The Heart Sees

Chapter 12

Troy's P.O.V

I was pretending to look around the store when I realized that it had been a long time since Lu had left the dressing room. I told her I would be back in two minutes so I was

.. well maybe it hadn't been a full two minutes yet. But I was worried about her and when I went back I heard her crying. I followed her scent to the dressing room and was surprised when there was no door to knock on.... because it was open.

I could smell that another male wolf had been here... and an alpha. I felt the rage in my chest as I questioned her about it. She continued crying and I needed to make sure that she was alright. Was she seeing someone else? But then why would she be crying? My heart cringed with jealousy. I squatted down and slowly approached her, I didn't want to upset her more than she already was.

"Lu... I'm going to touch you.... just to check for injuries... I can't look to see if you're okay so I need to do this. I promise I won't touch anywhere innappropriate" I said cautiously. "Lu I need your permission" I said painfully.

"Yes alpha" she said through a broken voice.

I reached forward to her face and she flinched, backing away slightly before allowing the contact. I felt the tears on her cheeks but otherwise her face seemed okay. But when I got to her neck.... I could feel marks, bruises, it felt swollen and hot as if someone had tried to strangle her. 'Bastard!' Brax growled angrilly in my head. 'Who did this!'

I slowly checked her arms and legs and thankfully her throat seemed to be the only thing hurt. "Lu who was here?" I asked, trying to control my anger.

"Alpha Chase" she said weakly.

"What did he want?" I growled.

"He.... he said he regretted rejecting me and he wanted me back" she spoke, her cracked voice hurting my heart.

"Why?" I sighed.

"He.... he wants to use me to...." she started, trying to choke down her sobs.

"To what?" I asked, losing patience.

"To make pups to strengthen the pack" she whimpered.

'I'm going to kill him!' Brax growled viciously, I hadn't heard him this angry in a while. My rage matched his, my mouth tightening into a thick line.

"Is that what you want?" I had to ask.

"No! I tried to stop him.... " she said shakily.

I scooted closer and pulled her into a hug, brushing my nose against the crook of her neck to calm myself down. "He won't get you... I'll make sure of it" I said with determination.

"He said he will try to take me during my next heat... to make sure I...." she said with disgust.

"Don't you take medicine for that?" I asked, trying to distract myself from the rage flowing through my body.

"Yes" she whispered.

"You'll be okay, I'll protect you. You'll be safe with the pack" I said, trying to convince her and myself at the same time.

"Thank you alpha... I'm sorry I ruined our shopping trip" she said, failing to hide her pained voice.

"Let's go, I already mind linked Terry to meet us at the car" I explained as I helped her up. "We'll pay for anything you picked out and then go" I said and I heard her nod.

I heard her grabbing some things as we walked to the counter, my hand on her lower back protectively. I quickly paid for her things and grabbed the bags as I lead her out of the store and towards the entrance. When we got there I heard Terry's surprise in his mind link 'what happened?' He growled.

"What happened, are you okay?" Liam asked, rushing over to Lu and pulling her into a hug. I growled reflexively at him, not wanting anyone to touch my little omega right now... especially after she was attacked.

"Alpha Chase found her and threatened her, we have to go back to the pack for Lu's safety" I snapped out and Liam and Terry both growled angrilly.

Liam grabbed the bags from me and we all walked to the car. Lu and I sat in the back with Terry driving and Liam in the passenger seat. Lu curled tightly into my chest, clinging to my shirt as I inhaled her scent trying to relax myself. It hurts me to see her upset like this.... I know it's early but I feel for her... and that scares me.

Thankfully Lu managed to fall asleep during the car ride. The ride was silent except for her occassional whimper until we reached the pack house. I mind linked Terry and asked him and Liam to bring the things Lu got to her room. They didn't mind and I picked up Lu gently, trying not to wake her. I held her to my chest, carrying her up to her room.

I was at her door when I had an internal battle with myself. I can't just leave her alone after all of that, but if I stay and she finds me next to her she might panic. 'Don't you dare leave her side or I will take control and stay with her' Brax yelled angrilly at me.

'I don't want to scare her' I sighed.

'She isn't scared of us! We have to protect her' Brax grumbled.

'Alright fine but she better not hate us for this...'I caved as I turned and walked into my room. I set her down on the bed and went to get changed into more comfortable clothes. But before I could Lu whimpered and clung to me desperately.

"No! No! No pups!" I heard her shout in her sleep. I sighed as I laid down beside her, her arms wrapped around my neck. As soon as I laid down she curled into my side, seeming to relax into me a bit.

"I guess I'll stay" I said as I gently pulled the blankets over us.

'As if you could leave' Brax rolled his eyes at me.

'Yeah you're right" I replied as I closed my eyes, trying to relax. But all I could imagine was Chase strangling Lu and the terrible things he threatened. I knew it would be a long night.

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