The Grateful Rejection

Chapter 29

Third person's POV

"Here is three big Mac's for my boys and myself, one happy meal for my princess and two big Mac for my wife" Tyler said and sat down with a smile.

"Dad you do know you don't have to repeat the order!" One of his elder son said hushly.

"Oh shut it you querulous teen!" Tyler's wife shushed her son's whining.

"Why are you always so grumpy?" The little 9 year old asked her brothers with her big eyes. "Because they are Grinch.” Their father snickered making everyone laugh but the grumpy teen boys The Schumachs were having a great time when the door to the restaurant opened and a familiar whiff hit Tyler and Susan (Tyler's wife) making them stiff. They exchanged knowing glances at each other, "Take them home, I'll be there in no time" Tyler mind-linked his wife who didn't refuse his command and hurried the kids, "Come one guys we have to get home" she said with a smile as she began keeping her daughter's food in the meal box.

"What? Why?" The elder son asked as he too wrapped his burger in the wrapped and took his cold drink in his hand.

"What's wrong mom?" The other one asked seeing his mother in distress. Susan gave their confused looking kids a fake smile, "Nothing love but we.. are going to have guests in sometime. we need to prepare” she made a prissy excuse to which the boys groaned and stomped out of the restaurant mumbling how they have to pretend to be good boys.

The man sat on the far corner of the room as soon as he entered ignoring everything and everyone in the room. He turned on his phone to call a person. It wasn't untill he tried for the 4th time did the person on the other side picked up, "How many fucking times do I have to tell you to stop calling me??" The voice hissed in anger.

"They have found me" he said getting to the point ignoring it's previous sentence. There was silence on the other side, "Where are you now?" The voice asked from the other side.

"Just came back from the witch you told me to visit. She gave me some pink liquidy thing" he said feeling anxious. In the heat of fear he didn't smell or notice Tyler who was sitting two tables down from him, listening to their entire conversation

"Good, you need to come here ASAP and give that to me. That bitch is pregnant now!" It gave him the news making his heart stop momentarily, "Nora is pregnant?" He whispered in disbelief. Grief and hurt had taken over him thinking about his Nora getting pregnant with someone who is not him, "That princess got my Nora pregnant?" He snapped at the person.

"Mind how to speak! That's a fucking lycan you're talking about. He is my --"

"I swear to God if you say he is my this, he is my that... ONE more time I am gonna fucking shoot myself and leaving you hanging in your “ultimate revenge plan Justin scoffed the last part.

"Now shut the fuck up, you pritsy. Lay low for a couple of days. Come here when I tell you to and don't fucking call me untill I tell you to do. We don't want them knowing, do we?" The other person smirked. Justin smirked back, "No we don't!" With that the other person hung up.

All this while Tyler was shocked to learn that Nora was pregnant yet again, Sebastian is a good man to say the least. He was happy for them, Nora has finally found her happiness but this douchebag of a Justin is a taint to her happiness. He couldn't help her before but now he can. He dialed alpha Amell's number, in a couple of rings Oliver picked it up, "Alpha Amell's office” he said robotically. "Justin is in my territory. He is talking to someone about Nora. He is up to something, you should come here as soon as possible” Tyler said hushly coming to the point.

"I'll be there in a few minutes, keep an eye on him" Oliver said hearing Justin talk about shooting himself.

Tyler was confused, "In a few minutes? It's like 7 hour flight from your territory" he said making Oliver smirk.

"You do remembered we have witches of sisters and brothers" he said.

"Oh yes. I'll hold him untill you get here.” Tyler replied and hung up the phone.

Oliver called Stephan, Ariana, Jacob-Andrew, Arora and lastly Clark.

"We found Justin” he said as the witches and warlocks emerged from a portal.

"We should inform Nora, she told me to tell her when we find Justin" Clark said, "But.. not now.. when we have had our fun!” Clark smirked. And everyone agreed.

As soon as Tyler hung up the phone he called for his warriors to circle around McDonald's. In no time the warriors bursted in and circled the table Justin was sitting in.

Justin was petrified seeing the warriors pointing silver bullet guns at him, "Put your hands up!" The top warrior shouted. Some warriors who were outside the restaurant escorted the shaky civilians outside safely.

Tyler walked towards Justin with a grim face, "I hate you more everytime I see you" Tyler growled lowly at him. Justin smirked, "If it isn't the lowly alpha” he mocked, "Did you child make it out alive?" He said referring to when Susan was in such a distress that he had a high chance of miscarriage. Tyler smirked back at him, "Oh they did.. but someone won't" he said and punched Justin's face. The Huntsons and Gretfields (Nora's werewolf family) were in Tyler's territory in no time.

Tyler met them outside his pack house as they opened a portal there.

"Thank you for holding onto that bastard for us” Oliver said with a smile and shook his hand with Tyler.

"It's an honour to beat that fucker anyway" he replied making him chuckle, "So should we go to check him?" Tyler motioned everyone to come inside.

Everyone was told to steer clear of the guests visiting today but someone didn't get the memo, or just didn't bother about it. A buzzing feeling went down the three Huntsons brothers body. Stephan was the first one to stop in middle as the electric feeling increased, following him was the twins. Everyone was confused for a second but there came three different sound of footsteps fastly approaching them.

"You okay brot--" Arora asked coming close to Jacob when a growl was heard from the other end of the hall, "MINE!" A masculine voice growled and pushed Arora off Jacob in seconds. The redhead man pulled Jacob by his waist looking at his mate intently in the eyes, "You're so beautiful” he muttered caressing his cheeks and planted a lingering kiss on his lips. Everyone awed at them as Jacob started kissing him back.

"MATE" a pitied blonde whispered looking at Andrew as she walked towards him in awe. As she came closer Andrew's heart started thumping wildly inside his chest, with his award winning smirk he went to his woman, "What's your name beautiful?" He asked pushing a stand of hair behind her ear. Her green eyes went wide as a coat of blush covered her face, "Sam-Samantha Fare” she stuttered out looking at Andrews mesmerizing brown eyes.

"Why the fuck didn't you find me earlier??" A voice screeched from one end of the hall in within seconds a woman had wrapped her legs around Stephan's waist and her arms around his neck. Stephan was in trance of the thick beauty in front of him with jet black hair and baby blue eyes, "I scored a hot one” she muttered looking at him making Stephan smirk at him, "So did I baby" he said and smashed his lips on his.

Both Ariana and Arora gaged in disgust seeing their brothers making out in front of them. While the Gretfields were sour for not finding their mates before these old monks.

"Let's give them some space" Oliver said wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. They all nodded their head horrified and almost ran away to Tyler's office.

"I was about to take you to the dungeons but I guess that'll have to wait" Tyler shrugged. Arora looked smugly at Ariana who had a scowl on her face, "I'll give you the money when we reach home!" She snapped at rora making her laugh.

"I told you Jacob would be the one ending up with a guy!!" She pointed out to Ariana who had her hands crossed in front of her chest.

"Well I thought Andrew was the closet gay! It's not my fucking fault!" Ariana threw her hands up in the air. The three male looked at the two bickering in confusion.

"Guys!! Andrew is bi and Jacob is pan!" Clark said making the two turn to him in shock, "Who do you know that?" Arora asked making Oliver shrug his shoulder, "They told us. We do hang out a lot.. if you didn't notice.. your own brothers." he said pointing out to himself. The two of them have a goofy smile and hugged her other brothers, "Don't feel left out! We made bets on you too" Ariana said. Oliver looked at the two firebox, "Who do we end up with?" He asked regretting the second the question left his mouth.

"Alone with your right hand" Arora said and the two sisters bursted out laughing hysterically. While the two brothers tickled them.

The newly mated couple walked inside the office with a bright face, "We found them" Jacob cheered happily.

"Really? We didn't notice” Clark said sarcastically making Jacob pout, "Oh don't worry! He is just grumpy for not getting laid for a whole damn year!" Andrew snitched on him making everyone in the room “000000000 at him.

There was a few minutes of bickering among all of them then the new members of the soon to be Huntsons introduced themselves, "I am Steve Roberts, the gamma of this pack" the redhead said offering his hand for a shake to everyone. As he came close to Arora, she raised her hands, "His sister” she joked making him chuckle, "Sorry about that" he said his green eyes shining with genuine regret. She shrugged him off and hugged him, "Welcome to the family" she said with a smile. Later they learnt more about their brother's mate. Stephan's firecracker, Yania Simons is actually a student in her final year of college getting her diploma in fashion designing while Andrew's mate Samantha Fare was a working in a children’s day care as a teacher.

They had fun for hours untill Arora stopped them, "Guys! On a serious note! Congratulations for finding your mates but we have an important douchebag to attend to" she was serious about Justin, "But since you guys have met you mates now, I think you shouldn't start your new life by.. doing.. what we discussed..” she hesitantly spoke.

"No! We would do what we promised” Stephan shook his head denying Arora.

"When Nora finds out you were doing what you want to instead of spending time with your mates, she'll whoop your ass!" Oliver commented pointing out to Stephan.

"We'll talk about that later” Andrew said coldly, he is the eldest in the room, when he says what's going to happen it's going to fucking happen whether people like it or not, even Nora.

"We'll come to pick you guys up tomorrow in the morning.. you can say your goodbyes to your families” Stephan stood up and pecked Yania's lips who smile back sarcastically, "Yeah not happening! You'll come next week" she said and walked out of the room with Samantha trailing behind her after kissing Andrew.

"Well I gotta go too!" Steve said kissing Jacob who pouted childishly.

All of them finally made it back with Justin still passed out from Tyler's punch. Tyler insisted on coming as well but it wasn't his fight.. well more like play..

Justin was tied by in invisible chain, hanging upside down from the ceiling. First was Jacob's turn. Justin felt very sharp slash on his cheeks making his eyes shoot up in both surprise and pain. He let out a scream as his body twisted in pain of getting slashed by poisoned whips. His body started burning in despair. Every muscle in his body screamed in agony as Jacob kept on slashing Justin. He didn't even get the time to mourn over one slash when next was bashed into him and then another one followed and then another, this continued for a couple of minutes but for Justin it felt like hours if not less.

"How long I have waited to inflict pain on you" Jacob's demonic voice echoed throughout the empty dungeon. Justin's skull was hammering in pain, his body was all bloody. Blood dripping furiously from the large gashes, "W-ho th-e fuc-k a-re y-ou?" Justin muttered in between chokes of pain.

Jacob put down the whip and walked to the half dead bastard. Jacob's face and body was painted with Justin's blood as he smiled wickedly at him, "I am your doom” he said and thrusted his hand in slash just below his heart. Justin roared in pain twisting in mercy as Jacob reached for his heart.

He looked directly into Justin's eyes, "This is for Nora" he said and squeezed his heart untill it bursted inside his chest. Blood oozed from his nose, eyes and ears as a result.

In a minute Justin took a huge gasp of air and yelled in pain. Andrew was standing in Jacob's place with a smirk, "Welcome back" he said evilly. Justin was confused, he was dead how did he came back?

"Don't think too much, your stone brain can't handle that" he snickered taking out a bucket from the corner.

Growing up when Stephan was learning about black magic he came across this spell which puts one in a regeneration/resuscitation process. When this spell is casted in someone, they come back to life everytime they die but with all the pain he suffered that resulted in the person dying. The only limitation is that, the spell lasts for only 24 hours. But that was enough for the wicked minds to play. Andrew dipped a mug in the bucket, "Do you know how much I hate you?" Drew said nonchalantly throwing the content on Justin. There was a sizzling sound mixed Justin's cry of agony. Drew dipped the mug again, circling the crying Justin who was still hanging upside down. He threw another one on his back making Justin howl in pain arching his back trying to get away from the acid. Drew threw another one on his leg making it shake. The smell of burnt meat dominated the dungeon. "Ple--ase stop-p!! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU??" He yelled out as the burning of his tissues sizzled more after each passing second. The cool air around it didn't make it any better, the burning sensation only increased.

Drew snapped at Justin, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?? YOU RAPED MY SISTER!! YOU BASTARD!!! YOU KILLED HER!" He shouted and poured another mug over his crotch. Justin's eyes went wide as the acid melted his manhood. He cried writhing in affliction. He placed the bucket just below Justin's head and took a few steps back.

"You are going to pay for the nightmares my sister went through for years!" He spat and flickered his wrist down. Justin's head came crashing down inside the acid filled bucket.

The hazardous liquid melted his face and skull, he writhed uncontrollably trying to move away but the acid was quick to do it's damage. His screams were drowned the the flow of the acid in his mouth, melting his tongue, uvula, tonsils along with his teeth and jaw. His voice box was damaged because of it. A few seconds of twisting in pain came to an end as his soul finally gave up. Drew flicked his fingers up and Justin's headless body swayed in the air horrifyingly.

Like that everyone took turns, having their own version of death planned for Justin. Each one more horrendous than the previous.

Clark was the third one as he stood eyeing Justin in disgust who laid on the ground with the same invisible chain caging his arms and legs. Justin took another gasp of air as he looked around the place in fear, the same place he had died twice.

"Oh poor little thing! They hurt you much much. Didn't they?" He asked with a pout. Justin was too far gone to understand anything so he just nodded sobbing.

"Don't worry, I'll free you" Clark said wickedly making Justin's eyes twinkle with hope, "Really?" He whispered hoarsely, his throat still throbbing because of the acid. Clark nodded, "But I'll have to do something before that.. would you help me?" He asked Justin didn't thinking about anything and nodded furiously.

"Anything" he said in the hope of getting out of here with the help of this kind man. Clark motioned Andrew to open the chains, though they were all confused but they trusted him and did what he asked. There was a glass wall sperating the room where Justin is being tortured and the room where his torturers are lounging with a bucket of popcorn.

Clark made his sit down leaning against the wall as he gave him a glass of water to drink. Justin was psychologically and mentally drained, he relied completely on the man before him showing kindness.

"Now Justin, I need to you to cut your dick with a smile on your face. Can you do that for me?" He asked politely. Justin smiled, "I can go then?" He asked dumbly to which Clark nodded with a sweet smile, "Here you go" he gave Justin a pocket knife that didn't have any sharp edge.

"Now you have to do it quick" he said and walked to other corner of the room snickering at the brain dead man.

Justin stuck his tongue out and started cutting his dick. He yelled and cried in pain but he had to please the kind man in front of his so he didn't stop. He continued cutting his dick and bite his tongue out. He threw the knife and cupped his mouth, "No no Justin if you dont cut it off they'll all come and torture you!" Clark warned making Justin snap his attention at the him. He tried to speak but nothing but blood came splitting out.

"Do it!" Clark said harshly making Justin whimper as he took the knife and began cutting his half dangling penis. He cried, sobbing at the pain but all was in vain. Clark pulled out a silver knife from his pocket and walked towards Justin who with a bloodied smile and tears running down his face showed Clark his dick he cut off.

"Good boy!!" He praised patting his head, "Now eat it" he said and Justin like a good puppy complied and took a bite of his own penis. Everyone in the other room roared with laughter at the sight of the once mighty Justin into a brainless fucker. Clark smirked and grabbed Justin's hair making him look at him, "Betrayal is painful. Isn't it?" He said and stabbed Justin in the throat and then in top of his head. Justin fell limp on his side.

Oliver was the last one before the real fun began. He remembered how his sister had cried when she told everything that had happened to her. How those people had fucked her up both mentally and physically. Ever since that day all he wanted was to dip his hand in their blood and he did. But none seem to satiate his hunger for blood but that was all untill this fucker showed his face. His wolf was dying to tear him into shreds.

This time Justin had woken up in a forest with his head violently throbbing. He stifled a cry of pain and stood up with shaky legs. His wolf had died the first time he died. His senses weren't that strong but neither was he. He looked around cautiously to see if they are playing yet another one of their sick games but after looking around for a few minutes he didn't see anything suspicious, a hope bloomed in his heart.

The day was beautiful, the sun was high up in the clear sky and the wind was softly blowing rustling the leaves of the trees, singing the song of the nature were all too familiar with, the calm before the storm.

He limped towards the source of fresh water. Being hunting for years he knew to recognize the elements that's showed water was nearby. The lush green vegetation and the birds flight pointed him in the right direction. In no time Justin had reached a very small pond were a couple of deers were drinking water from. He rushed towards the pond and started drinking water briskly. He heard the deers running away but he figured out because seeing a human might have startled them. He got up and looked around, his stomach was twisting in hunger and no prey was around. No rabbits, no mouse just birds he never was able to hunt.

He got up and looked for a sharp log of wood. He found one laying on the ground nearby. He picked it up and broke some splinters that may had penetrated his hand. He sat by the pond waiting for fishes to show up.

After he ate the fish he began limping his way to find a road or a pack nearby. While he was on his way, he heard a twig snap behind him. He snapped to see a big dark grey wolf growling at him. His heart picked up it's pace and he very slowly began walking towards a tree. The wolf was definitely an alpha, Justin knew he can't out run him but some alphas don't know how to climb trees in their wolf form. He was betting on that probability.

Noticing his movement Oliver began running slowly towards him making Justin hastily climbed up the tree. Oliver's wolf stood up on his two hind legs with his front paws on the tree trunk. He pushed the tree, in three pushes the tree was uprooted. Justin began looking for different tree branches he jumped shakily before the tree was uprooted but he feel down on the ground. Justin jumped on his feet and started running while Oliver chased after him in a slow pace. Justin felt hope bloom in his chest when he saw a road couple of feets away from him. He picked up his pace. Just before he was about to reach Oliver jumped on Justin's back and ripped off his arm with his teeth. The hope he had instantly died as he ripped another arm.

Justin was crying for mercy, howling in the familiar pain. Oliver dragged Justin by his leg as a trail of blood followed behind.

"Please leave me!! PLEASEEEEEE!!!" He cried yelling everything in him to let him go. But all in vain. Oliver swang Justin on the ground making him bounce. Oliver shifted back and looked at the half alive Justin. His face marked with bruises and twigs pierced into his face and body.

"This is for my little sister" he said and walked back to the tree. Justin now had totally given up hope. In a few minutes a pack of hungry wolves came attracted to the smell of blood. Justin was petrified looking at their wild eyes eyeing him like a prey.

Justin let out a scream as the pack attacked him every meat and bone in his body was pulled out harshly. He felt everything. He felt all the pain in the world is not less. He felt how savagely the rouges pulled out meat off his body. It was only then when a rouge pulled out his throat that Justin took his last breath.

For now.

Stephan was the next one to burn down Justin's soul. Though he is a very calm and rational person, you must not forget he is a dark sorcerer. He is the evilest of them all and he did prove that.

Justin was laying on a plush bed when he woke up all startled heaving for a gasp of breath. Stephan gave him a glass of water as Justin sat up, "I found you in the woods. Are you okay? What happened?” Stephan asked making Justin burst out crying. The previous Justin was dead what was left was a helpless brain dead person.

"Please help me. Get me out of here!” He begged crying falling on his knees.

"You are safe! Don't cry. We are miles away from where I found you!" Stephan said following Clark's idea of brainwashing and manipulation. Justin looked at him, his hope had died long time back, he just wanted to rest. He gave a nod, "I want to sleep” Justin whispered. Stephan tucked him in and left the room.

Justin was sleeping peacefully when he felt an unbearable pain in his ass. His eyes shot open as he shouted for the man who helped him, he turned around to see dark slimy creatures with red eyes pushing his length in him. He was terrorized beyond belief. He screamed but that was muffled by another demon violating his mouth. He cried hysterically as more demons came from the portal and used him in every way possible.

Stephan had called upon sex demon who punish those who in their life have raped or forced people or animals. Sex demons don't attack you if one had never done forced anyone. And Justin had done it all to a lot of people, not just Nora. Stephan wanted to take revenge for every women Justin had violated

This went on for hours as the demons bred Justin, filling both his mouth and ass with their seeds. Covering his entire body in their seeds. Justin cried, sobbing as he felt his entire soul being ripped apart. He was done he had nothing left. He felt the pain he had inflicted on other women for years. All the screams of pain. He felt it. He felt it all. He cried begging for mercy, furiously apologising to all those women. He deserves. He deserves it all.

He cried as he felt those demons continue to use his body on their will.

After hours when the demons were done, they went back to hell

Last were the Arora and Ariana. Even though Nora was adopted, the three of them were very close. They did everything together, it user to be difficult for them to stay away from each other for too long. They were with each other through everything even now, they could leave the world for each other. The love they shared was not something one could turn their eye to, they were soul sisters as they call it. And that ment, the grudge the two had was stronger than the rest.

Justin laid on the bed covered in semen. Not a sound left his mouth, just silent tears leaking from his eyes. As the sisters entered the room, Justin didn't even bother to look at them or plea for his life. He knew his life was just a toy for them and they'd play with it the way they like it.

Ariana gave him a wicked smile, "Ready for the grand finale?" She chuckled and looked at Arora whose eyes had already turned black in vengeance.

Justin blinked a few time when he saw twinkles blinking all over the room. Arora closed her eyes and began mumbling chants. Justin blinked a few more times when a scene began playing on the ceiling he was looking at.

"Ever wondered what your life would have been if you hadn't been the person you are to Nora?" Arora asked.

There in the middle of the grey coloured gas played a scene that broke Justin's heart.

Nora was smiling looking at two little girls kids who were chasing each other. One girl looked exactly like Nora while the other looked like... Justin. They both were playing in a garden, then he saw himself walking towards Nora with four cones of ice cream, "Come on girls! Daddy brought ice cream!" Nora shouted as the two came giggling towards the couple, the eldest one smiled widely at her father, "Thank you dadda" she giggled when Justin handed her a cone of ice cream and ran away with her little sister, "Tank ko dada" the two year old said and ran behind her elder sister. Justin wrapped his arms around Nora and looked at her with nothing but love, "Thank you for giving me this life love" he whispered to which Nora kissed his nose and looked at him with equally passionately, "Thank you for loving me and giving me this wonderful family" she whispered and kissed him deeply, "I love you Justin” she said pulling back. Justin chuckled softly, “I love you too wifey" he winked at her causing her to laugh, "I swear if I wasn't 3 months pregnant with your son I would have jumped on you!" She teased. Justin shook his head, "Is that an invitation Mrs. Adams?" He said kissing her neck.

"But you did do that! Instead you treated her like a fucking toy only to be used and abused!" Ariana snapped at Justin had the most painful expression he felt from all the tormentors.

"You gave it away, Justin! YOU MURDERED HER!! YOU RAPED HER!!" Arora yelled, her body buzzing with anger and hatred. Justin sobbed profusely, he didn't say anything. How could he? He knew all they were saying was true.

"And now look where she is" Arora said and another scene began to play.

Nora and Sebastian playing in the water with their four kids.

He continued to sob as the sisters broke him bit by bit psychologically, "She looks a million times happier w-with him" he said in between chokes making the two snap their attention at him, "Oh she does!" Ariana spat at him venomously.

"We want you to meet someone” Arora said calmly as she opened another portal from where two figures came out. Justin's heart stopped when he saw the little girl he watched in the scene, his eldest daughter. He was baffled. He quickly sat up staring at her in disbelief, "W-who are you?" He stuttered, fearing her answer.

Nora look alike softly smiled at him, "Your daughter" her angelic voice came making him freeze, "H- how is t-th-is possible?” He asked. With a sad smile she sat down on the bed with her big golden wings facing Justin, "lI was in mumma’s tummy when... You.. you know.." she trailed off remember how devasted her mother was. Justin froze, what had he done? He killed his own child? He ruined all of their lives! It was all his fault. He began sobbing, "I am sorry my love! I am so sorry!" He cried. He cried for everything he had done. All the lives he had destroyed.

After he had calmed down with his daughters help he looked up at her, "What did your mother name you?" He whispered causing her to smile widely, "Fiona" she said making him smile back. From the corner of his eyes he saw another woman, a redhead. His heart stopped when he looked at her beautiful blue-grey eyes. He was awe stuck, she smiled at him, "Hello Justin" her angelic voic caused him to shiver in relief.

"I am your mate" she said, all the colours drained from his face, "M-My mate" he asked to which she nodded with a sad smile, "I know things would have been very different if I haven't died so early” she said sadly.

"No no beautiful. It's not your fault! You're in a better place now" he said softly.

"Look at you.. what you've become!" She said as a tear spilled out of her eyes. Justin went to her and wiped her tear, "It's not your fault that I am who I have become, beautiful" he said wrapping his arms around her shoulders but the wings behind her didn't exactly allow to wrap it all the way. He shushed her, "What's your name beautiful?" He asked softly.

"Nina" she whispered making Justin smile, "Nina.. you are so beautiful my love" he whispered softly looking lovingly at his mate.

"I want to come with the two of you" he said looking at his mate and daughter whose smile instantly fell, "You can't father” she spoke sadly.

"W-why?" He asked in confusion

"You have committed a lot of sins, honey. It isn't untill you pay for each and everyone fairly would you be allowed in heaven.” Nina further explained. Justin pressed his lips together, "So I will come after I have been punished?" He asked he thought of the worst. That he'll never see them ever again, he was preparing for a final goodbye in his head when his daughter spoke up, "Yes you can" she smiled widely, "And we will be waiting for you untill you come" she further added making him smile widely.

He finally found his happiness, "I'll come to you my beautiful daughter and my beloved mate. I will. Just wait for me" he said with tears in his eyes. Fiona smiled at her father, "I love you dadda” she said sweetly and walked backwards, "I love you too my princess" he cried as Fiona disappeared inti thin air. Justin looked at Nina caressing her cheeks, "I am sorry. You must be shameful of me" Justin cried and kissed Nina's head. His heart fluttered in love, "I am just disappointed. But it is never late to change yourself. Be a better man.. a good man" she said and tip toed. She cupped his face in her small hands, "I love you.. I'll be waiting” she whispered and kissed him. For the first time did Justin feel the fireworks women used to talk about, the curling of toes and the violin playing around you. He felt it all.

She pulled back looking at him with much love, "Don't lose hope Justin. I love you" she whispered making him shake his head, "I will never! I love you too Nina! I love you so much!" He cried and began kissing her entire face then lightly pecked her lips, "I'll see you soon" she and walked back just like Fiona and soon she did too disappear but not before saying i love you and don't lose hope" All the fog in the room disappeared and there stood Nora with tears in her eyes and a knife in her hand. Justin meekly smiled at her, "You met her, didn't you?" Nora asked trying to stifle a sob. Justin nodded his head furiously, "She is beautiful.. our daughter is beautiful" he choked on his sob. The knife left her hand and she covered her face and cried. Justin cautiously walked towards her and pulled down her wrist to make her look at him.

"I am sorry Nora! It's all because of me that our daughter is dead, that you had a rough life.. it's all because of me" he cried with Nora. Both of their cried mixed together, "I am sorry!" Justin kept on muttering. Nora looked up with her blue-grey eyes, "You were such a gentleman Justin. People used to look up at you.. they are respected you... Loved you. What happened?” She asked one question that had been bugging her ever since he became her tormentor.

"Envy.. it took over me. The rage controlled me. The hatred became my fuel. When I felt my mate die, something inside me died as well.. but that doesn't justify for everything I did.. I am sorry!" He cried on Nora's shoulder.

"Please forgive me!" He cried, begging for her forgiveness.

Nora looked at him skeptically, "Do you really feel sorry?” She asked. Justin nodded his head, "I really am Nora. Believe me, I have nothing to lie about. My happiness came back when I saw our daughter and my mate." he said with a smile. A smile instantly appeared on Nora's face, "You met your mate?" She asked. Justin smiled, "She is gorgeous!" He exclaimed causing Nora to chuckle. "Fiona has my smile” Justin said after a few seconds of silence. Nora nodded her head, "She does" she cried thinking about her beautiful princess. She looked intently into Justin's eyes, "I forgive you Justin” she said with a smile.

A wide smile pasted on Justin's face and tears gathered in his eyes, "Really?" He asked in disbelief, "Really" she replied. Justin cried, "I am again so sorry for trying to ruin your life, it's all because of her." he said Nora snapped her attention at him.

"Her? Who her?" She asked as her heart hammered in her chest.

Before he could reply he chocked on air, the 24 hours was up. Nora didn’t want his final breath to be struggled, "It's okay Justin. Let it go everything will be alright" her angelic voice came Justin looked at her with a smiled as his sight got hazy. He mouthed 'i love you’ to her and fell limp in her arms

Nora had organised a proper burial for Justin, only friends and family were invited. Nora had requested everyone to speak nothing but good about the dead. It was a beautiful ceremony to say the least.

No matter how wrong a person does they all deserve a chance of a proper goodbye. It's is the most humane thing to do. And she did. No matter what he did to her and many others, he is going to suffer in hell anyway. The least she could do was give him a bit of love from the living world.

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