The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 63

Chapter 63
Sophie’s pov
“He does,” I whispered in agreement and cut the distance between Mila and me. Ash leaps into my arms quickly and I giggle.
“How’s my baby boy this morning? Sorry, I woke you up so early bug.” I whispered, hugging him to me and planted a kiss on his
head. He giggles, curling his little arms around my neck to hug me.
Mila leans forward to whisper lowly while looking at Aiden behind me. “Are you okay Soph?” She asked in concern
I nod, reassuring her softly. “Yes. Just a bit
“Can I hold him?” His voice fluttered behind me so softly that you’d never know he was angry just moments ago.
I whirl around with Ash in my hold and the little b**er giggled. I looked at Aiden but his eyes aren’t on me. They’re on his son.
“Yes,” I whispered and handed over Ash gently in his arms.
Aiden’s so gentle while taking Ash from my hold that it looks rather strange to see this soft side of him.
It’s odd to see him like this.
I want to smile at the goofy little smile he sent to Ash to cause him to
giggle. But I bit my bottom lip and focus on my son.
“Hi there Ashton. I’m your dad.” He whispered causing me to snap my gaze to him in shock.
Sure we hadn’t talked about how we’d break this down to Ash yet but I would’ve thought he’d at least consult me before telling
Ash his role in his life.
Aiden ignores my stare and focuses on his son who looked at him confused before giving him an adorable toothy grin that had
me jealous.
“Dada?” Ashton said and I fawned inwardly. Even at his age, Ashton was smart enough to understand many things.

I watch in incredible surprise when Aiden’s face flushed. I wasn’t sure if the cause was perhaps the suit he wore or Ashton’s
Either way, if I wasn’t so angry and frustrated with him I’d swoon. Inwardly of course.
He lifted his fingers in Ashton’s hair and brushed through them. “Yes Ash, I’m your dada.” He said fondly, his eyes glowing.
Even though the way he stared at Ash melted my heart, I had to remind myself that this was Aiden and at any time he can just
change his mind and hurt Ashton. And me.
“I’ll go start on breakfast,” Mila whispered, seeming to want to give us
some space.
I looked at her with wide eyes. Begging her to not leave me alone with Aiden and Ashton but she only smiles at me reassuringly
before running up those stairs I knew for certain would have her out of breath in seconds.
I glared at where she left off and froze when Aiden sent a question to me. “What time does he usually go to daycare?”
I whip around to face him, my brows furrowing in confusion. “How do you know he’s in daycare?”
Aiden playfully bites Ashton’s little fingers as they try to touch his lips. Ashton giggles loudly with a small squeal.
Looking over at me passively, Aiden responds c**ly. “Does it matter?”
I shake my head and let out an annoyed breath. He was so d**n frustrating
“Yes it does matter Aiden.” I gritted out lowly, crossing my arms under my breasts.
Aiden pushes out an irritated sigh and answers. “It was just a guess, Sophie. Kids his age are in daycare. I just assumed.” He
answers curtly and playfully nips his son’s playful little fingers.
I narrowed my eyes on his face, not believing him one bit. I was also a bit confused about how he knew where I lived in the first
Yesterday I didn’t quite think about it then because I was a bit more occupied with the thoughts filling my head. But now it was a
bit suspicious that he knew where I live when not even Bemard knew where I stay

“Aiden,” I called out to him, hoping I can take a few seconds of his attention away from his son.
“Hmmm?” He hums, making silly faces at Ashton who giggles.
Stop squeezing so much s**pid heart.
“How did you know where I
The loud sharp sound of his phone ringing cuts threw my words. I pressed my lips together.
Aiden lets some incoherent words out of his mouth but ignores his ringing phone. It goes silent again only for a few seconds later
for the ringing to blare even louder.
“It may be important Aiden,” I said and motioned for him to give Ash to me.
He looks reluctant, very reluctant, but he gives Ashton back to me slowly before digging in his pocket and prying his phone out.
He stares at the screen and I noted how his jaw popped in frustration.
“Give me a few, I’ll be back.” He grumbles under his breath before
walking a bit further from Ash and me.
He looks back over at us, his stormy eyes connecting with mine. I held my breath, my stomach knotting with something familiar I
shouldn’t be feeling right now
Those storms fall to stare at the little boy we created and they’re lighter. He turns away and puts the phone close to his ear.
By the rigidness of his shoulders and the way he seems to be snapping at whoever was on the other line, I knew that he wasn’t
exactly pleased to be speaking to whoever was unfortunately at the receiving end of his anger.
“Dada,” Ash giggled, pointing at Aiden. I nodded, pressing my lips to his forehead as I whispered. “Yes, Ash. Dada.”
I stand there for a few just looking at Aiden’s rigid form and wondering what got him so p**ed off.
I tear my gaze away from him when Ria finally enters through the door. She looks rather chirpy too, which raised my suspicion.
“What got you so happy?” I asked in suspicion.

She was literally s**ping over here. I raised a brow when she grinned.
“Got that hot guy’s number.” She chirped when she reached beside me.
“What hot guy?” I asked.
“The guy who drove your new car over here. His name is Brian.” She giggles
I rolled my eyes. “I didn’t accept the new car so it’s not mine.”
Ria snorted. “Yeah you made quite a scene back there, tearing the paper and throwing it in his face. The guy looked ready to
blow a fuse. I can see where Ash got his temper from when we take way too long to give him some ice cream.”
I snorted. “He deserved that torn paper being thrown on his face for thinking he can just come into my life and boss me around
like that.”
I glared at Aiden’s back. It is still so rigid and tense.
“I mean he bought you a new one and you were craving to get rid of Mary. I say the universe brought you a gift.”
I snorted. “I say the universe brought me a blue eyed devil that would never change. And sure I wanted to get rid of Mary. But
only on my terms. Aiden had no right to get rid of her without consulting me first.”
Ria laughed lightly and pinched Ashton’s chin lightly. “Let’s pray little bug doesn’t take after his father and doesn’t get rid of his
crush’s car only to buy her a new one. Cause clearly that tactic isn’t favorable.”
“Well there’s a huge difference between one being someone’s crush and doing it for the goodness of the heart and one wanting
to get even and show superiority. Aiden clearly did this to show he had the upper hand no matter what.” I sighed with a
disappointed shake of my head.
Ria hums and looks over at Aiden. “I don’t know Sophie.... maybe it’s too early to judge him. Perhaps he’s not as bad
I snorted, cutting her off. “Trust me Ria, I think I know Aiden more than anyone else here, Aiden is nothing but a bully.”
As soon as those words are out of my mouth, Aiden chooses that time to turn around and connect his eyes with mine.

He says something under his breath and cuts the end of the call. Thrusting the phone back into his pocket he stalks back toward
“Well I’m off.”. Ria says and rushes up the stairs before I can tell her how much of a traitor she was.
I breathed out a frustrated breath and looked at Aiden as he approaches. He is still so tensed and I noted how those storms in
his eyes were brewing
“I’m off to the office. Get dressed by seven forty, I’ll have Mitch pick you two up.” Aiden demanded and bends over Ash to plant a
kiss on his head.
“I’ll see you later bud.” He whispers with promise.
My brows lift at his words in shock and confusion. “Why?” I asked in a stunned breath
Aiden lifts his eyes to mine and he pulls away from Ashton. Pushing one of his hands in his pockets he says c**y. “Mitch will drop
Ash at
the daycare and then will bring you to the office.”

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