The Huntress : The Alterealm Series Book 1

Chapter 4

We stepped into a room, a bedroom that had more square footage than two of my overpriced two bedroom shacks back home. I felt like I’d stepped into some sort of antique, medieval room. Everything was dark polished wood with deep blue décor. I liked it.

I zeroed in on the bed and once again my loose jaw sagged open. The thing was the size of my living room at home. Turning, I looked over my shoulder at him. “The giant won’t be offended that I crash in his bed tonight?”

Troy smirked and then cleared his throat. “This room belongs to no one. It’s been lying in wait for the Huntress.”

That’s me… “I have my own room? For how long has it been waiting?”

“Centuries, roughly twenty I suppose. We’ve updated a little here and there along the way, but if you wish to change anything that is your choice.”

I had a room that had been waiting for my arrival for a couple thousand years. It didn’t get any more fantasy realm than that. Going over, I opened a door and almost whimpered to see the gleaming bathroom on the other side. The tub was also something straight from homes for the rich and famous it was marble and I’m pretty sure half my neighborhood could have fit in it. “Am I expected to stay here, on this side now?”

“You can do as you wish.”

“I do have a life, you know.”

Leaning against the huge desk that sat on what had to be a priceless antique carpet, he looked down at the floor before seeking my eyes again. “I do believe this would be one of those times where life as you know it has been altered.”


I almost fainted as a large man burst through the door scaring me half to death. He stopped and looked from Troy to me, and then back to Troy again. I was looking at the twin; there was no mistaking that, it could have been a mirror with the exception of the blonde goatee on his chin. There was enough alpha male standing in the room now that the world, any one, would never be lacking.

“Daxx, may I introduce my brother, the ruler of the daywalkers. Chase, meet our Huntress.”

The big guy faced me, with his hands on his hips, his hazel eyes moving over me taking in every single inch of me to be sure. “So it’s true? I thought Arius and Leone were just being dicks.”

“Well, I can’t vouch for that fact, you did pull some pretty nasty pranks on them when they were kids.” Troy, turned and looked at me. “Brothers, you know how they can be.”

Hugging my arms around my waist I shook my head. “No, not really. I didn’t have family.”

A sad look crossed Troy’s face, but he cleared it quickly.

Chase moved in my direction slowly, his eyes assessing me as he did. “I can’t believe it’s true, you’re here.”

I shrugged. “Yeah well, that makes of two of us then.” I stiffened when he stepped around behind me and clenched my teeth as his hand brushed aside my hair that hung just long enough to cover the tattoo between my shoulders. He touched the center of the tattoo and my spine went rigid. I clenched my teeth and reached around and rested my hand over the handle of my knife.

“Did you see this, brother?”

Troy exhaled loudly. “No, I thought it might be rude to paw at her.” His eyes met mine and without words he apologized for his brother. “Might I suggest you move away from the Huntress, Chase. You may have been too distracted to notice what her hand now rests upon.” His eyes sought mine and held me steady. “You also missed her threatening to slice Welsley a whole new life style.”

Chase stepped in front of me again and looked down at me. “You did that?” He smirked.

“Yes and you’re coming close to the same offer.” My body reacted to his closeness, not in the same way it had to Troy, my knees weren’t turning to mush but there was something in the way he watched me that sent conflicting emotions coursing through me. They may be twins, but the man I was looking at was nothing like his brother.

His eyes grew serious. “You could try, Huntress.”

I looked him up and down in such a way that I might offend him and make him move away. “Do you drink a person’s essence too?”

Those eyes flashed yellow at me. “No.”

I looked at his mouth trying to see if there were fangs, but he kept it closed. “What then? If you tell me you live on cheese whiz and peanut butter I’m going to have to call you a liar.”

The smile that reached his mouth was one of a predator. He leaned down so his face was level with my own. “Where my brother sustains life on your spirit from within, I keep my heart strong on all those humanly emotions you have inside you.”

I knew he was trying to intimidate me with his size and nearness and it was pissing me off. “Really? Do you sense what emotions are coursing through my humanly body right now?”

Scowling, he straightened and tried to hold me with a stare. “No.”

I offered a sarcastic grin. “Good, because it’s not an all together pleasant one where you are concerned.”

Troy burst out laughing. “I believe the expression is snap.” He continued to chuckle softly as he came over and glanced down at me with a look of approval.

Every nerve in my body was saying it was done, finished. With one towering over me laughing and the other one snarling at me, I’d had enough. “You did say this is my room.”

Troy nodded. “Of course.”

I batted my baby blues up at him in one of those pathetic feminine ploys I only reserved for last resort. “And I stand equal with the throne or rather the both of you?”

“Yes.” Troy smiled.

I smiled back and batted some more. “Good. Just checking.” I glared from one to the other. “Now get out. Both of you. I’ve had enough of fairy tales and nightmares for one day, thank you very much.”

Chase smiled wide when Troy’s jaw dropped. “You were saying, brother?”

Troy recovered and turned towards the door. “Quinton will be just outside if you need anything, Daxx.”

Chase stopped him with a hand on his arm. “You’re leaving her in Quint’s care?”

Troy looked at me for a moment before answering. “He found her and is very protective of her.”

Chase sent me a startled look but spoke to Troy. “He spoke to her?”

“Yes.” Troy gave me that look again that was filled with a soft look.

“The Gods lay in shock,” Chase whispered as he went out the door.

“Indeed.” Troy nodded to me once and then left, closing the door behind him.

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