The Guardian's Mark

Chapter 14

My foot was nervously tapping but I was unaware of it, too focused on the situation at hand. The common room was silent, the three of us anxious as we waited. Ullrick had opted to sit in an armchair to the side and Rainen sat beside me on the couch. It was uncomfortable but the anger inside of me was continuing to grow. I wasn’t sure what made me do it but the words came out before I could stop them, immediately shining light on my guilt.

“What did you tell her?” I asked Ullrick, my words clipped.

Ullrick narrowed his brow at me, clearly fuming himself. “Nothing I shouldn’t have.”

“What happened to this loyalty you all boast about? How could you do that to him?”

Ullrick uncrossed his legs and leaned forward, his eyes angry but also hurt. “Let me explain something to you. Above any loyalties I may have comes my loyalty to the laws and the truth. As much as it may pain me to do or say something, I must always remember the larger purpose. What you did was selfish and irresponsible which is just what I would expect from a mortal.”

He still hadn’t confirmed what Gavin was in trouble for but I had a feeling I knew.

“You know nothing about me. Or the situation.”

“So, you didn’t have romantic relations with him then?”

Hearing it referred to as “romantic relations” was strange. We hadn’t slept together or anything. And wouldn’t that really be the ultimate line they didn’t want us to cross?

I was preparing a response when a voice spoke up from the doorway, interrupting our argument. “Enough.”

We all turned to look at the doorway behind us and saw Nakir. And she did not look happy.

“Enough has happened this evening. I will not tolerate any form of disrespect in my house.” She walked toward the fireplace and turned to face us, her light brown eyes delivering some sort of warning to Ullrick.

“I apologize Nakir,” he said, not a hint of anything but remorse in his voice. It was clear he held the utmost respect for her.

She nodded and moved her eyes to me, causing my heart to skip a beat. She’d never looked at me with anything but understanding and admiration. This look was different. “Gavin will no longer be your guardian due to the situation at hand. Rainen will assume the position moving forward...” She paused. “I’d like to speak with Ava alone now.”

Ullrick and Rainen responded immediately, standing and bowing their heads politely before leaving the room.

I was nervous about the conversation we were about to have but the frustration overpowered it. I needed to know what was going to happen with Gavin.

Nakir moved to sit beside me on the couch and angled herself in my direction. Her expression was stoic but more than anything looked almost...regretful?

“I think you know already why Gavin was removed from his position as your guardian but I wanted to speak with you about it.”

I nodded, holding my tongue to allow her to continue. I wanted to immediately defend him and tell her it was my fault but I needed to be respectful and hear her out.

She paused, studying me. “I don’t realize the magnitude of the situation. I know Gavin wanted to protect you which is admirable but irresponsible. The harsh reality is that he could permanently lose his status as a guardian. The less likely but still potential outcome is that he could be sent to purgatory for a century.”

Purgatory? As in the prison between Heaven and Hell?

“The committee might want to make an example out of him and go for the worst penalty. Which is why we need to succeed with this task. That is why it is so important, now more than ever, that you focus and put aside any feelings you may have toward him. If all goes well, the committee will be grateful and may forgive this insubordination.”

She still hadn’t confirmed why he was in trouble and I was tired of beating around the bush. “Why is it so wrong for a guardian to be with a human? I don’t understand. If the intentions are pure and they can manage to not let it affect their duty, what is the big deal? I’m an Elioud anyway, not even fully human.”

Her voice was curt. “It’s forbidden. The reason does not matter. And he knew this. If it were casual I wouldn’t be as concerned but he admitted to loving you and that makes this something completely different. There is no future for a guardian and an Elioud and throughout history we’ve had unnecessarily horrible events proving this.” She sighed, seeming to soften. “I don’t want to keep two people apart that clearly care for each other but I also understand the need for such rules. It’s not worth the risk.”

I was still stuck on the fact that Gavin had admitted to loving me. As far as I was concerned, this conversation was over because I wasn’t going to be able to focus on anything else she said. He loved me?

“I understand. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. And you have to know that he was very adamant about us keeping things platonic. I’m more to blame than he is.”

“He knew what the repercussions would be, Ava. You didn’t. You cannot take the blame when you weren’t even fully aware of the rules.”

She was right but I still felt guilty. I had pushed for something to happen between us, even after Gavin had said there would be repercussions. “Can I see him?”

Her gaze was unapproving. “He’s waiting for you upstairs. It would be best after tonight that you keep a distance between each other. I’ve already told him this as well. Please don’t force me to separate you more than I already have. He is only allowed to stay here because we need him and you need to have the fellows you trust close to you. Tomorrow you will train all day and the following day we will close the gates. So, give it your all tomorrow and I would suggest you practice with the stone every free moment you have.”

I nodded, ready to end this conversation. I had only one more day to prepare? I needed to start practicing now.

“I want you to know our highest priority, second to closing the gates, is to extract Carter safely. However, you should prepare for the possibility that he may not survive this. Should he still be alive, Lucifer will have not made these last days easy for him.”

“What are the chances he’s still alive?” I wouldn’t be able to handle it if I lost Carter. I would give my life for his if it came to it.

“You know him better than we do. It all depends on his mental strength.”

He was one of the most self-sufficient and stubborn people I knew. Actually, he was the most intelligent as well. If anyone could survive this, he could. “He will.”

“Good. Well get some rest. Rainen will be training you at sunrise.”

I nodded, standing. “Thank you.”

She stopped me as I began to turn away. “And Ava? Gavin isn’t as strong as he tries to seem. He’s too kind. You have to be the one to set boundaries.”

I paused, my heart dropping. “I will.” And I meant it. Nothing more would happen to Gavin because of me. I would have to ignore my feelings in order to protect him.

The walk through the empty foyer and up the stairs felt longer than usual and somewhat glum. I made my way down the hall toward his room, counting each step. Reaching the door, I noticed it was ajar and knocked lightly before entering.

The room was slightly larger than mine with more masculine décor. The bed frame and boudoir were mahogany, the two arm chairs a dark grey, and the sheets on the bed navy blue. Otherwise the room was bare and felt somewhat lonely. Very unlike the ambiance at his apartment.

Gavin stood outside on the balcony, his hands gripping the stone barrier. He didn’t turn as I entered, seeming to be lost in his thoughts. The moon was especially bright tonight and I could have been imagining it but he seemed to be glowing.

I crossed the room slowly and stepped out onto the balcony, coming to stand beside him. “Are you alright?”

His eyes had been focused on the stars above and it took a moment for him to pull them away. He looked down before turning to face me, his movements slow. “I’m fine.”

I knew he was lying, just one look at his electric green eyes told me. I wanted to hug him or kiss him but I wasn’t sure where his head was at.

“How did your conversation with Nakir go?”

I searched for the right words. “She wasn’t happy with me. And she told me I have only one more day until we have to close the gates so I’m sort of freaking out. Other than that, it wasn’t so bad.”

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “She cares about you. That’s why she’s angry. She’s kept tabs on you since you were born which is why she’s so angry with me. As a guardian, I knew better. And I broke her trust. She’s not upset with you. She’s disappointed in me.”

It made sense but I still didn’t like it. I wanted to protect him from this ridiculous rule. “So, what happens now?” I could feel my chest stiffening in anticipation of his answer.

“We have to distance ourselves from one another. I’ll be there for the closing of the gates but we can’t be around each other until then. I can’t be around you...I don’t have the willpower to hold back from kissing you.”

His answer made me sad and fuzzy at the same time. I knew it was the right thing but I wanted to be selfish. Nakir’s words came back to me then, a solemn reminder.

You have to be the one to set boundaries.′

“I think that would be best. I do want to focus so I actually stand a chance at this. And what’s going on between us would prevent that.”

His face fell so slightly it almost wasn’t noticeable. “I’ll stay out of your way until it’s time. Rainen will train you well. I believe Natalia will be helping out also.”

It hurt much more than I thought it would. I wanted to jump into his arms and tell him I didn’t care what they said. But I had to be smart and realize that the safety of literally the entire world was at stake. I could end so much suffering. It would be inhumanely selfish to put my feelings before that no matter how much it broke my heart. I was so afraid of losing Gavin and it was hitting me full force now. Would this be one of our last interactions before this was all over?

“Great. She’s tough but I think that’s what I’m going to need tomorrow.”

The hint of a smile returned, warming me instantly. “Good. You should get some sleep.”

He was basically kicking me out in the nicest way possible. It took everything in me to hold back from telling him how I felt. “Alright. Goodnight.” I hesitated for a moment before stepping forward and delivering a swift kiss to his cheek. I couldn’t bear to look in his eyes afterward so I turned my head and walked off, counting my steps to the door.

As soon as I was back out in the hallway I let out the breath I’d been holding in, the backs of my eyes burning as the tears surfaced. I refused to let them fall though, wiping my eyes before I reached the door to my room where Oliver stood guard.

He greeted me with a soft friendly smile, looking as young and pure as ever. “Sleep well, Ava.”

I returned the smile even though the last thing I felt like doing was smiling. “Thank you, Oliver.”

Once I was in my bed I tried everything I could to sleep including counting sheep and various exercises but nothing worked. I was restless and nothing was going to help. The fellow standing guard out on my balcony also didn’t make me feel too comfortable. I didn’t know her and she kept pacing as if she were nervous. Hell, I was too. I was afraid to fall asleep and have Lucifer invade my dreams. I couldn’t bear to see Carter or Elyon tortured even if it was just a created image.

I really could have used Gavin’s angelic powers at that moment to help me relax. Tomorrow was the last day of my training for the most important day of my life. After that it was up to me to save the world...No pressure, right?

Unable to fall asleep, I changed into workout clothes and made my way downstairs and out to the back lawn, determined to practice with the stone. Oliver insisted he accompany me, purely out of orders, and I didn’t want to make his job difficult so I let him.

He trailed behind me as I took slow steps along the side of the pool. I hesitated for a moment before holding my hand out over the glistening blue water. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was doing but something told me my powers with the stone went beyond controlling the energy of it. Perhaps I could control other things too?

The water reacted immediately, a rippling effect fanning out over the entire length of it. I stopped walking and turned to face the pool, holding out my other hand. Moving them upward, the water followed suit, swirling into a tornado. It startled me, reacting stronger than I thought it would, but I stood still and continued to manipulate it, creating different shapes before separating it into little droplets that danced around us. I was smiling, enjoying myself, and turned to smile at Oliver when I noticed a group gathered in the sunroom over his shoulder. Gavin, Natalia, Ullrick, and a few other fellows I didn’t know yet.

Embarrassed, I quickly pulled my gaze away and returned the water to the pool.

Oliver stepped up next to me, his voice kind as usual. “Don’t be ashamed. They just haven’t seen an Elioud able to manipulate the elements so early. None of us have.”

I nodded, keeping my eyes on his face as our audience thinned out. Gavin was still watching us though, I could feel it. “I didn’t even know I could. I just had this feeling...”

Oliver nodded. “Just go with your instinct. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks, especially us self-righteous fellows.”

I grinned. “I’ll try.” Turning, I began walking toward the trees that marked the end of the property. We were deep in the woods when I finally stopped, the only source of light coming from the glowing moon.

Oliver moved to stand off to the side but still I wasn’t sure it was enough space. I didn’t want a tree to fall on him.

Thinking back to how Rainen had created that force field to protect any bystanders, I wished I could do that. Or maybe I could? Wouldn’t hurt to try...

The stone was warm at my chest and sparked lightly, almost as if in assurance. Holding out my hands, I swung them in a circle just as Rainen had, pulling the energy from the stone.

The prismatic clear barrier shot out, creating a small bubble around me. I barely had room to take a step but I’d done it!

Feeling slightly claustrophobic, I swung my arms back up, erasing the force field as I did. I let out a breath, unsure of whether to laugh or squeal.

“How did you do that?”

I looked over at Oliver, his shocked expression mirroring my own.

“I just did it...I don’t know.”

“No one taught you?”

I shook my head. “Rainen did it earlier tonight when we were attacked and I figured I would try to mimic it. I didn’t think it would actually work.”

“It shouldn’t have. Why don’t you try it again but bigger?”

Nodding, I turned away from him and focused, holding my hands out once again. The stone was hot against my chest as I swung my arms out, this time creating a massive protective field that was easily thirty feet in diameter and twenty feet high. I did a quick fist pump into the air in celebration, looking around at the barrier I’d created. It looked like shards of glass, reflecting the colors of the rainbow, creating an obstructed view of the outside world.

Oliver, I hadn’t noticed, was inside the field with me and took a few steps in my direction. “I think your talent is much more than anyone expected.”

Shoot, it certainly was more than what I expected.

“What does this mean? Elioud shouldn’t be able to do this?”

“Only a small amount manages to and it still takes them weeks of practice.” His eyes were sparkling, the colors of the field reflecting off them.

“I wonder what else you can do...”

I knew I was dreaming as soon as it began. I was in the mansion and chaos had erupted everywhere. Standing in the center of the foyer, I watched as fellows fought a swarm of possessed, most in their angelic form and taking on five or more at a time. Natalia and Nakir were among them in their angelic form, their wings outstretched, fighting as if their lives depended on it.

And we were losing.

Fellows were dropping, crying out as the possessed overpowered them with their cursed weapons, turning them into a pile of ash. It was hard to watch, even if it was only in my head. The walls were stained with blood, puddles of it covering the marble floor. It was clear we were outnumbered.

My eyes traveled up the staircase, almost pulled by an unexplainable power, and landed on the person who stood at the top.


He was dressed in all black suit, his hair slicked back. His skin was pale and his eyes glowed a bright red. He was stock still, surveying the scene before him with an expression of pride and amusement. His eyes traveled across the room before landing on me.

My heart stopped, terrified by him. I wanted to run but I couldn’t. Instead my legs began to move on their own, starting for the stairs. I noticed for the first time that Elyon and Myles were at either side of him, shackled and kneeling as Cassiel stood over them, a sinister smile on his face. Myles and Elyon looked moments away from death, their skin pale and sweaty, dried blood over the tears in their clothes. Myles’ eyes were desperate, a cry for help.

Where was Gavin?

I reached the top of the stairs and came to stand just inches from Carter...or whoever was inhabiting his body.

He smirked, looking me up and down. “It suits you.”

I looked down at myself and realized I was wearing a lacy black ball gown. It hugged my curves and left little to the imagination. Looking back up at Carter, I felt a sense of dread. Of everyone in the room, only the two of us were dressed up. Why?

“I have a surprise for you. A vision of the future, I should say. Turn around.”

Again, my legs moved of their own accord, turning me to face the scene below. Not much had changed, the fellows and the possessed were still fighting to the death, the masses of them thinning out. Though something had changed in the center of the room where I’d been standing just moments before.

Rainen was there. With Gavin. Holding a sword to Gavin’s neck.

My heart lurched. “Don’t hurt him.”

I knew it was a dream but that protective instinct was kicking in.

“I won’t. If you join me. Give up this futile attempt and stand by my side. You don’t have to fear me. I can give you more than you could ever imagine. Your heart’s deepest desires.”

My skin crawled with his every word. I was now determined to wake up from this dream. “Never.”

“Then this dream will become your reality.”

I didn’t leave any time for his words to marinate, immediately focusing on pure positive thoughts. The Elioud stone at my neck began to glow, consuming my vision. My eyes were locked on Gavin’s bright green ones and just as the light was beginning to cover him, Rainen drove his sword straight through his chest.


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