The Heir to the Alpha

Chapter 30


We arrived at the hospital via the emergency room, and as I imagined, my mother was waiting for us as well as most of the medical team, we were practically carried, and Dr Adam, one of the doctors who worked with me, led Christopher to a stretcher and my mother led me to another, even though they took us to the same room, there was still a curtain that separated us.

My mom went to the counter to get the silver treatment, but I felt fine.

"I don't need it, Mom, just Christopher," I said sitting on the stretcher.

"Don't be stubborn Scarlett, you were hit with a silver dagger." Christopher's voice was weak and with a moan at the end, I knew he was being pierced at that moment.

"But I'm not bleeding, and I didn't even feel the burning when I took the silver bullet out of you," I said, pulling the curtain that divided our stretchers, and saw the exact moment that Dr Adam started the silver treatment and Christopher sighed with relief. I lifted my shirt from the side, showing exactly where the dagger had made the cut and my thin scar, it was exactly as if I had cut myself with silver, but I had undergone the treatment, I had a scar, but my body managed to cope with it it self.

"But how is that possible?" My mother asked and my gaze turned to her again. I had asked myself this question so many times in the last few days.

"It is not," I answered. "But she did it." I pointed up and saw my mother close her eyes, even though she was a doctor she was also very religious and there I felt her mentally thanking the Goddess.

"Do the treatment anyway, please, Scarlett," Christopher asked and made me look at him again.

"Okay." I agreed and my mother started the tourniquet, I took off my bulletproof vest that I was still wearing, and my mother took my access and started the treatment.

"Wait? Silver? You're not pregnant?" Adam asked with wide eyes and I nodded.

"Yes, but I know he is okay," I said, using my free hand to go to my belly, stroking it, and my mother hurriedly turned around again.

When she came back she had a prenatal heart rate monitor in her hand and she lifted my shirt to place the device where my uterus is.

It was 4 long seconds until the strong sound of Anthony's heartbeat echoed through the room and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Christopher reached out his hand to me, and I held it in the air.

"I like your faith, but I love that sound and the reassurance that he's okay." He said with a smile on his face making me smile back.

"After you finish the treatment we will do the full ultrasound, but from the strong heartbeats the baby is fine." My mom said putting the heart monitor back.

The door to our room opened quickly and Karen ran in.

"Thank the Goddess you're okay." She said waving her arms in the air and coming towards me, she hugged me and held me by the shoulders looking deep into my eyes.

Her blue eyes were wide and her brown hair was tied up in a messy bun that she wore on her days on duty.

"What the hell happened, Lett?" She asked me and I started trying to formulate something to tell her, but I didn't even know where to start and I decided to start talking about the part that affected her the most, Thomas.

"First you need to know that Thomas is fine, he broke his arm, but he's fine." I started to talk to her but her expression didn't change, she remained apprehensive. "Why didn't he come with us to the hospital?" I asked now turning to Christopher.

"He will come along with the wounded guards, in the first convoy," Christopher said looking at the serum already half full. "They should be arriving any moment."

"But how?" Karen asked and then she shook her head. "And you?" She now looked at the serum passing through me. "And the baby?"

"Everything is fine with me and the baby," I said firmly first. "We've already heard the heartbeat, and the mother is about to do an ultrasound. But…" I was going to start counting, but my gaze went to Christopher first, he gave me a short nod and I continued. "We suspected two different places where the South might be acting; Christopher sent Dad and Bob to one, and he and I and Marquardt went to the other."

"You?" My mother interrupted and I shrugged.

"I didn't agree to stay, but anyway, it happened that the place that Dad and Bob went to was empty so they went to our location, and when we got there there were guards from the South, Alpha Joshua, even Bertha, and… "I stopped before finishing and swallowed hard. "Brisa."

At that moment Karen's face turned white as a sheet, I practically saw her blood being drained and she took a step back.

"Alpha Joshua said he bought them for information." I completed it but Karen didn't change her expression.

"They served as a distraction too, I was going to make Joshua talk because I knew that some Council guards would be with Ronald's convoy, we needed proof, but…" Christopher started to count, and I mentally thanked him for telling me. I don't know if I could. "But Rufus, the deputy The Council's chief guard was hiding behind the quarry and he hit Scarlett with a silver dagger."

He finished saying, but I couldn't say out loud what happened next. Because the truth is that at that moment I had given up, given up on faith, and myself. And only there I discovered that the wolf that hit me was Rufus.

"Robert was close and hit him first, and I took his head off afterward," Christopher said through clenched teeth, I felt his anger grow as he spoke about this.

"And to top it all off, a rock broke away from the quarry and came towards me, but Thomas was close by and grabbed it too, that's when he broke his arm." I completed it and Karen's wide eyes wandered between Christopher and me trying to understand the story.

"They were surrendered, there was nothing to do, our guards and the Council guards started to arrest them, but… Joshua didn't give up, he decided to attack me and shoot me." Christopher completed and pointed to the affected arm, and by coincidence, Adam began to undo the improvised tourniquet that I made with a piece of torn clothing, now, after undergoing almost complete treatment, it was safe to remove it and let his body finish healing.

"As it was a silver bullet, I had to take it out." I justified.

"Scarlett ripped that arm apart," Adam said after calmly looking at the wound. "Hopefully the scar won't be too big."

"He was in wolf form and I only had a usual dagger, okay?" I said, standing up and stretching my arm to see his wound while leaving my arm that was receiving the treatment still as well.

But Christopher held my wrist as I ran my finger over the now almost healed bullet hole.

"Honey, it's okay." He said and smiled at me, I knew he didn't care about whether or not there was a scar there.

"But what about Joshua?" My mother asked.

"I had no choice, he attacked me, within my territory, I tried to immobilize him, but Joshua didn't stop," Christopher said with weight in every word, I knew he had no intention of killing his cousin, the way he then immobilized Joshua screamed that, but he didn't stop, leaving Christopher with no other alternative than to kill him.

"You had no choice," I said out loud, what my thoughts were already screaming.

Christopher looked down and then his gaze met mine, and everyone there understood what happened.

"And since Christopher was attacked on our territory, it counted as a challenge. So we have more territory now." I completed it and I saw Christopher swallow hard.

"Speaking of which, we still have a lot to sort out on that front." He confirmed and I knew, it was the purest reality, the South would be our territory, and that could bring more problems than solutions.

After undergoing the treatment, Christopher went with me to the ultrasound room and there we saw that Anthony was well and strong, although my mother still wasn't sure he was a boy, we knew.

Christopher took me to the Pack House, and I took a long shower, while he had endless meetings, I read, and entertained myself, but it was already very late when I decided to go down and look for him.

The meeting room had its doors open, something rare, and wolves came and went from all sectors, I saw people from the administrative, legal, guard, and Council, some almost bumped into me, and I walked to the end of the table, but I didn't need to say anything, he probably smelled my scent, Christopher looked up from the papers he was reading and when our eyes met he dropped the pages on the table.

"I came to ask if you were going up yet, but I can see you have no intention of stopping anytime soon," I said as I walked towards him, that's when I saw my dad sitting nearby yawning.

"Honey, we still have a lot of work to do," Christopher said, blinking slowly, I knew he was sleepy and tired.

"I need to remind you that you took off two heads today, got shot with a silver bullet, and won a Pack. A lot for one day, you all need to rest." I said turning mainly to my father as well. While standing right next to Christopher, he hugged my waist while still sitting in his chair and my arms circled his neck.

"We can't stop now baby." Christopher tried to argue.

"Is there anything that really can't wait until tomorrow?" I asked my father directly.

"Not really, just those two signatures." My father lifted two sheets of paper and yawned again.

Christopher sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"In Luna's functions, there is also take care of her alpha, right?" I asked, trying to stay serious, but he still laughed with his eyes closed.

"Alright, you win." He said softly at first and then raised his voice. "Let's prioritize what's urgent, stay for another half hour, then everyone goes home to rest, and we'll continue tomorrow," I swear I heard a scream of celebration and a sigh of relief in the background.

"Great, I'll wait for you upstairs," I said giving him a quick kiss on the lips and he gave a sideways smile afterward. I let go of his embrace and started walking outside.

"You don't have to wait up for me." He said when I was already halfway there, and I knew he was trying to resolve more things that night.

"Half an hour, Christopher," I said laughing and I heard his laugh in the background.

I went to our room, put on pajamas, and lay down, I was tired too, but it was as if my mind and body were so used to his presence, that I couldn't rest without him there, I rolled from one side to the other for that entire half hour, I heard him enter the room, take a shower and crawl into bed next to me under the sheets, and in his embrace it was easy to fall asleep.

I wanted to dream about the Goddess, I wanted confirmations, but I knew it wasn't like that, it wasn't that night that I dreamed, but two days later she appeared.

In the same field, under the same moonlight, there she sat enjoying the view.

"I thought I'd see you sooner," I said sitting next to her, but ignoring my question, she changed the subject.

"You saw the signs, didn't you?" She asked me, without looking at me, just looking straight ahead.

"Yes, I understood, at least a little, the prophecy, about Anthony and even Mathew…" I started to say, but she cut me off.

"He was just a small part of it all, do you know why Thomas is strong like that?" Her question took me by surprise, I didn't know, I knew Thomas when he met Karen, I thought all the guards trained and were strong, but now, with her telling me, Thomas was much stronger than the usual guards.

"Thomas lost a brother in a robbery, when he was just 7 years old, his brother was 15. He needed to die, I had my reasons, he completed the mission here and left, but one of the reasons was that Thomas believed that if he trained from an early age and stayed strong, he wouldn't have the same fate as his brother, and that was the reason he joined the guard and continued training, being as strong as he could. For that day, to be strong enough to stop that rock."

"You did all this, just for him to save me?" I asked startled, the chill that ran down my spine almost had guilt carried with it.

"No, it wasn't just that, but it was also. As you know, everything is connected, everything has its reason, even without you knowing it." She said laughing and then looked at me, I couldn't get enough of looking at her beauty. "Even guard James Werner lives close to the border, where that attack took place, he was the first to arrive, that's why he was so brutally attacked, but his house was supposed to be there, he was supposed to be attacked, and you took care of him, and he died under your care. You were supposed to talk to his family, be aware of this, and help them talk to the legal department who was…”

"Matthew." Now I interrupted her.

"Exactly, and after what I told you, for you to have faith. Seeing him there, made you understand."

Now I'm smiling, even though she told me a small part of it all, I started to understand a little more, and that comforted me, knowing that she was in charge of everything and there was a reason for everything.

"But you know it's not over, don't you? All of this, Scarlett, is just the beginning." She said looking forward again.

"I know."

"Just never forget, that I will always be here, even if not in your dreams, I will be here." She turned around and placed her index finger on my chest. "And here." She placed her finger on my forehead and then I woke up.

It was still the middle of the night, Christopher was sleeping next to me, and I turned around making him pull me by the waist, fitting my body into his, while one of his hands rested on my belly. It was the three of us, and after all that, I knew it was just the beginning, but I couldn't wait to continue.

The end.

End of book 1, I hope you enjoyed Scarlett and Christopher's first adventures, but there is no doubt that we will have part 2, who else is looking forward to it? I need suggestions for the next cover, feel free to comment. And don't forget to follow me to receive notifications for part 2. Kisses and see you later.

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