The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 75

Sophie’s pov
I feel the blood drain from my face as I read the note over and over again.
And every single time, I felt nausea crawl up my throat and feel the squeezing of my heart.
It’s painful.
Knowing he slept with her brought on pain, it hurt me so badly that I couldn’t breathe properly. I shakily closed the draw in
disgust, my eyes filling up with tears.
Did he f**k her before he f**ed me or after?
My heart squeezed even more as the thought hit me.
I gripped the phone harshly, my fingers trembling.
I bit into my bottom lip, nearly splitting it in the process.
This hurts.
And I know it shouldn’t.
I breathed out a shaky breath, blinking but that only re- sulted in the tears to roll down my cheeks.
My lungs burn and I shakily place the phone on the desk.
Come on Sophie. Get a grip!
He has hurt you before, you knew he was a manwhore. Nothing has changed. Why are you still making this hurt you?
I let out shaky breaths, hoping to ease my heart and stop the burning in my throat.
I was supposed to be strong when it comes to him and yet I am still the girl who gets butt hurt when Aiden does things like this.
I gripped the edge of the desk and pushed the chair back a little and buried my face in my hands.

“G*d I hate him,” I whispered, soaking my palms with my
This was again all my fault for making him hurt me when he clearly didn’t have to try much.
I sobbed lowly, feeling my heart ache.
Come on Soph, get a grip on yourself! If Mila was here she’d surely smack you across your head or yell at you to pull your s**t
I tried to comfort myself but instead, the tears kept flow- ing because inwardly I knew that my s**pid heart still loved Aiden. Even
after all these years I still love him.
But that didn’t mean that I had to succumb to these feel- ings.
I thought we were over crying over him, Sophie? My con- science reminded me.
He clearly doesn’t deserve you and it’s not like you two were ever a thing. You were never a thing in high school, sure- ly you’ll
never be a thing now...
Aiden would only hurt you and keep hurting you. Protect
your heart from him, Sophie. My conscience reminded me and I sniffle.
My conscience was right. Aiden would always hurt me. And I should’ve seen this coming, even if it was unintentional- ly this time.
I should’ve guarded my heart for this. I was s**pid. Those little words he just said to me messed with my head and my heart
again and I unknowingly opened my heart for him again, not knowing that it would get stabbed again so soon.
Enough is enough Sophie. You knew this would happen sooner or later. Now pull yourself together and show him that you don’t
care for him at all.
That you don’t care about what he does or who he’s with.
I wiped my eyes, straightening my spine.
I got this.

Not bothering to look at the nasty red lace thong I slammed the draw closed.
Ashton. Focus on Ashton. Not his a**ole of a dad.
I brushed my hand through my hair and then wiped the remaining tears that wetted my cheeks.
When I am sure my eyes and cheeks are dry, I make sure the phone is working and dialed Mila’s number.
It rings five times before her curious and confused voice fluttered through the other end. “Uhm hello, who’s this?”
I can hear plates knocking on each other and winced. Did I
catch her at a bad time?
I cleared my throat. “Mila it’s me,”
“Girl whose phone did you steal because....” She drawled out jokingly.
I clenched my eyes tightly before opening them to con- fess. “I’m at right now. Aiden-”
I clenched the phone in my hand brutally, my throat hurt- ing when I said his name.
“What did he do?” Mila rushed out in slight anger.
I pinched the skin between my eyes as I felt a migraine lurk behind my lids. “He uhm....” Sighing I continued. “He kind of forced
me to come back to work.”
I left out the part where Aiden threw me over his shoulder and literally didn’t let me go until we got into the SUV.
I didn’t want to tell her that part in case she got here with- in shockingly only ten minutes with cops and a baseball bat strictly for
She was that crazy.
“But isn’t that a good thing? You still got your job and-
I shook my head even though she couldn’t exactly see me. “He gave me a new position Mila. He assigned me as his new

I felt my throat tighten when I remember what happened between him and his last secretary Noel.
Did he kiss her how he kisses me?
I groan lowly in frustration. Why am I still thinking about this?
“Woah!” Mila gasped. “Like his secretary, secretary?” She
I rolled my eyes. “What other secretary is there Mila?”
“Right.” She laughed and then sobered up.
“Is it that bad though Soph? I mean I hate the guy for what he has done to you in the past but maybe this is a good thing to get
closer to him and know him better-
“I don’t need to know him better. I don’t need to know him. at all honestly.” I grumble. I think I already knew Aiden Xavier.
A big bully and a manwhore who will never love again be- cause apparently, his one true love died.
“You must actually try to get to know him, Soph. Not only for you but for Ashton too. You can’t keep having that strain on your
relationship with him when you two share a son and it’s clear Aiden isn’t going anywhere.” Mila said softly.
I clenched my eyes tightly. I knew she was only trying to make me see the bigger picture but I didn’t want to see that bigger
picture now.
Especially after I just saw that nasty thing in the drawer.
“I know this isn’t what you want to hear but both of you are not in high school anymore. You two are grown and it is about time
you both talk to each other and see how you two can coexist in your son’s life without being at each other’s
throats all the time.” Mila whispered.
My throat tightens. G*d Mila, I didn’t want to hear this right now.
“Hey Mil?” I cleared my throat and leaned a bit over the desk as I said. “I have to go, I’ll call you back. But do me a fa- vor and
text Ria that I’m not in the apartment.”

I place the phone down, cutting it off completely. With a heavy sigh, I rubbed a hand down my face.
I lift my head when I hear the incoming footfalls and look up to see Aiden’s powerful form heading my way. And sud- denly all the
emotions I’m trying so hard to bury resurface quickly.
“Getting settled in your new work station mama bear?” He asked while flashing me a crooked grin.

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