The king's eyes

Chapter Bonus chapters : Satine's destiny

Bonus Chapters: Satine’s destiny

This story takes place 5 years after Oro's birth.

Satine is a young woman 23 years old today.

She always wanted to go her own way off the beaten path, despite the constant reminder of duty.

Today her life choices are becoming clearer, which will involve her family and the people who will await her in the succession of her father.

Samael’s daughter is a strong and determined personality, she will want to claim against all odds, control of her destiny.

Duty first

I arrive at Amben, with my two guards, my diligence, and my coachman.

I prefer to be on horseback to accompany them rather than being carried around in a carriage. I am in charge of this trip, so I am on the front line.

If I decide to stop somewhere to meet villagers, it is my right, my men will comply without hesitation.

My father has let me totally manage my life since I was 20.

I asked for my complete autonomy when I was 18, but he is tough in business... Tough, but fair... He likes to brandish my own mantra at me.

I come back from Vorah where I spent the summer.

I find my friends every summer by staying in my old house. I still have my guards with me, now that my identity is out. So I find it difficult to feel totally free.

I am being prepared for the title of queen. I should be jumping for joy, right?

…It’s stronger than me, I still wince when I’m reminded of my duty. Things are done that way.

What makes me happy is that my father is not thinking of giving up his title anytime soon, he wants to do a lot to make up for his dark years.

So I still have, maybe a decade ahead of me, if God grants him life.

He is still loved by the people and his reign is more respected than ever. He learned good lessons from all his experiences and he was able to organize the management of the kingdom in a very efficient and benevolent way.

He offered demons and other individuals, magical or otherwise, who wished to take part in his peacekeeping schemes, to join the guard.

Opponents have calmed down on their own, it seems. Demons are quite a deterrent, especially after Drazzel’s carnage is still fresh in everyone’s memory.

My father still had some remorse afterward.

He wished to do things without violence after that. People have freedom of thought that we must respect. Our primary mission is to inform and communicate as much as possible, and to be close to the people and their concerns.

Of course, offenses are severely punished, but apprehensions towards others are natural and we have a role to play for everyone’s peace of mind.

Supernatural beings are a little more present in civilization to contribute to the goodwill of transparency, on the actions of each and the good cohesion maintenance of each species within the kingdom.

Representatives of each race are designated for rallies, and meetings. We hold banquets and parties in Gameon cities. It’s sometimes a little hectic, but basically, people are good comrades, and wizards do a lot to restore their image to everyone.

This is however not necessary, I think that people are turned towards another state of mind and will no longer have in mind to put a whole species in the same bag.

Romeo has become a representative... Of the water nymphs people. His sorcerer nature is prominent but he has at heart to defend this species which is the most misunderstood and the most discreet of all. Water nymphs are very inaccessible.

They have been very proud and very happy with their spokesperson ever since.

He is 27 now.

I learned from my father that he leads a militia with some demons in the Drazzel region.

He left… When I was 19.

He had remained with us until then, as my father had wished after his trial.

He insisted on respecting his commitments, to prove his good faith. Then he returned to his native region when my father allowed him to leave.

He could only admit that Romeo was so loyal to him that his actions could not be questioned.

He’s as dedicated as can be… Too much, in my opinion.

We were close. The moments spent by his side remain in my memory, even if I hated him for leaving.

Men are cowards, It's a fact.

The attraction was strong between us, we had trouble staying away from each other.

We laughed all the time, we bickered, we encouraged each other… Like friends, he told me.

While he was fully aware of my ability to read him. He loved me. But refused to admit it.

He held back from any attempt to approach me... He knew, however, that I was only waiting for that, I was not discreet, I even ended up telling him clearly the day of his departure.


You knew this would happen. I can’t stay here forever, at the castle, it was never my place." He said

"I understand that you want to see your mother and the lands where you come from. But you can always go there from time to time, and then come back, you’re good here, right?

We’ve made up for it since your stay in the cell..." I said, trying to convince him.

"Hahaha… Yes. You know that’s not it. Life here is very pleasant, but I aspire to something else.

I want to act to carry out your father’s projects which I believe.

I want to meet the people of the water nymphs, see my mother again and put her in touch with her roots, I have so many things to do... Satine, take my life in hand, finally, without anyone doing it for me.

And then you, you also have your destiny, your own path, your majesty future queen heiress of Gameon.

I know you will be a great leader, you have always had the makings of a warrior, you are fair and brave, and the people already adore you.

I will always be your first support. You can always count on me, even from afar." He said, moved.

"So you’re really leaving… Until now I had a hard time believing it.


so... You and me... Was it just a friendship story?

We really don’t have anything more?" I asked, still hoping.


I pursue "Do you really think I’m going to digest this and not think about it tomorrow?…

You have a special place for me, you know that, I...

I don’t want you to go...

I don’t know what I’m going to do without you, I need you in my life!

You can’t leave me like this, as if it were normal for us to stop there, for everything to go back to normal, and for everyone to go their own way!

But what makes you give up so easily, you men??!!

Why is it so hard to fight for those who are dear to us, huh?" I asked, annoyed.

"Stop it, Satine... Don’t compare us to what you experienced as a child when your father left.

You feel like that now but you will see in a while that it was for the best.

I am not someone for you.. You have a great destiny waiting for you, you are the daughter of King Samael, who is a legend!

You’re gonna become so important to this kingdom, who am I to stand in your way?

Yes, of course... I’ve always had a soft spot for you, since day one. And thank you, for giving me all those moments together, I’ll never forget them...

But I’m not a good person for you. I have no right to pretend to own you.

And then your father would kill me!!" He told me.

"Oh no, don’t talk to me about what my father wants for me, you know I don’t care.

And he likes you deep down, I’m sure!" I said, not giving up yet.

"That’s not the point.

Satine, we’re adults now. We must be reasonable, it goes beyond our lives, and it is also for the example that we give to the population. We all have to contribute to each other’s good place. It is important." He said, sealed

I have to admit the defeat "… Well go. Because it matters. Go back to where you came from.

Pick up your life where you left off. Forget everything we felt for each other since it is much less important than everything else."

"Please. Don’t say things like that. Our goodbyes don’t have to be painful. We shared something precious and we will keep those happy memories.

I have to go now.

Goodbye Satine.

Please, I know that deep down you can understand.

When you are no longer angry with me, remember that you will always have an infallible friend.

I will always be loyal to my future queen, it will be an honor to serve you.

Take care of yourself." He said, leaving.

I didn’t answer, he gave me that smile that broke my heart, and then he left.

He continued to seek my gaze as he left the scene, but I was too angry to grant him.

I kinda regret it now.

He didn’t deserve my bitterness. But emotions speak for us when it’s too strong... when it hurts too much...

I was a wreck after he left. It took me a while to get over it.

Today, I try not to be so fragile, so silly, and passive... As if my whole life were a fatality.

I am even more assertive than before, more stubborn, more determined, and more combative.

I wish him to never crossed my path again.

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