The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter EXTRA 3

"Healing is the end of conflict with yourself." - Stephanie Gailing




"How did you know I didn't kill all those people when everyone else thought I did?" I turned around, asking Mystic once we were back in the cave.

"That's because our family are not killers Destiny. We fight for freedom, avenging in the name of justice, we do not kill innocent people. No matter what or how angry we become, that's the way of a Hawthorne." She explains with such pride and dignity, I truly feel honor in being a Hawthorne.

"Now, I know you must be wondering how the Hawthorne name exists if the bloodline comes from a Reese. We're aware that a female witch keeps the family name to preserve the legacy,” Mystic starts to explain.

“We also know that male witch are also born, and our family is not much different. We once had a male witch before, the only one even up to your generation." I'm informed.

So, my assumption was indeed correct. Our family had a male witch before. Walking up to the image of the man that looks a lot like my mom and me, we touch his name much as we did with mine. And we're back in time without technology or even telephones.

It's so breathtaking here though. The lush green grass, the different variety of colorful flowers dancing wildly to the music of the wind. Children running around freely using their powers so carefree.

Men deep in conversations, while their spouses gossip about anything and anyone on the porch.

This...this existed. This beautiful peace and happy content.

We continue to walk, coming up to a mansion. We hear screams, while people standing around just waiting outside. Mystic levitates us towards the scream without waving her hand or anything. I wish to do that one day since it takes focus to levitate myself much less a group of persons.

Peering inside, there laid a woman giving birth.

"Lady Reese, you need to push. I can see the baby's head," the old midwife explains to the woman, who looks like my grandmother.

"I'm trying but it's so hard!" The woman begins to sob.

"Sweetheart you can do this, I've got you," the man holding her hand assured her. Nodding she starts to push again and again until the wail of the baby echoes throughout the room causing the midwife to frown.

"It's a-a- b-b-boy," the old woman stutters.

"A male witch, that has never happen in my family." The woman mumbled. “Thomas, I'm so sorry, w-we thought it was a girl for sure.” She added, starting to freak out.

Scooping up the bloody child. “Καλώς ήρθατε στον κόσμο [Welcome to the world] Reese Hawthorne,” Thomas whispered, cradling the baby to his chest.

"Tom, thank you." His wife says with a beautiful, yet tired smile.

“Amelia, never you say that ever again. He's our gift, no thanks needed.” Thomas retort, pecking his wife on the cheek—handing over the baby to his mother.

"Lady Reese, not to speak out of turn. But the gender of your baby will cause a slight panic in the coven," the midwife says timidly.

"I will fight for my family, no matter what society says. My son is the heir, they'll need to respect that." Tom says with fire in his eyes, and conviction in his voice.

“She's right,” Amelia murmured.

“Amelia, we're both each other's spirit spouse. We have one heart, and soul. Your problems are mine, never doubt that.” Thomas replied.

Wow, now that's an intense bond. I thought to myself.

“Intense indeed, a spirit spouse is a bond stronger than a mate. With wolves, when your mate dies, you move on. Not fully, but you can live a normal life. Once a spirit spouse dies, a part of your soul is gone.” Mystic explains.

“I never knew that,” I replied astonished.

“That's because I didn't tell you, honey,” my mom chipped in.

“Come, we've got more to see.” Mystic ushered us along.


Going through the memories is like watching a storyline unfold right in front of you.

Reese grew into a cheeky child, always pulling pranks and getting into trouble. It's not until his early teenage years you see his true strength and development, wielding the water element like a god. The way he moved with a sword, it's like dancing.

He's in love with a young woman, an omega. However, for some reason, they're secret lovers. The story of our family, I scoff at myself.

But that's not all, there's another woman. A young witch who has her eyes dead set on Reese, even though she’s well aware he's very much in love with someone else. Reese knows the woman's feelings for him, however, he never once encouraged it.

Filled with scorn, rejection, obsession, and rage—she allied herself with an alpha. The first-ever witch-werewolf alliance.

As the years went by plans were made, things set in motion to wipe out Reese's coven to control him—by binding his powers with hers.

The invasion happened out of nowhere, the mansion getting attack from all angles. Witch after witch went down, not before bringing down a few wolves with them.

It's a bloodbath, I can only watch helplessly. Even though I have the burning urge to help them, but this is just a memory—a painful one.

I stare at the alpha the young witch had allied herself with, rip out a pregnant witch's heart, tears welling in my eyes as her body thuds to the ground.

Chained to a stake, Reese tries everything to help his people—it's of no use, however.

"Reese, be with me and I promise you power like no other. Join Viktor andme, and we'll be immortal." The bald woman says.

"Complex, you fail to realize that we are immortals through our future descendants—they’ll reincarnate in our image one way or the other. Our power is not meant to hurt any creation, but to protect it along with its future." Reese explained.

"What nonsense, power is everything! You worthless shit." Viktor sneers punching Reese in the stomach.

Judging from the cracking sound, I say the bastard broke a rib or two because he's a strong fucker.

"If I can't have you, no one else will." Complex warned darkly. She starts to whisper words, I don't understand. "I curse your family, the mothers will never live to see their child's eighteenth birthday. Even if they do, they don't make it past a week." She smirks. "Did you think, I'm not aware of that retch woman carrying your child."

"Nooooo!MONSTERS!" Reese screams in agony.

"That's not all, we'll hunt down that woman and kill her before she even gives birth. She couldn't have made it very far, she's nothing but a disgusting omega. " Alpha Viktor spits in disgust making Reese laugh like he's crazy.

"My family will live on, and I'll live to see my great great great great grandchild rid Rosewood of savages like you, changing the entire Nebula for good. Bringing balance back to this land as my ancestors did." Reese proclaimed with utter conviction—both Complex and Viktor look at him nervously.

Drawing his dagger, Viktor goes to strike Reese. But his father appears suddenly, throwing something on his son's body—turning him to crystal ice right before our eyes. Then his mother flew out of nowhere, smashing his body into pieces.

Mumbling some words in a tongue I've only heard once, she slices both her and her husband's palms—intertwining their hands together—the mansion catching ablaze, including the couple.

"No matter what society says, my son will live. The name Hawthorne will forever be remembered." This is the last thing Thomas says before turning to ashes with his wife.

The reminding witches of the coven, who were hostages; begins to chant in harmony—they all burst into ashes.

The ashes begin to swirl around in the air, but they were forming something. The ashes forge the armor I got for my birthday along with my inherited necklace. Just as Complex goes to retrieve it, the items disappear.

"What the fuck was that Complex!" Viktor bellowed out of fear.

"I don't know, but whatever it was. We need to prepare for the future," she tries to reassure him.


Reese's beloved Hope escaped with the help of the old midwife. She gave birth to the first female Hawthorne ever, Melody.

When Melody took her first breath of air, both the armor and necklace appeared. Even then Hope knew that her daughter's journey was the beginning of a storm, one that kept brewing over the centuries.


We were back in the cave. I didn't say anything, too ashamed to look my mother in the eyes. “Take this shit with you!” My bitter words echoed loudly. I threw my necklace away as if it was nothing but a mere piece of worthless jewelry.

Falling to my knees, I sob. "I'm sorry," I apologize with so much regret and shame.

"Get up honey," my mother says. "We've all made mistakes, doing things we're not proud of. But that's what makes us human." She continues.

"You were in a bad place and did not know. So don't beat yourself up so much." Mystic agreed.

“But I should've trusted, and protected it better,” I mumbled.

"Destiny, you spared those people because you knew deep down something prevented you from harming them." She stated.

"Yes, I did. When I had found a few omegas. I realized that maybe this pack had more people like them, so I had Michelangelo assemble the innocents. Giving them two choices: Die or Become rogues just until I could secure a permanent home for them. They chose the second option without hesitation, even offered to help me gather intel on the Crystals." I briefly explain. "They report to him and he reports to me, I make sure they're fed and protected." I continue feeling my body becoming comfortably warm.

"What's that?" I ask a bit freaked out. Mystic smiles while my mom and grandma beams.

"It appears you're putting pieces of yourself back together on your own,” Mystic reply. “Destiny your road to recovery starts with you," she adds.

“My dad said the same thing,” I replied smiling.

“Ah, yes, the young alpha pup. He's a bit hot-tempered, but I like him.” Mystic chuckled, making my mom smile proudly.


We're back at the cottage and I'm tempted to stay.

"Hey, whatever happened to Reese?" I ask curiously because I'm still a bit confused about that.

"That answer has always been with you, however, the moment will come where you'll understand." Mystic answers cryptically.

"Darren, I think it's time you shift back." She calls out and we all hear a whine.

A few minutes later, my grandfather steps into the room. "So what's it gonna be pup, you staying with us or returning to live another day?" He asks seriously.

"I'm tempted to stay, but the pack needs me. My friends, family and my mate needs me, along with everyone else who deserves to be happy." I say with authority lacing my voice.

"Spoken like a true Alpha, which you are pup. Never forget that the Demons are with you, just as much as your mother's side of the family. It took a woman to bear the family's mark because only a strong soul like yourself could go through all sorts of hell before she's even a real woman and comes out on top a warrior. You'll be tested pup, and I advice you to trust your gut and your powers. Let them guide you in overcoming this storm." He says with such pride in his silver eyes.

"Thank you so much, all of you. Mom, I owe you an apology. I thought you were weak but your not." I say and she hugs me.

"Honey, you are just my little hotheaded baby girl and you don't need to apologize," she replied comforting me.

"Destiny, I'm very proud and honored to be your elder. You're not an air elemental witch, you wield water because—you are the element itself.” Mystic says.

“What, you possess both elements?” Mom muttered.

“No, she wields water a bit, because she's air. You'll need to master it, it'll help your final transformation." Mystic explains. “Now, hurry, times of the essence.”

Hugging my mother one last time, I follow my grandfather to where he first found me.

"Pup, I'll see you when the time comes. I love you and your brothers." He says as if he's going to cry.

"No more tears Oldman, we love you too grandpa," I say tackling him into a hug making him chuckle.

"A true DeLuca, now go!" He orders, pushing me towards the grassy pathway.


Opening my eyes, I find myself right where I fell. My wounds were completely healed, only a few scars remained. I feel no anger, no resentment, nor disappointment.

All I feel is true power, a sense of responsibility, a beacon of hope, guilt, and utter shame. But I'll have to focus on healing myself first before I can heal my friendship and my relationship.

I'll also need to access my powers more, to see what I'm truly capable of. With that thought, I run back to where my dad and I are staying. With a new sense of purpose and belonging—for the first time in weeks, I slept like a baby.


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