The Huntress : The Alterealm Series Book 1

Chapter 5

You know I had to try the tub, and that’s what I did after I stood there and looked around for oh, twenty minutes or so. It was like I’d stepped into some kind of dream, well, if you didn’t take into account all the men around here that had flashing eyes like built in glow sticks.

Tucking my knife sheath into the pocket of the satin soft royal blue robe that I found hanging in the bathroom, I went back into the room. I had to lift the material so I could walk without tripping, apparently, the huntress was supposed to be taller than I was. I wandered around the room. There were two more doors I hadn’t opened and I wasn’t quite ready to do that. Turning, I realized there were no windows in this place, and then I remembered going down the long tunnel fifteen feet underground. It was daytime and I was in the hold of the night side, so windows were probably a bad juju to have.

A quiet knock on the door had me pulling the raptor from my pocket.

“Daxx? It’s Quinton, I brought you something to eat.”

My stomach kicked me, reminding me food would be a welcome thing. “Come in.”

Quinton stepped in and assessed me briefly before closing the door. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I had Mitz put together an assortment.”

His lisp was back, and that made me feel better to know that he didn’t try to be all stiff with me. In this place he had become the only one I would call my ally, the vote was still out on the rest of them. “Thank you.” He set it down and then turned back towards the door again. “Stay with me for a bit.”

He turned and sent me a surprised look. “Are you sure?

I nodded and went over and sat down in the large chair he’d set the food beside. Lifting the lid, I checked out what this Mitz had sent for me. I liked them already. It was like snack food heaven with cheese and crackers and some vegetables and dip.

“Oh.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a bottle of Dr. Pepper. “Is this okay?”

“Perfect.” There was Dr. Pepper in this realm, how bad could it be? “Thank you.”

He stood there with his hands stuffed in his pockets. “You need anything else?”

“No, I’m good.” I motioned to the chair on the other side of the small table. “Sit.”

He glanced nervously at the door and then sat down. “I was told not to bother you.”

Raising my eyebrows at him, I smirked. “By who?”

“Troy and Chase.”

I noted the sad look in his eyes. “Really? I thought you were the older one? You still take orders from them.”

Shrugging, he looked down at his hands. “They were born to rule, everyone must listen to them. Mostly.”

“Mostly. Yeah, ’cuz I see you bowing before them and following orders.”

His eyes glowed with humor. “I said mostly.”

Tucking my feet up under me, I leaned on the arm of the huge chair and really looked at him. I didn’t know what had happened to make him look the way he did, but I knew at one time there had been a handsome face where the wrinkles now hung. “They both seemed shocked that you talked to me.”

He sat forward and leaned on his knees, still clasping his hands together and looking at them. “I don’t talk to many outside of family.”


Those brown eyes sent me a bewildered look. “Have you seen me?”

Squinting I held his stare. “I’m looking at you, aren’t I?”

“Then you have your answer.” He nodded and looked back to the floor.

“No, I don’t.” Picking up the bottle, I opened it and took a sip.

“No one wants to talk to the monster,” he said so softly I wasn’t sure if I heard him right.

“Monster? I hardly think you’re a monster.” I rolled my eyes trying to add that dramatic effect to what I said.

“The stories will never die out completely, I will always be the monster. It’s been almost a hundred years and no one has forgotten. How could they, just looking at me is a reminder.”

He kind of reminded me of a friend I used to have. Craig was good at being down on himself and then he met a woman and got married and now she was down on him instead. I missed Craig. “I may never get used to how around here a hundred years is mentioned like I’d say a year in my time.”

“How old are you, Daxx? If it’s okay for me to ask.”

I shrugged. “Yeah I don’t get hung up on age like most females do. I’m twenty-six, going on eighty some days.”

He grinned and it reached his eyes. “I think I have a few years on you.”

“Yeah, Troy told me. I’m still digesting all of that.”

“At least I look my age.”

I laughed. “No, even for someone over four centuries you do not look old enough.”

“I have wrinkles unlike my brothers’ baby faces.”

I knew he was trying to make light of how he looked but I wasn’t going to play into the pity party he seemed haunted with. “Their faces are too pretty; at least I know I can trust yours.” He looked up at me again and there was something in his eyes that was way too heavy for having just met the same day. I cleared my throat. “Do you have a royal job too?”

He sobered. “I did.”

“Did? What did you retire at three hundred or something? Go pension?”

He shook his head, but there was no smile to be seen. “I stepped down when…” he motioned to his face, “this happened. I used to be the enforcer, I kept the laws held.”

“Why did you step down?”

Quinton stood up and paced a few feet away. “It’s a little hard to enforce when you’re the shining example of why the laws exist.”

Shaking my head, I dropped my feet to the floor and leaned forward. “I don’t understand riddles very well, Quinton.”

“You should get some rest. I’ll be outside.” He began to move over to the door.

“Do I really need a guard?” I got up and followed him.

He stopped at the door and turned to look down at me. “We’re not taking any chances.” Grasping the door handle he leaned on it. “If I’m not there when you wake up, Rafael will be. He’s my youngest brother and will see you’re safe.”

“How many brothers do you have?”

He smirked. “There are eight of us.”

“Eight? Good god, don’t they have birth control here?” There were eight giants roaming around here? I wondered how many of them had been in the office earlier.

“Yes, but when you live for several centuries you can have many children without it becoming taxing.”

“I suppose.”

A pleasant look filled his eyes. “Personally, I think mother was trying for the rare female child the queen occasionally has.”

It was obvious he loved his mother. “How old are your parents?”

Gentle brown eyes caressed over my face. “They passed on when Troy and Chase took the thrones.”

“Oh, is that…”

“It was an accident.”

Reaching out, I rested my hand on his arm. “I’m sorry. I didn’t have parents that I knew, so I can only imagine how missed they are.”

“Thank you. Get some rest.”

Exhaling loudly, I nodded. “I’ll try.”

He paused again with the door knob in his hand. “Daxx?”


“Is that your real name?”

I smirked and shook my head. “No.”

Leaning back against the door, he tucked his hands back into his pockets. “What is?”

I bit my lip and then shrugged. “When you’re ready to tell me your story, I’ll tell you my name.”

A big grin appeared on his face. “Fair enough, little Queen.”

I bared my teeth at the title and pointed to the door. “Out.” I couldn’t help laughing with him.

He swung the door open and almost walked right into Troy.

The laughter stopped for both of us.

Troy looked from him back to me, his eyes pausing long enough to notice how I was dressed. “I was checking that everything was alright, I was concerned when I didn’t see you out here.”

Not even knowing the rules, I jumped into to save Quinton from having broken anything with consequence. “He was keeping me company while I ate.”

“I had Mitz put a snack together for Daxx.” Quinton offered as he stepped out into the hallway.

Troy nodded. “Good.”

There was some sort of tension in Troy I didn’t understand. He’d been so laid back earlier and now he was tense. “Did you need to see me for something?” I asked trying to keep him from staring at Quinton any longer.

Turning, his eyes ran over me again. “I had wanted to speak to you, but I see you’re ready to retire, so it can keep until later.”

I motioned with my hand for him to come in. “No. I’m wide awake.” I smiled at Quinton. “Thanks again.”

“My pleasure little…”

“Don’t even.” I snarled at him and made him smile and then closed the door in his face.

Turning, I watched as Troy looked around the room and noted the tray and pop on the table. His eyes strayed to the bed.

Apparently, some male traits were universal regardless of which side of the realm you lived on. “What are you looking for?”

Sighing, he shook his head. “Just pondering something Chase said.”

“Oh? Was it something regarding me sleeping with Quinton? Because that’s what’s going through your head and you’re lucky I’m in a good mood or I’d have him come in and pummel you.”

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he looked down at the floor. “It’s just so out of character for Quinton to be open with someone.”

“Did you think maybe it’s because I don’t step aside or look away? I don’t see him as a monster.”

Troy’s head popped up. “Neither do I.”

“But many do?”

He sighed. “Yes, I’m afraid they do.” He motioned to the door his brother was on the other side of. “Did he tell you?”

I shook my head. “Not yet and don’t you either. It’s not your place to tell.” A tired look appeared in his eyes and it showed me he was truly as old as he said. “You wanted to talk to me about something?”

Nodding, he rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “Chase tried to reach one of Wanda’s coven mates, Clairee. She’s nowhere to be found. We’re wondering if she crossed to go find Wanda.”

“Or whatever is going down has sent her into hiding.”

He raised his eyebrows. “I hadn’t thought of that, it’s possible, Clairee is also a witch, if she doesn’t want to be found, she won’t be.”

That extra sense I had acquired seemed to kick in. There was definitely something going on here and somehow I’d landed right in the middle of it. “We’ll find Wanda tonight and then see if she has any answers.” His tired eyes flicked to mine. “Shouldn’t you be sleeping or something by now?”

“Yes, normally, but today doesn’t seem to be going as usual.”

“Tell me about it.” I went over and stood in front of him. “This has been the weirdest friggin’ day in my life.”

He inhaled deeply and nodded. “It’s been interesting.” When he looked back at me, his eyes were a brilliant red.

“Why do your eyes just change like that?”

He shrugged nonchalantly, or so he wanted me to think. “Just tired.”

“B.S. I’m pretty sure a dude as old as you has all the control in the world, even when tired.”

A smile flashed and I caught sight of those fangs again. “You would think. Since the moment you walked into my office it seems to be malfunctioning.”

“I don’t understand.”

He stepped back and looked down at me. His eyes, even red drew me in as much as the pretty hazel ones did. “Your essence is taunting me.”

Here was another moment where I didn’t have a quirky comeback, which seemed to have happened too often for me today. “If you think I’m going to offer up a small taste, I don’t foresee that happening.”

“I know,” he whispered.

Shivers went up and down my spine. My hormones kicked in and the mental image of his mouth on my neck, for any reason popped into my head. Not happening I told myself even as I stood there almost hypnotized by the red eyes looking into my own.

“I should go.”

Nodding, I stepped back forgetting to lift the material from the floor, stumbled a few steps forward and came close to doing a very ungraceful face plant on the floor. Troy caught me and pulled me against him as I struggled to get the satin unwrapped from my ankle. “Apparently, I’m too short.”

“No, you’re the perfect size.”

Stiffening, I looked up into those red eyes and then looked away quickly. “Thank you.” Grasping the material, I hiked it up and stepped back.

Troy continued to stand there and look down at me. He had a strange look in his red eyes and the fact that I could tell was a bit odd.

“Is something wrong?” I finally asked once I had the material all straightened out.

Tucking his hands back in his pockets, he sighed. “I’m sorry. It’s just unusual when I can’t read what a person is thinking.”

“I would think something like that is refreshing, it can’t be fun to constantly know what’s on other minds.”

“It is taxing at times.” He grinned, “or entertaining. It’s just this one time when I’d actually like to know I get nothing.”

I smirked. “It might be good, help you to work on your people skills.”

“My people skills?” His eyebrows creased. “That it might.” Turning he went over to the door. “I’ll let you get some rest.”

I nodded standing where I was, I wasn’t going to try moving again until after he left. When he opened the door, Quinton and two other males were practically standing with their ears against the door.

They straightened up and stood there. Troy looked from one to the other. “Raf, were you looking for me?” The one with the short blonde hair shook his head and stepped back out of the way. Troy turned to the other man. “Leone?”

Looking at the floor while he spoke, his eyes glancing quickly to me the one with the short spiked red hair shrugged. “I was out tracking, I just got back and…”

“Found out our Huntress has arrived.” Troy supplied for him.

He nodded briskly. “So it’s true?”

Glancing over his shoulder at me, Troy raised his eyebrows and then turned back to the men. “It is.” When he sent me a questioning glance, I gave a small nod. “Would you care to meet her?”

Quinton stepped past him and came over to me before the other two could make it through the door. “Is this alright with you? I can tell them to get stuffed and wait till breakfast.” Sighing loudly, he ran a hand back over his long brown waves. “You’re probably wishing I left you in the wasteland.”

I smiled up at him and touched his arm. “No. I was completely freaked right out when I found myself sitting on dirt in the middle of nowhere.” The two came over with Troy, both of them were staring at my hand on Quinton’s arm. I wasn’t sure if I was breaking some sort of rule or protocol, so I started to move it when Quinton placed his hand over top and held it there.

He winked at me and then motioned to the men with his head. “Daxx, these are my two youngest brothers.” Quinton motioned to the one with the spiked-out hair. “Leone, our enforcer.”

I started to extend my hand when the man covered in orange dust dropped to one knee. He bowed his head and I had to bite my lip to not laugh out loud.

“Huntress Queen, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

When he continued to kneel there with his head down, I looked up at Quinton who sighed. “Leone, she doesn’t know…” shaking his head he leaned down to me and whispered in my ear. “Place your hand on his head so the fool will get up.”

Feeling more than just a little out of my comfort zone, I reached over and gently touched the top of his head. He looked up at me and smiled before getting to his feet. My only thought was, were all these brothers good looking with killer smiles? The women in this realm were very lucky.

When the tallest one with the short blonde hair stepped forward, he was smiling at me like I was his biggest secret. “Daxx, this is our youngest and he will be your other guard, Rafael.” Quinton said quietly.

Rafael dropped to one knee. “Little Queen, it’s awesome that you’re here.”

With eyebrows raised, I quickly touched his head so he would get up. In less than a day I’d gone from a bounty hunter that people spit on to someone large men knelt in front of, life was definitely full of surprises.

When he stood, Troy started to say something that I didn’t get a chance to hear when the giant Rafael grabbed me around the waist and lifted me up off the floor and hugged me so tightly I thought he might snap me in two. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

Sending Quinton a panicked look, he shook his head and sighed loudly. Without a word, he pulled me out of Rafael’s hold and set me on the floor. I was feeling a bit like a favorite rag doll at the moment.

Leone groaned. “Raf, I can’t believe you just did that.”

Troy was laughing and shaking his head. “So much for her personal space.”

“What?” Rafael looked from one to the other. “Come on, you can’t tell me you guys aren’t screaming inside with joy because she’s real and here.”

“Daxx will be the one screaming soon if you baboons don’t back off and stop crowding her.” Chase stood leaning in the doorway. He sent Quinton a dark look. “I thought I’d stop over and see if she was getting some rest and here I find half my siblings towering over her like eager puppies with a new toy.”

Quinton waved his hands around in exasperation. “No one said I had to protect her from my own family trying to squeeze the life out of her.”

Strolling into the room, Chase gave Rafael a questioning glance.

Rafael threw his hands up. “What? I have been seeing her for years and the lot of you thought I was completely whacked and now that she’s here you’re all standing back saying ‘oh we knew she’d come’.”

I looked up at Quinton. “Seeing me?”

Quinton nodded, and reached down to straighten my robe that was falling off my shoulder. “Raf has the gift of sight, and he has seen you many times over the years.”

“Well just the last five for sure,” Rafael stated.

I looked up at the giant teddy bear that had just hugged the breath out of me. “My tattoo appeared five years ago, just after I turned twenty.”

“My god, she’s a child,” Leone muttered.

I scowled over at him, my patience for everything that had happened today snapped. “Hey—I’m twenty-six, thank you very much and I’ve been living on my own since I was fifteen. In life experience, I’m a fucking ancient one!” I spat at him.

Troy reached over and cuffed Leone in the back of the head. “I apologize for my brother’s insult.”

Chase chuckled. “I was hoping that cute little knife was going to come out.”

Leone, rubbed the back of his head. “What cute little knife?”

I wanted to go home, I decided. Now would be good. First I was a child and now they were calling my raptor a cute little knife. I couldn’t deal with this, I was sure there was no way I could get used to stuff like this. Reaching into the pocket I pulled my raptor out and flicked the case to the floor. “This one.” I spun the knife around my thumb and shifted it quickly from a defensive hold to offensive. I ended the little show with it clasped in my hand pointed at Leone.

He looked down at the curved jagged blade and stepped back.

“And she knows how to use it boys,” Chase drawled with a chuckle.

Rafael came over and looked down at the blade in my hand, he smirked at me. “I still would have hugged you if I’d known you had it.”

I wanted to growl, but it was hard to with those blue eyes smiling down at me.

“Everyone needs to get out and leave Daxx to rest.” Quinton growled and went over to the door and held it open.

I sent him a look of thanks and then watched as the men moved slowly towards the door, all except Chase. He stood beside me with his hands tucked in his pockets and looking down at the floor. Troy stopped in the door and glanced back at his brother and then to me before he went out it.

Quinton sent me a look and then cleared his throat.

Chase looked over at his brother and nodded. “I got it.” He looked down at me, his hazel eyes glowing with energy. “It’s good to know you have claws you aren’t afraid to use. I like them.” He gave me a cheeky grin and inclined his head before sauntering toward the door.

Maybe it was the reference to a cat, or just maybe I’d had enough for one freakin weird day, but I spun the raptor, tossing it so I caught the tip of the blade and flicked my arm towards the door. It hit the frame, level with the height of his head just as he reached the doorway.

Pausing, Chase looked at the knife now sticking out of the wood. With a grin, he turned and looked me over from the floor up. “Keep them sharp, kitten, you’re going to need them.” With that he disappeared out the door.

Quinton moved over and pulled the knife from the frame and came to me, holding it out. “That was something.” He said with a grin.

I took the knife back and heaved a loud sigh. “I want to go home.”

The light in his eyes dimmed and he gave me a serious look. “I won’t let anyone else bug you, I promise.”

I sighed again hearing the sadness in his voice. “Thanks, I’m going to try to sleep.” I shrugged. “Who knows maybe I’ll wake up in my own bed.” Turning, I went over and picked up the case for my blade and headed to the giant bed.

“It will get better, Daxx.”

I nodded but didn’t turn to look at him. I just wanted my life back, it may not have been much but it was what I knew. As I sat on the soft cover on the bed, I ran my hand over the smooth material. Problem was, would my life be the same knowing there were other dimensions and realities?

Somehow, I didn’t think it would be.

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