The Hooded Luna:Happily Ever After

Chapter 21~Big Happy Family

“Hey, Phoenix.” Lucifer said as soon as she walked back into the house.

“Yeah?” She whispered turning to face him.

“You know this is never going to happen, right?” He teased, gesturing between the two of them. Phoenix giggled and shook her head.

“You’re breaking my heart.” She said rolling her eyes. He chuckled and smiled at her.

“Are you okay?” He asked softly. Her smile dropped and she shrugged.

“Fine. Why?” She said, with a clipped tone. Lucifer cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest.

“You left pretty fast.” He said simply. She closed her eyes and ran her hands down her face.

“It’s okay I’m not good with advice anyways.” He said before she could say anything.

“But I am.” Kenzie said, making her presence known.

“That was planned wasn’t it?” Phoenix groaned, closing her eyes.

“Yup.” Kenzie smiled popping the ‘p’.

“It’s nothing. I’m fine.” Phoenix said making her voice waver. She hated how she barely believed her own lie and she wanted to punch something-repeatedly.

“I’m gonna go make sure dinner is ready.” She said before walking away. She missed the worried look Kenzie gave Lucifer while he watched her walk away curiously. He could usually read her emotions like a book but for some reason, he couldn’t. Peter walked out of the room with his hands shoved in his pockets and a frown etched on his features.

“Thanks.” He said catching Lucifer’s attention. Lucifer turned to look at him and let his eyes stray to Maleficent who was holding onto his arm. He could smell the uncertainty coming from her in waves but her demeanor looked calm and calculated. Phoenix did the same thing and he unconsciously tilted his head to the side as he stared at her curiously.

“For what?” Lucifer asked, finally speaking up.

“Bringing me back to life.” Mal said studying Lucifer herself.

"You should thank Nix it was her idea." Kenzie said speaking up for Lucifer. Mal kept her eyes on Lucifer completely ignoring the words that came out of Kenzie's mouth-mainly because she didn't believe it. She blinked looking away from Lucifer and took a deep breath. She was drawn to Lucifer and she hated it she’d swore to herself she would never get attached to a man again. It was already hard enough to make an exception for Peter. The day they’d met came to mind and she found herself losing herself in her thoughts.


“I’m going out. Do you want to come?” Katrina asked peeking her head in the bedroom. I immediately perked up and nodded my head. She smiled at me before walking out leaving me to dress. I immediately jumped out of Katrina’s bed(though she said to call it ours) and ran to the dresser before pulling my clothes off. Ever since Katrina took me in we’d become inseparable- She’d become my sister in the short two months that I was with her. The moon goddess tried to enroll me into school and Katrina fought her until she agreed to enroll me in the school Katrina was going to. She was ridiculously smart so she was taking all AP classes and she helped me study for days for the placement test. When I got in she threw me a small party and kept telling me how proud she was of me. She stuck by my side even when I was being made fun of for my-past. I frowned realizing I was always by her side. I knew she was tired of me always being there but I couldn’t help it my whole life I’d never had anybody that stayed with me from the beginning. My heart screamed at me to stop doubting her love for me especially considering she’d never given me a reason to but my head screamed at me to think of it logically. My frown deepened as I stepped out of the room and walked in the direction of where I knew Katrina was waiting for me. I faltered in my steps as my head screamed at my feet to turn back around and give her space. I started to turn back around to leave when her eyes met mine and she smiled. She looked beautiful she was wearing a pair of dark skinny jeans and a shirt I bought her for her birthday making me smile with a leather jacket on top. Her eyes didn't leave mine once as she basically skipped over to me. She looped her arm with mine and we waved bye to the moon goddess before walking out of the house. We walked up to her all-black Ferrari and she unlocked it before we both got in. Her eyes shifted over to the guards who were getting into their own cars and I watched as a mischievous glint lit up her eyes. She turned to look at me and I laughed shaking my head.

"We're going to ditch them again aren't we?" I asked buckling up.

"Of course we are." She said smiling. She buckled up before revving her engine. I laughed as the two guards' eyes widened knowing exactly what she was about to do. She changed the gear to reverse and revved the engine again. I plugged my phone into the Aux and turned on Katrina's go-to song- highway to hell.

'It's old but it's soo good.' Katrina said when I teased her about it. I smiled at the memory before putting the volume up. The garage doors opened and Kat pressed her foot against the peddle.

"We lost them." I said laughing.

"They did better this time." Kat said smiling at me.

"The moon goddess is going to be so pissed." I said shaking my head.

"Maybe." She shrugged. She pointed at a Wendys and I nodded my head. She smiled before pulling into the driveway. I opened my mouth to tell her my order when she recited it perfectly. I smiled and turned my head out the window. My thoughts wandered to before I'd met Katrina and I bit the inside of my cheek to distract myself from the hollow feeling in my chest.

"Are you thinking about before again?" Katrina asked catching my attention. I turned to look at her and frowned when I realized we weren't in the wendy's drive-thru anymore.

"Huh?" I asked softly.

"You started biting the inside of your cheek and your heartbeat picked up." She said shrugging. I smiled sheepishly and nodded my head.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"Do you miss it?" She asked, handing me my food.

"Yeah, sometimes." I admitted honestly.

"Oh." She said turning to her fries. She smiled and put the food down before pulling off.

"Where are we going?" I asked eating my own food.

"You'll see when we get there." She said before opening her mouth. I smiled and fed her some fries. The rest of the ride was silent as she focused on driving without getting stopped by the police for speeding and I ate. We finally came to a stop and I looked up from my phone.

"The mall?" I asked looking up at the big building.

"Yes well no. I just need to get some things real quick and then we'll go." She said getting out of the car. I shrugged and followed after her. The quick 5-minute shopping trip ended up being 30 minutes when my eyes landed on some really quick shoes and Kat noticed and then we ended up arguing about getting it and just leaving because I didn't want her to buy them for me but she bought them and then she wanted to get an outfit to match and then she decided matching outfits would be nice even though we already had a bunch. So by the time, we made it outside it was pitch-black.

"Where are we going now?" I asked looking out the window.

"It's a surprise." She said making a turn. I frowned but shrugged it off again.

"Wake me up when we get there." I whispered before dozing off.

Wake up." A voice said softly. My body began to shake gently and I slowly opened my eyes to see Katrina smiling at me.

"We're here." She said smiling. I yawned and rubbed my eyes tiredly before looking out the window.

"What? What are we doing here?" I asked slowly getting out of the car.

"You said you missed it here and you've been daydreaming about it a lot lately." She said walking to my side. I slowly nodded my head and my head turned towards the alley where we'd met for the first time. She looked at where I was looking and smiled like she was reading my thoughts.

"Come on." She said looping her hand with mine.

"Tell me your happy memories." She said walking in a random direction. I smiled a little as I looked at her.

"I'm glad I met you." I said smiling. She smiled brightly and gently nudged me.

"Ditto." She said softly. I lost myself in my memories as I began to tell her all the happy ones I could think of.

"Is that Maleficent?" A voice teased from behind us. Kat frowned and turned towards where it was coming from. My smile immediately dropped as I recognized the two boys in front of us.

"Let's go." I mumbled grabbing Kat's hand and pulling her towards the direction we'd just come from.

"What the rush?" One of the boys teased stepping in front of me.

"Yeah, aren't you going to introduce us to your friend?" The second one asked.

"Sister." Kat corrected automatically. I knew she couldn't help it but I couldn't help but curse mentally at the bad timing to be proud of me.

"Mal doesn't have a sister. Do you Mal?" The first one asked smirking and slowly looking Kat up and down. His eyes drifted from her over to me and I could see the malice behind them. He took a step towards me and Kat slid her hand out of mine before taking a protective stance in front of me. She growled in warning and slowly shook her head.

"Back off." She said balling her fist.

"Fiesty I like you." He said holding his hands up in mock surrender and taking a step back.

"I'm Jax and this is Axel." The second boy said holding his hand out for Kat. She stepped back beside me and looked between the two boys cautiously.

"Friends of yours?" She asked keeping her eyes on them.

"Something like that." Axel said.

"No." I said shaking my head. Jax smirked and let his arm drop back to his side.


"We were just leaving." I said cutting off whatever Jax was about to say.

"But Mal you never visit." Jax said pouting. I rolled my eyes and took Kat's hand before attempting again to leave.

"What he's saying is, stay." Axel said blocking us again. I looked over at Kat and she looked between the two boys warily but shrugged.

"I don't mind staying if you want to." She said turning her attention back to me. I smiled and nodded my head. Secretly I did want to stay for a little longer. My past with Jax and Axel was complicated we used to run in the same circles but that was it. We would speak whenever we saw each other and we didn't have any problems, in fact, we would always have the best fun together we just weren't friends.

"But you both need to change the two of you kind of stick out." Jax said looking at our clothes. He wasn't wrong we were dressed way to -rich- to try and fit in which is something I desperately nodded. I nodded my head and took Kat's hand before leading her back to the car with the boys following close behind us. They both whistled lowly at the car and I frowned.

"You know there are only two seats, right?" I asked turning to face them. They both rolled their eyes and I noticed the smirk on Kat's face.

"Just walk really fast." Kat teased before getting into the passenger seat and letting me drive.

"Are those your friends?" Kat asked again as I pulled off.

"There's no such things as friends over here." I answered simply. She looked at me skeptically but didn't say a word. We came to a stop in front of a store I used to go to and climbed out of the car. She turned to look for the boys and shrugged when she didn't see them. I walked into the store leaving her to follow behind me and walked into the back where I always got my clothes. Kat's eyes filled with curiosity as she looked over the racks.

"You don't have to change if you don't want to." I said silently panicking. She turned to look at me as if I was crazy before running deeper into the store. I giggled and shook my head before looking back at the clothes in front of me.

"She doesn't know, does she?" Axel asked, suddenly behind me.

"Know what?" I asked frowning. Axel chuckled and stepped beside me.

"The story of Maleficent." He whispered in my ear. I tensed and took a deep breath before moving away from him. I ignored him and grabbed some clothes from the rack before walking back to the cash register.

"So she doesn't-interesting." Axel said following after me.

"She doesn't what?" Kat asked walking up to us. Jax was following behind her with a pile of clothes in his hands and I cocked an eyebrow while Axel burst into laughter.

"She's hard to say no to- it's scary." Jax grumbled. Kat blushed and brushed her hair behind her ear.

"I got you guys clothes too." She said softly.

"What?" Axel asked tensing.

"I saw this really dope jacket." Jax said as if that would explain everything. He stepped around Kat and put everything on the counter.

"We don't need your handouts princess." Axel growled. Kat flinched as if he'd hit her and he turned before walking out of the door. Kat looked at Jax and he gave her a warm smile.

"Don't worry about him." Jax said softly. She nodded her head and looked at the door again before turning her attention back to the cashier. She gave the cashier a small smile before pulling out her card and paying for everything. Jax held the bags for us and we went outside where Axel was leaning against the wall.

"It wasn't a handout, I was being nice you should try it sometime." Kat said before walking off. I smiled proudly as I followed behind her.

"You're changing." I said as we walked up to the car.

"In a bad way?" She asked frowning and turning to look at me.

"No. I like it." I said giving her a small smile. She stared at me for a second like she didn't know if I was lying or not before smiling at me. Her smile dropped and she turned her head towards the street.

"They found us?" I asked knowingly.

"No, I told them where we were at. They need to take the bags we don't have enough space." She said softly. I nodded my head in understanding and watched her curiously as she pulled out an outfit and heels and put them on the hood of her car. By the time she finished the guards had pulled up in front of us and she sent them an innocent smile. The head guard, Nicholas, playfully rolled his eyes at her and gestured for the other guard-Liam to take the bags from us.

"You can't keep running off you know." He said crossing his arms over his chest and looking between the both of us seriously.

"Are you going to tell her where we are?" Katrina asked softly. He looked between us again as he thought it over until he shook his head.

"I'll make you a deal. I won't tell her as long as you stop running from us." He said letting his arms drop to his side.

"Nick no offense but you guys are embarrassing. I don't want people to know who I am." She whispered frowning. I looked over at the boys to see them watching us curiously. Nick studied her for a second before nodding his head.

"I understand. We'll be more inconspicuous I promise." He said smiling at her. She smiled and hugged him before kissing his cheek. She pulled away ignoring the blush on his cheek and took my hand. She pulled me back over to the boys and smiled.

"So where are we going?" She asked trying to keep in her excitement. Jax's eyes flashed and he looked at me. I nodded my head and smirked knowing exactly what he was thinking.

"You'll see when we get there." I said smiling. She squinted like she was trying to read me before shrugging. She ran over to her car and grabbed her clothes before running past us and back into the store. I followed after her, grabbing my own clothes to change into. I finished long before her and went back outside to wait with the boys.

"What is taking her so fucking long?" Axel growled. I rolled my eyes at him and shrugged.

"She's changing. Besides she's only been in there for like 5 minutes." I said simply. Before he could respond the doors bell jingled catching our attention. Our jaws dropped in sync as Kat walked towards us in slow motion. I had no idea how she did it but she'd changed everything. Her hair was no longer in a ponytail but straightened down her back, she'd put on mascara and lipgloss and had little diamond earrings in her ears. The outfit she'd chosen was a black dress that cut off mid-thigh and hugged her curves perfectly. She had on black heels to match the dress and rings on her fingers that I didn't recognize. She came to a stop in front of us and smiled.

"How do I look?" She asked nervously. The boys continued to ogle her but I could tell she wasn't even asking them.

"You look good." I said smiling. Her smile brightened and she played with the rings on her fingers nervously.

"You think so?" She asked softly.

"I know so." I said nudging her playfully. She looked over at the boys and giggled before snapping her fingers in front of their faces.

"Are we going or what?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest. Axel cleared his throat as he snapped out of it and put on his usual blank face. He smacked Jax's chest who was taking a little bit longer to snap out of it and nodded his head.

"Let's go." He said jerking his head. Katrina bit her lip like she was in thought and her eyes drifted over to Nicholas. His eyes widened as he looked her over and I looked between the two of them closely. She walked up to him and whispered something making him shut his eyes like he was about to do something he'd regret later. He nodded his head and said something to Liam before they both stepped out of the car. Kat gestured her head towards us and we slowly walked up to her.

"What's going on?" I asked curiously.

"We're taking this car." She answered before climbing into the passenger seat.

"Why?" I asked getting in the driver's seat.

"So the boys wouldn't have to walk this time." She said letting her eyes drift over to Jax and Axel. Jax smiled brightly and immediately climbed in while Axel took his sweet time.

"You know Nick has a crush on you right?" I asked as I pulled off. Kat snorted and shook her head

"No, he doesn't." She said looking at me weirdly.

"Yes, he does." Jax said pipping up.

"He knows and he just met him." I said smirking. She frowned and shook her head again.

"Do you like him?" I asked curiously.

"No." She answered immediately.

"Why not?" I countered.

"I mean he's cute and nice but he's just too-"

"Safe?" I asked knowingly. She blushed and nodded her head before looking out the window again.

"He smelled like a wolf he can't be that safe." Jax said.

"Trust me- he is." Kat said turning to look at him. Axel stared at her for a second before turning his attention to outside the window. I smiled as the building came into view and I parked the car before basically jumping out of the car.

"What's this?" Kat asked looking at the club.

"This my dear is the best place in the world." I said looping my arm with hers. She smiled in excitement and let me pull her to the front. The bouncer tensed as his eyes landed on me.

"No." He said immediately. I frowned in confusion and let go of Kat.

"What do you mean no?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"I mean no. You think we didn't hear about what you did?" He growled taking a step towards me. My arms fell to my sides and I took in a sharp breath. I could feel Kat staring at me curiously but she didn't say a word. She turned her attention back to the bouncer and stepped between the two of us. She said something I couldn't hear and his eyes widened as he looked at her. He nodded his head and stepped to the side before pulling back the velvet rope.

"I'm sorry." He said as I began walking past him. I looked at him to see him looking at me and I nodded before following Kat inside. I opened my mouth to ask her what she said but stopped when I saw the genuine happiness on her face. She immediately grabbed my hand something we did whenever something was too good to be true and we needed to make sure it was real before walking up to the bar. She smiled at the bartender before turning to look at me.

"Shots." I said ordering for both of us. The bartender stared at me for a second before snapping out of it and walking away. He came back a minute later with a tray full of shots and placed it in front of us. Kat looked at the glasses in excitement before looking back at me. I separated the glasses before winking at her and throwing mine back. She looked down at hers in anticipation and I giggled feeling slightly buzzed. She picked the first one up and drank it. I laughed as her face scrunched up in disgust and started to reach for her glasses. She smacked my hand away before drinking the rest of them. I stared at her wide-eyed making her laugh. She stood up and started to fall when hands shot out and caught her. I burst into laughter as I stood up myself.

"Thank-" She cut herself off as she looked at the person that caught her and drew a sharp breath.

"Thank you." She said smiling.

"Just watch where you're falling Angel." The person responded gruffly. She didn't respond and neither of them made a move to pull away. I turned to look at who caught her and studied him closely. He was wearing dark jeans, a leather jacket with a black tank top, and a pair of all-black jordans. I looked between the two of them as they seemed to lose themselves in each other's eyes.

"Corny." I mumbled rolling my eyes at the thought.

"I can take her." I said ignoring the fact that his hands were still on her waist and hers were still placed firmly against his chest. He turned to look at me and Kat seemed to snap out of it. She blushed deeply as he looked back at her. He made sure she was steady before slowly removing his hands from her waist. He smirked and slowly looked down at her hands that were still placed against his chest. Her blush deepened and she immediately pulled her hands to her sides. He started to walk away and Kat's eyes widened.

"I'm Katarina." Kat said making him stop. He turned to face her and smiled.

"I'm Peter." He said shoving his hands in his pockets. He looked over at his posse as one of them called his name and gestured for them to leave.

"This is my sister Mal." Kat said when Peter made it clear he wasn't going to leave. He turned to look at me and nodded his head in acknowledgment before turning his attention back to Kat.

"Would you like to dance, Angel? I mean you did just try and take my life." He teased. Kat smiled and nodded her head before letting him lead her to the dance floor. Jax took my hand and lead me to the dance floor ignoring my protests and began dancing with me. We danced for hours laughing and having fun until Nicholas walked in. He grabbed onto me and Kat before dragging us outside with all three boys following behind us.

"Do you know how long you've been in there?" Nick growled looking between the two of us.

"No?" Kat said not realizing the big deal. Nick chuckled humorlessly and pulled his phone out before showing us the time.

"Am I seeing things or does that say 3:12 am?" Kat asked looking between me and the phone.

"You aren't seeing things." Nick answered for me.

"We're so dead." Kat wined burying her face in her hands. She took a deep breath before turning towards the boys.

"Thanks for tonight I had fun." She said smiling. Jax smiled back and nodded his head while Axel kept trying to play it cool. Her eyes drifted over to Peter and she bit her lip nervously.

"Kat is going to stay here and sober up. Nick, can you drive them home?" I asked gesturing towards Axel and Jax. He opened his mouth to protest when Kat turned to face him. He shut his eyes and cursed under his breath.

"We'll be back do not leave." He said opening his eyes and glaring at Kat and me. We nodded our heads and I handed him the car keys. He walked off with Jax and Axel following closely behind him. I watched Kat and Peter curiously as they seemed to lose themselves in conversation and I couldn't help but smile at how happy she looked talking to him. Nick came back 30 minutes later and practically dragged Kat away from him. Peter and I waved goodnight and I snuck him Kat's number before following after Nick.

Maleficent blinked as she snapped out of her thoughts. Phoenix walked into the room where they were all seated and kept her eyes trained on the ground as she tried to avoid looking at Maleficent and Peter.

"Dinners ready." She said before walking out of the room again. Everybody stood up before following after her.

"This is going to be interesting." Lucifer mumbled smirking.

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