The Isle (Chronicles of the Irish Princess Book 1)

Chapter Thirty-One

I woke up before the sun, the birds were just beginning to stir. Most brides would have woken up with excitement. They would have woken up fresh from dreams about that walk that was about to happen. They would have been eager to meet up with their bridesmaids and spend the morning getting ready for an early afternoon service. But I was not most brides. Instead of feeling happy and excited all I felt was sadness. I was trying not to think about what would happen, but my nightmares were so vivid. There was no point in fighting the inevitable.

I snuck out of the room that Kai and I shared and quietly made my way through the halls. I stopped at his door and took a deep breath. I knew that my father was already awake. I could feel it with my new powers. I opened the door slightly and walked over to the bed climbing in next to him and tucking into his side. He said nothing and wrapped his arm around me. I had wanted to watch the sun rise with him, knowing it was his last day with me. His room overlooked the Eastern wall that also lay upon the sea. His room had the most gorgeous views.

Last night the doctors had come and taken away all the machines. In the days since my birthday, he had undergone 24/7 treatment. The party had worn him out and he had told me that no matter what he was going to walk his little girl down the aisle. The gesture had made me smile, the memory brought fresh tears to my eyes.

"Do not fear my child. You will do great things, our people will prosper. You will be a great Queen." He spoke softly.

"How do you know?"

"Because you are strong, brave, and you don’t take other people's shit. Which means those Alpha Males are in for a wakeup call."

I smiled, he was probably right about that. Despite past Queens being quiet and submissive to the King, I wasn't raised in a pack. I was raised in the real world where you learn early on to be defensive and outspoken. They had already been made aware of my voice, and if they thought that something like this was going to keep me quiet, they were wrong and my father knew that.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Luca peek in. I smiled at him and he smiled back deciding to join us. He sat on the other side of father, but did not tuck in like I did.

"My children. There was so much more for me to show you. I only hope that what I've given will be enough."

"How do we fight our own mother? She did raise us." Luca spoke.

"At first glance, Aideen will resemble your mother. But the longer you look at her, the more changes you will see. Her eyes will be darker, almost black with possession. Her hair will have a fiery tint to it, not red, but it will look as if she is on fire. Most importantly her Aura. It will be black as night. It may even be visible to the naked eye."

Things got quiet then and we just sat there looking out the open windows. The sky had begun to turn shades of pink and orange as the sun climbed higher and higher over the horizon. I could feel the people beginning to wake, the castle to become busier as the kitchen began to prepare the continental breakfast bars for each suite for our big day. I could smell the sweetness in the air from the cake and frosting that was coming together. My new powers had begun to show me all that I could do. It also helped that the kitchen was under father's room and the breeze was blowing everything right back in.

After the sun had crested over the balcony attached to my father's room there was a light knock on the door. We all turned seeing Sarah standing there in her pajamas. She gave us a sad smile before coming over. She sat at my feet and took my father's hand. He squeezed it tightly and kissed the back of her hand.

"Take care of the little ones. Tell them all about their grandpa."

"I will I promise," Sarah's voice is shaky as the tears stream freely down her cheeks. "I'll take care of all of us."

My father smiles, pats her hand over his once more and looks at us both, "Run along and go get ready. I'll come see you after a while. I want a moment with your brother."

With a nod, I lean over and kiss his cheek. Then Sarah and I head for the door. I look back once more seeing them deep in quiet conversation. But I don’t see my brother as he is now, I see him as the kid he was sitting at father's side eagerly listening to every story he would tell.

Sitting in the chair in the salon, everyone around me was bustling. My aunt was getting her hair all done up. Just a simple up do, French style the other stylist called it. I sat and watched as my aunt and Sarah were at the mercy of the stylists. Alex had been working on Sarah for a little while now, carefully teasing back her hair and pinning it in place. I felt Mara come up behind me and place her hands on my shoulders. Gently she began to massage them, I felt the weight of the day begin to lift off me. After a few minutes she stopped and came to sit next to me.

"Thank you," I murmured to her.

"Of course, my Princess. Now, let me do one more thing for you." She smiled and picked up the nail polish on the table. It was a pale pink, almost nude and had a little sparkle to it.

I watched her finish my fingers and move on to my toes, painting them in a nude color and topping them with French tips. I gave her a huge hug once she had finished and swapped chairs with Sarah who had just finished her hair.

"How are you feeling dear?"

"I'm okay right now. Do you remember what to do?"

"Oh darling worry not about your hair, you are going to look magnificent. Mara, OMG her nails are so cute!" He exclaimed in her direction. Then with a light spin he turned me away from the mirror, forever wanting to hide the end result.

"So, Sarah, do you think they will look like you or like Luca?"

"Oh um, I haven't thought about it. It won't matter to me, as long as they are healthy. Though I will be interested to see if they will be able to turn at all?"

I could feel the tension within Aunt Em rising. Ever since the news about Sarah being pregnant came out she had been super quiet around us. I knew deep down she loved us like her own, but a part of me wondered if she was still jealous. I reached over and placed a hand on her. Visions of my father in a pool of blood flooded my mind from her. I opened a link between us, knowing Alex would be mad if I turned to look at her.

Aunt Em, are you ok?

No, I didn’t sleep last night. Every time I closed my eyes I got those visions of your father. Is there no way to stop it? Are there no spells we can do to protect the castle?

My guess is that she's been here a while, already in the castle. Hiding, waiting, plotting, and getting stronger.

You're probably right. That might be why our nightmares have been so vivid. If she's in the castle or hiding on the grounds, she can amplify them. I wish there was another way, that you had more time with him. That we all did.

I know Aunt Em. I do too. Why don’t you take a break and go spend time with him, Kai's mom needs to come get ready anyway.

The stylist had just finished her make-up and sprayed her face with setting spray. "Alright Milady, I am finished."

"Thank you. Girls, I'm going to go get Siobhan and send her down here to get ready."

"Great idea Aunt Em, thank you."

Kai's Grandmother walked in then in her hand was a smudge stick of sage and eucalyptus. "Let me cleanse you before you leave. This castle is full of negative energy and we must not let it ruin our souls." Once she was cleansed Gran went around the room spreading the calming sent of sage and eucalyptus through the salon. Briefly it covered up the smell of hairspray and nail polish. She then took each of us and circled the stick around us. If she was hoping to ward off evil, she may want to keep some lit in the hall.

"Way ahead of you dear one, I have a stick burning in each corner of the hall and an extra one on your table." She smiled, "I also snuck one into your room for later."

"Thank you Gran." I hugged her.

She left shortly after that making her way to wherever Kai and the guys were hiding out. I wanted to reach out and talk to him, to hear his voice, even if it would be in my head.

"Hey, it's going to be okay Leah. No matter what happens, you have a bunch of people around you that love you and are going to help you through it."

Alex's words soothed me and I smiled a thank you before getting back in the chair. He was working on the final touches for my hair before handing me off to Carlita for makeup. Before I sat with her she insisted that I eat something. She said nothing was worse for her than seeing brides pass out minutes into the ceremony because they were hungry. I didn’t argue with her and set myself up with a half a ham and cheese sandwich and some cucumber spears. I didn’t want to overeat either, but no one knew what was going to happen at my ceremony. I looked over at Kai's mom, who was sitting with Alex. He had done her hair in a simple set of Celtic braids and left half her hair down. His mother had naturally straight hair, and with the braids, she looked elegant. She had done her own makeup as well light smoky shades that complimented her porcelain skin. I only hoped that our children would inherit the beauty from both sides.

"Well, Princess, are you ready?"

I looked around the room, everyone had changed into their wedding attire. Sarah stood in the doorway holding my shoes for me. Her dusty blue dress laying perfectly against her frame. Aunt Em had returned, she looked stunning in her sapphire-sequined gown. She smiled at me holding onto her veil and my crown. Even Kai's mom and Gran were here waiting to help me get dressed and place finishing touches on me. I smiled pushing back the tears and nodded.

"I'm ready, Alex."

"Ok, I'll be outside waiting with your father."

I closed my eyes as Mara pulled out my dress. I knew what it looked like and smiled when I felt the white silk of the A-line skirt brush my legs. It was simple, like I wanted, but also elegant with the sheer layer over the bodice that was covered in rhinestones. It looked out of the 20's but with less flair and a full length skirt. It wasn’t tight either, it flowed around me a bit and fit nicely to my hips and chest. Under the glitzy layer there was a sweetheart neckline and the back was open in a V shape that came together just at the top of my lower back. There was a bow made of silk as well and a little bit of a train that extended past what my veil would.

I felt Aunt Em come up to me and set my crown and veil in place. I opened my eyes after Gran had secured a necklace around my neck. It was made of turquoise and bone.

"For protection and strength," She smiled and kissed my cheek. "A gift from the Ponca Tribe, as a sing of our love for you and Kai."

"It's beautiful. Thank you Gran."

"Your look wouldn’t be complete if you didn’t have anything from the Irish Pack either." Kai's mother said. "These were a gift to me from my mother when I was married. I hope that over the last few weeks I've have become that for you."

I hugged her before taking the earrings from her. "That and so much more."

She wiped away a tear pulling back. "I want you to know that I'll always be here for you and for Kai. And that I'm sorry for trying to push you two together when you were younger."

"Siobhan, you have nothing to be sorry for. I'll be happy to call you my mother for the rest of my life and for my children to know at least one of their grandparents."

She smiled at me and kissed my cheek. I looked over to Sarah who was still crying and then I felt him. My father had entered the room. Alex was holding my bouquet of flowers for me and helping him through the door. He had been saving all his energy for this moment. I stood before him as the tears built and spilled over onto his cheeks. I couldn't tell if they were happy or sad. If you were to ask anyone they probably would have said both. I gathered the front of my dress and slipped into my heels, holding onto Sarah's shoulder for support. Then I went over to my father and wiped his tears away.

"You look absolutely beautiful Leah. Any man would be proud to call you theirs, I am especially proud to call you my daughter. Malakai is a lucky man."

"Yes he is, but you know what daddy. I'm even luckier, to have such a great man and protector standing before me and an even more wonderful father to give me away."

"And the Oscar goes to." Alex smiled getting the room to laugh.

I took the flowers from him and kissed his cheek. "Go get your seat before I beat you there."

"Yes ma'am," he said linking arms with Gran. "Ladies, if you'll follow me. Bridezilla is awakening, we should probably go before it gets ugly."

I shook my head at him and watched three amazing ladies follow him to the hall. Sarah helped me get my father and the flowers into the elevator that would take us to the main floor where the Hall was. We insisted that he sit in his wheelchair until we were ready to start. I wanted him to conserve as much energy as possible, in the even that we all made it to the reception. But my heart was preparing to say goodbye to him.

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