The Legend of Silver and Gold Book Two The Old Ones

Chapter Chapter Twenty Nine

Molly and Tora were sitting in the foyer when they felt the house shake a little. They looked at each other.

“What was that?” Tora asked.

Without warning, the lights went out. Both girls stood up. They felt the house shake again. This time, it felt more intense. The door to the foyer opened and the two girls saw Carver and Eir enter.

“What’s going on?” Molly asked as the house shook again, causing things to fall down, some of which broke. “I thought no one could enter the house without permission.” It felt like whatever was causing the house to shake wanted inside.

“I’m not entirely sure.” Eir said. “My home has never been attacked like this before.” She rushed over to a shelf and picked up a sword. “Safe to assume though that it’s an enemy.” She wasn’t about to go down without a fight. “Carver get the girls to the garage. We might have to flee the house.” She knew that the sewer tunnel was their best chance for an escape.

“Are you sure?” Carver asked. He wasn’t keen on sticking around but he knew that they had a better chance of defending themselves in the house. Once they were outside, they would have very little protection.

“Yes.” Eir replied as the house shook more violently. “My house might not last too much longer at this rate.” She would be surprised if the house lasted a few minutes.

Carver looked at Tora and Molly. “Let’s get going.” He told them.

The three ran out of the foyer into the hallway as the house shook more. The sound of cracking glass could be heard.

Molly looked at one of the windows and screamed. Carver and Tora both turned to the window. Tora screamed. The entire window was covered with snakes that somehow were slithering all over it. It was impossible to tell how many snakes were on the window. A few were hitting the window with their heads.

“We need to get out of here.” Carver said. He looked over his shoulder. “Eir, get over here! The house is under attack by snakes! They’re trying to break through the windows!” He knew that if the snakes got through the window, Eir wouldn’t be able to get to the garage.

Molly and Tora screamed as the snakes hit the window again, causing the house to shake. Carver took their hands and led them out of the hallway and into the garage. He was relieved that the garage doors were all closed. The snakes would have had an easier time getting in if it had been left open.

Eir joined them as the house shook again. “We don’t have much time.” She told them. “The snakes are relentless.” She shook her head. “I’ve never seen snakes act like this. Something is driving them to attack the house.”

“It’s me.” Molly said in a frightened voice. “Tempest must have Coatlicue attacking the house with snakes.” She remembered the snake-like Old One from the hotel. “He must be getting impatient and is having the Old Ones attack us.”

Carver looked at Eir. “Lead the way.” He told her. His eyes started to glow blue. He could sense all the faucets turning on and water coming out of them. He made sure all the handles were turned so as much water was coming out of them. He made some of the water block the drains so the water would come out of every sink, toilet and shower stall and onto the floor. He grabbed some towels and blocked the bottom of the door. He wasn’t sure if it would hold off the snakes for long but he knew that it would slow the water down.

Eir opened the entrance to the secret tunnel. “We should be safe once we’re down here.” She said. She looked down into the tunnel. “Never mind.” She said before she quickly closed the hatch. She looked at the others. “There are snakes down there and it looks like they’re slithering up the wall to get in here.”

“We’re trapped.” Tora said. “We can’t escape down there and the walls are covered with snakes.” She looked around as the house shook again.

“What about the car?” Molly asked, pointing at the vehicle. “If we were to fly out of here, we might be able to lose the snakes if we keep going fast.”

“Except we have no idea how large of a group this group of snakes is and we don’t know how much gas is in the car” Carver reminded the two. “If we tried to flee in it and not get far enough, we’ll get overwhelmed by the snakes.” His eyes glowed blue again as he focused on the water, it was starting to drip down the stairs. He wasn’t sure if there would be enough to mess with some of the snakes’ ability to slither but he didn’t want to think about it too much.

Molly looked up at the ceiling. “How long do you think we have before they break through the protection?” She asked as the house shook again.

“Maybe a few minutes.” Eir admitted. She looked at her car. “We should have enough gas to get away from here but we’ll need to decide where we’re going before we get too far.” She told them. She looked at Carver. “You’re in charge here, where do you think we should go?”

Carver thought about it. They didn’t have a lot of options. Detective Hamilton was looking for Molly, Tora and Elizabeth back in New York City and if Detective Hamilton saw them with him, it would raise questions Carver couldn’t answer. A lot of cities probably had street surveillance so if any of the street cameras saw Molly, it would alert not only the police but Tempest as well to their location. They couldn’t go to the countryside either. There was no telling how far Shub-Niggurath’s influence went.

“Carver, where do we?” Tora asked.

Carver looked at the three. “Just drive.” He told Eir. “I have a plan.”

A few minutes later, Eir’s car went bursting through the garage doors, sending wooden planks and snakes flying in all directions.

“Hang on!” Eir shouted as she hit the gas pedal. The car went flying down the road, throwing any snakes or pieces of wood that was still on it off. Eir looked at the others as she drove. “Where to?” She asked.

Carver looked ahead. Of course there were hundreds, maybe thousands of snakes slithering on both sides of the road. It was just a matter of time before the snakes were alerted to them in the car. “We need to leave the country.” He told Eir.

“What?” Tora cried.

Carver’s eyes started to glow blue. “Obviously Coatlicue has control over all of the snakes in this part of the country.” He explained. “And obviously Tempest has a way to track us as long as we’re in the country. If we were to leave the country, we could possibly lose them long enough to come up with a plan of attack.”

“Carver, we can’t leave my mom or the others as Tempest’s prisoners.” Tora said. Tears came to her eyes. “We’re family and family doesn’t abandon each other.”

Carver turned to Tora. “We’re not abandoning your mom.” He told Tora. He looked at Molly. “But I do have a responsibility as the next Guardian to keep you both safe.” He looked ahead and raised his hand. A large blue portal appeared on the road. “Eir, punch it!” He shouted.

Molly looked out the window. She could see the snakes. It now looked like they were slithering toward the car. “They know what we’re doing!” She cried.

“Too late for them to do anything.” Eir said as they drove through the portal and vanished…

…reappearing on a country road by the sea.

Eir slowed her vehicle down to a stop and parked it. “Stay in here while I make sure we didn’t bring any unwanted friends.” She ordered before she got out. She saw a few snakes slithering but they were now slithering away from the car and into the tall grass. She smiled. “We’re safe from Coatlicue’s grip.” She said, hitting the top of her car.

The others got out and looked around.

“Where are we?” Molly asked in a shaky voice.

“Not in the States anymore.” Tora replied before she looked at Carver. “Where did you bring us?”

Carver looked down the road. “The one place I hope the Old Ones aren’t allowed to touch.” He replied.

Eir looked as well and her eyes widened. “Are you sure this place is safe? It was attacked by Fangor years ago.” She said.

“It is.” Carver replied. “It might be in some ruins but I built a safe house under it.”

“Where are we?” Molly asked again.

Carver took his daughter’s hand. “We’re at the place I was born.” He told her as he pointed at the ruins of an old Greek temple. “Welcome to the Temple of Poseidon, the original home of the Water Master, Neptune.”

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