The Isle (Chronicles of the Irish Princess Book 1)

Chapter Thirty-Five

The next morning was mostly a blur. Everyone in the Manor was bustling around trying to plan dinner, it was supposed to be a grand display for Kai and myself. A big celebration prior to the coronation. I passed by several attendants carrying linens in and out of the Hall. The Hall at the Manor was smaller than the one in the castle, but not by much. There were four or five long tables for the pack members to sit at and then round tables for the Alphas and a small rectangular table for myself. Liz's voice floated to me as it echoed out of the room and into the hallway. I wasn't aware that the She-wolves had invested in her also. Curiosity getting the better of me, I wandered inside. At one of the benches Liz was sitting there with Gran, Sarah's mother Kate, and Agata her mate was the representative from Hungary. I had yet to meet her personally, but she was somehow related to the Ponca pack.

My heeled feet hit the marble flooring and everyone looked at me. Still mourning my father I was dressed in a tea length black dress with a leather belt; the straps on the dress covered my shoulders and there was a scoop neckline. Gran gave me a smile and invited me over to them.

"Hello Leah, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm doing ok. A little tired still from yesterday, but I'm at peace knowing that my father is no longer suffering from his cancer."

Liz smiled, "It is a blessing sometimes. It may not have been what anyone wanted, but knowing he is at peace has kept the people at peace as well."

"Thank you, Liz. I am happy to hear that the people are taking this so well. How are the preparations going for the Coronation?"

"They are well. The other florists and I have devised a system to keep the flowers fresh and ready, what time should we bring them?"

"Oh umm.... Probably sometime around 2. The ceremony is at 3:30 and since there isn't a lot of decorations I doubt it will take that long to set them up."

"Perfect, now I should probably go find my kids. We have a lot to do before tomorrow and I want them to have a good rest before the party. Thank you again for the invitation, your Highness. I know that Finn is very excited. We haven't been to a party at the Palace since he was Ana's age."

I looked over to her, "They're here?"

"Yes, they ran off with Sam and Pavel to look at the training grounds," Agata stated.

"Well, we shall all go then," Gran decided. "Leah, dear, how is your brother?"

"Doubting himself as always. He's nervous for tonight I would imagine."

I interlocked my arm with Gran's as we followed the other ladies out to the training ground.

"Nervous for his sister's Naming Ceremony. Now that is something I've never heard of," Kate scoffed.

It became clear to me then that my brother had yet to come down here and talk to Sarah's parents. Gran and I shared a look.

"What the boy should be scared of is me, he should have never treated Sarah like that. If he thinks he is going to get my approval, he better make damn good on his promises."

Already being on edge with my emotions, her words struck a deep nerve and I was instantly pissed off. "Kate, I've treated you with respect and love my whole life, as has Luca. Given that he and Sarah are already mated, I honestly doubt he really needs your permission. But he is a gentleman enough to want to ask for it. As your future Queen, I suggest you watch your tone when it comes to addressing my family members. I will not let them be disrespected."

"LEAH!!" Finn's voice echoed through the hall as he ran at me and Gran.

Without hesitation I scooped him up and hugged him close. Samuel came to stand next to his mother and looked up at Gran puzzled.

"Gran Kali, why does mother look so cross," his voice was timid, as if he was afraid he'd be beaten.

"Don't worry about it Sammy, she was just told something she didn't want to hear. Let's go for a walk boys."

Just like that off she went with Samuel and Pavel. Agata and Liz, who was now carrying Anabelle followed them back towards the Hall where we had just come from. I smiled at Kate and with Finn in my arms, I followed Gran as well. Leaving Kate to stew and think about my words. I was not a Queen to be taken lightly. I was fair and would not be playing favorites, even if she was family. After saying goodbye to Liz and the kids, Pavel and Sam ran back to the training grounds. Agata mentioned that Marta, her She-wolf needed help preparing for tonight and left to go take care of that business.

"Tea?" Gran invited me.

"Sure, would you like to go sit in the garden? I hear it's a lovely day."

"Sounds perfect."

Once again we linked arms and began walking. The walk out to the garden pavilion was quiet, as was most of our time sitting and enjoying the tea. On our second cups, we were joined by Luca and Malakai. Kai sat next to me and unbuttoned his shirt a little. I tried to contain myself as memories from the other night came back to me. I tightened the cross on my legs and took another sip looking away from my mate.

"Have you talked to Scott and Kate yet?" I asked my brother.

"No, but I need to. When we got here Kate gave me a dirty look and stormed off. Is she having a bad day?"

Gran let out a chuckled and everyone turned to her.

"Gran, what do you know about this," Malakai inquired.

"Your mate has a strong will, I think our people will learn in time just how protective and beneficial she will be for us."

He turned to me, "What did she mean by that?"

"Kate was being disrespectful in her words towards Luca. I set her straight." I smiled.

Unable to hold back any longer, Gran burst out in a full belly laugh. "Oh you boys should have seen Kate's face after our dear Leah gave her a piece of her mind. I couldn't tell if she was going to pee or crap her pants. I mean it was amusing from my point of view. No one has ever dared to set her and Scott in their places, aside from Oran, not even the Queen dared."

"Leah, you realize I'm about to go ask them to marry their daughter!"

"Oh relax, Luca. If anything your sister made the process easier for you," Gran countered. "So I suggest you quit putsing around and go ask them."

With another sigh he stood agreeing with Gran's words and marched off to the Irish Pack's quarters. I shook my head at him as he walked away. Gran had stood saying she was going to go rest before tonight. She apparently still needed to confer with the Gods on a name for me. I took a breath and let it out my mouth. Kai looked at me questioning.

"Just tired that's all. It's been a long few days."

"Do you want to go lay down for a while before you need to get ready?"

I nodded and got up leading the way to our room. The feelings from earlier returned as I ascended the stairs into the Manor. A part of me felt guilty for wanting to follow through on them, like I wasn't supposed to be happy and enjoying my life. It had only been a few days since my father had died. Though we had already buried him, it plagued me to want to enjoy things. Today was my last day wearing black. At the coronation tomorrow I was going to appear in a white dress with navy accents. Even tonight at my naming I wouldn't be wearing black. The dress was white and vintage. Gran had worn it herself many years ago. There was a crocheted lace top that shown the semi-sweetheart neckline. The rest of the dress was made of chiffon which was light and airy. I was honored to wear the gown, when Gran had told me she had been saving it for a great Queen.

Kai pulled me into his arms the second the door was closed. "I love you."

"I love you too."

His lips covered mine as he walked us over to the bed. Instantly, the spark between us exploded to life. He gently pushed me down on it leaning with me, never breaking the kiss. My hands went to his shirt and I began unbuttoning it. We both had wanted it, I could feel his need up against my own. The emotions being exchanged were intoxicating and lit a fire deep in my soul. Then like a cold shower, the guilt of what we were doing dumped on me and I pulled away. Kai felt it too, though he said nothing, I knew he did. Most of the time we were connected like that. Behind his understanding there was a small amount of anger. I knew he didn't mean to be angry, and if I was being honest, I didn't blame him, I was mad at myself. I didn't want to ruin our moments and it upset me that one thing was coming between us.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand why I feel this way. I want to move past it. I know he'd want that for me, for us. He wouldn't want me to be guilty for living my life, he'd just want me to live it."

"Sometimes, our subconscious holds us in the past and makes us feel things that are unnecessary. But at the same time it's the mind's way of keeping people in our memories, because the pains of guilt and loss make us remember those people."

I smiled at him, "You old soul. I love you so much. How do you move past it?"

"Everyone is different, but I set aside time every day when it first happened to sit and think about him. You could try it."

"Alright, I'll give it a go, during my shower. But right now I want you."

He pulled me close and kissed me again. It wasn't long before we'd discarded all our clothes to the floor and Kai pulled me under the covers. His kisses began to travel over my body, down my neck and chest. When he came back up to my lips I felt that familiar sensation from him entering me. Instantly my whole body was awake and felt each movement. My body pulsed, wanting more, needing that release.

"Can, can we go faster," I asked slightly out of breath.

His response was a low growl that I felt resonate from his chest and through our bodies. He did speed up and once again I could feel that pressure building. It wasn't long before I was calling out in ecstasy as the pleasure overtook me. I curled into Kai, who had landed next to me on the bed. His warmth comforted me and I smiled into his chest. He kissed the top of my head and murmured his love for me again.

"Leah, have you stopped taking your medications," he pondered aloud.

"A little over a week ago, why?"

"I was just curious. If not I was going to make the suggestion."

I let out a little laugh, "Don't worry, Gran took care of that."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Her exact words were, 'Leah dear, I want great grandchildren before I'm old. So you best hop off those pills before the wedding."

Kai's laughter filled the room. Just like before my face had turned tomato red.

"Well then, I guess the Elders have spoken. I'm sorry for her, she can be a bit blunt."

"Only a little," I joked with him.

We laid in bed for some time after that, mostly talking about the ceremony and the coronation. I wondered if he was ready to be King. He said he was, but I felt the doubt in his emotions. Kai told me he had more confidence in himself knowing he had me and Oran there with him. We talked about the possibilities of moving out of the palace permanently after this was over and making the Manor our home. Oran had talked about retiring here, or on a cottage that sat on the estate of the Manor. We discussed the possibility of Luca and him releasing the representatives from their need at court, they would have the option to stay on the Isle and live here and serve their purpose as representatives, but it would not be required of them.

Luca and Malakai had discussed this at length many times. They wanted to start fresh after this war was over. They wanted to make their own mark on our history. We already were considering that the Great Mother had created a new pack. That was still a foreign concept to us all. So many were curious what it had meant. Were we going to replace a pack, or was it a new addition to solidify her power and our own. To instill our place as her children. Until recently, Meara had only had two children, now we knew that there were four of us. That subject paved way for many more questions, most of them coming from the wolves. Oran was doing his best to sway them that it was a blessing from the goddess. He knew that my powers would be essential to the war.

Once things had settled from all the change of the last two weeks, Luca and Sarah planned to announce their engagement. In the time between our Coronation and then, I was supposed to locate Aideen. My hope was that the ring would have enough meaning to track her down. Without that, I was unsure how we would find her. I lay next to Kai wondering about all these things with finding her. My greatest fear was that she would find us first and attempt to kill Sarah and the babies. I knew if that happened, Kai and I would be the only ones ruling. Ruling one species of supers was probably easier than all of them. I wasn't sure that I could handle such a responsibility.

"You're father thought you could, do you doubt yourself that much?"

"I wasn't aware you were listening. Maybe I do a little. Aideen was so cruel to me for years or rather she planted seeds in my mother to be so mean." I sighed, "She was always telling me how I'd never live up to anything, be good for anyone."

"Well it certainly isn't true."

"When I was about thirteen, she snuck into my room and found my diary. I'd just gotten back from being at the ranch and I'd written about you. When I got home from school, I found her waiting in my room for me. My diary was open on the bed next to her. She flat out told me, more like screamed, that I was worthless and would never be good enough for you or anyone. She told me that I didn't deserve love and that my father died because he was too disappointed in me and Luca to live."

Kai rolled onto his side and wiped away tears from my face; I didn't even know I was crying. "That isn't true at all Leah. I know for a fact how proud of you he was. On more than one occasion when we would visit here he was always asking and boasting about his children, he wasn't even in your lives and he knew how well you were. But I'm guessing Emilia kept him up to date. Leah that man loved you more than his own life. He and I had a chat the morning of our wedding. He told me how horrible your mother had been. He warned me that you would be timid and cautious. That you'd be nervous about being queen. He asked me to be patient and loving with you. I promised him I would take care of you and your brother."

"You are very good to me, but I don't believe everything my mother told me as a girl. I believe that the Goddess put me on this earth to save her people. I believe that she placed me with you because she knew I'd need someone who was extra patient, kind and loving towards me and my family. I believe that my mother is wrong about so many things and that she has been possessed by an Evil Goddess who seeks to destroy all that is good and beautiful. I believe now, more than ever, that when we take the throne tomorrow that we will become great rulers and guide our packs into a new age filled with life and love."

Kai smiled at me and kissed me softly. "Of that I have no doubt, my queen."

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