The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 74

Sophie’s pov
Goosebumps raise on my skin like tiny water droplets. I’m shivering but it’s not from the cold.
It’s from the tone of his voice and the way his warm breath feathered against my ear.
I fisted my hands at my sides while my stomach twisted.
My heart is pumping quickly, my mind is racing. I press my lips together and then walk away.
It’s much harder than I thought. My body misses his warmth and I want nothing more than to go back to him.
But instead of listening to my heart and body, I stepped out of the office and heard him chuckle behind me.
I waited for him, seeing as I wasn’t sure where he was tak- ing me to.
Aiden stops beside me, causing my breath to hitch. But thank G*d he starts walking ahead a second later which had my lungs
filling up with air again.
I followed behind him, my fingers pinching at the ends of my shorts. I peer at his back, so rigid. Can he feel my stare? Just as I
was always able to feel his?
I gnawed on my lips and almost collided into his back. when he suddenly halts.
I brushed my fingers through my hair awkwardly when he
turns around with an eyebrow arched in amusement.
“What?” I asked with a bit of attitude. Could he stop look- ing at me like that?
He chuckled and scanned my figure in a suggestive way. “Were you looking at my a*s in those pants Sophie?”
My eyes widen in shock, not expecting him to ask some- thing like that.
When his eyes t**led in mirth, I scoffed. He was really trying his hardest to make me uncomfortable.
“Don’t think so highly of yourself Aiden.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
Aiden laughs and winks. “If you wanted to grab a hold of it, all you had to do was ask mama bear.” He teased.

Huffing in annoyance I crossed my arms under my breasts and glared at him. “I’d much rather kick it instead. ”
Aiden snorts and had the nerve to reach forward and pinch the tip of my nose. I squeaked in shock, not expecting him to do
something like that.
He grins, his eyes creasing at the corners a little. I’m rather stunned to see him like this. Especially with the storm in his eyes
dying and getting replaced by a sparkling light that he rarely showed.
I only saw that light when he stared at Ashton, our son.
And now he was staring at me with that same light which was rather shocking and confusing.
“Now now mama bear, no time to be naughty to your boss.” He chuckled and then turned around to slap his hands on the
surface of the desk and that’s when I realized that we were standing where his former secretary was positioned.
“Here’s where you’ll sit your pretty little a*s mama bear,” He chuckled making my stomach twist with crippling heat.
He sweeps his eyes over to me and his upper lip curl until it revealed a charming grin. “I’m sure you already know what to do as
a secretary.” He mocked lightly and slapped the desk again.
“Now go on and get used to your new work section while I get some work done.” He said with a smirk and then started walking
But before he disappeared around the corner he turns back around. “Oh and please plaster on a smile Sophie. I did- n’t hire the
grinch.” And with a chuckle he walked away leav- ing me to glare at his back.
“S**id as**le.” I grumble under my breath and then sweep my eyes over to where I would be apparently sitting my pretty little a*s
On its own, my face heats up with a flush.
“Oh come on Sophie, you’re a grown woman now. You can’t keep blushing for s**id things like this.” I scowled as I walked around
the huge desk and skimmed my eyes around the work station.
It was neat. Not a spec of dust.
Almost looked new even.

I brushed my fingers over the smooth surface of the desk as I opened one of the drawers.
There’s nothing in here too.
Wouldn’t she at least leave some files behind?
I sighed and sat down on the desk chair. Gosh, I feel like a kid sitting behind this huge desk.
Smiling I swiveled around and giggled.
Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad working here if I get to swivel on the chair often.
Though perhaps not if I have a blue eyed devil breathing down my neck every day.
I shivered. But it was for all the wrong reasons.
“Stop it Sophie. You better not make a few words and touches make you go back on your word. He hasn’t changed and will
disappoint you sooner or later like he usually does.” I murmured under my breath while my heart squeezed.
I wish our past were not getting in the way of us raising Ashton better. But because of that past, I can’t trust him to not hurt our
son someday....
Aiden was after all unpredictable and it was hard to tell what was going through his head.
Me not being able to trust him made it difficult for me to see that he’d be good to our little boy.
I let out a breath and run my hands through my hair.
I should stop thinking about this right now. This will only make me get an even bigger headache than I currently have.
I leaned back against the chair and then went through the span of events that happened today.
From him getting rid of my car to him forcing me back to work. He really was an arrogant a*s, I huffed.
Wait until Mila hears about this-
Wait my phone! S*it, he took me off guard with throwing me over his shoulder that I forgot to grab my phone before he hurled my
a*s out of the apartment.

I smacked my forehead.
I need to get a hold of her or Ria to let them know Aiden dragged me out of the apartment before they got home and thought I
was missing and then file a missing person report.
I had enough problems as it is.
I scanned the desk for the phone that should’ve been there. There was no phone.
I looked down and felt relieved when I saw the phone line but furrow my brows when I noticed that the phone must’ve been in
one of the drawers.
Did she really put the phone in there?
That Noel woman was certainly something.....
I opened the drawer and sure enough, the phone was there. I grabbed it and pulled it out but froze when my eyes fell on the red
lacy thong that had been tucked under the
But that wasn’t the only thing there. There was also a
I leaned forward, not wanting to touch the note or the rather bright thong, and read.
Thanks for the amazing f*ck yesterday Mr. Xavier. I left a gift for you to remember me by. Call me if you change your mind.
Xoxo Noel.

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