The Heir to the Alpha

Chapter 17


We took a shower together and while I was drying off, Christopher's cell phone rang and he answered it quickly.

"Yes, you can make an appointment for today." He said while looking at himself in the mirror and running his hands through his wet hair.

He said a few more things and turned to me after hanging up.

"I scheduled a meeting with legal to organize our trip to the Council, is that ok?" He said as he grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt.

"Yes, we need to look at the prophecy issue, right?" I said grabbing the same pants and t-shirt I was wearing before.

"Exactly, but going there involves a very long journey, or passing through the southern territory, involves legal, political, and legal issues." He stopped getting dressed to see me wearing the same outfit. "I told you to leave some pieces here, Scarlett." He laughed at the end of the sentence.

"I'll ask my mom to bring more things," I said finishing getting dressed. "But I was thinking… about getting to know a little more about how it works in here," I said, making a gesture with my hands to talk about Casa da Packeia.

Christopher looked at me deeply with a smile on his face.

"So are you really thinking about being my Luna, Scarlett?" He said pulling me by the hips to hug me.

"I am, I'm really thinking about accepting the invitation," I said, opening a smile.

"Today is going to be a turbulent day, but I can ask Hensen to show you the sectors at least." He said kissing my neck and sending shivers all over my body again.

"Thanks," I said smiling and he let me go, extending his hand in the air.

"Come on, let's go, future Luna." I couldn't contain my smile, and the idea of becoming Luna was creating a structure inside my head.

We went down the stairs, and Christopher took me to his room when we got there we found a man of medium height, blond hair, and green eyes, he was arranging some documents on Christopher's desk when we entered, and he adjusted himself in place, staying in a posture while the Alpha entered.

"Alpha." He said with a small bow before picking up the papers on the table and reaching them to Christopher. And there I recognized his voice as that of the man who called the Alpha when he was taking me home, it was the voice that announced the exile's invasion that night.

Christopher took the papers from his hands, nodding his head.

"Thank you, Hensen." He turned to me before continuing. "This is Scarlett, my girlfriend and I would like you to introduce her to the Pack House."

I shivered when I heard girlfriend, on his lips, we hadn't talked about labels, but that was who I was right? I was thinking about becoming Luna, the least I would be at the moment was a girlfriend.

"Of course, Alpha," Hensen replied to Christopher who smiled. "Nice to meet you, Scarlett." He smiled and extended a hand to me. "Come, I'll show you every corner of here." He finished by waving his hands in the air.

I was going to follow Hensen but two strong hands pulled my waist and I felt my body collide with Christopher's before he spun around and held my face with both hands. His lips met mine in a delicate and gentle kiss, and when our lips parted he smiled, touching our foreheads.

"I'll see you later. I'll miss you." He said through a smile. "Have a good time."

"I'll too."

I followed Hensen through the corridors and he opened door by door showing me everything, and I began to understand the layout of the Pack House a little more, the fourth floor was just rooms in addition to the Alpha's Room, there were two more large rooms and more five smaller ones, the third floor had the kitchen, a huge dining room, and the living room that I stayed in, along with the library and one of the meeting rooms. On the second floor were the legal, administrative, and counselor Carl's office, on the first floor were the logistics sector, the reception, and a guard's office, the guard had its headquarters outside, but there was an administrative office inside as well.

I was almost at the end of the tour, but it was still confusing how big everything was, the place was so big that by the time Hensen showed me each room, almost an hour had passed. He showed the garage entrance and pointed to a large, carved wooden door that was next to the guard's office.

"This is the first-floor meeting room." But when Hensen opened the doors, a meeting was taking place inside, I was exactly at the entrance to the door, and I came face to face with Christopher at the other end of the table, he was reading some document but his gaze went up to meet mine, my lips parted. They opened in amazement and I felt my breath catch in my throat because I had interrupted something.

"Alpha, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in a meeting, I was just showing Scarlett the rooms." Hensen started to say next to me while my eyes tried to understand what was happening, I saw some leaders sitting at the table, I saw my father next to Christopher to the right of the end but I felt a strong gaze on me, it was hot, intense, but it wasn't from Christopher and my heart froze when my eyes roamed the seats at the table and I saw Mathew, it was visible that the blood drained from his face, leaving him completely pale when his gaze met mine. I didn't react, I felt my heart jump out of my chest, but it wasn't even similar to the feeling I had before rejecting him, before I was in love and breathless when I saw him, now it was as if it was just a brief reminder of the past. Christopher's strong voice projected into the room made me look back at him.

"It's okay Hensen, you guys arrived at a good time. Come in, baby, come here." And there looking at Christopher, he opened one of those wide smiles, those that invited me to join him, there I felt comfortable, he made me feel like that, as if I were the most important thing in the universe, as if nothing could hit me. I hesitated, swallowed hard, but gathered all my confidence, and walked towards him.

Absolutely all eyes turned to me, and I even saw some people bending their necks to follow my walk, I passed behind Mathew who was paralyzed, like a statue, he watched his ex-mate enter an important Pack meeting and being called baby, by the Alpha himself, after saying that no one would want me, the pang of satisfaction I felt washed over me inside. I passed by some leaders, I reached my father, I put a hand on his shoulder, and he shook his hand over mine while smiling at me, I let him go and in a few more steps I reached Christopher, he stood up just before I arrived, and cupped my face before placing a soft kiss on my lips and one on my forehead before saying.

"Hensen, get Scarlett a chair." He ordered and I saw the blonde man widen his eyes and run like crazy to find a chair.

Christopher waited standing until Hensen came clumsily with a heavy wooden chair, and the Alpha himself pushed it toward me before sitting down as well.

He cleared his throat and placed a folder in front of me, while he pulled out another and began to speak.

"We were deciding the best date for the trip to the Council and the best route, and legally what we needed to do first." He started explaining and I flipped through the first few pages trying to read and understand something.

"The route of last week's trip was through the South because it was closer, right?" I asked, still reading the papers without looking up.

"Exactly." My brother's familiar voice reached my ears and I looked up to find him on the other side of the table, he was from logistics, and I smiled at him before I heard another voice.

"But at the time the scenario was different legally." The voice was Alefe, the head of legal.

"Now it would be going through enemy territory if we did that." Christopher completed. "They would probably not grant the release or attack us halfway, so thinking about going around the borders, or going around completely which would increase the trip by two days, but it doesn't nullify our chances of being caught."

It was a difficult decision, no answer was right or wrong, everything was a risk, and the biggest risk was me and the baby, suddenly a flash crossed my mind and I had an idea.

"How many guard cars like the one that brought me yesterday are there?" I asked Marquardt directly, he looked up at me.

"I think about 10." He replied with a shrug.

"I think 5 would be enough. And you would have 5 blonde guards, right?" I asked, adjusting myself in the chair and saw Marquardt frowning, looking at me while in the peripheral vision, I saw Christopher with his legs crossed, an ankle crossed over his knee, his back against the chair, and his hand on his chin watching me.

"Yes, we should have, but why?" Marquardt asked confused, and I felt curiosity in absolutely everyone at the table.

"If we make a convoy with 5 identical cars, randomly distributed along with the other cars in the guard and inside each of them we place a blonde guard, while in one of them, it would be me. The cars change order every 100km. Even if it happens an attack, they wouldn't know which car I would be in. And I believe that going around the border is the middle ground we are looking for, not even inside their territory, but the trip wouldn't be as long. Two more days of travel could pose more risk than benefit." I said and my gaze turned to Christopher. "Just an idea of course." I completed it and he smiled.

"I like your idea," Christopher said and adjusted himself in his chair. "Analyze the possibility, Robert, look at the logistics with the guard and provide us with possible dates, we need to make this trip as soon as possible. Tomorrow if possible. Meeting closed." After Christopher spoke, everyone stood up, but he sat there, watching everyone get up and leave, I started to get up and the Alpha patted his lap twice.

"Come here." He said pulling me onto his lap.

I sat on his lap looking straight ahead, his hands brushed my hair away from my neck, and the touch of his fingers on my skin sent shivers throughout my body, making me go into a trance, and leaving my skin exposed, at his disposal. Christopher lightly kissed my neck.

"Did you enjoy attending the meeting today?" He said, still against my skin, and I felt his hot breath sending goose bumps across my skin even more. "I think you did very well."

"I liked." He said, adjusting me on his lap, and turning me sideways to face him. "But you loved the little show, didn't you?" I said smiling.

"If I loved seeing you parading around here, showing your asshole ex-mate who betrayed you that you're now with me and making you sit next to me to decide about the trip. And you still have the most incredible idea about it? I loved it." He said, still leaning back in the chair, with his elbow resting on the back and his hand on his chin. I smiled, adjusting myself again on his lap, this time making my butt position exactly between his legs, feeling his erection growing inside his pants. I turned my back to him and just heard him sigh.

"Fuck, Scarlett." He said in a husky whisper, as his hands went to my hips and he pressed his against mine.

"But come on, I have more things to know," I said, standing up quickly, but still standing in front of him, leaning on the table.

"You're still going to drive me completely crazy," Christopher said, running his hands through his hair and smiling.

"But I enjoyed the meeting, I can get used to it." I finished by throwing my hair back.

"You don't know how much I like to hear that," Christopher said, increasing his smile even more.

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