The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 30

Chapter 30
Timothy's jaw tightened, his disappointment evident. “I understand. I just... I care
about you, and seeing you in so much stress, it's hard not to want to help. But I'll
back off.”
As I looked into his eyes, I saw a warmth and affection that made my heart ache.
“I'm sorry, Timothy,” I said, my voice trembling with sincerity. “I should have been
more open about that with you. I appreciate your care, though. Really.”
Timothy's shoulders relaxed, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
“It's no problem at all.”
The tension slowly began to ebb away, and we found ourselves sharing a
genuine, if somewhat bittersweet, moment. But I knew that it was time to go. The
encounter had left me emotionally drained, and I needed some space to gather
my thoughts.
“I should head home,” I finally said, rising from my seat. “It's been a long day.”
Timothy nodded, his eyes filled with understanding. “Of course, Evie. But at least
let me walk you home. It's getting late, and I want to make sure you get there
I hesitated for a moment, torn between my desire for some time alone and my
awareness of the concern in Timothy's eyes. In the end, I agreed, not wanting to
hurt him any further.
“All right,” I said, “but you don't have to. I can manage on my own.”
He rose from his seat and picked up the basket of supplies, his gaze never
leaving mine. “I know you can, but I want to. It's the least I can do after all this.”
My head was spinning by the time I got home. I spent most of the walk with.
Timothy trying to imagine all the different scenarios that could have come out of it
had I said “yes“. My body was still hot from his touch.
By the time I reached my apartment entryway, it didn't take long for me to spot.
the reporters at my doorstep. They were still camped out, tents and all. I took a
deep breath, recalling all the cameras and microphones that had been shoved in
my face on the way out
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Chapter 30
My phone chimed and buzzed in my pocket. The screen lit up as I pulled it out
and I squinted at the bright screen.
I can see you, Coco. There's no hiding now, it read.
“Bruce?!?” I nearly dropped the phone in my haste to look around. There was
nothing but small trees and tall buildings surrounding me. I shifted my focus to
the paparazzi, wondering for a moment if maybe he was among them.
None of them looked familiar. However, they had certainly noticed me standing
“Evie!” The man with the camera was rushing over, waving his notebook. “Where
were you? Were you just with Timothy?”
“Leave me alone!” I shielded my head from them as I ducked through the crowd,
not caring who I bumped into. I stepped on a few toes and elbowed a few
accidentally, but I eventually made it to the front door.
“Don't be coy, Evie!” Another blinding flash. More scribbling. “Have you two made
up? Did you forgive him?”
I finally found my keys and shoved them into the lock. There were hands patting
my back, begging for attention, but I shimmied away. Before they could pester
me some more, I slammed the door in their faces.
“Evie!” I heard another voice behind me, and I turned wearily to see who it was.
Over on the couch, Aria and Lucas were seated comfortably with a computer
between them. The sight of them made my worries slip away, almost
miraculously. I rushed over and wrapped Lucas in a warm armed hug.
“I didn’t think I'd see you so soon!” I said, smiling.
Lucas hugged me back. “Good to see you again, Evie! I see you've already
gotten your fame and fortune since we last met.”
I rolled my eyes. “That would be the paparazzi clawing for any news on Timothy
and me,” I told them. Aria patted the space between them for me to sit and I
obliged. She removed the laptop and placed it on her lap.
“All press is good press, my dear,” said Aria, and she gave my shoulder a
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Chapter 30
Lucas reached over to the coffee table and picked up his cup of what looked like
some of the lemonade from the fridge. The smile on his face told me that he
certainly believed that.
“I would say otherwise,” I said drearily. “Bad press will surely tarnish my
reputation. It's not like I'm some pop star that can get a few deals in with the
extra drama. I'm supposed to be a professional, no-nonsense lawyer.”
Lucas sipped from his cup, then placed it back on the table. When he saw me
hunch over, he scooted closer and started smoothing the hair away from my
eyes. “Fair enough. How is Timothy handling it?”
“There's not much he can really do,” I said. “This type of press could hurt his
reputation in the long run if we don’t act quickly. If only I wasn't distracted with
competing with my own colleague.”
They went quiet, and I could see the gears grinding in their minds. Eventually,
Aria turned her laptop around and placed it on my lap. There was a large, L—
shaped sofa on the screen that came in a pea green color.
“What's this for?” I asked, scrolling down to see the other options.
“Oh, you know...” Lucas flicked his wrist. “We figured it wouldn't hurt to look
“Why?” I shot Aria a look and she simply shrugged.
It wasn't like we needed a new couch. Any bigger and we'd barely have room to
walk around the living room, and I didn’t want to risk losing the comfort of the one
we had. It was a modular style couch, colored a nice salmon and decorated with
fluffy pillows.
“You two are up to something,” I said evenly, maximizing the image. They gave
me some expectant glances and I heaved a sigh. “I like this one.”
As they gushed over my choice, I began to ponder over it all. With them browsing
through the catalog, discussing various furniture options, I thought of the
paparazzi that seemed to be constantly lurking outside my windows, as well as
from the persistent threats from Bruce.
Maybe it was time for a more significant change?
“You know,” I began, giving them a sideways glance, “Maybe we need more than
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Chapter 30
just a new couch.”
They both turned to me in awe, processing my words. Aria leaned in closer, her
eyes filled with anticipation. “What do you mean?”
I shrugged. “I mean, what if get a new place?”
Aria nodded urgently. “I've been thinking the same thing!"
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A new location, a new beginning—it
sounded like a dream come true. The
more I thought 2b (yhe-noore it
edt sege. it Eki mean leaving
behind the prying. eyes of the
paparazzi and the constant meddling
of Bruce, and maybe even a chance
to rebuild my life on my own terms.
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“We could find a place that's safe, away from all the chaos, I added. “Somewhere
peaceful and quiet.”
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Cn . 5
Aria’s face lit up with excitement, and
she clapped her hands logethercfim
3 . )
So g ad yop feettriatufa Evie! Let's
start looking for a new place right
" :
away.” The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
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I » :
Yeah." I hesitated for only a moment
before nodding, [Rng yeeetie
A hivietion ittle change
’ “ ’ a”
never hurt too much. “Let's do it!" The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!

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