The Journey of Two Sisters: Book 4 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 13: Having to flee


I see a figure standing out in the darkness. I can’t really who they are as a wisp is hazy mist obscures my vision of them. I start to move towards the figure, feeling drawn to it. The figure slowly looks to me but the face remains hidden, blurred by the mist. My heart longs for the figure, knowing who it I.

“Mom,” I call out into the deepening darkness.

The figure merely stares at me with its vague expression.

“Mom,” I call out again.

The mist dissipates, now showing the form of my mother, as beautiful as the day I first met her. Her face is soft and gentle, with a smile which always had the ability to soothe my heart even at its wildest.

“Mom, please.”

She simply smiles, standing there with her hands folded in front of her. Her dark raven hair floats gently around her. Her violet eyes seem to shimmer even against the deepening darkness.

“Mom…Mom...why…why did you leave me?” tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

Her smile never fades as she turns and walks towards the darkness.

“No…no mom, please don’t go. I need you.”

I start running after her, stumbling over my feet. “Mom please…please don’t leave me all alone.”

The harder I run to her, the quicker she disappears into the black. My quickens with every step, each one feeling as if I were running through wet sand.

“Mom!!!” I cry, reaching my hand out to her, wanting, hoping, and praying to reel her back to me. But I can’t reach her. She keeps moving further and further away until she disappears completely into the darkness.

I stumble and fall to my knees. I hunch over crying bitterly, “Mom…Mom. Why did you have to leave me all alone?”

Silence falls over me, with only my cries piercing through the stillness. I wept and wept. My cries were those of a little child, lost and scared. My hands grip my chest as I cry, begging her to return.

“Mom…Mom I’m so alone without you,” I cry out again.

“You are never alone, my beautiful girl.” I heard echoing around me. “You are never alone.”

I look up, staring into the darkness, hoping to see her, but nothing.

“Never alone.”

I continue to cry, “Mom!!!”

“Never alone,” her voice slowly fades away into the dark.

“Mom!!!” I cry out again, now even more afraid.

“Never alone,” her voice now nothing but a whisper.

I cried bitterly, “Mom.”

“Aria.” I hear voice calling out to me. “Aria. You must awaken.”

I feel myself being pulled away from the darkness. Around me slowly lightens as if the sun were rising over the hills.


I slowly open my eyes to see Fenris sitting by the side of my bed. His ice-blue eyes softly shimmering against the light of early dawn. “Fenris?”

He leans in, resting his muzzle onto my bed. “You were crying in your sleep little Aria.”

I slowly sit up on the bed, feeling tears rolling down my cheeks, “I…dreamt of Mom.”

His head lifts, “I know you miss her, my little one. Your heart longs for her to be alive.”

I sniff, wiping away the tears. “I do Papa Wolf. I do.”

He then turns and trots off, returning with my running clothes. He places them onto my bed. “Come, a run always clears your mind,” he says.

I smirk, nodding, “Give me a minute to change.”

He huffs and quietly leaves my room.

My heart still pangs for my mother as I sit there alone, wishing that horrible day never happened. I clenched my fists into a ball and got up, changing out of my pajamas and into the running clothes. I pulled on my shoes and headed out the door.

Along the way down, I could hear Orga and Jonathan both rising from their beds, each more than likely also getting ready to perform the day’s chores. That only left Kateryna, Evie, and the kids, who all tended to get up about an hour later with the kids getting ready for school. I form a weak smile as I quietly head down the stairs and then towards the backdoor to go running.

The run, while helping to settle my mind, didn’t clear it completely. When I returned, I quickly went upstairs and got cleaned up to help out with my own set of chores. I never once minded doing them, remembering when I lived with Yukari back in the spring. So helping out where I can is nothing new to me. Heh, thank God it’s my turn to do my laundry today.

A little after noon I sit quietly in the living room going over one of the grimoires Mom gave me. Evie sat across from me, working on something for the kids’ upcoming fall festival. I never thought of asking about it, but did keep a discerning ear out just in case she would perk up.

Fenris, as always, took his usual spot in front of me. I could see the faint tips of his dark fur as it rose over the cushions. I lean over and gently scratch him behind the ears, watching them flutter a bit. My lips grow a small smile, knowing that he’s happy being where he is.

For us this had become the norm. Orga and Kateryna were out patrolling the property, Jon was upstairs, and I had a book in my hand, trying to further my studies. One might think that this was nothing but a normal family. Well…not quite.

Fenris’ ears perk up as he turns his towards the door. A soft growl rumbles which catches the both of us off-guard.

“Fenris?” I ask, staring down at him.

Someone is here,” he growls.

Evie and I look at each to then be startled by the harsh knocking on the door. I unfurl my legs to get up and open it.

“I’ll get it Aria,” she says, rising from her chair. “It might just be Matt with his kids to come see how you’re doing. So just stay where you’re at.”

I nod. Matt Lancaster and his family were more coven members whose children and I had gotten to really know over the last month. I often babysit for them whenever they asked me, since I was the oldest of coven children in the area, who could also keep their burgeoning magic at bay with simple lessons. The families in the town sometimes came over to check in on me, making sure I was okay and all.

In a small way, it felt like a mini version of the gathering or the festival. It’s nice having so many people around.

Evie rounds the couch and walks over to the front door. She turns to Fenris, “Do us a favor and stand in between us, could you please?”

He nods and rises from his spot, walking around the couch and sat between me and Evie, a practice that we picked up since we first came to live here. Fenris served as an extra layer of defense in case an enemy or someone unwanted showed up.

I lean back against the backrest, closing my book and pull out my phone, without turning it on.

Once the ruse was in place, Evie opens the door. I glance over to the see a state trooper standing in front of her. I could feel Fenris fighting back a growl. I’ve never known him to growl at law enforcement.

We know the local sheriffs and they like Fenris, with a few thinking that he’s some kind of wolf dog. He resented the idea of being considered a half breed. Even wolves take pride in their heritage. Sort of makes me wish I could find another Uldulvan wolf for him. But…chances are that’ll never happen.

But something about this one feels…off. I make passing glances at him, trying to compile a picture of him. His uniform, the brass star upon his chest, his appearance, just something didn’t feel quite right. It nearly seems…fake.

Evie looks to him. “How may I help you officer?” she asks.

“We received a report about a couple taking shelter in this area. A man and woman,” says the officer.

Evie leans back, “Alright, there shouldn’t really be anything sinister about that. People sometimes breeze into this area on a whim. Is there a reason why this particular couple is so important?”

“The report states that they were seen here with a teenage girl in tow,” adds the officer.

My ears suddenly perk up and Fenris rose from his seat and repositions himself to better cover me. I peer over the couch once more, this time catching the attention of the officer.

Evie quickly sees this exchange, “That is my cousin. Now what is this all is reference to?”

“The couple is wanted in the kidnapping of the girl from her home in Austin over a month and a half ago. The girl’s family is worried sick about her, having put up flyers and ads all over TV.”

Evie folds her arms. “Strange, I haven’t seen or heard any reports of a kidnapping in that time. Granted this is a small farming community and we don’t always receive the latest news reports. So is there anything else about this family? Maybe the name might help jog my memory.”

“The Elliston family, out of north Austin. They claim to be terribly worried about their fifteen-year-old girl.”

I felt a nerve twitch in my head. Worried my ass. So even Regulus has gotten to the authorities. Crap. So much for the Court looking for him. Fenris slaps his tail on the floor, now glaring at the officer.

“I have a warrant to search the premises as the report again states that they were spotted at this farm,” says the officer.

Evie takes the warrant, and reads it over. “Jon, could you come down here. I need to you come and look at something.”

The sounds of footsteps from upstairs chomp towards the stairs, listening as he comes down the first floor. I pan over to see him walking over to his wife. “What is it, Evie?” he asks.

She hands him the warrant. “The officer here says that a couple has come to our ranch after kidnapping a girl from Austin. He’s here to search the property.”

I slowly rise from my seat and start walking towards the stairs. Fenris eyes me, rising as well. He doesn’t come with me, but still maintains a constant wall between the officer and me. I keep a wary eye on the trooper, who for a split second smirks at me. The hairs on my neck stand on it. His hand then slowly shifts, revealing something under his sleeve, the beginnings of a tattoo.

Jonathan read over the warrant only to let out a heavy sigh. “You really shouldn’t have presented this to a lawyer,” he says, looking up at the officer. “This a poorly planned idea, even for Edtrich. Aria run!”

The officer then goes to draw his weapon only to be blasted out of the door by Evie.

I dash up the stairs, hearing the sound of spells being lobbed, feeling the house shaking as a few seem to slam against the outside wall. I race towards my room a grab up my bag, quickly summoning our suitcases, and plunging them into it. The house shakes again as I nearly drop my music box. Of all the treasures I don’t want to lose, this is one of the big ones.

I open my window and jump on the roof below and then onto the ground. I hear footsteps approaching, quickly looking up to see my knights running towards me.

“Your Highness!” shouts Orga as he nears me. “We heard an explosion and came running. What is going on?”

“One of the other covens found us,” I say, looping my arms into the straps. “Jonathan and Evie are out front fighting with them.”

“We should join them in battle then,” says Kateryna. “These people opened their home to us, it’s the least we can do.” I nod to her. Both knights then draw their swords, readied. “Where is Master Fenris?”

A blast of chilled wind rushes around us as I pan over to see a couple men flying through the air. “Must still be up front helping out already,” I smirk weakly.

A whistling sound screeches through the air as I see something flying straight towards the garage, causing to it explode. Kateryna quickly activates her shield, and steps in front of us.

“Stay behind me, both of you,” she orders. We stand behind her, as the shield then enlarges, catching the full brunt of the explosion. We cover our faces from the blast, showering the area in dust.

Debris falls all around us, hearing some of it flying directly into the window I just leapt out of. I lowered my hand to see that some of it bares the distinct markings of my car. I stand in awe and disbelief.

“They…they blew up my car,” I say angrily, feeling my magic swirling.

The sounds of feet shuffling echoed off of the house as a half dozen men run towards us. I snarl, instantly transforming into a kitsune.

The fur on my tails bristle as I growl at them. “You assholes blew up my car!” I shout.

A few draw guns and try to shoot them, only to discover them to only jam. The Parkstons, while not against guns and having a couple of their own, placed a spell over their property rendering them useless.

When the would-be gunmen threw them away, they pull out knives and charge spells to hurl at us. I crouch low and rush over to them. I blast a few and wrap the others in my tails and perform another Rush, flinging them into the house.

My ears flick as the sounds of more fighting continues from the front yard. Without saying a word, the three of us run towards them to help.

The front yard is filled with a dozen or so Edtrich members we fighting Jonathan, Evie and Fenris. I knew Fenris being there acted as a massive force equalizer, easily tipping the numbers in the couple’s favor. He dashes around, pulling several people into shadows, quickly flinging them out again. The wolf then summons a blizzard which sent a few more flying. The battle felt similar to the one at home, but at the moment the numbers were on our side this time.

I turn to see more people charging down the driveway in SUVs, all carrying guns. Again when they failed to fire, the men throw them away and leap on the ground, brandishing knives and clubs. A few unleash massive Rottweilers who charge straight at Fenris who is now in his true form. He cranes over to see the dogs running towards him, fangs bared.

The wolf turns and bats a few away with my tails, and then sidesteps another and grabs it by the back of the neck, quickly snapping it. The sight shocks me for a moment, only to realize that Fenris means more to me than a dog that tried to kill him.

The others recover and begin circling the massive wolf, seemingly uncaring as Fenris drops their pack mate’s lifeless body to the ground. Fenris then lets out a snarl, which instantly causes them to stop and drop to the ground, whimpering as their ears hang low.

Their trainers stand in shock as their dogs cower at him. Dogs know their alpha, and Fenris is the king of wolves. He then huffs, ordering the dogs to run away, which they promptly do, scurrying off towards the back of the house. The trainers shrug off their shock as their members surround Evie and Jonathan.

I rush over to them, blasting several away, while firing several orbs at more. Orga then charges in, fully armored and brings his massive sword down, instantly slicing through a SUV, then moves onto the next one, destroying both. A few rush him, just to be knocked away. Kateryna and Fenris both run out to help him eliminate the rest.

A couple I missed stand up and looked to me. “Ah, the fox princess of Colburn herself,” says one on them. “There’s a pretty large reward on your head, little brat. When we bring you in, Edtrich will topple your coven. Colburn’s time as one of the ‘Big 3’ is over with us taking our rightful place. Plus we owe you for your insult to us from two years ago. A debt we’ve come to collect.”

You have got to be kidding. Y’all are still pissed over that? More importantly, I snarl at what the man just said.

I Rush into the pair, wrapping tails around them up and flinging them to the ground. “No one messes with Colburn,” I say, unfurling my tails. I look up to see more SUVs racing down the road.

“We came just for you, fox brat,” says another. “A pair of Colburn members isn’t worth our time.” I step over to him, and kick him in the head, knocking him out.

“You need to run Aria,” says Evie. “We’ll cover your escape.”

I look to her, “Evie, no.” I then hear the sounds of more SUVs as they race down the driveway, with several more along the road.

“Don’t argue with me,” she says forcefully.

“Aria, we’ve got this,” says Jonathan. “You and your party have to run.”

I hesitate for a moment as the sounds of the SUVs starts to grow louder and louder.

“Aria!” shouts Evie, startling me.

I look to her, “I don’t want to see you die for me.”

She smiles, pulling me into a hug, “We’re not hun. Besides, we’re of the same coven, which makes us family”

“It’s been great having you’re here with us,” says Jonathan as he hugs me too. “But you have to go.”

I hug them both tightly, “I love you both too.” We break off and I run over to my knights and Fenris.

Kateryna had already summoned her wave-rider. I turn back to Evie and Jonathan, who both wave to us. I smile, tearing up having to yet again flee a place we felt safe at.

“Your Highness,” say Kateryna, “please climb aboard.”

I look to her and then Orga. I shake my head first changing back into a human. I then pull out my necklace and rolling it between my fingers, transforming into a dragon. I look back to Orga, “Don’t you dare think about sacrificing yourself today. I’m not losing anymore more of my family so get on the wave-rider with your wife.”

The knight hesitates for a moment, but then relents, climbing on-board. I turn to Fenris who nods and leaps into my shadow. The wave-rider then starts to lift off and fly away. I take one last look at the Parkstons and their house, which has a couple fires burning out of it.

I bite hard down on my lip, again hating the fact that I have to flee. I give the couple another wave before flapping my wings and joining my knights in the air.

I look back to see the couple fighting of more Edtrich members, like home slowly being pushed back while the bulk quickly stops and then plows through the fields to come after us. I quickly open my wings, halting my momentum and turn to fly back towards the ranch.

“Your Highness!” shouts Kateryna.

What are you doing Aria?” asks Fenris.

I dive towards the road, feeling fire building within my mouth. My heart races wildly within my chest, filling with anger. I take a deep and long breath before unleashing a huge torrent of flame in the road, strafing down the convoy of vehicles, causing many to swerve out of the way to avoid the bluish fire, with several in the back crashing into each other, with the impact of the fire stream making them flip over off of the road and into several ditches.

I hover there for a moment to make sure that no one is moving before turning to rejoin my knights. I take one last glimpse of the Parkstons as the shock of my strafe made several of the Edtrich members freeze. The couple is also looks on in surprise but resumes fighting. I want to go back and fight, but there’s the notion that more of their coven might still be on the way so I continue on.

That was utterly reckless, Aria,” I hear Fenris snapping at me from within my shadow. “You should not have done that.”

I ignore him as I rejoin my knights and we continue to fly away.

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