The Home Stone

Chapter 17

Almost immediately, her friends besieged Shannon. It had been a few weeks since she had seen them and now they were together again.

Looking around she asked. “Where’s Dreen?”

All eyes looked downward to the wooden planks that made up the docks. Ashley broke the silence with the news as to what happened to the elf.

“But he is alright?” Shannon asked, showing great concern. “He will live?”

“Yes…. He will live, but he is still too weak to continue this quest with us. He will remain behind, until we return.”

The different villages of Evermore always amazed Shannon. They were kept so clean. Not like some of the other towns and cities of Enderby or Rogalandt. Here the houses were painted and the front yards were kept neat. Flowers adorned the windowsills and rows of plants made up their gardens surrounded by white picket fences. Everything was in its proper order. Those who lived there, or operated a business even swept the sidewalks clean every day. Shannon smiled to herself. The broom maker must make a small fortune selling his craft, as brooms wore out quickly here.

Kirin took the newcomers to where he and Ashley had been staying. The rooms were close to where the council would meet in the morning. They spent the rest of the day planning for the next leg of their journey.

That night the group ate at one of the inns near the wharf. They dined on some of the best foods that Evermore had to offer. While they dined on tasty sea crustaceans of all kinds and drank some of the best ales and wines the inn had to offer, they spoke of what happened on their trip to the home of the elves. They consumed more ale and wine until the wee hours of the morning. They were just happy to be together again. Finally, Kirin announced that they should get some sleep as in the morning they are to appear in front of the council of elders to receive whatever they had to give them so they would succeed in their task.

It was very early in the morning, just before sunup when there came a knock on the door. Kirin had asked the innkeeper to wake them early and soon after, the group found themselves in the kitchen eating a hearty breakfast and filling sacks with food that the elf had procured for the trip. While Brendan and Sean hauled the food down onto the dock where their ship was berthed, the rest went to see the council.

The hall was just as she remembered it so many years ago. The long room with tables on each of the sides and a raised platform on the far end was just like it was some twenty years ago. There were two large chairs in the center and six steps leading up to the top of the platform, where the King and Queen of all the elves were seated. In the center of the room were some more tables. They were arranged in a U formation so the council of elders could sit. Chairs were provided so that Shannon and her party could sit in the center. The doors were closed behind them and everyone who did not have to be there was dismissed. Even the fabled Home Guard was asked to wait outside.

Once the four were seated the council entered. There were twelve in all. They passed in front of the Royal couple and bowed low before continuing to their place at the tables. After a few minutes, the eldest of the council stood up and addressed the four friends.

“It is obvious that the four of you know and understand what has happened to our Home Stone,” he began. “And by being here today at this meeting, you have chosen to take up the quest and retrieve the stone and return it to its rightful place. You also know that this task will not be an easy one. There will be many dangers ahead and there is a possibility that some or none of you will return.”

The four just looked at each other. They heard the words, but seemed confused. Shannon figured to go into the warrior women’s camp and with a little diversion steal the stone and sail back to Evermore with it. What could be simpler?

The elder continued. “Our clerics, have told us that the stone is being kept in the Valcoran village and under heavy guard. No one can get close enough to touch the icon let alone steal it.”

“How are we to get close enough to get our hands on the stone if it’s so well guarded?” asked Shannon. The other three nodded their agreement.

“Brendan and his son will bring you to the island. It must appear that he is there only to fish. During the night, you will put ashore and hide the small crafts for your return trip. We will send along three of the Home Guard to help you. As Brendan and the rest of you are ashore, one will remain and take the rogue’s place. This way no one will suspect anything. Once ashore you must find the entrance to the underground passage as quickly as you can. Leave one at the entrance to protect your return. Also leave one to protect the other side of the opening. Shannon, Kirin, and Brendan will proceed to the village and retrieve the Holy Relic. The three of you will be given each a cloak of invisibility, which you will use to enter the Valcoran village. Kirin, you will also have twelve exploding arrows that could help in your escape should the need arise.”

“Are there any questions? No? Good!” spoke the elder. “Ashley, you must remain while the rest of you will go and help your two friends loading the ship.”

The elf looked puzzled and sat back down. Had they found out that she was part of the theft? Shannon kept looking back as if to ask for some explanation, but none was coming. The doors closed quickly behind them, as they exited the building and made their way down to the docks. Kirin excused himself and told them that he was going to find a friend who will accompany them east to the Dragon Isles.

“Ashley,” the elder began as he stood up and came around the tables to where she sat, “you may have the most important job of this quest.” Reaching into his cloak he pulled out and tiny glass vial and handed it to her. “This,” he continued, “is a potion of gigantism. If taken, the user will grow to about twenty-five feet in just seconds. The spell lasts only for a few minutes, but it is enough to scare most away and give you a chance to escape, but be aware, any injury you sustain while the potion is in effect, will be twenty-five times greater when it wears off. Use it only as a last resort. I have waited to give you this, so that the others will not influence you whether or not to use it. This has to be your decision and yours alone, so keep it safe and out of sight.”

For a moment. she just stood there staring at the outstretched hand holding the vial. She swallowed heavily before she moved her hand and accepted the potion. It was a burden she didn’t really want, but she knew that with this spell in a glass she might be the one to save the quest or let it fail. So, they did know after all. How did they find out? She knew that this was the reason that they had given the vial to her. She was not expected to return. This would be her punishment for her part in the Home Stone’s disappearance.

“Thank you,” was all she could muster. Then turning she tucked the vial into her pouch and left the building. The last words she heard were the council wishing her a speedy and safe return. Then the doors closed behind her.

“Why couldn’t they send one of their own?” she argued with herself, as she made her way down to the docks. “After all they would be better at using magic than she herself.” The thought of not returning or dying didn’t really bother her if it was for a good cause, but this! This was different. She and her friends were being asked to risk their lives that really would never affect her. Or would it? She kept on trying to convince herself of this, but it did no good. She knew the real reason that she was chosen.

By the time Ashley made it to the ship everyone else was waiting. Kirin introduced William Thorncrest. “He is one of my most trusted captains of the Home Guard. He along with Ashley and two other elves named Fredrick and Galvin will accompany us on our journey. William will also take Brendan’s place once we go ashore.”

William was one of the largest elves Shannon had ever seen. He stood almost five and a half feet tall. His well-muscled frame made him look more like as if he was from the race of man rather than an elf. Only his ears gave him away, but with a bandanna and a hat no one would ever know the difference.

All eight were standing on the deck when a gruff voice called out. “And where do you think you are going?” They turned to see Dreen standing not twenty feet away from them. Rushing to the elf with smiles from ear to ear. They greeted him, but stayed away from the still infected wound.

“Think you’re leaving without me, do you?” repeated Dreen.

“No, my friend,” answered Kirin surprised that the elf had made it to Evermore before they left, “but you’re in no shape to come with us. Your wound is not healed and we cannot take the chance that it might become worse while we are running for our lives.”

Shannon stepped forward and placed her hand on his wounded shoulder. He winced. “Kirin is right,” she said. “You are not yet ready to continue the mission. You must remain here and wait for our return.”

Shannon stared into his sad eyes and then turned back towards the boat. There were tears in her eyes and she didn’t want the elf to see that.

Kirin stepped forward and spoke to the wounded elf. “You can do something for me. When you are strong enough to ride, go to the villages and gather as many men to ride north to Maryton. Gather an army so that we can meet and defeat the barbarians. Wait for me there.”

Nodding, Dreen with his good arm placed his hand upon Kirin’s shoulder and said. “Don’t worry my friend. I’ll be there.”

“But at least bring me back a souvenir,” he shouted as they waved goodbye and loosened the ropes that held the ship at the dock.

Brendan, Sean and William hoisted the smaller of the two main sails and maneuvered the skiff away from the dock and out into the open water of the harbor. With a high tide and a good stiff wind blowing off shore it did not take long for the small ship to reach the open sea, leaving Evermore behind. Everyone except Brendan and his son stayed mostly below. After all it was supposed to look like it was a fishing trip.

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