The Heart of the Ocean

Chapter A Disastrous Voyage

“Missing you comes in waves.

Tonight, I’m drowning.”

The stars twinkled in the vast night sky, lightening up the darkness with their gentle light. The bright scattered dots were so magnificent that the ocean was jealous of their form and decided to mirror them on its calm surface. Aide couldn’t help but be amazed by their sight and yet, filled with questions. Perhaps, she was too tired due to everything that had happened during these past few days. Maybe, she’d finally lost her mind. She didn’t complain though -at least, she was having fun with her weird thoughts.

The twinkling lights seemed so beautiful and yet, so far away from each other. Did stars ever feel lonely? Did they have feelings like us? Perhaps, they did -maybe, they do understand us. That’s why they fall from the night sky -to make us smile, dream and wish even if it’s only for a fragment of a second. We are nothing but stardust in the greatness that is the universe. If we seriously consider this, our problems would probably look laughable. Perhaps, that would be for the best. Our life is just a blink in the vastness of eternity -is it really worth it to spend it worrying and stressing out?

Aide sighed deeply as she watched the dark waters of the ocean parting gently as they passed. Her nostrils burned from the smell of salt -she could taste it on the tip of her tongue. The sound of waves was disturbed by the light snores of the people sleeping on the deck and the distant sound of the boat’s engine. She allowed her head to rest against the rails, hugging her body in search of warmth.

She carried a heavy weight in her heart, yet she didn’t know what had hurt her the most. Petra was dead -she was shocked when she found out. Their relationship had shattered into pieces, but she couldn’t help but grieve for the girl she used to be. Aileen was gone -safe and sound, but far away from home. Would she ever see her best friend again? Nana had understood why she needed to leave, but she still felt guilty about the way they had parted. She owed the old lady a big hug and an even greater apology for making her sick with worry.

And Evander... well, she didn’t know what to think. She yearned for him. She wanted to gaze into the purple pools she fell in love with and get lost in his dazzling smile. She wanted to go back to that beach and face him. Tell him she was done running -that she was going nowhere. She wanted to feel his lips against her own -to run her fingers through his dark locks and feel their silkiness. And yet, she was terrified of him -horrified of the blood-filled memories that made her cry silently during the nights.

Maybe this was their fate -to be always close and yet so far away. To be separated by a line of love and fear that none of them would dare to cross. Perhaps, they met the right person at the wrong time -they weren’t ready for each other no matter how many feelings were involved. Maybe, they were fated to yearn for someone they could never have -to torture themselves by wanting the impossible.

Maybe, their love was platonic.

It was never meant to be.

Suddenly, the boat jerked violently, forcing her out of her thoughts and making her lose her balance momentarily. Aide’s head banged roughly on the rails of the boat, making her hiss at the blinding pain. She brought a trembling hand to her forehead and touched the warm liquid that seemed to be the source of her pain. Her eyes widened when she took a look at the scarlet painting on her shaking fingers. Looking around the small deck, she realized she wasn’t the only one who felt it. People were shaken out of their slumber, their expressions of annoyance followed by a look of confusion and worry.

Aide’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The waters were extremely calm -there were barely any waves disturbing the ocean’s surface. The weather was nice -there was no storm on the horizon, the skies were clear and magnificent. They had not encountered any difficulty in their journey so far -it was an easy trip, the sailors took this route all the time and were familiar with it. Their engine was working properly -she had become so accustomed to its sound that it was almost like a lullaby.

So, what the hell had happened?

A second jolt followed the first one, making everyone scream and cry out in fear. The sound of children crying and calling for their mother’s reached Aide’s ears, making her blood ran cold at the heartbreaking sounds. She shook her head in denial and took a deep breath to calm herself. She dared to take a good hold of the boat’s railing and take a look at the waters below them.

The third jolt was the strongest and most unexpected of them all. Aide groaned as her backside met the deck’s slippery floor with force. Black dots appeared in her eyes as multiple screams molded themselves into one. A wave of dizziness hit her as the boat went up and down from the powerful jerk. When she managed to open her eyes, her gaze caught a small movement on the side of their ship.

She didn’t think before she acted. She turned on her stomach, her eyes narrowing to the calm waters. Her shaking hands took hold of the rails as she leaned a bit forward. Her body was still lying down, her head picked out of the boat. However, she couldn’t see anything -it was too dark. A few droplets of blood caressed her cheek, before falling into the dark abyss below. She winced silently, before following them with her eyes. They disappeared in the darkness of the night -in the depths of the unforgiving sea. Or did they?

Bright rubies appeared in the darkness.

She barely had time to pull herself back, before the beast reached for her. Aide screamed out in shock as its sharp talons cut the sturdy rails as if they were paper. A terrified growl left its mouth -razor teeth making their appearance in a smile made out of nightmares. His red eyes seemed to burn with insanity and hunger, making her gulp in despair. She dragged her body backwards with the help of her hands, putting as much distance between her and the creature as humanly possible. In a second, it disappeared into the depths of the sea -silently and swiftly like the lethal predator it was.

The brunette breathed heavily, trying to comprehend what had just happened. People surrounded her, asking if she was okay. She couldn’t answer -she couldn’t form the words nor let a sound escape her. Her brain was on overdrive –her thoughts running a mile a minute. The creature, the had a familiar form. It looked like a merman, although brought out of a horror story instead of a fairytale. Flashes of memories burned through her eyes -a pond of blood, a slash of talons, a glimpse of teeth. She couldn’t breathe no matter how much she tried -was it a panic attack? She didn’t know anymore.

The boat jerked again and again. People were running up and down in panic, crying out for help and screaming until their lungs had no strength anymore. They didn’t have anywhere to run -there was nowhere to hide. The beasts had surrounded them like a predator did its prey. Their crazed eyes took in their trembling forms as they run around on the deck, making them salivate more if it was even possible.

Aide couldn’t believe this was happening. She refused to acknowledge it. She was sitting in the middle of the deck, watching as their beastly forms surrounded their small boat. She barely had time to get a hold of a column before they started to jerk the ship harder and harder. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks -they were trying to turn their ship upside down. They were trying to force them into the water, where they would find their excruciating death at their hands. They were about to become a feast for these bloodthirsty beasts!

They would die.

She didn’t know when she started to silently cry. The thought had hit her hard. Chances of survival were extremely slim -if there were any at all! She would die before the night was done. Her end would be a violent one -filled with unimaginable pain and torture. Her tomb would be a wet and lonely one in the depths of the ocean. That was if there was anything left of her body to remain at the bottom of the sea.

She couldn’t die -she had so many things to do! She had people she cared about -she couldn’t leave them like this! She couldn’t leave Alexandra alone in this world -her heart wouldn’t be able to handle it. She was so young -she had so many things she wanted to do before her time was up. She couldn’t just vanish -this couldn’t be the end! Her hand reached automatically for the necklace between her breasts, needing to feel its comfortable weight. It wasn’t there -it only made her sob harder.


What will happen to Evander?

That was her last thought before the beasts managed to turn their boat upside down. She didn’t even have the time to scream before she was immersed in the cold salt water. Her eyes stung as she managed to open them underwater. She could see multiple forms moving around, swimming through the darkness. She moved with them, trying to get away from the sinking ship before it managed to take her with it to the bottom. Her whole body was hurting from the pressure, but she managed to make it to the surface. She took a deep breath, her lungs burning from the lack of oxygen.

People were searching around for their companions, screaming their names and crying in panic. Some of them didn’t make it –“ERICA” had taken them with her to the bottom. They soon realized they were the lucky ones -they had a quick death. As soon as the beasts started to attack, the screams became more desperate.

The ocean was painted scarlet as if red ink had been spilled in the water. They didn’t stand a chance -the beasts were in their element. People screamed in pain before they were forced underwater -the beasts sank their teeth deep into their flesh as they feasted on their bodies. It wasn’t just about eating -the Tenebris needed the exhilaration of the hunt. They needed to kill to appease their bloodlust -they were enjoying this.

Aide felt something sharp wrapping around her ankle. She screamed as she moved her legs around, trying to kick off whoever was touching her. The creature pulled her down with force, forcing her underwater. Somehow, her knee made forceful contact with his face, making him let out a painful growl and his grip loosen up. She made her way to the surface, taking a desperate breath before she was pulled down yet again. The beast got a tight hold on her forearms, his talons digging in her delicate flesh. He hissed in her face, flashing his sharp teeth.

And then, he stopped.

Aide dared to open her eyes, only to come face to face with the beast. His face was cocked to the side, his red eyes taking in her characteristics. She attempted to get away from him, but he wouldn’t let her. His hand took a tight hold of her chin, forcing her to look at him. He sniffed her neck, becoming confused at her scent. A flash of realization seemed to come over him. The red of his eyes flickered and turned momentarily into a bright emerald.

Aide was almost out of breath, her body starting to shake. She desperately scratched at the hands holding her down, begging him to let her go. Her eyes searched for the surface as her lungs burned for oxygen. She didn’t know how, but the beast seemed to understand her need for air. He took a hold of her arm, guiding her towards the surface.

Someone knocked them over, separating them from one another. Aide was pushed further away from the surface, making her cry out in desperation. Water immediately filled her mouth, making her realize her mistake a bit too late. As black dots appeared in her vision, she took in the flashes of metal around her. Were those tridents? Her lungs burned as she tried to understand what was going on.

They were indeed tridents. The Royal Army of Atlantis had been informed of a Tenebris attack near their borders. It wasn’t long after Sethelious was defeated and Havelock had taken over the throne of his father. His insane uncle was gone, but he seemed to create problems even from his grave. They had won the war, but some teams of rogues had managed to escape and create havoc. That’s where the Royal Army came in -and they did an excellent job.

Aide felt her body becoming weightless as she surrendered to the sea. The surface seemed so far away. She wouldn’t make it -she didn’t have the strength to swim so far. She couldn’t do this anymore -she tried to take a desperate breath. Water filled her nostrils and lungs, making her vision blurry. She felt like she was burning from the inside out and yet, there was nothing she could do. She was drowning -the feeling uncomfortably familiar. A small smile decorated her face at the irony.

Before everything turned dark, she registered one last thing.

A pair of familiar purple eyes looking intently at her.


End of chapter 25!!

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