The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 64

Aiden’s pov
“What is it?” I hissed under my breath and turned my back to face Sophie.
“Is that anyway to speak to your grandfather? I know your parents did not raise you right
“Leave my parents out of this Sergio. What are you calling for?” I hissed and run my fingers through my hair.
This man knew how to hit my nerves and get me irritated and furious. I suspected he enjoyed getting on my nerves. It was a
game to him.
“I called the office. You didn’t pick up.” He said in his usual cold tone.
I rolled my eyes. “Because I wasn’t there. What did you need Sergio? I’m busy at the moment.”
Having Ashton in my arms felt like home. It felt like a piece of the missing puzzle I was missing in my heart. I was missing
another and I knew where I could find that other.
I just didn’t know I could forgive her just yet. Not when I’m so angry at her for what she did.
“Where are you?” Sergio asked with unmistakable tightness in his voice.
“Are you with one of your w**es parading around and making those d**n pa***zi catch you in the act?” He seethed and I could
just picture him glaring at a blank wall, hoping that that wall could magically catch on fire
“My whereabouts are none of your concern Sergio. But to put your old mind at ease, no I’m not up to my usual. I’m sure you’re
happy about that.” I uttered coldly while squeezing the phone in a death like grip.
“Ecstatic grandson.” He said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes when I caught his sarcastic tone.
“Sergio you really caught me at the wrong time. ” I said with impatience on my tongue.
“One hundred and fifty.” Sergio grumbles on the other line.
My brows furrowed. “What?”

“One hundred and fifty employees Aiden! You fired one hundred and fifty!? What the hell were you thinking?” He hissed through
the other line.
I smirked, well took him long enough. I thought he’d never call to blast my ear off about this decision of mine.
“Employees that held no importance,” I said casually. “I did the company a favor by letting go of the weak spots.”
“Do you know what those business blogs are writing online about your decision? They’re calling it a poor choice and that you
might just make the company go bankrupt if you keep at it.”
“Thought those blogs focused more on my sex life than my business.....hmmm who would’ve thought this would move them off
my a*s,” I said sarcastically.
“Aiden this is no time to jester around. Those blogs have recently pinned you under their attention for months now. You have to
be careful with what you do or you’ll run the company down
“Clearly those blogs don’t get their facts right. I sealed a five million deal yesterday, I don’t think the company will be on the verge
of going into bankruptcy by me just cleansing the unimportant employees. “I cut him off with my cool cold tone.
“You clearly can’t see the big picture Aiden. Having those blogs on your side and saying good things about you will boost the
company’s reputation and yours.” Sergio grumbles.
“I don’t need to be on their side Sergio. Those blogs are nothing but pests.” I gritted out.
“Your head is as hard as your mother’s.” Sergio sighed in frustration.
“Don’t talk about my mother Sergio,” I warned, getting ready to defend her if needed
Sergio sighed on the other end and mumbled. “I’ll be sending Derek to the office to collect those data files I told you to print out.
Have you finished them?”
I popped my jaw. I have been so d**n focused on everything Sophie and now everything Sophie and Ashton that I completely
forgot about Sergio’s request.
I pinched the skin between my eyes and let out a frustrated breath. “I’m on my way to the office now. It will be ready in twenty
minutes.” I said and hung up the phone.
Whipping around, I walk back over to Sophie and Ashton.

Sophie’s pov
I gritted my teeth. “I don’t need to get to the office Aiden. I left the job remember?”
Aiden only rolls his eyes.
“I didn’t accept the letter remember?” He said c**ly, a tiny irritating grin curling on his tempting lips.
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“Just make sure you get ready on time Sophie.” He said tightly when he saw my p**d off glare.
He really thinks he can just enter my life and boss me around. I’ll show him.
“Fine.” I nod, inwardly smirking at the idea of how I’d avoid going to the office.
Aiden’s eyes narrow on my face before he shakes his head and rips his gaze from mine to focus on his son. “Be safe bud.” He
whispers and then leaves a few seconds later.
Ashton’s eyes are sad while staring at the door Aiden just departed from. “Dada?” Ash pointed a finger at the door and my heart
He’s sad that his dad left........
“You’ll see him soon bug. Come on let’s go back upstairs to eat some breakfast and then get ready for daycare.” I said, turning
around to walk up the stairs.
Hopefully, Mila hadn’t burnt the breakfast like the last time.
Aiden’s pov
“Good morning sir.” Noel greeted me as I stormed toward my office.
“You’re fired,” I said coldly as I walked past her with my head forward.
“I beg your pardon, Mr. Xavier?” Noel asked in shock while rising to her feet quickly

“Pack your stuff, I want you out before eight,” I said casually and a bit louder in case she hadn’t heard me the first time.
“But sir
I opened the door and closed it behind me, silencing her voice.
I loosened my tie and let out a ragged breath. Today had already started on a stressful note.
I thought Sophie would be more grateful that I got rid of that death trap. But instead she really was fighting me on this. She even
tore the paper...
“She’ll accept it. I’ll make her accept it.” I gritted out, glaring at my desk as I walked around it.
I had to admit that her defiance was hot. Especially with the way she fumed at me. Her face got a bit flushed when she was mad
and it was s**y the way she glared at me...
I brushed my hand over my face in frustration. I can’t believe I’m getting a b**er right now.
Her defiance was hot but also irritating as hell, I should also remember
Honestly, I didn’t think she’d put up much of a fight.
She’s changed. And I liked a challenge.
I smirked. Just wait until she hears the surprise I have for her when she gets here.
The door to my office thrust open and in comes a shocked Noel. “Mr. Xavier I don’t understand
With my hands now on the desk, I gritted out. ” What don’t you understand Noel? You’re fired.”
Her eyes widen and she takes a few steps forward, her face going red and eyes tearing up. “But how, why? Sir 1
“I am no longer in need of your services. This has been long overdue.” I said casually while fixing my tie and sitting down on my
leather chair.
“I’ve been a loyal employee

I rolled my eyes. Here we go again. Another whimpering employee trying to guilt trip me.
Sucking my c**k once and she thinks she’s important to me and the company
Delusional woman.
“I already have your replacement Noel. She’s coming today and soon, so suggest you clean out your work area.” I said coldly
and raised a brow at her. She’s crying and this does not affect me.
In fact, I should’ve done this sooner.
Noel glares at me and storms out of the office, leaving me rolling my eye at her tantrum.
Rubbing my fingers on my chin, I smirked.
Why hadn’t I thought of this sooner?

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