The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter 34

Feed the dream, Starve the distraction.




“Jab! Right-left hook! Uppercut!" I yell. "Left-right jab! Left-right regular kick! Now the roundhouse kick!” I bark instructions at the group of fifteen-year-olds.

Levitating them back on the ground. “That's good, now let's try them again. But this time, your opponent is not each other. It's me,” I inform them. To my surprise, they smirk.

Oh, this will be fun.

Panting on the ground, I wipe away my sweat with the sleeve of my shirt. Damn, this group is way too good. We've been sparring for hours now. While I'm tired, they're completely exhausted; reaching their limit.

“That's enough for today,” I tell my students, but they've yet to move.

The lone female of the group. A promising water elemental witch, Amanda, steps forward with a frown.

“Amanda?” I ask confused.

“Alpha, we've been wondering-” she begins to say but I cut her off, already figuring out what this is about.

“You're wondering why I choose you guys,” I stated, making the group of twenty nods. “Walk with me,” I command. Bringing them to the nursery, I levitate us far enough mid-air. “Look below and tell me what you see,” I propose with authority.

“Pups running around as if nothing is wrong,” Jake replies.

“That's right, as they should. Children should never feel the weight of the world like I did growing up, they should enjoy their childhood to the utmost fullest.” I explained, and I'm amazed my voice didn't crack.

“Just as I am your future, you guys are it to them. They need reassurance that there will always be hope, no matter how dark the world is. They need to know there will always be some light in the place they call home.” I continue my speech.

“I choose you guys because individually you appear weak. Together you're a force to be seen. Hell, you guys made me sweat. If that doesn't say something, then I don't know how else to convince you.” I finish, bringing us back to the ground.

“Now, today's lesson is over.” I dismiss the group, but they didn't move. Instead, they mobilize, taking a military stance. Well, this is new.

“IF WE ARE NOT PREPARE TO PROTECT THE FUTURE, THEN WE DESERVE TO DIE.” They recite in unison as the warriors in the distant gaze at the group in pride and respect.

The warriors nod in acknowledgment to the group because at that moment, they showed the pups what it means to protect what you love.



“How prepared are we?” Brandon asks as murmurs glide around.

“I think we are all prepared enough,” Tyler replies.

“We're not prepared,” I chime in my thoughts. “What we are is unpredictable,” I added, causing everyone to look at me as if I've lost my mind.

“Complex and Viktor has been here before and done that,” I explain. “These people are chasing immortality, and they will kill any and everything that stands in their way. They're coming, the one thing we have over them is the fact that we're unpredictable, we've trained harder than ever and I've got a few elements of surprise. You all just have to trust me.” I voice my opinion.

“If it's one thing we do Destiny, is that we trust you completely,” Santos proclaims.

“Can Destiny and I have the room please?” Tyler asks.

“Sure thing bro, no problem.” Brandon reply, getting up, clearing the room with everyone.

Before I can say anything, soft lips begin to ravish mine. “What's that for?” I ask breathlessly.

Instead of answering, Tyler pecks my lips. “Be ready by six, we're going on a date,” he says.

“We're far ahead of where dating is concerned babe,” I reply, chuckling.

“Precisely, we kinda moved a bit too fast,” Tyler replied. “Then other things came along the way,” he added, sighing. “We never truly went on a date, so I'm taking you out,” he declared.

“Alright then, what should I wear?” I inquire.

“Dress casually,” Tyler answered back, walking away with his hands stuff in his jeans pockets as I stare at his broad back.


“Did you enjoy the food?” Tyler asks, his green eyes twinkling like a gem.

“Tyler, I can't believe you got us reservations at La'Casa. It's one of the finest restaurants in the entire Nebula, and very expensive.” I replied.

“Money will never be an option for us, besides, I wanted to take you to one of your dream places.” He says kissing our intertwined hands.

“Yea, the food was delicious, I can still taste that pork on my tongue,” I tell him dreamily, recalling how divine my meal was. “Where are we going now?” I inquire when he continue driving straight instead of taking the left turn.

“You'll see once we get there,” Tyler mumbles, making me fight the urge to pout like a child.

After another twenty minutes of driving, Tyler stops the car, gets out, blindfolding me. “We're not having sex Tyler,” I grumbled, to which he scoffed.

“Shut up, let me take these off for you.” He says as I feel his hand moving down towards my legs. However, their destination was on my feet, much to my disappointment when my shoes get plucked off.

“Tyler!” I squeal when he takes me out of the car bridal style. “What are you up?” I ask when he keeps walking with me.

“You'll see soon, don't bother using your senses to cheat. The scent is covered,” he replied a bit too smug.

Trying to pick up on anything that'll give me a clue, I come up empty. All I can smell is us. Huffing, this time I did pout making Tyler laugh. Jerk. Gently placing me down; I feel something soft, mushy, and wet. Removing the blindfold, adjusting my eyes, they widen in surprise.

“T-this is amazing!” I exclaimed, throwing my arms around Tyler. “It's really beautiful,” I whisper.

“You're amazingly beautiful, come on.” He says taking my hand, leading me to the candlelit blanket.

Opening the basket, the sinful aroma of my top five favorite desserts invades my sense of smell, already capturing my taste buds. Blueberry Cream Pie, Peanut Butter Pie, Cinnamon Swirl Cake—the gooey kind—Pecan Pie Pudding and Pumpkin Drizzle Cake.

“We're definitely having sex when we get home,” I blurt out, sending Tyler into a fit of roaring laughter.

“Who said anything about going home tonight?” He retorts with a cocky grin.

Oh my goodness, sex on the beach, under the moonlight. Just the thought makes my mouth dry. Best date ever! I squeal to myself.


“Welcome, I would say good morning. But as we all know in a few days, we'll be under attack,” I say to the crowd. “You all may have noticed the four group of five behind me, and they've got a purpose,” I briefly stated.

“Each group is assigned to a pack, they will be the fail-safe for the young unshifted pups, the elderly, and expecting mothers,” I retort, pointing to the group.

“These are my Silverhawks, they're quick thinkers, strong fighters, and exceptional in each of their respective weaponry skills,” I informed the Betas, Head Warriors, and Tacticians at the meeting.

“Hawk one, you're with Santos’s pack. They've got a lot more pups than the others and they'll need a witch.” I instruct.

“Yes, Lady Destiny!” Amanda, the group leader says. This is the first time someone's addressed me as a witch.

“Hawk two, you're with Brandon’s pack.”

“Yes, Alpha!” Future warrior, Brok, the leader of the group answers.

“Hawk three, you're with Simon. He's a former war hero, with tons of experience.”

“Yes, Alpha!” Andre, the best strategist of the Demons answers.

“Hawk four, you guys are with me.”

"Yes, Luna Destiny!" Jake, an exceptional warrior exclaims.

All the groups walk towards their respective assignment. And I have full confidence, they won't fail.

“It's best to start moving and putting things in place as of now,” I say my final piece.

“In that case. I suggest all the alphas assemble at DeLuca Mansion later for a ceremony.” My dad interjects. We all nod in agreement, even though I have no clue why.


My dad's invitation seems formal. So, here I am giving myself a final look over. He didn't give a dress code, but knowing these people; they're probably wearing dresses.

But I’m not in the mood for a dress, I decided to rock a pair of ripped jeans along with a white dress top.

Grabbing the cream-brownish heels Luca gifted me, I slide them on—throwing my short hair into a sloppy ponytail—completing the look with a hat. I look good enough since I made the effort to dress up.

Grabbing my clutch, I throw in my phone and wallet. Taking the keys to Taylor's Chevy Camaro, I smile in glee at the idea of driving the sexy beast. It's a good thing I'm always late. I thought to myself.


The guys snicker the moment I walk into the room for reasons I wish I knew. I'm the last to arrive it seem since we all made our way outside and I take my seat beside Tyler.

“No dress, you're no fun.” He whines through the mind link.

“I can't make it easy for you all the time, my alpha.” I tease chuckling at his glare.

“Thank you all for coming this evening. We're all here at this coronation to welcome the long-awaited demon, Destiny.” Dad says and it takes me a while to put it together.

The females here are wearing white, the men, in grey suits, and the entire backyard is full of white roses—the traditional symbol of a werewolf carnation.

Grandma Sara’s standing beside my father with a proud sparkle in her eyes. How did I not notice this? And it takes me another minute to understand what my dad just said.

Taking a deep breath, I get up and head towards the stage. Accepting my Dad and Sara’s outstretched hands, I recite the words that every alpha child learns according to what I was thought.

“I, Destiny Edith Hawthorne, pledge to protect my pack. Honor my alliances and uphold justice as the alpha.” I recall the words, feeling a ton load of power radiating inside of me.

“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and special guests. I give you, your new alpha of the Demon Warrior's Pack; Alpha Destiny Hawthorne.” Sara announces, to my surprise—a string of uproars goes around the entire yard.

“Demons! We all now know the Hawthorne family heirloom. But what my daughter doesn't know is that we have our own.” Dad says just as Simon brings out a black box placing it in my hands.

Opening it carefully, it reveals a mask. A beautiful, tribal, engraved mask, that is.

“This mask has been handed down from alpha to alpha, for centuries. Now, it's your turn honey. I also personally made a shield for you.” Dad proclaimed, his voice cracking a bit at the end as if he's trying hard not to cry.

“Thank you, I promise to protect each one of you to the best of my abilities.” I declare.

Thinking of something, I clear my mind, connecting everyone's energy—combining them as one. “Demon, Howlers, behold we're all one!” I mind link, feeling the surprise coursing high through the bond.

“That's so frigging cool!” A member links.

“I know right! We can communicate together now on the battlefield!” Another counteracts.

They all started chatting up a storm, introducing themselves to each other. I, however, block them out, going for a small stroll instead.


“So, how does it feel alpha.” Sara teases, joining me out on the patio.

Turning around, I hug her. “Thank you for every single thing you've done for me, grandma,” I whisper in her hair, my heels giving me height advantage.

“Hey, look at me. It's your birthright, plus, you don't need me to look after you anymore. You've grown into an amazing young woman with a bright future ahead of her. I truly believe you're the answer to our prayers.” She says softly as if she's telling me goodbye, but I ignore the feeling.

We embrace each other again, but Sara holds on for a while longer, squeezing me.

“Dinner's ready, alpha.” A pack member interrupts my thoughts and our moment.

“Sure, thank you, we're coming," I replied. "You go ahead Grandma, I need to freshen up a bit,” I tell Sara to which she nods; walking off with the pack member—while I head for the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror, I'm amazed. My eyes are the same, but they're sharper than before. My hair is now, almost full silver instead of only streaks. I can also feel my wolf's presence and she's now only a mere smoke-like image, which means this is not my final transformation.

Handling my business quickly, I make my way back into the happy atmosphere. Taking my seat at the head of the table where everyone has been waiting for my presence.

“You guys may begin,” I tell them, referring to the meal, as everyone digs in and conversation flows around the room.


Things are going extremely progressive and surprisingly quicker than expected. All the pups, pregnant mothers, and the elderly are evacuated and relocated into the safety bunkers along with their assigned warriors and my silver hawks.

Getting out of bed carefully, I head for the bathroom. Turning on the temperature that best suites me, I stand under the sprinkling water—reaching for Tyler's body wash as I cleanse my body thoroughly.

After a soothing shower, I sauntered my way to the closet. Digging through it. Pulling on some sweats and a hoodie, I head downstairs. The packed house is dead silent, it's only three in the morning after all—Mickey already in the garage waiting by my Audi as instructed.

"Let's go, Mickey," I whispered. The scrapping of paws is heard coming our way. I should've known better, I thought to myself. "Well, don't just stand their boy, get in." I scoffed at my furry friend the moment he appears at the door staring me down.


Reaching the destination, I shed my vans, sweats, hoodie, and undergarments—standing completely naked once I got out of the car. Handing over my clothing to Mickey, I walk on the soft ground—wiggling my toes further into the earth as if I'm planting myself. Taking a deep breath, I get down on all fours. Digging my hands into the dirt.

"Ancestors, protect me, my pack, and all those who follow me into battle." I pray.

The wind howls, causing the leaves on the trees to shake furiously. Lightning strikes as thunderclaps the ground so hard, it trembled. Linking my mind with the energy that's wafting around, letting it penetrate my body, making me glow.

"Thank you," I whisper to the earth. Standing up, I make my way back to the car.

"Did your idea work?" Mikey asks once we huddled back inside the car. I only smirk and he smiles. "You're probably the strongest alpha that's ever been born." He praised.

"Say that again when we win and it's all over." I retort.

With the blessings of the ancestors, I do not doubt in my mind about our victory but I need to get back and get ready for the day after tomorrow. Because on that day, the person in a situation like my mother, will never be slaves to anyone.

They'll be tasting the power of freedom.


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