consider settling down.

All of that has changed.

For the first time in my life, I’m chasing a girl – and I like it. I knew wolves enjoyed the chase; I never knew it applied to relationships too – who knew? We’ve gone on a couple more dates – private dinners mostly instead of eating with the pack – just taking opportunities to be alone whenever we can. As Alpha, my time is often in demand so some days this can be tricky but no matter what kind of day I have, I always make time for Kristina – even if it is only to enjoy a meal together.

After five such dates, I have an extra special evening prepared for her. As usual, we’re eating in my suite but I’m going all out tonight. Candles, wine, crystal glasses and fancy dinner plates – the best of everything including food which means I didn’t cook it. I’m also not serving tonight so I can focus all of my time and energy on Kristina, which is precisely where I need to be focused.

She arrives on time, looking as lovely as she always does. Her long brown hair is pinned up on top of her head in some magical way I never understand and her dress leaves her shoulders and back exposed – sexy.

“You look beautiful,” I say by way of greeting as I kiss her on the cheek, letting her into my room. She blushes as she always does and thanks me, complimenting me in return. I help her into her seat at the table as Scott, our server tonight, pours us each a glass of wine. I know Kristina is a lightweight so we won’t be doing a lot of drinking, just a glass to go with the meal.

Scott performs his role perfectly, keeping it ‘professional’ and resisting the temptation in engage in casual conversation with us while serving. Kristina and I, as always, talk easily about everything and anything – never running out of things to talk about. I’m not sure how it is possible but as always, the conversation flows easily with her, I don’t feel any obligation to be anyone but myself with her. It is an amazing feeling, the freedom to be one’s self – to be that comfortable with someone, it’s incredible.

She’s incredible.

Scott leaves after serving us our lava cake desserts – I’ll worry about clean up later. Kristina and I indulge ourselves with the rich, chocolatey delicacies before retiring to the sitting area. We sit side by side on the couch, finishing the last of our glasses of wine.

“Kristina,” I start as I take her glass from her and place it with mine on the coffee table in front of us. She turns herself to face me more directly and I do the same. I take her hands in mine and look into her eyes. I take a deep breath.

“You’ve come to mean a lot to me Kristina,” I say. It is still too early in our relationship for ‘love’ but I’ll admit to strong feelings of affection, concern, care… I like her a lot - A LOT a lot. Her sense of humour, her kindness, her strength – there are so many attributes I could list that appeal to me about Kristina. She smiles.

“You mean a lot to me too, Xavier,” she says, reassuring me I’m not alone in my feelings. I exhale abruptly, not even aware until this exact moment how nervous I was that she wouldn’t reciprocate my feelings.

Leaning forward, I brush my lips across hers gently, ever so faintly. Our first kiss is tender and brief but wonderful and full of promise. It makes me want more, desire more, yearn for more – more kisses, more touches, more Kristina.

But I won’t rush her.

I’ll wait as long as it takes until she is ready, if ever. I can see – and hope – that this relationship can go the distance if I don’t screw things up by pressuring her into anything she isn’t ready for. If it means waiting on sex – then I’ll wait.

My blue balls have gone this long, what’s a little while longer?


I lean in to kiss Xavier again – one kiss is not enough. He meets me halfway, his lips quickly on mine but he doesn’t push me to open my mouth and he isn’t aggressive – he lets me take the lead. I know Xavier has more experience with sex – a lot more and it is early in our relationship for either of us to say ‘I love you’ even though I know I do – Xavier Adams is the one for me.

There’ll never be another.

He is kind, intelligent, generous, brave and my personal hero – he saved my life, literally. At first, I worried I was suffering from a case of hero worship but the more time I spent with him, the less worried I became. Xavier is simply a wonderful person and I enjoy being with him. The more I’m with him, the more I want to be with him – my own personal brand of heroin.

Our lips meet again, only this time with more passion. Xavier keeps his hands at his side, likely in an effort to not push me or the situation to any limits I’m not comfortable with so I know I’m going to have to take the lead. Having never done this before, I’m completely out of my league so simply go with what feels best.

With his soft lips firmly on mine, I lick his bottom lip with my tongue and he promptly opens his mouth to me. Not sure what to do next I hesitate but thankfully Xavier senses my doubt but not reluctance and sweeps his tongue into my mouth. He probes and penetrates, thrusting and twining as we make out heavily, his hands still pinned to his sides.

I wrap my arms around his neck, twisting my fingers into his hair as I pull myself onto his lap, straddling him. I can feel his rock-hard erection between my legs and when I lower myself, my core grinds against him, causing us both to moan in ecstasy. Xavier’s hands finally move as he brings them to my hips to hold me in place.

“Kristina –“ Xavier gasps, breaking our kiss as he tries to pull away. We’re both panting heavily, arousal dilating our pupils and accelerating our heartbeats.

“Xavier, show me,” I say as I place my hand over his heart. I don’t know how to use my words to say what I need to express but he seems to understand. He rests his hand over top of mine.

“Kristina, are you sure this is what you want?” He asks, hesitant to push me beyond my comfort level. I give him a wide smile before leaning in and kissing him deeply. When we break apart, we’re both breathing even heavier than we were before.

“I’m sure, Xavier,” I say before sealing my lips over his again. We kiss passionately for several minutes more until we break apart and Xavier gently removes me from his lap. Standing, he reaches out a hand for me to take as he helps me up off the couch. I take his hand as he leads me to his bedroom, pulling me into his embrace as we enter.

He kisses me again as his hands drift up my bare back, leaving chicken skin in their wake. He unties the knot holding the top of my dress up at the back of my neck which, once undone, allows my dress to fall to the floor in a pile. He steps back slightly to view me standing mostly naked in front of him, left in only my panties as he pulls me into his arms again, his lips on mine.

Guiding me to his bed, Xavier lies me down on it on my back before laying down beside me, leaning over top of me. Our lips barely part, his hands moving across my mostly bare body, leaving me wanting more with every touch of his.

“Kristina?” Xavier asks me one more time to which I smile and nod yes, I want this to happen. His lips move down to my breasts, his eyes never leaving mine as he first licks then suckles one nipple before moving to the other. The sensations he is bringing me are like nothing I’ve ever experienced before and suddenly I understand what all the fuss is about.

Xavier lavishes attention on both of my breasts until I don’t think I can take it anymore when I shout his name, groaning as my first orgasm shudders through my body. Xavier doesn’t slow down, sliding down my body as he leans over me, his eyes still on mine.

“You’re so beautiful, Kristina” he says as he watches my body go through the motions of it’s climax. Using both hands he slowly starts to pull my panties down my legs before dropping them to the floor, leaving me completely bare in front of him. Embarrassed and shy, I try to conceal myself using my hands.

“Never hide yourself from me, Kristina,” he says in admiration, a beatific smile on his face as he gently pries my hands out of the way. He takes it a step further, parting my legs at the knees and leaving me fully exposed before him.

“Goddess… so beautiful…” he whispers as he leans forward to put his mouth on me. His tongue and lips begin to do wondrous things to my clitoris, causing feelings I never knew were possible. I begin moaning his name, desperate for more but unsure of what I want. When Xavier slides his first finger into me, I shatter like broken glass. Never having sex before – or even an orgasm for that matter, I didn’t know what to expect and now being with Xavier – I’m glad I waited. His tenderness and caring makes me feel special, unique – like I’m the only woman in the world.

Like I’m the only woman in the world for him.

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