The Legend of Silver and Gold Book Two The Old Ones

Chapter Chapter Twenty Eight

Providence, Rhode Island

Tempest frowned as he saw the lights flickering in the house. He couldn’t remember the last time the house had had issues since he had purchased it. His men kept the generators and the power running. He looked at some of his men. “Go outside and patrol the block.” He ordered. Whoever was coming wouldn’t get him without a fight.

Tempest went to the room that Nichallo and Cassidy were trapped in. “Seems like your friends are coming to get you two.” He told them.

Nichallo looked up at the ceiling as the lights continued to flicker. “I’m not entirely sure that this is our friends.” He told Tempest. “It doesn’t fit Elizabeth or Carver’s style.” He knew that Elizabeth would have just come bursting in with swords and that Carver would have used water magic.

Tempest was about to say something when Cassidy turned her head a little. “Does anyone else hear any hissing?” She asked.

Now that Cassidy mentioned it, Nichallo realized that he could hear hissing as well. He looked around as well as he could. “Sounds like there’s a problem with the pipes as well.” He wasn’t sure what the hissing was but he had a bad feeling about it.

Tempest’s eyes glowed. He couldn’t sense anything wrong with the pipes. “Your friends won’t be able to stop me.” He told Nichallo and Cassidy. “The Old Ones will rise up.”

That was when the roof broke and what looked like thousands of snakes came crashing through the ceiling. Tempest’s eyes widened before he was taken down by the snakes. He tried to cast a spell but the snakes crushed him.

Cassidy and Nichallo looked at each other as the snakes avoided them. They were surprised by that.

The doors burst open and Howard, Salazar and Uktena came in. The three immortal men all laughed as they looked at the damage that the snakes had done.

“Hello Nichallo.” Uktena hissed. “I’m back.”

“Nichallo, who is that?” Cassidy asked.

Nichallo wasn’t even sure he could answer. He didn’t recognize the man in the red scaly suit. “Who are you?” He demanded.

“I am Uktena.” Uktena replied. “One of the Serpentorins of old.” He changed into his giant snake form and hissed at the two before he changed back into his human form.

“What’s a Serpentorin?” Cassidy asked. This was the first she was hearing of them.

“Serpentorins existed long before the age of man.” Nichallo explained. “They existed even before the Powerful Ones, what people today would call the mythical gods and goddesses, Old Ones and Dark Ones. It took several of the strongest Powerful Ones to defeat the Serpentorins and scatter them to the different corners of the Earth.”

“Nichallo is leaving out how he helped the settlers force the people who believed in me out of their land for the settlers to claim.” Uktena told Cassidy. “He never did like to admit the evils that he himself had done.”

Cassidy thought about what Uktena had just said. “Who were your people?” She asked Uktena.

“The Cherokee.” Howard replied. “The Native Americans were forced from their land by Nichallo and the settlers.” He was surprised that he hadn’t fallen asleep during the car drive back to Providence but he was certain he wouldn’t get those hours back.

Cassidy’s heart sank. She had learned about the brutality that some Native Americans had to face when being forced to move for the settlers. “You had a role in that?” She asked Nichallo.

“There was more to it then what they’re telling you.” Nichallo said but before he could say anything, a large snake wrapped itself around him and squeezed, breaking the wooden bark that kept the immortal imprisoned.

“You decided that the Natives losing their land was worth getting land for yourself a the time.” Uktena hissed angrily. “I don’t exactly see what else there is to tell the Golden Child.” He went over to Cassidy. “The Guardian pretends he is noble and heroic but deep down, he is evil just like Tempest, like Chaos and even the three, I mean two, Old Ones that are out there.” He told her.

A snake slithered in and hissed something.

Uktena nodded to it and looked at Salazar. “Take an army of Serpentorins to the edge of the forest and start setting every tree you can find on fire.” He ordered. He would make Shub-Niggurath weak by taking away her greatest strength. He then looked at Howard. “Take whatever men Tempest have that are still alive and find a way to imprison Nyarlathotep.” He couldn’t let the two Old Ones try to release the Old Ones again.

“What about you?” Salazar asked.

Uktena smiled, baring his fangs. “I will locate the Silver Child.” He replied. “For what I have planned, like Tempest, I will need the Silver Child. However, unlike Tempest, I will succeed.” Even as he spoke, the snakes throughout the city started to hiss and change into Serpentorins.

Uktena looked at the Guardian as his snakes turned into Serpentorin. “Do you know what makes my plan so easy to do?” He asked. “It’s that every snake in the world is a descendant of the Serpentorins and so they carry the magic and power to do what I want, unlike the Old Ones who rely on humans and finding monsters that are willing to serve them.”

Nichallo glared at Uktena. “You won’t win.” He told the Serpentorin. “Carver will stop you.”

“Let’s see, shall we?” Uktena asked before he left the room with the Serpentorin, Salazar and Howard.

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