The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 29

Chapter 29
“A gift?” A smile crept across my face as curiosity gnawed at me. “You really
didn't. have to get me anything, Timothy.”
He chuckled. “I know I don't have to, but I want to. You're not just an exceptional.
lawyer, Evie; you're a good person. The effort you've put into my case means a
to me.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. My heart fluttered
as he handed it to me. I gently lifted the lid to reveal a delicate necklace, a
slender chain of silver with the words “Say the right things” written on a small,
intricately designed pendant. It was exquisite and made my heart swell with
“Timothy, it's beautiful,” I exclaimed.
He smiled, that crooked half-smile that always got to me. “It's a reminder, Evie. A
reminder to always speak your mind, to express your thoughts and feelings.
without hesitation. Say the right thing, not just for others but for yourself too.”
I was touched by his words and the symbolism behind the necklace. It was a
promise of respect and trust, a reminder that the power to shape my future lay in
my own hands. “Thank you.”
With a gentle smile, he fastened the necklace around my neck, the cool silver
resting against my skin. I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth as I touched
the tiny pendant.
“Come on.” His hand rested on my back and I fought the chill that wracked my
body as I looked at him. “I have something else in mind.”
“Oh.” My eyes widened as he pressed me forward, and I was interested in what
else he had planned.
As we walked further, the urban landscape began to shift, and the buildings
around us became increasingly upscale and opulent. The streetlights grew more
elegant, casting a soft glow on the cobbled walkways. We reached a grand,
ornate building, and I couldn't help but feel flattered by our destination.
“What is this place, Timothy?” I asked, looking up at the grandeur of the
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Chapter 291
He grinned, mischief dancing in his eyes. “It's a surprise. Just trust me.”
We walked for what seemed like miles, our destination unknown. Timothy had a
mischievous glint in his eyes, but he wasn't giving away any secrets. His strong,
confident stride matched the determined set of his jaw, and it made my heart
race. just a bit. His air of mystery had always been one of the things that
intrigued me.
the most.
Finally, we arrived at a set of intricately designed gates, and a valet rushed to
open them for us. My heart skipped a beat as we entered a lush, beautiful
courtyard filled with fountains and blooming flowers. I felt a blush rise to my
cheeks, knowing that this place must have cost a small fortune. I'd never been
one for extravagant gestures, and the sheer opulence of our surroundings left me
feeling a bit flustered.
“This is..amazing,” I said with a gasp.
He grinned, that boyish charm of his lighting up his features. “A little birdie told
me you've been working too hard and needed a break.”
“You've got to be kidding me!”
He laughed, his deep, rich laughter echoing through the glossy room. “I'm not,
Evie. You deserve this.”
A woman, elegant in her uniform, approached us. “Mr. Hayes, Ms. Sinclair, we've
been waiting for you. Miss, if you would please, follow me.”
I was led into a small, dimly lit room. The scent of lavender and eucalyptus hung
in the air, soothing my senses. The woman gave me a soft, white robe and
pointed. to the door on our right. “I'll just have you change into this.”
As I changed into the robe and left my clothes neatly folded on a chair, I couldn't.
help but wonder about the surprise Timothy had planned. The robe was soft and
luxurious against my skin, and I felt a sense of comfort as I tied the sash
When I emerged from the changing room, Timothy was waiting, a soft, white
towel draped over one arm, and a tray of massage oils and lotions in his other
hand. The sight of him, standing there with a look of anticipation, sent a shiver
through me.
“Evie,” he began, his voice gentle, “I've noticed how hard you've been working
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13:04 Wed, 20 Mar 75
Chapter 291
lately. You've been putting in long hours, handling difficult cases, and it's left you
exhausted. I thought you might appreciate a little relaxation.”
A spa treatment. It was a surprising and thoughtful gesture, and I couldn't help
but feel my heart swell with gratitude. The weeks had been filled with courtroom.
victories and challenges, and the weight of my responsibilities had left me weary.
The idea of a massage was enticing, a chance to let go of the tension that had
accumulated in my body, but I hadn't expected Timothy to administer it. “Wow,
Timothy, this is a lot.”
He grinned, a boyish charm in his expression. “I aim to please. Now, if you'll lie
down on the table, I'll give you a special massage on your calves.”
As I settled onto the plush massage table, a sense of anticipation filled me. The
soft music and the flickering candlelight created a soothing ambiance, but I was
far from relaxed.
“You really didn't need to do all of this,” I said, feeling slightly on edge. “This
wasn't too expensive, was it?”
He reached out and gently touched my shoulder, his fingers warm and
reassuring. “Trust me, it'll make a world of difference. I've been practicing some
techniques, and I'm sure you'll feel much better after this.”
I turned to look into his eyes, dark and inviting, filled with a promise of relief and
comfort. His hand fell onto my own and he leaned closer, his voice soft, “I just
want to take care of you, Evie.”
My heart raced, and I couldn't help but feel the electricity of his touch on my skin.
There was something about his proximity that was making my heart and mind.
race simultaneously. My pulse quickened, and I hesitated, caught between the
warmth of his offer and the fear of what it might lead to.
As Timothy retrieved a bottle of massage oil from the basket, he continued to
speak in that soft, persuasive tone, “I've been reading up on this, and I promise
I'll be gentle.”
The oil glistened in the warm light, almost suggestively. The decision weighed on
me, and I couldn't deny that I longed for the comfort Timothy was offering.
As Timothy sat beside me, he reached out and took one of my feet in his strong,
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13:04 Wed, 20 Mar
Chapter 291
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capable hands. His touch was firm
yet gentle, and I felt a shiver of m0
anticipation rundon y- Site.
closed Lhe trying to focus on
the sensation and not the tumultuous
thoughts racing through my mind.
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My heart raced as I sought the right
words, desperate to escape his
soothing grasp on Rie@s bedan
g grasp on Rre@ he
kpreadiny oy calf. Finally, I took a
deep breath and said, “Timothy,
Lappreciate the gesture, but I should
. »
tell you—I have a boyfriend.” The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
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) :

Timothy's expression shifted from
confusion to surprise, and og an
flicker af jseproihiinét is hands
quickly moved away, his voice barely

. « » .
a whisper. “I see.” The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
I had never seen him so vulnerable before, and it cut deep into my conscience.
“Timothy,” I began, “it's not that I don't appreciate your kindness. It's just that
things have become... complicated.”
He turned to face me, his eyes searching mine. “Complicated how?”
I hesitated, unsure of how to put my emotions into words. “My boyfriend and I are
going steady. I do appreciate this, but it's too much.”
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