The king's eyes

Chapter Unexpected guests


The ground shakes violently and starts to give way under our feet... Like...

Like when all the demons I called appeared...

Two huge horned creatures come out of the ground...

I take off my crown and the cape in case I have to transform to defend my loved ones...

I guess who they are but I don’t know their intentions.

The two huge demons gradually decrease in size, they resume human form, but the horns do not completely disappear.

Two tall, black-haired, dark-eyed men are studying me intently… They look like they are about 10 or 15 years older than me, not really more.

They look at each other, and one of them says to the other:

"See, I told you he would look like us, he looks like us, don’t you think?"

the other answers "Yeah! He has the profile of Father, ah, he would have liked to meet him for sure."

I take a deep breath, I am so relieved… I see that they have no intention of destroying my marriage, nor of killing us all.

"You are Rarkar and Rikon, I guess?" I asked.

The first one answered "In person. We came to congratulate our nephew on his wedding!"

And the other says "With a half-elf witch! So this... Elves are intense, it must be something..."

I cut him, no need to hear the end of his sentence "Um, yes then, thank you for coming to congratulate us, I asked to meet you but I didn’t know if you wanted to, I’m glad you did."

"Yes, sure, it was time we met." He said, and pursues:

We always knew we had an older brother. Rhani was born from a previous union, long before us.

My father told us about his existence. But we were not allowed to see him, just like him.

My father Jornur and Queen Cassandra of Gameon fell in love at an annual gathering.

At the time, all the chiefs of each species were gathered every year for a big party and then meetings followed to preserve peace between the peoples.

My dad and Cassandra couldn’t resist seeing each other again, and the queen got pregnant.

King Frédéric Dorkaron finally discovered his queen’s deception. He asked to confront my father discreetly, without the information spreading.

He forbade them from seeing each other again and threatened to kill the illegitimate child, dishonor the queen in the eyes of her people, and start a war of all species from the surface against the underworld if they decided to brave the prohibition.

He had decided to recognize the child as his own and to suppress the truth. He was quite a megalomaniac, and would rather continue to live a lie than suffer the public shame of adultery.

They chose to obey to preserve the peace.

After that, the king permanently closed the borders between Gameon’s realm and the underworld.

My father met our mother ten years later and had us, my brother Rarkar first, then me.

We learned with regret of the death of our brother, but we knew that he had a son.

When you called on your fellow men to come to your aid that day, you opened the doors again. As King of Gameon, you alone had the power to.

Thanks to you, our two worlds can finally intersect. And our subjects have recognized you as one of their leaders, a descendant of Jornur.

So, dear nephew, we are happy to meet you and to know that someone like you has taken the reins of the kingdom. If you need anything on the surface, the demons under our command will be honored to come to your aid."

I am very attentive to what he just told me... Everything makes sense now, I'm grateful to know the story now.

" … Wow that's a lot...

Thank you… It is definitely a rebirth for this kingdom. We need all species to live in peace, together.

I may need the demons to help me keep the peace of the realm. Rebel wizards are still active, and I and my guards can’t be everywhere.

Our worlds are open to each other. If any of your subjects yearn to join Gameon’s realm and help me eradicate the lingering threat, they will be most welcome.

Also, we should restore these annual gatherings which are indispensable." I proposed.

"Good lyrics. It’s heard." Rarkar said.

"But I forbid you to look at my wife." I warned them, teasing.

Rikon intervenes "Hahahahaa, Don’t worry, on that side we are both satisfied. Besides, my wife is an oracle.

I don’t know if you knew this but it’s not just elves who have oracles."

at that moment I see Iris raise her head in surprise towards her father, who looks away.

Rikon adds:

"And I must inform you of a prophecy concerning you. Or rather, concerning your unborn son."

"Sorry? Our unborn son..." I asked, surprised.

He explains "Yes. He has an important role to play when he grows up. He will have a necessary mission to the supernatural world.

Don’t worry, he will be equipped with all kinds of abilities that will make him suitable for this mission, but make sure he is well-trained to master each of them.

We’ll let you know more when he's ready. In the meantime, let the party continue!"

Iris and I look at each other for a long time... Our son...

So, a boy... a mission for the supernatural world, an important role to play...

Well. We’ll have to be ready, as always.

I see dozens of demons coming out of the ground, congratulating us by bowing before us and joining the party.

Our wedding is going to be memorable, and it does not displease me.

6 months later


I just gave birth to our son...

Samael stayed close to me throughout the delivery.

Everyone was asking for news every hour, the fairies came to help me bear the pain.

Everything went very well.

Samael sits next to me, our baby in his arms...

He has golden hair and a few black streaks on the top and side of his face.

His eyes are amber, or rather, gold in color.

Gold... (Or in french)

Our son will be called Oro,

Oro Dorkaron.

Sons of demons, wizards, and elves.

End of Book 1

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