The Heir to the Alpha

Chapter 18


"But I enjoyed the meeting, I can get used to it." I finished by throwing my hair back.

"You don't know how much I like to hear that," Christopher said, increasing his smile even more.

"For the first time I'm not sick at this time, shall we have coffee?" I asked tilting my head.

"Sure, go ahead, I'll meet you outside," Christopher said, gathering some papers still on his desk.

I nodded and walked out of the meeting room, but as I walked out the door, the woodsy aroma that used to make me feel chills now made me nauseous and hit my nose. It was Mathew waiting for me outside, leaning next to the door, I completely ignored him, but he called me.

"Scarlett." I closed my eyes when I heard my name said by his mouth, I turned around slowly, I didn't want that, I didn't want to talk to him.

When I turned around I saw him open his lips as if he was going to say something, but I saw his nostrils flare, he sniffled twice and his face changed, if I thought he was pale and scared when he saw me enter the room, now he was white as a sheet and his jaw completely dropped.

"You are pregnant." He said and his hand wrapped around my arm. He squeezed me, keeping me in place.

"Let go of me, Mathew," I said firmly, but he didn't let go.

He sniffed once more.

"But it's not mine!" His eyes widened some more.

"No, it's mine. And I can pretend this scene here didn't happen and not fire you immediately if you come to your senses and let go of your hand from her arm before I rip your hand off yours." Christopher's voice was thick and came out even hoarser, growling, and for a second I thought he was going to lose control.

Mathew slowly released my arm, and swallowed hard, taking two steps back.

Christopher's hand was possessive as he wrapped around my waist, and turned me around to leave, but a scene caught my attention and made me stop completely.

"Ms. Werner," I called, and the girl with the child on her lap turned to me, I slowly moved away from Christopher and I felt him watching me go towards her.

"Doctor." She said with a smile and turned towards me, the girl with dark hair, blue eyes, short, and with a child on her lap came towards me. "I came to know about my benefit, after James' death, I don't know if it's in custody or…" She looked around confused, and honestly, I didn't know the answer either. But I knew that if a guard in the Pack's service died, the family would receive a benefit, especially being a head of the family, the Pack never left a family destitute.

"Well, I don't know either, but I'll find out," I said smiling back and turned to Christopher, I walked towards him, who was a few meters away from me.

"It's the wife of one of the guards who died in the last attack, she came to find out about the benefit, is it in this office?" I asked and Christopher smiled and frowned.

"It's up to the legal department." He responded sweetly.

"Thanks." I turned back and saw Mathew still nearby.

"Matthew," I called out to him in a loud voice and he turned to me with wide eyes. "This is Mrs. Werner, her husband was one of the guards who died in the last attack, she needs to know about the benefit, could you look into it for her?" I asked and he opened his eyes even wider, swallowed, and nodded. "Thanks," I told him and turned to her again. "He'll take care of the legal part for you."

"Thank you very much, doctor." She said again and followed Mathew to an office.

When I turned around again I saw Christopher laughing with his arms crossed.

"I thought it couldn't get any better, but it did." He said approaching me and kissing the top of my head as his hand slipped to my waist and walked with me to the stairs. "Let's go get coffee."

We went to the kitchen and Christopher ordered a few things, soon the end of the dining table was served and I finally had something good to eat in the morning after so long. I spent the rest of the day getting to know the administrative side of the Pack even more and at the end of the day, I was in Christopher's office when my mother called me.

"Scarlett dear, I haven't spoken to you properly since yesterday. I canceled your schedules, until further notice. But I wanted to see if we can't do an ultrasound this week?" She asked and I placed one hand on the phone's microphone as I asked him.

"My mom wants to do an ultrasound on me," I said to Christopher and that made him look up from the papers he was reading.

"Okay, you're the doctor." He said laughing and shrugging his shoulders.

"You're the one who won't let me leave here," I responded, eyes widening. Christopher laughed, adjusting himself in his chair.

"Let's try to schedule the trip for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, what do you think about going to the hospital before going? That way you can talk to me. Will your mother and sister do the ultrasound and we use the escort at once?" He asked and I nodded, it was a great idea.

"Mom, we're going to travel to the Council tomorrow or the day after, before we go we'll go to the hospital for an ultrasound. Is that okay?" I asked over the phone.

"Of course daughter, great, let me know when you know the date and I'll schedule it here." She said excitedly.

"Great Mom, thank you. Can you bring some of my things here at the Pack House? I forgot to ask before." I said and she agreed.

After about two hours, Bob came to bring two suitcases, one was the one from the day of the attack, which I had already left ready to come here before I found out that Christopher had been bitten, and the other one my mother had packed with half my guard. clothing.

The next day I continued to get involved with the administrative part of the Pack, and I have to confess that I was enjoying it, I never imagined myself outside the hospital, but more and more I was able to see myself as Luna, and Christopher made a point of saying that he was loving it. see me there, taking an interest in the work.

We scheduled the trip for the next day and I scheduled the ultrasound right before we left. I packed my suitcase and put on a tight black dress, tied my hair in a bun and put on some pumps. The trip to the Council accompanied by the Alpha called for formal clothing. Christopher also packed his suitcase and wore a dark blue suit, which seemed to highlight his eyes even more, I lost my breath seeing him ready, the hormones of the pregnancy are driving me crazy, If we didn’t have the appointment I would take all his clothes off right there, he came down with our bags and we had breakfast before leaving.

They followed my plan, there were 5 cars in total, four of them had blonde guards along with other guards, and one of them was me and Christopher. But before we left, we went to the hospital. When we got there, it was strange as I had only spent two days away from there, and I almost didn't feel like I belonged there.

My mom met us at the door and took us straight to the ultrasound room, I took off my skirt for the exam and my mom put a sheet under my legs before it started. Christopher was sitting next to me, and when my mother was about to put in the transvaginal ultrasound machine, the door opened, it was Karen.

"I'm on time, aren't I?" She said, rushing in.

"Yes, I'll start now." My mother responded and my sister positioned herself on the other side, curiously looking at the screen.

"Okay, I'll start." My mother said and Christopher held my hand, he squeezed it tightly, and there I felt that he was as nervous as me, I felt my heart come out of my mouth, but when his hand touched mine I slowly calmed down.

But it didn't last long, as soon as my mother introduced the device, my eyes began to search for some familiar shape on the screen, and I felt the whole world freeze when I saw the baby's shape, the tiny hands, and feet, the head, everything perfect, I already loved this child, but seeing him for the first time made me understand that I would do absolutely anything to keep him or her safe. My heart was beating hard, and it was beating with love, it was as if every cell in my body emanated love for that tiny being, the emotion was only even greater when she turned on the sound, and we heard the accelerated beat, which seemed like the sweetest melody to my ears, I felt Christopher's hand tighten around mine. And I turned to see him shed a tear, and quickly wiped it away before my mother said.

"We know it's early, but we also know that wolves develop faster than humans. Everything is fine with the pregnancy and the baby, it's healthy and developing well. The heart is great, we just don't know the sex yet. Ideally, We'll do another ultrasound next month and who knows, maybe we'll know if it's a boy or a girl." She said and I felt my face wet from crying.

"Okay, you can leave it marked." Christopher's voice surprised me.

"Of course, Alpha." My mother said, finishing the exam. "Scarlett, I'm going to hand you some vitamins, which I think you could start taking now." She said to me and reached for two pots from inside the drawer.

"Okay, mom," I said, took the bottles, and started to get dressed again. "We're going straight to the Council now, I'll let you know as I can."

"Alright, good riddance to you." My mother said, hugging me tightly, and right after she let me go, Karen pulled me into a hug too.

We said goodbye, and went directly back to the train, before continuing our journey.

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