The Hooded Luna:Happily Ever After

Chapter 26~Nothing Left

“I’ll do it.” Phoenix sniffled turning to face Michael and wiping the tears from her cheeks. Mateo studied her closely like he was trying to get all of her secrets.

“Fantastic.” Michael said smirking. He signaled for the guard that just stabbed Peter to step forward. Phoenix’s eyes were cold and calculating as she looked between the three of them. The guard reached in his pocket and pulled out a needle before sticking it in her neck. Phoenix gasped sharply and her eyes rolled back in her eyes before she collapsed onto the ground motionless.

Meanwhile, Lucifer and Maleficent had successfully managed to free everybody and sneak out.

“We need to go get Phoenix.” Kenzie said as her and the others tried to find a way to get out without getting caught. Lucifer could teleport them out but they needed a plan for if a guard came to check on them and the cages were empty.

“She can handle it.” Maleficent mumbled without looking at her.

“I never said she couldn’t.” Kenzie growled. Maleficent froze and slowly turned to face Kenzie.

“Is there a problem?” Maleficent asked taking a step towards Kenzie.

“I just don’t trust you.” Kenzie said bluntly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“That’s fine. I’m not doing any of this for you anyway. I’m doing it for my best friend.” Maleficent said before turning her attention back to what she was doing previously.

“She isn’t your best friend- not anymore.” Kenzie grumbled under her breath before walking in the opposite direction of Mal. Maleficent heard her but she swallowed back her remark deciding Kat would want her to at least make an effort.

“Astral projection.” Lucifer said breaking through the silence that had settled over them.

“It would work but if a guard came down here to grab somebody else...” Maleficent let the rest of her sentence hang in the air. Lucifer groaned in annoyance and ran a hand through his hair.

“Actually, there is a way.” Maleficent whispered. Lucifer perked up and walked up to her.

“What is it?” He asked curiously.

“We can do the astral projection,” Maleficent started slowly.

“What’s the catch?” Lucifer asked frowning.

“I’ll have to stay here to solidify the bodies.” Maleficent said softly.



Lucifer glared at Kenzie harshly before turning his attention back to Maleficent.

“No.” He said again.

“Her brother and his mate have been locked in the panic room for three days now.” Maleficent said making it clear there wasn’t any room for argument.

“They’ll kill you.” Lucifer pleaded.

“I’ll be okay.” Maleficent said smiling sadly.

“And if your not?” Lucifer asked desperately.

"I will be, I got to see my best friend again." She said shrugging. Lucifer shut his eyes tightly as his resolve began to crumble.

"You know you won't be strong enough to take them. You already have that spell going to-"

"Luce." She whispered stepping impossibly closer to him. He slowly opened his eyes and Maleficent gave him a weak smile. Her heart clenched in her chest as she noticed the desperation in them. She took his face gingerly in her hands and smiled softly as she tried to burn his face into her memory. Neither of them thought they were built for love but it was written clearly in both of their eyes as they looked at each other. Up here they'd only been gone for three days but in hell, they were together for almost three months. She stepped on her tippy toes and pressed her lips gingerly against his. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly as he kissed her back. She slowly pulled away from him and leaned her forehead against his.

"I'll be okay." She whispered pulling back to look at his face. He nodded his head and opened his eyes to look at her.

"I know." He said softly. She took a step back and looked around the group.

"We'll need a piece of all of you." She said holding her hand out. They each pulled out a strand of hair and gently placed it in her hand. She faced Lucifer and he studied her for a second before taking her free hand in his. Both of them closed their eyes as Maleficent whispered the spell under her breath. She shook her head as she felt herself weakening and continued saying the spell. She gasped deeply forcing air into her lungs as she finished and took a step away from Lucifer. She opened her eyes to see him staring at her with a pained look. She smiled weakly and frowned as she realized her face felt wet. Lucifer held out a handkerchief for her as if he'd read her mind and she smiled thankfully before wiping her nose. She froze as she noticed the blood on it.

"Your eyes too." Lucifer said softly. She looked up at him for half a second before wiping underneath her eyes and her cheeks. She ignored the pleading look on Lucifer's face and turned to face the projections they'd just made. They looked identical to the real ones and they stared at each other expectantly. She walked up to one of them and gently put her hand on its shoulder. She released a breath of relief when her hand didn't just go straight through it.

"Okay, let's do this." She said guiding the projections into their right cages. She closed it behind them and turned to face the group.

"Good luck." She whispered giving them a small smile.

"Good luck." Kenzie said smiling back and shocking her. Lucifer walked up to her and kissed her letting his desperation flow into the kiss. He stepped back leaving her breathless and she smiled.

"See you on the other side." She said winking. He chuckled despite himself and nodded.

"See you on the other side." He whispered. He took a deep breath before following the group to the basement door. He waved his hand and they all turned invisible. Mal released a shaky breath before going into a dark corner. Lucifer stopped walking and looked back at where he knew she was. He knew she couldn't see him and he resisted the urge to run up to her and run away with her. He turned his attention back to the others and they began making their way to where the panic room was.

"Wakey Wakey." Michael said crouching down and gently smacking Phoenix's face. She'd been down for only five minutes but Michael was never known for his patience. She kept her eyes closed but she was starting to wake up. She focused on her sword and mentally took a deep breath as she hoped her plan would work. She'd have to move fast which meant calling Blaze out and getting her sword at the same time. Before Michael or Mateo could comprehend what was going on Phoenix was on her feet with her sword in her hand. She smirked as she looked between the two of them. Her hand ripped through the guard's chest and Michael stared at her fingers as she waved at him before pulling her arm back out. The guard's body dropped to the ground with a thud leaving Mateo and Michael. Mateo snapped into action before running up to her, she kicked him in his chest making him stumble backward.

"You'll get your turn." She said before sending him a wink and flicking her wrist. He crashed into the chair he was sitting in previously and she forced him to sit down. She turned her attention to Michael and cocked her head to the side in curiosity.

"Blaze." Mateo growled in annoyance.

"The one and only." She said keeping her eyes on Michael. She gestured for Michael to come closer and he stared wide-eyed at his feet as they started to move on their own accord. She gestured for him to kneel and he went crashing down onto his knees. She studied him closely as she slowly walked around him.

"Hm, the last time I saw you I stuck two daggers in your chest and personally sent you to hell." She said stopping in front of him.

"Yeah, thanks for that." Michael said smirking. Blaze chuckled as she looked at him.

"I could keep you alive but the thought of all the things Lucifer will do to you is just too hard to pass up." She whispered crouching in front of him.

"I told you this stupid plan wouldn't work." Mateo growled from behind them. She ignored him and Michael looked at him in annoyance.

"Tell me you planned for this to." Mateo said almost pleadingly.

"I'd planned for everything except this. She was supposed to be too desperate to help Peter that she wouldn't try anything." Michael said.

"Oh she was but then I told her to listen. There wasn't a heartbeat." Blaze said cutting into their conversation. Michael shut his eyes and cursed under his breath as he realized he should've planned for that. Blaze stood and flicked her wrist making Michael lay down flat on his back. His heartbeat picked up as he watched her closely. She traced his leg with her sword as ideas of torture began to flood her mind.

'Should I take my time?' Blaze asked Phoenix. It took Phoenix a while to respond considering her mind was on Peter.

'Do as you wish.' She whispered tiredly. Blaze smirked and let her eyes rake over Michael one last time before she started working.

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