The Isle (Chronicles of the Irish Princess Book 1)

Chapter Thirty-Four

It had been almost two weeks since my wedding. Every day the castle mourned the loss of the King. Everyone at court was dressed in dark colors, mostly black and dark blue; there were a few in deep purple. Every time I passed by someone they bowed in silence. Today was an especially gruesome day, we were burying him. I lay in bed not wanting to get up; as was with most days. The morning after the wedding, I didn't leave the room. From what I heard Luca was still in his room, he didn't want to come out. Today he didn't have a choice and that was where I was headed.

I knocked on the door, less surprised when Sarah opened it. She had been coming and going helping the rest of us get ready for today. With a sad smile she let me in.

"How is he," I asked.

"About the same as yesterday, he ate breakfast today."

"How are you feeling?"

"Better than yesterday. Still nauseous, but better."

"Good, my niece and nephew will calm down soon, then you wont be so sick. Until then, take this."

She smiled a thank you and added a little to her tea. Luca was sitting on the couch, dressed in a black suit and tie. I looked back to Sarah in her black lace dress. It stopped just above her knees and there was a silk bow tied just above her waist. I looked down to my own dress, which was much more immaculate in comparison. Even though she was steps away from being queen, Sarah was still a simple girl who was mourning a man she once knew. My dress was made of silk and tulle the tulle was a sheer layer that dove deep between my breasts and had a keyhole opening in the back. Like Sarah's dress, mine also had a silk bow; mine sat on my hips and the bow was centered on the dress.

"Luca," I demanded.

He looked at me, his eyes were bloodshot. The bags under his eyes were deep and a blueish purple. He looked like he hadn't slept in days or what sleep he was getting wasn't great.

"Luca, we have to get going soon."

"I know. Sarah, can you give us a minute? Please?"

She nodded. "I'll go get us some breakfast."

Once she'd left Luca broke down in tears. "I cant do this Leah. I'm not ready to be king. I'm not!"

"Luca, it's for the very reasons you think you aren't that I know you are. You've been preparing our country, our people for war for the last few months. You have already been acting as a king since father stepped down and into the shadows. You wont be alone either. You have me and Kai and Oran. Most importantly you have your soulmate who is already pregnant with the family's legacy. You are not alone. You're surrounded by those who love you. Father only had that for a brief time."

"What if I'm not worthy of this?"

"Luca Scott, don't be silly. You are the only one who can do this."

"No... You could."

I smiled at him, "That isn't how the goddess wants it. She gave the legacy to you. I am destined to be a queen, but not the Queen of all the people, just the wolves. After the time I've spent with them, I'm beginning to understand why."

That got him to laugh a little knowing how difficult they were.

"But just because I'm on a slightly different path, doesn't mean I'm not going to be right by you and Kai. Not to mention you'll have your own queen."

"I'm going to ask her.."


"Tomorrow, before the coronation. It will need to happen quickly if we are going to announce she is pregnant."

"If mother finds out.. it could be dangerous for Sarah."

"I know. That's why I'm counting on you sister."

I understood what he wanted from me. He needed me to find our mother so we could end this as soon as possible. Given the fact that she wasn't blood related to us, not really, I couldn't track her with it. I would have to figure out another way. I didn't have time for that today though.

After I left Luca's chambers I made my way into the Hall. People had been wandering in and out to pay their respects to the King. Several guards watched over my father's body. I thought deeply about what Luca had asked of me. The witches had used the cloak to help cast some binding spells and in the process it was ruined. I didn't have any gifts from my mother that I had brought to the isle. She wasn't ever really big on gifts and what she did get us was cheap and often easily broken.

I had been so lost in thought that I almost knocked into my father's casket. Luckily a guard had put his hand out to stop me. I smiled a thank you. He nodded and went with the other guards to give me privacy with my father. They escorted all the guests out and stood watch by the entrance. I took a deep breath and sighed holding back tears as I looked at him.

They had done a good job cleaning him and preparing him for burial. There was a old fashioned necktie that covered his wound even though it had been sewn back together. He was dressed in the Irish fashion. A green Army man's jacket with his medals on display, a kilt with stockings and brown loafers and a tartan that crossed his body from left to right. He was being buried in a simple crown that displayed his Royal seal. I looked down to his hands that rested gently on his stomach. The left placed on top. Displayed there was his ring of the people which would be given to Luca just before he was buried. There was a second ring that unlike the first rested on his ring finger and not his index. I realized then it was his wedding band.

I never knew that he had still worn it. Our mother wasn't the same person he left. But he must not have cared. I quickly glanced around checking to see if anyone was watching me before slipping the ring off his finger and onto my own. Newly married no one would notice it on my own finger. It was bigger than my own finger but I tucked my hand around a handkerchief grasping tightly to keep the ring secure.

I heard a sniffle behind me and froze. I was still nervous wondering if anyone had seen what I did. But then I felt her, Kai's mom. She came up to the casket behind me and placed a hand on my father.

"I know he wasn't my soulmate, but your father and I were closer than most. Especially after Kai's father passed away. He was there for me even from a distance. Growing up together and learning some of the same things we would often bounce ideas off each other. He was the first person we told when I found out I was pregnant. He had just started dating your mom then. Leah, I'm sorry this had to happen. I'm sorry you lost all those years with him. I begged him for weeks after we found out about Tobias and the cancer to leave your mother and take you two. We all did, even Kali and Chief. But he couldn't bring himself to tear you away like that and plant you into a completely unknown world. He wanted so bad for you to have a normal life."

She was holding back a sob, but tears had begun to spill from her bloodshot eyes. I placed my hand on her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug.

"Thank you, mom for telling me. Is it alright if I call you that? The one I had wasn't ever good to me."

"You can call me whatever you'd like," she smiled.

We left dad then and went to pull everyone together for the funeral. All the alphas were dressed in suits and ties, their wives in dark colors like black and purple and navy. The pack members who joined us dressed formally but not to the nines like their leaders. Many of them stood guard over the ceremony making sure we were all safe. Townspeople who adored my father gathered in masses out in the space outside the pergola where we were held.

The space itself was decorated with beautiful lilacs and lilies ranging from indigo to lavender. There were other arrangements donated by packs and townspeople. I felt bad for Liz and the other florists our little town had as they had so much to do. Looking over my shoulder I saw her and the children standing near the edge of the pergola. Liz was wearing a navy dress that stopped at her knees. Finn was wearing a navy dress shirt and khakis while Anabelle looked adorable in her ruffled navy dress.

I pulled away from Kai to greet them. Though they were excited to see me, they were quiet and respectful to their surroundings, something I was sure their mother warned them of. Getting closer i picked up the bottom of my dress to kneel in front of them without tearing the material.

"Hello Princess," Finn spoke softly.

"Hello," I replied pulling them both in for a hug. "Thank you for coming."

"We wanted to go to the wedding, but momma wouldn't let us. Was it a fun time?"

"Not as much as it should have been. But in a few more days I'm going to be crowned Queen of the Wolves and my Brother will become your King. You are all invited to that."

Finn's eyes widened as his excitement grew. Anabelle smiled and handed me a light purple colored lily.

"For King." She managed.

I took it and kissed her head. "Thank you."

Standing, Liz pulled me into a hug. In my ear she whispered to let her know if we needed anything. I nodded against her hold and we pulled apart. I couldn't imagine ever needing anything more from someone who had so little yet had given me so much already.

With one more hug from the kids I went back to my seat holding the lily that Anabelle had given me. The bishop presided over the service and said a nice speech about my father; something that appealed to the people. Then he opened it up to people close to the King. Oran of course was the first to speak. There were a couple others and my aunt; when she finished she looked to me. After several deep breaths I worked up the courage to walk up to the podium.

"The first time I lost my father, I was too young to understand much other than he was gone and not coming back. Up until a few months ago, I knew him to be dead and when I learned the truth my life changed forever. Coming here and being able to get back some of that time and to be with him again; it was more than I could ever ask for.

My father was a great man, in the time I learned the truth and got to know him as a King, my respect for him grew and grew. He had a great love for this Isle and even more for his people who live here and around the world. I know that in the future he will have not have died for nothing. There is a future in our Prince and I believe in my brother and my family. Our king and father will be missed greatly. Peace be with you King and Country."

I walked up to the casket and placed the flower in my fathers hands. Although I had tried not to cry, a few tears slipped from my eyes and ran down my cheeks. Sitting next to Kai again I wiped them away and took his hand. He gently squeezed it and kissed my temple.

From the service my family and the Alphas were lead to the cemetery. I watched, my senses numb, as they lowered the casket into the ground. Thankfully only family was allowed to this part. In the days to follow many would come to visit the gravesite, but for now this moment was ours only. Luca, who had held himself together during the service, had succumb to his emotions. Sarah held onto him tightly. I was so glad he had someone, even happier that it was my best friend. She looked over at me and I gave her a sad smile in return.

As the started to add dirt, Gran had come over to hold my hand. Many of the Alphas had made their peace and had already left, but she and Chief wanted to stay with us. I was very grateful in that moment knowing that just as always they had our backs. They were there to hold our family together, once again. When he was gone the first time they had been there for my grandparents and I remembered a little from when my grandparents had passed. Meals that had been dropped off and farm hands that had been offered to help with harvest.

Crawling into bed that night my body was still numb. Kai had pulled me in and out of the shower but I didn't feel the water on my body. He tucked me in but I didn't feel the sheets. He kissed me but I couldn't taste his lips. As he lay next to me I couldn't smell his intoxicating scent. I wanted to cry, to scream, to throw a fit, but I didn't have the energy. So instead I laid in bed and waited for sleep to overtake me.

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