The Hidden Falling: A Dark enemies to lovers Fantasy Romance (The Hidden of Vrohkaria Book One)

The Hidden Falling: Chapter 8

a quick peck on the cheek and move back toward my desk. Josh leaves without another word, his aura pulsing beneath the surface of his skin as he tries to control his emotions to gather everyone.

I pick up the letter and small crystal off my desk, then crouch down to the bottom drawer. Biting the end of my finger until blood swells to the surface, I place my bloodied finger onto the drawer. I watch as the red liquid soaks into the wood, whispering under my breath as dark runes appear, then change to a pale green. I move my finger away and open the drawer, putting the letter and crystal inside, nestled safely amongst the other important items I have in there.

That done, I stand and head back for the stairs again, closing my office door behind me. I slow my walk as I near the top of the stairs, passing Kade’s bedroom door quietly on the landing and listening for any movement inside. Only the sound of his soft snores reaches my ears, letting me know he’s still asleep.

That kid sleeps so deeply sometimes. It makes me wonder what keeps him sleeping so soundly when we have hearing like ours.

Moving on to enter my bedroom, I grab the things I need from my dresser and head for my bathroom, flicking my wrist until the room is bathed in light. White units and shelving greet me with splashes of green from my towels and a few plants I have in here. Apart from that, it’s all white and dark wood. I open the shower door and turn the knob, letting the water heat up as I place my clothes down next to the sink. Glancing up at myself in the white framed mirror, I let out a defeated sigh at myself.

My lightly tanned skin looks pale, my ice-blue eyes tired, and my ashy-blond hair definitely needs a wash, looking like an animal made its home there while I slept.

I look a fucking mess.

Walking in the shower and going about my normal routine, then change into some dark leather pants and t-shirt. I add a blade to the holder at my hip from my stash in the bedroom and call it a day. Padding barefoot back down the stairs to the open plan kitchen and dining room, the countertops gleam with their light color as I make my way to the liquid of life.

I grab a clean mug and make a coffee before hopping up on the counter and looking at the large dining room table in front of me. Josh, Taylor, Kade and I made it when Kade mentioned he wanted to eat together with just us and a few others sometimes. Not being able to get what he said out of my mind, we made it happen for him, just like my parents made theirs. We have had many meals together at this table. It even still has Kade and Cassie’s little carvings they made together on the top where they sat next to each other, giggling and smiling at secrets only they knew.

He hasn’t sat down in that seat since she died.

Swinging my legs back and forth, I wonder if I can find and warn Solvier after I speak with the pack. He can go for days on end without being seen, but I doubt I even have the time to try and find him. If he doesn’t want to be found, he won’t be. It’s as simple as that, but he always seems to disappear when I need to talk to him.

Edward’s letter said the search party for Sarah set out over two months ago, and he only found out about it yesterday morning, which has me the most worried. Why was he excluded from the decision to send the Elites into The Deadlands? Edward taught me all about Vrohkaria, its laws and how the Highers ruled over it. He also taught me how the Highers work together. So for an important decision like this to be made, all the Highers would need to be present to cast a vote to approve or deny the task, with the Lord Higher getting the last vote. Yet, Edward wasn’t present. He wasn’t even told.

The Elites carry out important and deadly tasks across Vrohkaria. For some of the strongest members of the Elite to venture into The Deadlands and be away from their work for this long is unnerving. Why is Sarah so important? She never told me who she was, and I wouldn’t pressure her to tell me, but what do they want with her? Her pack abused her, starved her, drugged her, and chained her. But they want her back, for what? So they can continue doing it?

“Fuck that, and fuck them,” I growl aloud in the open space.

If the Elites knew where they were going, they could reach us in about thirty-three days on foot. No one knows of Eridian apart from the pack and Edward, even Ellian would have been spelled to forget when he met up with Edward after porting out of here. Those spells are hard to come by though, so they are only used by Edward when it’s absolutely needed. So unfortunately, if the Elites found this place, we couldn’t just spell them all and send them on their way like nothing happened.

We do have one witch in our pack, Anna, but she isn’t strong enough for a spell like that. It takes days for her to recharge one port stone, which from my knowledge, is basic magic. But she doesn’t work with the type of energy that’s needed for recharging them, so it’s a blessing she can even do it at all.

My legs swing faster as I think over the best way to deal with the Elites. They could be dead already, torn apart by the creatures of The Deadlands, but unless we find evidence of that, we have to assume they are still on the hunt for Sarah. We have the element of surprise. We could track them down and redirect them, or maybe I could bait some creatures and let them deal with them. But in doing so I would be seen, and if one or more Elites somehow survive, they would go back and inform the Highers, causing them to rain disaster upon Eridian.

The other issue I have is Sarah. If they manage to get to Eridian, I need to hide her. She refuses to leave the cabin, and if I just drag her out of there kicking and screaming, I fear it would just worsen the situation. Her progress is small, but it’s there. She sometimes gives me a small smile when I visit, and she doesn’t fight Anna when checking over her injuries anymore, which are healing slowly due to the dassil flower being in her body for so long. I don’t want to do anything that will stop her progress in its tracks or make it worse.

I’ve never had to deal with something like this before. Sure, I have dealt with pack matters, keeping us safe from the creatures that surround us, but we have never been threatened by people coming here. Never mind the goddamn Elites, who Edward told me a long time ago are the most feared warriors in all of Vrohkaria. They are trained since they are young to hunt and kill the most dangerous of creatures, for fuck’s sake. They are the Highers weapons, and effective weapons they are.

I shiver at the image of them coming into Eridian, grabbing women and children and dragging them before the Highers for leaving their packs without permission. For keeping a child from their mother or father. The laws of Vrohkaria are bullshit, and so are the pack laws.

I exhale a breath that sounds more like a growl and throw my mug into the sink, watching as it smashes into pieces with disinterest. Sarah is obviously important to her pack. But how? Edward never gives in-depth details on the people he sends here, just their name and sex along with a time to go and get them. Sometimes, it’s not even that. All that matters is that they are innocent. If they pull their weight around the settlement when they’re able to and aren’t a threat, we don’t care who they are or where they’re from. We have a hierarchy in place to keep the peace, but we are all equals here in our daily lives. Sure, it’s not the norm for packs, but we are not the norm to begin with. Whoever Sarah is, she is important enough in her pack for the Highers to send the Elites to collect her.

Which means we’re in deep shit.

I look across from me to the grandfather clock on the back wall behind my dining table. The ticking noise is the only sound in the room as my thoughts race, and I squeeze the edge of the counter in my hands as I focus on it. Edward has given me many books over the years, and when I came across a grandfather clock in my reading, I fell in love. We can’t just go into a nearby town and buy one, so I made it, just like we make most things in Eridian. I chose a lighter wood from the trees that grow near Lovers Falls, using it for the whole body, and a darker wood for the side panels. The clear glass has dried petals in between them from the lilk trees, adding some color to it. It took a long time to create the clock. It’s beautiful, and one of my most treasured creations.

But time is something we can’t control. We can’t get it back. Whenever I look at the clock, I remind myself that time in my past is gone, and I can only go forward, like the hands of the clock.

Seeing it’s nearing six thirty in the morning, I look out my window to the morning light shining down on the tops of the trees and realize it’s time to get moving. The pack are definitely not expecting what I’m about to tell them this morning. It will be a shock for sure. It sure as the Gods was for me.

“Kade,” I call, thankful the link is open between us.

A pause, and then he groans. “Whaaat?”

“Emergency meeting at the gathering. Get dressed and head there as soon as possible,”

“Huh? What?” he says, panicking already, and I haven’t even told him anything yet.

“Just come, and I’ll explain.” I hear him stumbling out of bed upstairs and a curse flying from his mouth after a bang. No doubt he ran into something in his haste.

“Josh, get everyone together at the gathering. It’s time.” I hop down from the counter and walk toward the door, stopping briefly to put on my well-worn boots, tying the laces extra tight. I grab my knife from the entry table and shove it inside my right boot, being extra careful not to nick myself with it. Checking my weapons and titbits that I always carry, I make my way to the meeting with the pack.

Walking between the scattered trees that surround the gathering, I see most of the pack members are already seated on the benches or on the floor, looking half asleep and confused. I hate that I’m about to tell them something that will cause panic, but I promised to always be honest if it affected them, and I will always keep that promise. I keep my face blank as I approach the circle, my steps even as I walk to my usual bench and take a seat. I don’t speak, I just sit in silence and wait for everyone to arrive. The pack stops talking when I continue to sit there, looking toward me to begin as a few shuffle nervously in their seats or shush their pups.

Josh eventually arrives with a few others, Kade and Taylor among them. They all take a seat as Josh comes and stands next to me, always the protector even though I’m perfectly safe here. He gives me a subtle nod, letting me know everyone is here and folds his arms as he scans over the crowd.

I stand and everyone’s attention stays on me, showing me the respect I’ve earned by protecting them and giving them a life here in Eridian. I look each member in the eyes briefly, showing that I see them and giving my unvoiced thanks that they came without question. I look at Josie who sits next to Danny, her eyes full of worry and apprehension. I have never called a pack meeting at this time of day in all the years I’ve been here, she knows something’s up. I tighten my ponytail.

With nothing left to wait for, I open my mouth and tell them. “I was informed in the early hours of this morning that an unknown number of Elites are currently in The Deadlands,” I state bluntly, seeing no point beating around the thorny bush.

“The Elites?” Kade questions, rubbing his jaw. I nod my confirmation at him. “What are they in The Deadlands for?” Pack members look from him to me, waiting for my answer.

“They have been requested by the Highers to search for a missing woman from another pack,” I say, cracking my knuckles to ease some of my growing tension as all eyes immediately fly to the healer’s cabin.

“To state the obvious, yes, it’s Sarah they are searching for,” I confirm. “But she is not the only one here who has gone from their pack or home without requesting it and getting it approved by the Highers. We all have good reasons for being here, but in the eyes of the Highers, we broke the law and are still breaking it by living here. I don’t know the location of the Elites in The Deadlands, or if they are dead or alive. But we have to assume that as of right now, they could find Eridian at any moment,” I finish, crossing my arms over my chest and taking a deep, subtle breath.

Panic. My pack goes into an instant panic.

A few members get to their feet, looking around with wide eyes as if the Elites are hiding in wait behind a tree. Some start shouting, some crying, and some hold their children close. A younger male knocks over a bucket of water trying to leave the gathering, to where I have no idea, but Taylor grabs him by the back of his shirt and sits his ass down, giving him a stare that would make most people shit themselves. The male doesn’t try to leave again.

I rub my temples and look over at Josie. Danny’s holding her close as if someone is already trying to rip her away from him. Seeing their fear and hearing their panic sets me on edge. Runa growls inside me, pacing from all the noise. My eyes slide to Kade’s, his face slightly pale from the news, and I clench my hands. I never want him to be scared of anything, but he knows what could happen if the Highers get hold of Eridian. Of us, specifically.

He doesn’t know all the details about our pack, about his years before we left. I asked Edward to use a memory stone on him to hide the memories of his time there. He doesn’t know I did that, but I couldn’t see him suffer any longer. What he does know is that our old pack is a danger to us, and if a situation ever arises where he is near them, he runs.

“Alpha?” Katy cries to the left of me, and I turn to look at her. She’s holding her son, Oscar, tightly in her lap. “I-I can’t go back. Don’t let them take me b-back, p-please!” she sobs, tears flowing down her face and into her three-year-old son’s dark hair, the same color as hers. I can see her shaking from here, and her green-brown eyes hold so much terror in them that I feel it straight to my soul.

Katy has come far in the seven months she has been here with us, and she’s just now coming out of her shell and starting to integrate properly in the pack. I refuse to let anyone take my pack away without a fight. I just don’t know if I can win.

“Calm down,” I command, and she does instantly, sniffling and wiping at her cheeks. “I will not let anyone take you away from your home, do you hear me? They will not take you back to where you came from,” I growl deep at her, at all of them. Runa joins me, the feeling of protection we have for our pack flowing through us. She might only tolerate most of them, but they are hers to tolerate and she will protect them with me.

Most of the members start to whimper and turn their heads to the side, exposing their necks to me. It takes me a second to realize that I dropped my hold on my dominance, letting my aura flow freely from me.

All Alpha wolves have an aura of dominance that we can control, letting it flow freely or stay locked up tight. Being in a pack with more abused members than not, all the Alpha wolves here keep our aura low for the sake of their comfort. Dominance scares most of our members, and we don’t want to scare them anymore than they were, or still are.

I mentally stroke Runa, sending calm to her to help gather myself and regain control. The last thing we need is for the pack to be in any more distress right now.

“Sorry,” I say to them, dipping my head down briefly. “We all need to settle. Katy, Oscar senses your unrest. Be calm for him,” I tell her gently, using a voice I wouldn’t have thought was possible for me right now. I stretch my neck from side to side before I continue, looking out over everyone. “Your safety, all of you, is my top priority. I will not let the Elites report any of you back to the Highers. I will not let them remove you, and I will not leave you unprotected here,” I vow. They relax slightly after hearing my words, sitting up a little straighter knowing I will do everything within my power to keep them safe.

“The good thing is, right now the Elites aren’t near us. They’re still in The Deadlands. Either as bora food or alive and lost. We can work with that. I will take a team with me to The Deadlands to handle the situation. All I need from those left behind is to be alert, to be brave and wait for me.” I pause, making sure they hear what I have to say next. “If it has been too long and I haven’t returned, I leave Alpha duties to Kade. He will do right by you.”

I know Kade has been unpredictable lately with his wolf, but he will look after the pack in a way I know everyone will be happy with, and he will keep them safe. They trust him. He is my Heir to Eridian, and even though he’s young, I’ve trained him for years to be a leader. I look over at Kade, but he keeps his eyes straight ahead, refusing to look at me. Despite his feelings, he sits there like an immovable force in front of the pack, strong and sure.

I smile to myself at the man he’s becoming. I need to accept that he’s not a kid anymore, and I can’t wrap him up in cotton leaves to keep him safe. He will face danger again throughout his life, but I can try and control what danger that is.

And I’m determined for the Elites to not be one of them.

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