The Heart Sees

Chapter 27

Lu's P.O.V

I followed Troy out of the kitchen with a frown. I hope he isn't angry at me for pulling out of the hug... it's just that the noise he was making scared me. I'm not sure why but Lilac and I have been very jumpy and on edge lately. 'I know we should be able to trust him because he is our mate but as an alpha he still scares me...' I said to Lilac as I followed Troy, admiring his muscular frame.

'After Chase rejecting us and our banishment we have every right to be scared of alphas. They have their alpha command too which if they ever use we have to do what they say' Lilac growled at the last part.

'Do you think Troy will ever use that on us?' I asked worriedly.

'From what I have seen so far I don't think Troy would do that to us. He had been kind and gentle to us ever since we woke up' Lilac replied. 'But if he does our rank as omega means we can't say no to him' she warned.

'I'll try to be careful around him for now then...' I said as Troy abruptly stopped.

I frowned when I noticed I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realized that we were already outside. I looked around and admired the garden as Lilac purred happily in my head, wanting to get out and go for a run. When I looked back at Troy I realized that he was already starting to remove his clothes. I stared longer than I should have at his toned chest and the scars that littered it. When I saw his hands move to his pants though I squeaked and turned around. Even though we were mates I didn't feel like I should be seeing all of him... he chuckled at my reaction.

"Are you going to shift too?" He asked and I nodded. "Then why haven't you got rid of your clothes yet?" He added.

"I don't know if I should with you standing there" I mumbled as I played with the hem of my shirt.

"You know I can't see you right? Blind guy here?" Troy said with a chuckle. "But I wish I could see you" he added sadly. I reluctantly started stripping behind some bushes and set my clothes neatly to the side. When I came out and got ready to shift I saw that Brax was there... his dark fur blending in with the darkness of the night as his blue eyes seemed to glow, looking straight at me. I gulped nervously as the alpha wolf walked over, feeling the power and dominance roll off of him. I whimpered a bit before I laid down on my back and bared my neck to him. Even though I was naked and hadn't shifted yet I felt a strong need to submit to him... I was scared of the alpha aura he gave off and didn't want to upset him... I decided to wait until I had permission to shift.

I shivered as the wolf walked around me, seeming confused by my actions. I felt it nuzzle it's nose against my neck before trying to get me up. I took that as a sign that I was allowed to shift... so I slowly sat up, expecting to be growled at, but the wolf just sat there, seeming confused. I wasn't sure why I couldn't hear the alpha in my head but I quickly shifted, letting Lilac take over.

She approached the alpha cautiously, tail between her legs as he sat there unmoving. Once she was close enough Brax stood, stepping towards her before rubbing his head gently against us. It was an act of marking and affection as he rubbed his scent on me. Lilac seemed to relax a bit and let the alpha do as he pleased, until he nipped playfully at her ear.

Lilac stepped back, wagging her tail as she yipped at him playfully. Then the chase was on... we used our smaller speed to run between hedges and fit into smaller areas that Brax had trouble getting to. We ran and swiveled with the alpha close behind. He was clearly letting us stay ahead and not using his full power because he could have easily caught us by now.

I don't know how long we played like that, our wolves running freely with each other. It was nice and even when the alpha did manage to tackle us it was gentle and he licked our snout affectionately. Then I felt his nose nuzzle our neck, taking in our scent again before he nudged at Lilac to get up.

Lilac followed him happily and as we got closer to the pack house he suddenly started shifting again. I turned away, not wanting to catch a glimpse of something I shouldn't. "Lu we're mates... I don't mind if you look" he chuckled.

Lilac whimpered a bit before giving me back control and allowing me to shift. I quickly snatched my clothes and started throwing them on. Even though I knew he couldn't see me I felt like he could, with his eyes in my direction. I walked back over to Troy, who was thankfully fully clothed. "Thank you for the run alpha" I said as I bowed respectfully.

Troy sighed as he closed the distance between us. I took in his scent as our chests were only inches away from touching. He gently lifted my chin to face him, sparks erupting where he touched. "Lu please.... call me Troy. And you don't have to submit to me... we are equals" he said sadly.

"I'm sorry alpha Troy.... I'm just so used to how things were in my old pack.... not submitting to the alpha is a death sentence" I mumbled.

He pulled me into a tight hug, catching me off guard. It felt nice... firm yet gentle. I decided to hug him back, earning a purr from him. I smiled into his chest, Troy is more like a puppy than a scarey alpha. "You don't need to apologize Lu. I can only imagine how bad things used to be for you... but you're here now and I'll protect you" he said. "You're a part of this pack... and I'm your mate" he added as he rubbed his hands across my back gently. "We should probably get inside" he sighed.

"Okay" I replied, not knowing what else to say. I felt Troy's hand find mine as he intertwined our fingers, leading me back inside. I had a feeling that if I gave it a chance I would really fall for Troy....

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