The Invincible Young General by Kerr Temple

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 

After a pause, Markus asked curiously, “Trash this place? Do you know who the owner is? Have you ever thought that you’re the one who’ll be in trouble, not the bar 

Josephine didn’t seem concerned “The Montague Crime Family, right? Everyone in Riverside City knows that 

“If you know that, why would you still come? What brings you here?” 

“Don’t you worry about it! Since we’ve run into each other, come with me! I’ll introduce you to my friends! Josephine pulled Markus up by the art. 

She was a little happy. 

She didn’t think she would meet Markus again so quickly. 

Most importantly, Markus didn’t ask her for the reward! 

She was right. 

Even though Markus looked like greedy and lustful, he actually had his own integrity and pride. 

In the corner of the bar, there were three men and one woman, all of them dressed gorgeously. 

“Josephine, who is he?” 

One of them, a young and affluent-looking man, looked at Markus. 

“This is my savior, Markus! He’s an amazing fighter! He’ll be a great help to us later)” 

Josephine introduced her friends to Markus excitedly. “This is Theodore Stuart, this is Anthony Harrington, and this is Harrison Sinclair. This lovely woman is Cordelia Beatrix. They’re all my close friends!” 

Except for the young man named Theodore, the other three greeted Markus with a smile and a nod. 

As for Cordelia… 

She was as gorgeous as her name suggested. 

Markus glanced at the sofa, where a few baseball bats were neatly placed. 

They had come prepared. 


“Uh, Josephine. You guys can trash this place all you want, but don’t rope me into it.” 

Markus wasn’t interested in hanging out with these kids. 

Still, he was quite curious. These people still dared to mess around when they knew that the Montague Crime Family owned this bar. He wondered if they were fearless because they didn’t know better or if they were truly confident. 

“Don’t worry, Markus. We’ve got every confidence to trash this place and come out unscathed! Just do as we do later! Don’t worry about the consequences!” 

Josephine looked excited as if she was waiting for a good show to start. 

“If your friend doesn’t want to join us, don’t force him. The Montague Crime Family is quite the formidable force in Riverside City, after all. You can’t blame him for being scared.” 

Theodore spoke in a sarcastic tone. 

Seeing that Markus was a coward, the others lost their enthusiasm for him. 

“Josephine keeps telling me how good you are. Is it true?” Cordelia asked, blinking her beautiful eyes. 

Markus had already sat down by now. “Good in what aspect?” 

Cordelia laughed, clearly amused. She looked at Josephine and said, “I don’t know if your savior is good or not, but he’s pretty playful! Josephine, you’re not dating him or anything, right?” 

“Of course not!” Josephine immediately denied it. “We just met yesterday!” 

“I see…” 

With a sly smile on her face, Cordelia leaned close to Josephine and whispered in her ear, “Let me date him. I like playful men like him!” 

Josephine’s eyes widened and she said angrily, “Cordelia Yates, you big flirt” 

Markus cleared his throat and reminded them, “Miss Beatrix, you two might be speaking softly but I can still hear you… 

Cordelia glanced at him without any embarrassment at all. “What do you think of my idea?” 


Chapter & 

Tin fine, but the problem is that I don’t have the money to get a room in a hotel 

*Thike honest men! Don’t worry, I can cover the room!” 

“I’ll gladly accept your offer then?” 

Josephine blushed as she was caught between them. 

“Save your nonsense for another day, Cordelia. Don’t forget what we’re here for today!” 

Suddenly, Anthony chimed in with a rebuke. 

*Reginald Lancaster isn’t here yet, so why can’t we chat? Don’t tell me you’re jealous.” 

Anthony retorted with his chin high, “So what if I’m jealous?” 

“Why would you be jealous? It’s not like we’re dating! It’s none of your business who I flirt with. Never mind chatting with Markus. Even if I want to sleep with him tonight, you have no right to stop met” Cordelia said disdainfully. 

Anthony glared at Markus and said, “It’s your dad who wants us to hang out more. He says we’re meant to be!” 

Cordelia burst out laughing. “When did I agree to that? You sound like you’re getting close to my dad. If that’s the case, why don’t you date him instead?” 

*Cordelia, you…” 

“Call me by my full name!” 

That’s enough, Cordelia. Don’t go too far, Josephine said, interrupting their conversation. “And you, Anthony. Don’t you know what kind of person Cordelia is? She’s a talker, not a doer. When has she ever slept around?” 

Cordelia snorted. “Don’t provoke me, Josephine. If Markus is okay with it, I’ll leave with him tonight. Hey, Markus… You’re okay with it, right?” 

Markus pretended to be embarrassed, saying, “If you pay for the room, I’ll consider it!” 

“Hey, Blackthorn boy. You want to be beaten up, don’t you?” 

Anthony stood up and glared at Markus. 

This attracted a lot of attention from the people around them. 

Markus raised his head calmly and asked, “Uh, is Miss Beatrix your wife?” 

Anthony was stumped. 

“Scratch that. Is she even your girlfriend?” 


Anthony was about to lose it. 

He could no longer hold back his anger. 

Suddenly, Harrison picked up a baseball bat and said, “Reginald’s here.” 

Swoosh! Swoosh! 

Everyone turned to look at the entrance of the bar. 

They saw a thin young man walking into the bar with a relaxed gait. 

They immediately Mopped arguing and shared the same look of resentment. 

“I’ll go first!” 

Without saying a word, Harrison walked over with the bat. 

Markus was confused and curious. “This Harry guy…” 

“His name is Harrison!” 

“Does Harrison have something against the Reginald guy?” 

Josephine also picked up a baseball bat and said, “Reginald assaulted Harrison’s girlfriend.” 

Markus was curious. “What kind of assault?” 

Josephine rolled her eyes. “What do you think?” 

In other words, Harrison had a deep feud with Reginald. 

However, Markus had no idea who Reginald was. 


Chapter 8 Bang! 

Harrison walked up to Reginald and hit him with his bat 

Blood gushed out. 

‘Harrison, are you fucking crazy?” 

Reginald shouted in anger. 

Harrison was red-eyed with anger. “Crazy? When you made Emily drunk last night, you should’ve known that I’d come for you! Reginald Lancaster, I’m going to fucking break your legs today!” 

Then, he hit Reginald again and again. 

The latter couldn’t dodge in time. 

The bar plunged into chaos, and the guests quickly got out of the way for fear of being affected. 

“Help! Mr. Lancaster has been beaten!” 

“Come out, boys!” 

Thugs swarmed into the bar from inside and outside the bar. 

Theodore and the others took action as well. They picked up their baseball bats and smashed them at the thugs to ensure that none of them could touch Harrison. 

The bar plunged into chaos. 

The music in the bar stopped. 

Only crackling noises could be heard. 

Glasses shattered and booths fell to the floor. 

But the situation was quickly brought under control. 

Theodore and his friends were just rich kids. Moreover, they had Josephine and Cordelia with them. There was no way they could be fiercer than the thugs stationed in the bar. 

They were swiftly surrounded. 

Reginald, who was covered in blood, staggered to his feet. 

He glared at them fiercely. 

“You fuckers wanna die, don’t you?”

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