The Home Stone

Chapter 16

Sean, who was in the wheel house called Shannon over and gave her quick instructions to keep the ship on a steady course. He then ran forward and hoisted the large main sail. The little vessel lurched forward as the wind exploded into the white cloth. Trimming the sails so that they would run at full capacity the ship began to out distance the heavier Troll Warship. By late afternoon the troll ship had disappeared beyond the horizon. Brendan knew they could not stop to replenish the fresh water, because the trolls wouldn’t give up so quickly. When they reached friendlier waters, they would be able to stop, but not before. Slicing through the waves, Brendan relieved Shannon and took over the task of navigating the ship.

“Tell me something,” Shannon asked. “How were you able to escape the Valcorans and why are they so determined in getting you back?”

He looked at the elf girl and one could see that he did not want to talk about the subject, but Shannon kept staring at him and finally he gave in.

“All right,” he started. “It all began some years back when Sean was still too small to come fishing with me. I was sailing a little too close to the Dragon Isles with my net out when a ship approached. I could see that it was a ship of war, but since I wasn’t armed and I had been fishing here on and off for many years, I didn’t feel any concern was needed. Boy, was I wrong. No sooner had I waved to show no aggression, six female warriors stood up and trained their arrows on me. I was captured. At that time these female warriors were at war with a race of man. In another age, they lived together in harmony, but something changed and the females who were the weaker became the aggressor and broke away to form their own tribe. Taking refuge in the mountains at the center of the largest island they were able to fortify themselves and keep the male warriors at bay. There were many battles fought with heavy losses on both sides. Today there is an uneasy peace between them, but back then it was total war.”

“But where do you fit in?” Shannon asked. “With all the men so close. Why did they need you?”

“Apparently all the men,” he answered. “That were kept in the village, were sterile. There were other men there in the same position as me. A few were taken away, but never returned. We found out later that they had been killed. So I escaped one night after a guard failed to lock the door. I made my way over to the tunnels and through trial and error found my way to the other side of the mountain fortress. Near the shore I found a small boat and rowed out to sea. The sea took me out farther and farther and after a week or so I was picked up by a patrol of trolls who brought me to their village. After telling my tale, they realized that I’m no threat to them and let me take up residence there. I built my little cabin and bought a new boat. The rest, you know.”

“Tell me…. did you …. I mean…with any of them?”

“No! I never got a chance. Besides, I didn’t want to find out what happened to the ones that did.”

“What happened to his mother?” she asked.

“She died giving birth.” He replied.

Shannon nodded and gave him her condolences. Brendan turned his head away and rose to make his way back down to the tiny galley. He knew that he did not tell the elf everything and at the earliest opportunity, he and Sean would leave the elf girl and head for some of the islands south of Aan. He had no intention of going back to the Dragon Isles.

The rest of the day Shannon spent in silence. She had found out what she needed to know. She also knew now the possible reason for stealing the Home Stone. Were the Valcorans trying to make themselves or their captives fertile again? It’s the only possible reason that Shannon could come up with.

That evening they pulled into what looked like a protected bay and dropped anchor. Brendan and Shannon put ashore using the little rowboat and searched for a stream of fresh water. When they returned Sean said that they should lower the main mast, explaining that it could be seen from outside the bay. All agreed and that one of them would row ashore in the morning to see if they were still being followed. Each took their turn standing watch that night and when morning came Sean elected to check out if anyone was still looking for them.

The fog was as thick as pea soup that morning, when Brendan’s son lowered the tiny rowboat into the water. Within seconds he was out of sight wrapped in the thickness of the morning mist. The remaining two went about their work communicating only in whispers as the water carried any sound for miles. It was nearly mid-morning when Sean returned with good news. He had waited until the fog had lifted enough to see that there was no one waiting for them. It seemed that the trolls had given up.

After the mast was re-installed, the three maneuvered the ship out of the bay and continued south towards Evermore. They had just cleared the mouth of the bay and turned south when a huge quill from a ship mounted crossbow whizzed past narrowly missing the main sail. Immediately Shannon was on her feet and preparing a spell. Spreading her arms as wide as she could she uttered the strange words that only she understood and the next quill bounced harmlessly off some invisible wall and crashed into the sea. Brendan and his son quickly unfolded more sail and hoisted it so as to gain more speed. The war ship was close and they had to put some distance between them and that crossbow. They both knew that Shannon would not be able to keep the spell going for long. She would tire quickly and then they would be at the mercy of the trolls.

Luck was with them as the war ship was still anchored and would take time to get under way with its full rigging. It would take more time before it would get up to speed and be able to catch them. Slowly they pulled away from the trolls and a short time later they were out of the crossbow’s range. They now had to sail as fast as they could to reach elven waters and hope that there was a friendly ship in sight to aid them.

With a good wind at their backs the three made good time and soon the troll warship was out of sight. They now began to relax and sipped on some fresh water that they had gotten the night before. Shannon had not yet got her full strength back as the spell she used had taken a lot of energy out of her. Brendan had given her the task of steering the ship while he and his son kept trimming the sails as to keep the ship at full sail.

It was late afternoon when off to the port side another ship appeared. Immediately Brendan took over the wheel and began to maneuver the ship as so not to collide with the approaching vessel. Sean had his bow ready and Shannon was already chanting a new spell when a shout came from the larger vessel.

“Lower your weapons!” came the shout. “You have entered elven waters and prepare to be boarded!”

It was a relief to hear those words, thought Brendan. We would now have an escort. Six elves came on board and spoke with them. Shannon explained that a Troll Man of War was chasing them.

“They won’t be entering these waters,” the one in charge were reassured. “We have seen them and they turned back. We will escort you to the harbor where you can dock your ship.”

By early evening, they reached the harbor town. With a wave from their escort, the captain steered the mighty war ship back out to sea, while Brendan turned his vessel into the harbor. The coastal town was the largest in all of Evermore. Here a fleet of elven war ships lay at anchor and there were several merchant ships berthed at the huge docks. Finding an empty berth, Brendan slowly pulled into the space while Sean jumped off onto the wooden docks and tied the lines to the mooring posts. When the ship was secured, the three stepped ashore.

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