The Grateful Rejection

Chapter 28

All our lives people have said that life is unpredictable and it is true in a certain way you never know what's really coming or going. Untill it's too late.

But somehow I disagree, you do something. That something being good or bad. The universe judges your actions and intentions at that moment and towards that person or thing. And in the end you get what is commonly knows as karma

You always pay for what you do. No matter how long it takes. It will come.

No matter how far you run, it will catch you.

No matter what you do, it will happen.

There has always been consequences for an action and there will always be.

No matter how right you think you are, if you're against humanity, you're against the universe. And the universe never pardons the wrong.

Briana always though of herself as the most cunning woman, I'll give her that she is but definitely not the smartest. She treated whoever she didn't like as dust, like ants as if she had the birth right to stamp on us.

But as the old saying goes even an ant can make an elephant scamper in fear. And she is nothing but a feeble wolf.

The point is, never underestimate someone. You never know what tricks they are hiding under their sleeve.

But you know what hurts the most?


It wasn't long after our 'talk'that everyone seemed to be lost in their own thoughts of revenge. I know Clark and Oliver have been dying to confront their womb donor, and my twin brothers and that calm ass of Stephan want to dip their hands on that bastard's blood.

Other than that everything seems to be normal, apart from Arora still giving Henry cold shoulder. I really feel bad for the poor guy but what he did wasn't right either but second chances should be given.. not always but sometimes.

But I don't know why I feel.. very cautious, I had spoken to mom about it and she told me it's nothing but paranoia about the baby. I guess she is right after all, I did lose my first child.. maybe I fear.

But right now I fell anything but fear. Sexual frustrationto be exact. Here we are, still in Italy, we decided that our first born would be born here. And guess what, that lakehouse he brought me to, he had already bought that for us. He wanted to surprise me. Douche, made me cry for no reason. But now I have a reason to cry.

Sebastian insisted on making all the furniture for our child himself, I know that so sweet of him. But for God's sake, there is still three months for it to come and I need some dick. I have been trying to seduce him for the past two hours but nothing working. What does a pregnant woman gotta do to get laid? Urgh

Maybe I have an idea.

"Babe" I called out as I walk out of the house to the backyard where Seb had been working. He looked up at me all sweaty and ripped up and very much topless, sweet lord.

"Yeah?" He asked wiping his sweat on his tank top.

"I kept your lunch in the oven, if you feel hungry" I said coming near him. His brows furrowed, "Why? You going somewhere?" He asked as his bare bronze chest heaped up and down.

I shook my head in denial, "No just ordered a masseur" I said kissing his cheeks, I was about to go back when he caught my wrist.

"Ordered a masseur?" He asked making me shrug

"Yeah, This friend of mine owns a spa not far from here so I asked to send one of her best." I said trying my silk robe tightly around my waist.

Before he could speak the ringing of the door bell interrupted him. I went to get the door with Sebastian following me hot my my tail, "Why are you wearing that robe?" He said coming beside me. I looked at him faking innocence, "What's wrong with this robe?" I asked, he immediately stopped me by gripping my arms

"That robe" he pointed out to my light pink robe, "You wear whenever you want to have sex" he said with his jaws clenched. I fake gasped, "Don't be preposterous!” I lightly smacked him away and went to open the door.

As I opened the door there stood a very handsome man with golden locks and a beautiful pair of green eyes, "Ah Nora Huntsons! You look so much more beautiful in real life. I am Riley by the way" he said in his thick Italian accent with an adorable smile.

"Ain't you a charmer?" I said and welcomed him. He gave me a grateful nod as he entered, from the corner of my eyes I saw Sebastian sulking near the couch.

He looked so damn delicious with his eyes narrowed glaring daggers and his square jaws set hard in anger. Sweet Zeus how can I forget those thick arms that are crossed in front of his chest. I just wanted to purr with a meek little kitten but.. I am evil.

I touched the man's shoulder, "Would you like to eat anything?" I asked politely. He smiled back flirtatiously, "You--" he smirked making Sebastian let out a warning growl. His eyes had turned neon blue as he stood in defence, "I mean whatever you have made” Riley said smoothly.

I gave him a glass of juice and a plate of delicacy I had made earlier. He took a bite of it and moaned in pleasure, "I think I died an--"

"That can be easily arranged" Sebastian said gruffly coming by my side.

I smacked his chest, "Sebastian" I hissed shaking my head, "I am sorry for my fian--"

"Husband" he said interrupting me, wrapping one arm around my waist and the other trailed down my left hand. He intertwined our hand and brought my hand to his lips. He looked threateningly at the man who just nervously gulped down his juice.

"We should start" he said trying to avoid eye contact with Sebastian. I unwarpped his arms and went upstairs with the man. As soon as I closed the door he dropped the bag, "Girl he is hot and possessive, you scored!" He threw his hands up making me laugh at him, "Didn't I tell you!" I jumped on the bed giggling. He too sat down on the bed excitedly, "Did you see his face when I said I wanted to “eat you™ he air coated making me laugh. I had called my friend and told her to send me the hottest guy in her spa. He is hot, I'll give that but my bar of REAL hotness is too high up because of Sebastian.

Few minutes before his arrival I told him that I wanna make my fiance jealous, so here we are.

After our laugh session we actually went down to business. Wait that came out wrong.

He started what he came for, massage and sure as fuck he was great at it. That could be why I am moaning in relief but the brute outside the door didn't know that.

Riley hit a spot on my back making me moan loudly, "Yes, yes there!!" I squeaked, the door busted opened with Sebastian breathing heavily, "That's enough! You barbie, get out of here!" he said as he walked in like a predator.

He pulled Riley up from the bed and put him outside the bedroom door. I sat up covering my bare chest as I looked at the brute in front of me, "Sebastian! What in the world are you doing??!" I asked "Sperating a douche from my wife" he growled and crawled on the bed and on top of me. Pinning both of my hands above my head.

"Let go of me!" I growled at him, trying to free myself for his vice grip. His eyes turned neon blue, "Why do you gotta be this way?" He whispered trailing his nose down my neck. He lightly gazed his lips over my sensitive spot, I instinctively moaned softly as he started to suck the skin softly.

"Why do you always try to rile me up?" He said seductively leaving wet kisses down my body. I was too far gone to form coherent sentence, "Tell me love" I said before biting his mark on my chest making me arch my back in pleasure.

"H-how els-e was I supp-ose to have your attent-ion?" I moaned in between words as his tongue worked magic on my nipples. He stopped for a second making me whimper, "So you decided the best way to get my attention was go make me jealous?” He hmmed. He caged my both of my hands with one hand and the other tracked down to my naked body.

"You were naked in a room with a random man" he growled and smashed his lips to mine in a aggressive kiss. With that my hours long frustration evaporated with the sweat that came after our three hour workout.

Third person's POV

While in one part of the world Nora was safe in her fiance's arms the other part of the world her birth mother was suffering.

Alpha Oliver had called alpha Gilbert and asked to meet the high ranks to make an alliance. Unknown to them, Oliver and Clark had different plans.

Alpha Gilbert, Luna Janine with beta Thomas were standing outside the alpha mansion of their pack as the three big SUVs stopped few feets away. An unknown emotion had taken over Janine as she saw the alpha step out of the car. No it wasn't anything sexual or romantic, but something she used to have with Thomas when they were younger. Even though this is the exact pack that kidnapped her mother and Nora was born of the alpha.

"Alpha Gilbert" Oliver greeted with a handshake, "This is my beta" he pointed out to his beta that came with them, "And this is my brother, Clark and my sister Ariana" he pointed out to his right. Gilbert shook his hand with all the three and introduced his Luna and beta to them. Ariana had hid her witch smell so none of them knew who she was, or what she was.

"Please come inside” Janine said as the cold in the air began to increase. Oliver nodded politely and walked in after them. Clark had to contain himself from launching at his so called half sister for torturing his little Nora like that but Nora had already told him that she has had her share of pain already along with the two assholes walking in front of his elder brother, Oliver. Ariana had to remind his brothers to contain their anger through their link.

As soon as they were in the conference room Gilbert started talking, "Thank you so much for coming here to form an alliance, alpha Oliver" Gilbert said kindly and sat everyone down on the chairs.

"Now if you wouldn't mind, we'd like to discuss business" Gilbert added nicely as a good alpha that he has become. Oliver and Clark were almost shocked to see the passive power he had, they were almost proud. Unlike most alphas he doesn't rub his title on other people's face, he is kind but knows who has the power.

Oliver nodded his head and started discussing their deal. After an agonizing long hour everyone finally came out of the room with a satisfied look. Janine and Briana were setting up the table as they walked in. Brains suddenly stiffened, she herself didn't know why but shrugged it off thinking maybe because if the dominace the two new men carried.

"I made some food for all of you" Janine said with a smile, Gilbert turned to the two alphas and the beta, "Would you like to have lunch?" He asked

"I am starving" the beta said with a chuckle. They all say down as Briana served them food, all of them enjoying the time, laughing and eating.

"Not to intrude alpha, but you never said which pack you're from?" Briana asked Oliver. Clark's jaws clenched, "The Bluebood" Clark said with a smile, "Mom" he added. Everyone in the room went dead silent, Briana started to shake in shock as she stumbled out of the chair and limped towards the alpha brothers.

Briana had tears in her eyes as she looked at her sons, "You've grown up” she whispered admiring her kid, she was about to cup Clark's face when he growled at her, "Don’t touch me witch!" He got up and stepped back, "You lost the right to touch me when you abandoned us and dad!" Oliver snapped at her. Janine started quivering looking at the reality unfold before her. Thomas and David (Briana's husband) were too shocked to utter a words whereas Gilbert just sat there with an expressionless face.

"I-I am sorry baby" she whispered coming for Oliver, she looked distraughted in that state. Tears kept streaming down her face as she pleaded her sons to listen to her. Oliver let out a humorless laugh, "How can you be such a fake?" He asked as all rage over the years he had bottled up took over him.

"Wh-what?" She asked in confusion. Clark chuckled as he picked up a piece of chicken strip and took a bite, "After eating Nora's food, these food taste bland" he said making everyone stiff at her name's mention.

"You lied to everyone in this pack, your husband and kids. Telling everyone that Nora is a rape child, our sister? Then making everyone hate her for all the “misery’ you went through? Wow woman! You really have fallen to the worst!" Oliver spat at her venomously, David stood up quickly from his chair, "What the hell is this boy talking about??" He shouted at Briana whose head hung low.

"The best part was hating a 17 year old ever since she was born, making her feel worst about herself, encouraging all sorts of abuse to the last reliquiae you had of the “love of your life’ hmm?" Clark spat in disgust.

"What the fuck is going on?" Thomas asked in confusion. Oliver rolled his eyes at him, "Are you deaf or too dumb too follow what's going on?" He asked sarcastically.

"She has been lying to you all for years!" Clark answered Thomas's question.

"What?" Thomas said in disbelief making Clark roll his eyes at him, "He really is dumb" he told Oliver. Ariana had kept her cool for long now it's time for some tricks.

"Tell them the truth, Briana" Oliver warned. Briana closed her eyes as last few drops of tears streamed down, "I met Amell when I was shopping for Janine, right after she was born. The moment our eyes met, we knew we are going to have something special. We met everyday, and slowly but surely we feel in love. But I think I was more attracted to his title than him.” She whimpered in between. She took a long breath as she continued without making an eye contact, "I wanted to be a Luna more than anything and when I heard that his mate was dead. I wanted to take her place. So I eloped with him. I had two kids with him, Oliver and Clark, Oliver being the eldest. When I was pregnant with Nora, a battle broke between the two packs. More than my children's future I was more concerned about myself. I knew I would get caught so when I did, I told everyone that I was kidnapped. I started getting more attention and sympathy from people. When I started showing, I told everyone that I was raped" truth spilled out of her mouth uncontrollably as everyone listened in shock. Both Clark and Oliver were shaking in rage, this woman is worst than both of them had imagined. If it weren't for Ariana keeping an eye at them they would have shifted and shredded that vile creature into pieces.

"They all told me that I was kind to bring the devil child in the world and give it life. I wanted to be in everyone's place and make them like me so I made her life hell. Somehow it also gave me peace, to have such control over her and everyone's mind." she said before she snapped out of Ariana's spell. There was silence for a second. Janine stormed towards her mother and before any body can react, she landed a sharp slap on her mother face, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??? JUST TO SAVE YOURSELF TO PUT ALL YOUR KIDS IN LINE?? YOU'RE A SHAME TO ALL THE MOTHERS! TO ALL HUMAN BEINGS!! HOW COULD YOU PLAY WITH AN INNOCENT CHILD'S LIFE??" She cried and kept on landing powerful slaps on her mother.

David had already slumped down on the floor in grief when his wife was talking. He could've believe what he is hearing. No. That can't be! That's my sweet Briana. S-she could never do something like that. How can she? She loved me too much, I know it. She always says so. How can she betray him, their kids like that? And for what? A title? Wasn't being beta female enough? Was I not enough? He thought to himself

While David I drowning in his grief of his wife's betrayal, Thomas had caught her mother by her wrist and dragged her out of the house. Briana tried to resist and beg for forgiveness but none was shown to her. She was dragged through the ground like a sack. She cried hysterically, begging Thomas to stop.

Every pack member had smelt the familiar smell that still gives them nightmare, they all stopped their relative from going out. Even after months of being free the smell of Oliver and Clark is still fresh in their nose.

Thomas stopped in the middle of forest and turned to her dirty, bloody mother.

"You're a disgrace of a mother! You never thought about your kids! All your were ever concerned about was staying in power. You stomped on us like we were ants. Who did you think you were? Elephant? I'll show you the power of ants!" He said emotionlessly.

Gilbert was giving David support as they all stood a few feets away from Thomas

Thomas picked an almost unconscious Briana, "Tell me MOTHER, did you ever love us? Or dad or even alpha Amell at all?" He asked Briana once again, but the spell Ariana had casted on her made her speak just the truth.

"Maybe I did love my kids but not your father or Amell. I just wanted power nothing else" she said groggily, "Then have your power" he whispered to her ears and push her off the edge of a 12 feet cliff.

She landed on something sandy and within seconds she started screaming in pain as army of ants attacked her. They weren't normal ants, they were bullet ants known to cause unbearable affliction. The ants attacked every part of her, not leaving a inch unharmed for destroying their home. They crawled inside her eyes making her instantly blind, they crawled into her mouth and nose making her scream in pain. Briana yelled on top of her lungs as she ran, jumped aimlessly around just to get those little demons off of her.

This went on for hours and hours, her screams were a trigger to everyone that had once been tortoured by their captors.

Briana's family watched with a stoned heart as slowly by slowly her screams reduced and she fell limp on the group with a thud. She was still breathe, even though she was a werewolf her wolf was too exhausted to heal. When her kids came towards her, her entire body and face were filled with thousands holes, created by the razor like small blades of the ants.

"I really wanted to make you suffer but I got bigger fish to catch” Oliver said and pulled out a match box.

"You called Nora a devil child. Go and meet yourself one" Oliver said and lit the match stick. "Goodbye bitch” Clark said as Oliver dropped the two lit sticks on their mother.

She irruption into flamed and her screams once again started but this time it was more intense. She got up and started running around for some source to revive her of her torment but alas, the nearest water source was more than three miles away. Her body writhed in agonizing pain, her flesh burned as the smell of burnt meat took over the forest.

Her suffering finally came to an end as she finally gave up her soul to pain.

Nobody shred a tear for the loss of the vile woman, just tears of betrayal and pain. Within few minutes the flames extinguished. Nobody moved a muscle to take her body, the smell of cooked meat attracted coyotes. They attacked her to fill their empty stomach.

Ariana remembered seeing how Nora was attacked by the coyote because of her once. Now it's her turn to suffer.

Oliver walked back to a distraughted David, "The only reason why I am leaving you because she told us you were too blinded by her love to see or hear anything but the truth. If it were in our hand we would have killed you too.. but your life is more miserable than death" he patted David's cheeks who still stood indifferent looking into space.

Clark looked at Janine whose cheeks were marked with tears, "Don't cry sis, you're life is taking turn for the best" he said making her confused.

"It's a new beginning” he put his palm on her stomach, "Of happiness you deserve" he said and kissed her cheeks. The four of them soon went back to their pack leaving the rest behind.

Janine was pregnant and this time the baby will be her's.

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